Book Title: Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts Asiatic Society Vol 08 Part 02
Author(s): Hariprasad Shastri, Chintahran Chakravarti
Publisher: Asiatic Society
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS IN THE COLLECTIONS OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL BY MAHĀMAHOPĀDHYAYA HARAPRASĀDA SHĀSTRI, C.L.E., M.A., D.LITT., F.A.S.B. REVISED AND EDITED BY CHINTAHARAN CHAKRAVARTI, M.A. VOLUME VIII, PART II TANTRA MANUSCRIPTS PRINTED AT THE BAPTIST MISSION PRESS PUBLISHED BY THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL CALCUTTA 1940 Price Rs.7-8-0. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra First Series. NOTICES OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS PUBLISHED BY THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. 35 [Vol. I] (No. 1) (1871), pp. 10+108-118 (No. 2) (1870), .. 4+96-100 (No. 3) (1871),,, 16+134-150 33 Vol. II, 31 27 95 Pt. 1 (No. 4) (1872), pp. 4+96-100 5) (1872), 4+96-100 6) (1873), .. 4+96-100 Pt. 2 (No. Pt. 3 (No. Pt. 4 (No. Pt. 1 (No. Pt. 2 (No. 9) (1875), .. 2+80+32=114 and 2 plates Pt. 3 (No. 10) (1876), .. 7) (1874),,, 4+12+114-130 and 4 plates 4+96-100 and I plate 8) (1874), 4+96-100 Pt. 4 (No. 11) (1876),,, 94+4+12-110 and 10 plates Pt. 1 (No. 12) (1877), 96+8=104 Pt. 2 (No. 13) (1878),,, 224+16=240. Pt. 1 (No. 14) (1879),,, 152+8=160 Pt. 2 (No. 15) (1880),,, 318+16+32-366 and 5 plates Pt. 1 (No. 16) (1881),,, 6+152 158 and 1 plate. Pt. 2 (No. 17) (1882), .. 164+14+12=190. Vol. VII, Pt. 1 (No. 18) (1883),,, 8+154-162 Pt. 2 (No. 19) (1884), 168+16-184. Vol. VIII, Pt. 1 (No. 20) (1885), 8+160168 176+18-194. 10+160-170.. ... 16+14+28+156-214.. Pt. 2 (No. 21) (1886), Pt. 1 (No. 22) (1887), Pt. 2 (No. 23) (1888), Pt. 1 (No. 24) (1890), Pt. 2 (No. 25) (1892), (No. 26) (1895), " Vol. III, 99 93 Vol. IV, Vol. V, 33 Vol. VI, 27 "" 33 Vol. IX, Vol. X, Vol. XI, Vol. I, 95 Vol. II, Second Series. Vols. I-IV. 33 Vols. I-IX. By R. L. MITRA and Vols. X-XI. By MM. H. P. SHASTRI. 1870-1895. 35 Vol. IV, 35 6+120-126 8+16+248-272 20+72+24+138+6-260 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Pt. 1 (No. 27) (1898), pp. 160 Pt. 2 (No. 28) (1898),,, 160 Pt. 3 (No. 29) (1900), .. 40+112-152 Pt. 1 (No. 30) (1898), .. 160 Pt. 2 (No. 31) (1904), ... 22+78-100 Vol. III, Pt. 1 (No. 32) (1904), .. 160 Pt. 2 (No. 33) (1907),,, 26+14+94-134 (No. 34) (1911),,, 36+12+264-312 Price Rs. 2/8/ 1/4/ 2/8/ 1/4/ For Private and Personal Use Only 92 33 37 97 55 33 ララ 59 55 33 33 33 33 73 22 "" 33 ララ 23 1/4/ 1/4/ 2/8/ 2/8/ 2/8/ 1/4/ 3/12/ 1/4/ 3/12/ 2/8/ 6/4/ By MM. H. P. SHASTRI. 1898-1911. 33 2/8/ 2/8/ 2/8/ 2/8/ 2/8/ 2/8/ 2/8/ 3/12/ 2/8/ 3/12/ 3/12/ Price Rs. 2/8/ 2/8/ 2/8/ 2/8/ 1/4/ 2/8/ 2/8/ 5/ Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir CATALOGUE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS For Private and Personal Use Only Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS IN THE COLLECTIONS OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL Part II BY MAHĀMAHOPADHYAYA HARAPRASĀDA SHASTRI, C.I.E., M.A., D.LITT., F.A.S.B. REVISED AND EDITED BY CHINTAHARAN CHAKRAVARTI, KĀVYATIRTHA, M.A. VOLUME VIII TANTRA MANUSCRIPTS PRINTED AT THE BAPTIST MISSION PRESS PUBLISHED BY THE ROYAL ASIATIO SOCIETY OF BENGAL CALCUTTA 1940 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 1. Introduction 2. Contents List of Abbreviations 3. 4. Catalogue SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS IV. Appendix 5. Addenda et Corrigenda 6. Index I. Original Tantras II. Digests III. Stotras and Kavacas of different Deities ::: :::::: For Private and Personal Use Only ::: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page vii xlvii xlix 1 1 334 741 871 877 881 Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir INTRODUCTION I. PLAN AND EXECUTION OF THE PRESENT CATALOGUE The present Catalogue is based on materials left by the late Mahamahopadhyaya Haraprasad Shastri, whose widely comprehensive erudition in the various fields of Sanskrit literature and Ancient Indian History and Culture is well known. The present editor was entrusted with the task of revising and seeing through the Press the late MM. Shastri's notes. These consisted of slips containing descriptions of the various MSS., which were in the handwriting of MM. Shastri's assistants working under his direction. The present editor as far as possible did not disturb the notes as he received them, but where discrepancies were revealed on actual comparison with the MSS. themselves, these were rectified. Quotations in the descriptive slips were verified, and sometimes these were curtailed or elaborated as circumstances connected with the importance or otherwise