me evident that the engraver after the akshara 88 in the first instance by mistake engraved the letter d (of dine), and that be then altered this d to ma. Under any circumstances there could be no doubt that the intended weekday is Soma-dina or Monday.' Nor can there be any real doubt about the number of the tithi. The date clearly gives us the dark half of the month Bhadrapada and during it the nakshatra Mpiga (Mrigasirsha). Now in the dark half the nakshatra will ordinarily be Mriga about the 8th tithi of the amanta and the 10th tithi of the pårnimanta Bhadrapada; and a careful examination of the impression shows that the word vadi is actually followed by 10, the 0 of which is engraved quite on the margin of the plate. I therefore take it that the date gives us for calculation "the year 965, the 10th tithi of the dark half of the purnimanta) Bhadrapada, with the nakshatra Mriga and a Monday." And treating the year again as a Kalaohuri year, I find the following equivalents:
For the expired Kalachuri year 965 = Kaliyuga expired 965 +3350=4315: Saturday, the 2nd August A.D. 1214, when the 10th tithi of the dark half of the purnimanta Bhadrapada ended 18 h. 25 m., and the nakshatra was Mfiga, by the equal space system and according to Garga for 21 h. 40 m., and by the Brahma-biddhanta for 20 h, 21 m., after mean suprise.
For the current Kalachuri year 965=Kaliyuga 4315 current : Monday, the 12th August A.D. 1213, when the 10th tithi of the dark half of the purnimanta Bhadrapada commenced 7 h., and when the nakshatra was Mriga, by the equal space system and according to Garga for 15 h. 46 m., and by the Brahma-siddhanta for 14 h. 27 m., after mean sunrise.
Of the two, I do not hesitate to accept Monday, the 12th August A.D. 1213, as the true equivalent of our date. That the tithi of the date was a current tithi can cause no difficulty. And the fact that Kalachuri years, occasionally and exceptionally, are quoted as current years is proved by another date, in an inscription of which Mr. D. R. Bhandarkar some time ago has been good enough to send me a photograph. The inscription referred to is one at Seorinårågan which the late Sir A. Cunningham had stated to be dated
Kalachuri-samvatsarê 11 898 || Asvina-sudi 2 Soma-dine. According to the photograph the date really is
Kalachuri-samvatsaré || 898 || Asvina-sudi 71 Sôma-dind, and with this reading the date regularly corresponds, for the current Kalachuri year 898, to Monday, the 24th September A.D. 1145, when the 7th tithi of the bright half of Åsvina ended 20 h, 57 m, after mean sunrise.
BY PROFESSOR F. KIELHORN, C.I.E.; GÖTTINGEN. While I was reading the final proof of my paper on the two copper-plate inscriptions of the time of Mahendrapala of Kanauj, published above, p. 1 ff., I received from Prof. Hultzsch excellent ink-impressions of the two inscriptions which had been supplied to him by Rai Bahadur V. Venkayya. The impressions enabled me to make one or two slight corrections in my texts, but it was impossible to insert in my article Mr. Venkayya's description of the original plates, and to get ready in time the collotype facsimile of the second of the two inscriptions, the plates of Avanivarman II. Yoga, which Prof. Hultzsch had at once ordered to be prepared and which is now published herewith.
On the plates A., those of Balavarman, Mr. Venkayya writes as follows :
"The two plates are about 13" broad and about 91" high, somewhat less in the middle. They are strung on an almost circular ring, 21" in diameter. The ends of the ring are secured below
So the tithi was already given, correctly, in As. Res. Vol. XV. p. 605.