by gods (i.e. temples) and Brahmans. After the usual appeal to future kings to preserve this grant and the imprecatory verses, the date (in line 79) is repeated in figures, with the additional remark that the day was a Thursday.
I may state here at once that, so far as the week-day is concerned, the date is incorrect. The full-moon tithi of Bhadrapada ended
in the current Chaitrádi Vikrama year 1282: 10 h. 50 m. after mean sunrise of Friday, the 30th August A.D. 1224;
in the expired Chaitrádi Vikrama year 1282: on Tuesday, the 19th August A.D. 1225; and
in the expired Karttikádi Vikrama year 1282: on Monday, the 7th September A.D.
None of the possible equivalents of the date therefore was a Thursday. On the other hand, there was an eclipse of the moon- a partial one- from 17 h. 45 m. to 20 h. 13 m. after mean sunrise, and therefore visible in India, on the second of the three possible days, and I have no doubt that that day, Tuesday, the 19th August A.D. 1225, is really the day on which the grant was made, and that in line 79 Thursday' has been erroneously put down instead of 'Tuesday.'
Of the localities mentioned above, Mahishmati, from where the grant was made, is Maheswar, a town in the Indore State, Central India Agency, situated in Long. 75° 37' and Lat. 22° 11', on the northern bank of the Narmada (Constable's Hand Atlas of India, Plate 27, B d). The village of Satajuna exists still under the same name- the Indian Atlas has 'Satajana-about 13 miles south-west of Mandhâta in Long. 76° 3' and Lat. 22° 8' (Indian Atlas, sheet 54). Mahuada, after which the pratijagaranaka or district was called, probably is the village of Mohod,' about 25 miles south of 'Satajana,' in Long. 76° and Lat. 21° 48'. Below, in line 23 of the inscription B., we have Mahuada-pathaké, clearly equivalent to Mahuada-pratijagaranaké. Among other Paramâra grants, the word for 'district' is pathaka also in No. 57 of my Northern List, and pratijagaranaka in Nos. 172, 189, 195 and 198. The latter term long ago has been identified with the modern pargana, 'a district or tract of country including a number of villages.'
An abstract list of the donees will be given below, p. 115 f. From that list it will be seen that their number was 32, and that the proceeds of the village granted to them were divided into 32 shares (vantaka), in such a manner that 26 donees received one share each, 3 half a share each, 2 one share and a half each, and 1 (the mahdrája-pandita or king's Pandit' Gos3) two shares. The original in each case gives the gôtra and pravaras of the donee, the names of his father and grandfather, and his place (or country) of origin; also, with two exceptions, the Védio idkhá or Véda studied by him. The gôtras, sákhás and localities so mentioned may be Been from the list; the names of the donees' fathers and grandfathers are given in a separate, alphabetical list, below, p. 116 f. The two lists will show that, with a single exception, the people referred to in the preceding are distinguished by certain epithets which are prefixed to their names, and which generally refer to their religious occupation and are mostly given in abbreviated forms. In alphabetical order, these epithets are: agni, i.e. agnihotrin; dva or dvasathika; updo, i.e. upadhyaya; cha or chaturveda; tha, i.e. thakkura; tre (for tre), i.e. triveda; di, ie. dikshita; dvi, i.e. dviveda; pam or pamdi, ie. pandita; patha, ie. pathaka; yajni, i.e. yájñika; su° or sukla; śrôtri, i.e. brôtriya. In addition to these, we have pascha in line 71, rájan in line 37, and mahardjapandita in line 39. About the meaning of pancha I am somewhat doubtful. The meaning that first suggested itself to me was pañchakula; but as most of the other epithets refer to religious occupations, I would rather
1 The inscription B. (in lines 32, 34, 36 and 87) shows that the word vantaka is synonymous with pada, *a share.'
He probably is the Goeêks, mentioned in line 51 of the inscription B.