of the work or the MS. demanded. The present editor also compared MSS. of works in the Government Collection with others in the Indian Museum, Society's own collection or in that of other institutions (e.g., the Bangiya Sāhitya Parişad, the Sanskrit Sāhitya Parişad and the Sanskrit College) which were accessible to him, with a view to make the descriptions full and complete. Apparent copyists' mistakes in the Sanskrit of the MSS. have been silently corrected in the Catalogue. A uniform system of plus signs, simple and square brackets, has been followed in the present catalogue to indicate illegible or obscure akşaras and redundant words or aksaras, as well as emendations and allowable conjectures made by the editor to make clear a quoted passage. About a dozen MSS. belonging to subjects other than the Tantra were through some inadvertence included within the Shastri slips, and these have duly been taken out. A few nevertheless escaped the attention of the editor as the work was printing: these have been sorted out in the Addenda et Corrigenda printed at the end. On the other hand, the present editor has included descriptions of some fifty newly acquired Tantra MSS., occurring within the present Collection, for which no materials left by MM. Shastri were available. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( viii ) Also cross-references have been given to a few Tantra works which have been inadvertently included in the other Catalogues in the Series 1. A few works which were not identified in the slips left by MM. Shastri have been identified by the present editor in this Catalogue 2 The Collection had some MSS. of the same texts split up into two parts with separate numbering, and through inadvertence this was not detected. The present editor has combined the split MSS. into the single ones that they really are, and has entered them as single items 3. The present editor in revising and seeing through the Press this Catalogue, which owes its inception to the labours of MM. Shastri and can be said to have been prepared by him, has been actuated by a spirit of respect and reverence for the memory of the great scholar from whom he received his inspiration in studying, cataloguing and editing Sanskrit MSS. The MSS. described were very precious in the sight of the late MM. Shastri, and the present editor has taken pains that their special features be brought to the notice of scholars. He has for this purpose compared these MSS. with printed editions and descriptions of other MSS. of the same work from other Catalogues. He only hopes that the Catalogue as revised by him under the direction of the authorities of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal will be worthy of the great scholar who would have published it himself, had Fate spared him to us for a few years more. The problem of arranging the MSS. was a difficult one. The importance of a proper classification of the Tantras for a correct appreciation of a particular work in its true perspective cannot be emphasised too strongly. It is evidently for this reason that enough stress has been laid on this matter in the Tantras themselves, which definitely forbid one sect following the prescriptions of another which are positively harmful to the former. But the traditional principles of classification are too intricate and obscure to be applied to a catalogue. They should form a special subject of study by themselves. It is all the more distressing to find that confusion is worse confounded by the fact that some of the later works are 1 Cf. descriptions under Nos. 6124, 6162, 6219, 6308, 6510 and 6716. 2 Cf. Nos. 6055, 6126, 6154, 6155, 6161, 6164, 6189, 6191, 6246. 3 Cf. Nos. 6254-5, 6655, 6712. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( ix ) either spurious or constitute a curious hotch-potch of the views of different sects 1. Under these circumstances a rough arrangement based on tradition, according to the deities dealt with, seemed to be most satisfactory and this has been followed in two of the three broad formal divisions into which the works have been classfied at the first instance. Under ORIGINAL TANTRAS come works, put in the form of interlocutions between divine beings or sages, though some of these are apparently very late and of not much importance. Under DIGESTS have been grouped compilations attributed to historical personages though there are some which are anonymous: including those the names of the authors of which could not be traced owing generally to the imperfect condition of the manuscripts. The Digests have been subdivided into four sections in accordance with the subject-matter of the works. Under StoTRAS fall hymns either associated with original Tantras or ascribed to particular authors. These have been arranged according to the deities eulogised. In the case of Original Tantras 2 the traditional way of division into Yāmala, Dāmara, etc., has been roughly followed here and there 1 HF rart varyfaña & Mantraratnākara of Vijayarāma (Ulwar, Extr. 653). 