I am the Soul
in the third from now you might get liberated. Perhaps in the fifteenth or even later, yet the effort has to be begun now. Let us invoke a feeling deep within, that liberation may not be achieved in this life, nevertheless whatever be necessary to go the step closer to achieving it, could be done now. Such a feeling is all that we need to invoke.
जो जागत है सो पावत है One who is awake and alert, attains success.
भाख्यो अत्र अगोप्य For those who desire to awaken the self, who wish to realise the self, Srimadji has laid bare the secret of the path of liberation in this Shastra, without holding back anything. Pray why?
विचारवा आत्मानि
So that those who seek to realise the Soul may ponder over it. We have spent so much time to think over other aspects of life, yet leave alone sparing time to ponder over the Soul, we are blissfully unaware that it is even necessary to think about the Soul, about what is good or bad for it, about what is its nature and to the contrary. We do not do anything in our life without giving it a proper thought. We think long before we take any action. If someone messes up his work, we are quick to blame him saying how unthinkingly he works. Yet when it comes to the matters of the Soul for which we follow a religion and do whatever it says, we do not think at all. We simply blindly follow the traditions. We never stop to think if following religion simply for the sake of it, will ever gain us anything good for the Soul or whether the Soul will get purified at all?
Here while saying
विचारवा आत्मानि Srimadji intends to tell us that it is essential to have a mind practicing religion before the body gets down to it. If religion is
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