Introduction of Tarulatabai Mahasatiji
One cannot give an introduction of the sun: its light warmth and other qualities are its introduction. The same holds true of all individuals. Their qualities and virtues are their true identity and a virtuous personality is the true mark of any individual.
Dr. Tarulatabai Mahusutiji is a multifaceted personality. Her profound knowledge of scriptures, her scholarly writings, her lectures giving expression to the words of Jineswara and her vigorous spiritual practices are some of the aspects of her personality.
At the tender age of 18, she realised the transitory nature of the world and was keen to find the truth. And so this worthy daughter of Shri Vanmalidas Velji Thosani and Smt. Shantaben, sister of Navinbhai, Pushpaben, Madhuben and Varshaben decided to renounce the world to realize ‘The Self".
Tarulataben got initiated as a Jaina sadhvi under the care of revered Lalitabai Mahasutiji at the instance and in the order of Gurudev Shri Ratilalji Maharaj Saheb on the second day of the bright half of Falguna in Vir Samvat 2014. With this started her aradhana i.e. spiritual practice. In just a few years she made a deep and thorough study of Jaina Agamas and also took the master's degree in Hindi Literature. Her studies only enhanced her thirst for knowledge which provided only a glimpse of Universal vastness of the objects of reality. She probed deeper to grasp immense and correct knowledge of the same. Having unmoving faith in Jaina dharma and the words of Jineswara, she was influenced by the Jaina principles of Syadvada and Anekantavada and practised Ahimsa in its subtlest form. She was convinced of the universal nature of all religions and desired to present the same before the common man. So she made a comparative study of the spiritual literature written in Jains and
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