2 In this section the arrangement as found in the slips left by the late Mahamahopadhyaya H. P. Shastri was generally followed while a thorough rearrangement was made with regard to other sections. The following statement will indicate the results of a partial application with regard to the Original Tantras of a principle of classification similar to the one followed in the case of Digests: A. Comprehensive and General Works: 5951, 5972, 5992, 6029. B. Works dealing with particular deities: I. Sakti (1) Kāli: 5930, 5964, 5991, 5999, 6011, 6016. (2) Tārā: 5929, 5949. (3) Tripurā: 5809, 5998, 6017. (4) Vagalā : 5893, 6084. II. Siva: 6023. III. Vişnu: 5891, 6004, 6031, 6033. IV. Ganesa: 5897, 6056, 6088. Works dealing with particular rites, Mudrās, Yantras, etc.: (1) Kaula rites: 5934, 5993, 6015. (2) Japa, Purascarana ete.: 5978, 6006, 5983. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir without any definite indication in that respect. But an arrangement similar to the one proposed in connection with the Digests would, as later considerations suggest, have been more appropriate and helpful. It may be mentioned in passing that we have here fully or in parts four Dāmaras 1 (Bhūta-dāmara, Mātangi°, Gaurio, and Tridaśao), four Yāmalas 2 (Rudra", Krsna° 3, Brahma', Jayadrathao 4), a number of Uddisa and sābara-tantras, several works definitely assigned to one or other of the Srotas or Āgamas, e.g., Bhairavasrotas (5937), Mahāsrotas (5953), Anandabhairava-srotas (5893)5, Şadvidyāgama (6084), Kālikāgama (6090). It may be noted that a large number of the above-mentioned works are apparently late and have little authority. Not a few of them are full of incantations in the vernaculars. II. SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE MSS. DESCRIBED (i) Provenance. The present volume gives an account of over a thousand MSS. belonging to the Government Collection of Sanskrit and Sanskritic MSS. on permanent loan to the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal. These MSS. refer to the subject of Tantra or Mantraśāstra which forms an important branch of later Hindu (both Brahmanical and Buddhistic) religious and ritualistic literature. The present collection is unique in many respects. It is a fairly extensive collection, and quite a representative one on the subject, (3) Magic rites: 5830 ff, 5981, 6069, 6073, 6079, 6089, 6091. (4) Yogic Tantras: 6102–3, 6113-6132. (5) Tantric Upanişads: 6133-6. 1 None of these names are found in the list of six damaras given in the Vārāhitantra and quoted in the Vācaspatya. It is not known however if the Durgā. dāmara of the list has any relation with the Gauri-damara. The list of three damaras as given in the Samayācāra-tantra (5920) refers to a Bhuta-dāmara as also to a S'akti-dāmara which may have some connection either with Gaurio or Mätangi”. 2 A reference to a fifth Yāmala called Umā° is met with in the colophon of the Paramasiva-sahasranama-stotra (6750) which is assigned to this Yamala. 3 It is not known if this has any connection with the Visnuyāmala which is mentioned in both the lists of eight Yāmalas, one given in the Samayācāratantra and the other quoted by Bhăskararāya in his commentary on the initial portions of the Vāmakesvara-tantra. 4 Not mentioned in the Samayācāra list (5920). 5 Rudra-yāmala is stated to belong to the Dakşiņa-srotas (Mad. XII, 5712). 6 Surendra-samhita is stated to belong to the Pancāstrāgama (Mad. XII, 5755). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (xi) and the MSS. which go to make it up have been collected not only from Bengal but also from other places in Northern India. The doctrines and rituals described in these MSS. are (or were) current in Bengal and Assam, Orissa, Bihar, United Provinces, Kashmir and Nepal, and also in parts of South India. Bengal works, i.e. works composed or written in or outside Bengal by Bengali Tantric scholars and religious men, naturally predominate in a collection acquired primarily in Bengal. A good percentage of these works have a special connexion with Bengal: these are well known in this province, and were written in the local script, and besides, their popularity is still to be evidenced from editions of many of these published from Calcutta and elsewhere in Bengal. Over and above these well-known works, we have in the present collection numerous other texts which have not been published at all, and in some cases they appear to have never been mentioned in other treatises or in digests or lists of Tantric works: thus these latter can be characterised as 'new' or 'generally unknown' Tantric texts, for both Bengal and other parts of India. (ii) Script.-The scripts used in the MSS. are generally Nāgara and Bengali, with a limited number in Later Gupta, Newari, Sāradā, and Odiyā. Among MSS. in non-Bengali scripts those of works of a definite Bengal origin possess particular interest. Of the many-sided contributions of Bengal to Sanskrit Literature which are known and held in esteem outside Bengal the works on Navya Nyāya or Modern Logic are the most important. They are held in high esteem and assiduously studied to this day by scholars all over India. Mention might also be made of the works of Madhusudana Sarasvati whose Vedantic writings have rightly earned for him an all-India popularity. In the field of NavyaSmrti the reputation of the Gauda School is known to have been widely spread and MSS. of several works like the Dāyabhāga of Jimutvāhana and parts of the comprehensive Smrti-tattva of Raghunandana are reported from different parts of India. MSS. of few Tantric works, however, specially later digests, mainly of a ritualistic character, which are popular in Bengal, are known to have been found elsewhere. And this is not at all surprising, for there is scarcely any ritualistic work of an all-India popularity. As a matter of fact, different parts of the same province For Private and Personal Use Only Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (xii) are not infrequently found to follow different ritualistic manuals. This is a fact which makes the find of MSS. of Tantra works of Bengal in non-Bengali scripts all the more interesting. The present volume describes MSS. of this type of works like the Mantra-ratnākara (6192), Śākta-krama (6197, 6199), Tattvānandatarangini (6200), Tantra-sara (6187ff) and Karpūrastotraṭikā by Siddhantavägisa (6629). It may be noted here that a MS. of the Tantra-sara in Nagara characters is also mentioned by Burnel (Descr. Cat. Tanjore, p. 207). A reference may incidentally be made here to another ritualistic work of Bengal, the Syama-saparyā-vidhi of Kāśīnātha Tarkālankara, a MS. of which is in the Madras Oriental Library (Triennial Catalogue, V. 5122). (iii) Material. The material on which the MSS. are written is mostly hand-made indigenous paper, the yellow-coloured variety of which is found to be manifestly superior, in point of durability, to the white-coloured stuff and especially to modern machine-made paper, which is used in a number of MSS.1 Palm-leaf MSS. are very few in number-one (5804) in later Gupta script, a few each in Newari, Udiya and Bengali and only one (5807) in the Nagari script 2. (iv) Date. The number of old works and MSS. is very few in the present volume, as compared with that in some of the previous volumes of the Series. The oldest MS. described in the volume is the Kubjika-mata (5804) which is written in later Gupta characters. Two other old MSS. that come next are those of the Yuddha-jayārnava-tantra (Nos. 6110, 6109) one copied in 1097 A.D. and the other in 1270 A.D. Of the latest MSS. there are a few copied in the beginning of the present century (Tantra-siddhanta-kaumudi-6223, and Mantra-siddhanta-mañjarī-6224). 1 Exactly the same state of affairs was noticed in different parts of the country as early as the seventies of the last century (Gough-Papers relating to the collection and preservation of Ancient Sanskrit Literature in India, Calcutta, 1878, p. 15). Machine-made paper has been referred to in the earlier part of the volume as 'foolscap paper' or 'Serampur paper'. * The rarity of palm-leaf MSS. in the Nagari Script was noticed in 1876 (Gough, op. cit., pp. 211-2). It may also be noted in this connection that no palmleaf MS. of any work in the Bengali language is known, while scarcely any MS. in Udiya on anything but palm-leaf is available. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (xiii The dates are indicated by means of various well-known eras, Saka (S.E.), Vikrama-Samvat (V.S.), Nepāla-Samvat (N.S.), Bengali San (B.S.), etc. In one MS. (6114) the date of composition is curiously given in years of Treta-yuga, while in several MSS. (5955, 5965, 6082) the names of the eras are not specified, so that it is not possible to ascertain accurately their dates. In one MS. (6038) the chronogram reads like a riddle difficult to solve. (v) MSS. of a general interest.-As regards MSS. of a general interest of which there are very few in the present volume mention may be made of the following:— (1) MS. copied for a lady 1: Saundarya-lahari (6681)-Copied for the recitation of Jayanti Devi. (2) MSS. copied for and probably possessed originally by big personalities: Kulamukti-kallolini (6308) copied in 1877 V.S. under orders of Ranodyota-saha of Nepal. Kāmakalākāli-stotra (6634) copied in Nepal in 1711 S.E. (1789 A.D.) by Govinda-sarman for Prince Bahadur Sah who is probably identical with Rana Bahadur Sah who is stated to have succeeded to the throne in 1775 (Landon, Nepal, I. 67). Lingarcana-tantra (6024) MS. belonging to Lālā Rāmagati Raya 2 1 For a reference to several other MSS. copied for and by ladies cf. Y.R.A.S.B., 1938, p. 13. 2 The records of the society generally do not give information regarding the find-spots and the names or whereabouts of the last owners of the MSS. from whom they were acquired by the Society. But fortunately some of the MSS. contain the names of the original owners of them. And of these we might mention the names of a few scholars: Kṛṣṇānanda-natha, evidently a Tantric scholar (5840, 5906, 5811, 5862, 5905, 5925, 6047, 6204). Rajakiśora Sarman, probably identical with the author of the Sakti-ratnākara (5915). Reference may also be made here to the huge collections of Raghunath Malaviya, Harekrishna Vyasa and Lakshminarayana Kavi, MSS. from which generally bear the names of their owners. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( xiv) (3) MSS. in the Nagari script written by or belonging to a Bengali, the use of the script among whom is extremely rare and is of a very recent growth: Kalpa-sutra (6168)-copied by Harikṛṣṇa Cakravarti in 1732 V.S. Śiva-tāṇḍava (5966)-belonging to Harikṛṣṇa Cakravarti. (4) MSS. of historical interest: Kāma-ratna (6542). The MS. which was copied in 1635 Ś.E. (1713 A.D.) records that Pharak-Ser (Farrukhsiyār) was the lord of Delhi in that year-the year which is known to be the year of accession to the throne of Farrukh. III. SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE WORKS (i) Date.-An idea has already been given about the age of the MSS. described here and one would naturally feel inclined to know something about the age of the works themselves. The question of the date and authoritativeness of what passes as an original tantra is a difficult one. It is evident that some of them are very late commanding little authority even among the followers of the Tantras. But the actual dates of few of the works can be determined. The position with regard to the digests is of course better, though not always satisfactory. A number of these works are dated while the dates of a few can be ascertained with some amount of certainty from internal or external evidence. A list of the works in which the dates of composition are definitely mentioned is given below.1 6351-2. Kramottama 6233. Mantrarādhana-dipikā 6199. Śāktakrama 6533. Puraścaraṇa-dipikā 6659. Śyāmākalpa-latikā 6694. Anandalahari-tikā 6183. Sāradatilaka-ṭīkā Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1435 S.E. 1488 S.E. 1493 S.E. 1512 S.E. 1514 S.E. 1527 S.E. 1695 V.S. 1 The date of composition, though indicated, is unintelligible in both the MSS. (6628-9) of the commentary on the Karpurastava by Durgarāma. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (XV) 6214. Agama-tattva-vilāsa 6604. Sāra-samuccaya 6511. Dipa-prakāśa 6303. Syāmāsaparyā-vidhi 6228. Dharma-vitāna 6439-41. Kaulikārcana-dipikā 6573. Mudrā-prakāśa 6215. Agama-tattva-samgraha 6661. Syāmāsantoşaņa-stotra 6647. Kaula-gaja-mardana 6617. Goraksa-sataka-tikā 1609 S.E. 1770 V.S. 1677 S.E. 1699 S.E.1 1779 V.S. 1700 S.E.1 1752 S.E. 4933 Kali Era. 1756 S.E. 1910 V.S. 1943 V.S. (ii) Nature of contents of the works. The works described in the present volume, are mainly of a ritualistic character. There are few works here which directly expound the philosophy proper of the Tantras. The following pages, however, contain enough material that will be of interest to students of anthropology, iconography 2 and Sanskrit literature, particularly the later phases of it. It must still have to be admitted that this volume like the volume on Smrti and Purāna contains much that is of little value and importance. It will be noticed that works on the details of the worship of different aspects of Sakti or the Divine Mother by far outnumber those on all the other deities taken together. Of the ten major manifestations (mahāvidyā) 3 of the Divine Mother, again, Tripurā, Kāli, Tārā and Bhuvanesvarī claim in a descending order the largest number of worshippers and consequently the largest amount of literature. Chhinnamastā (also known as Pracanda-candikā or Sumukhi), Dhūmāvati and Vagalā are principally worshipped in connection with the performance of the black rites for the attainment of ulterior objects. They have few regular worshippers who regard them as their tutelary deities, so that the literature on 1 The date of one of the works must be wrong, as the first work, which according to the date given appears to be earlier, refers to the second, which is given a later date. 2 Anthropomorphic descriptions of little-known deities like Asuri (6070-1), Kālarātri (6063-4), and Tvaritarudra (6464) are highly interesting in this respect. 3 Kāli, Tārā, şodaśī (Tripura), Bhuvanesvari, Bhairavi, Chhinnamastā, Dhūmāvati, Vagalā, Mātangi and Kamalā. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xvi) them is quite scanty. Śākta deities like Gāyatri, Kubjikā and Candikā have only a limited local interest, being known and worshipped in particular localities. Among the other deities Šiva with his different aspects comes next as regards the quantity of literature dealt with in the volume. The literature on Visnu is poorly represented here while a comparatively small amount of literature appears to have ever been produced on the cults of Gaņeśa and Sürya (Sun), evidently owing to the small number of devotees worshipping them as tutelary deities. Of the various tantric rites only the more important and popular ones are found to have been treated in independent works described here. The six black rites 1 and other magic rites for warding off evils and securing prosperity, of course, claim a large number of works, mainly small treatises and manuals. But few of them command respect and authority even among orthodox scholars of Tantras being generally spurious, anonymous and comparatively modern. Though this is not the place to give an elaborate account of the various rituals of the Tantras with which the works under discussion are primarily concerned, it is necessary to give a rough and general idea of their characteristic features in order to enable the general reader to appreciate the nature of the contents of the works. A more detailed account of them is given in Arthur Avalon's Principles of Tantras (London, 1914, 1916, vols. I and II). Dīksā or initiation which is the most essential preliminary of the Tantra form of worship invests one with the right to follow the injunctions of the Tantras. And every Hindu, irrespective of any caste or sex to which he or she belongs, may be and until very recently was initiated with proper ceremonies by the family preceptor or some of his superior near relatives into the worship of a particular deity. At the time of initiation one of the many mantras with which a deity is worshipped by different persons on different occasions is communicated to the worshipper who is to keep it concealed like the most valued treasure. The mantra and the deity, appropriate for the worshipper, are determined by family practices as well as personal peculiarities of the worshipper, who is to mutter the mantra and per Magic rites for averting evil, subduing (a man or a woman), arresting any feeling or force, exciting enmity (between affectionate friends), overthrowing (an enemy) and causing destruction to somebody. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xvii) form other rites with it not only at the time of worship but also on the occasion of observing his daily duties like getting from bed in the morning and bathing. Though the form of worship is essentially the same in connection with all the deities there are differences and peculiarities in the details of procedure which are pointed out in special treatises dealing with particular deities. The use of the Five M's-madya (wine), māmsa (meat), matsya (fish), mudrā (fried grain) and maithuna (sexual intercourse)--and the six black rites are not meant for all worshippers but for only the select few. Even all members of the Kaula sect of the sāktas-a sect notorious for these rites--were not to observe these rites (I.H.Q.-X. 487f.). The mantras 2 consist of one or more syllables indicated by word symbols which differ in different schools and which are explained in special dictionaries (6257–6265). They are known as mālā-mantras, when the number of syllables contained in them is more than twenty. Various rites are prescribed for making the mantras efficacious. Of these a very important one is the Purascarana (6530 ff) which consists of five elements, e.g., the muttering of the mantra for a prescribed number of times, homa, tarpana and abhiseka with the same mantra followed by the feeding of Brahmins. When a worshipper has attained to sufficient spiritual development he may undergo superior types of initiation culminating into Pūrņābhiseka (6526). The worship is offered on an image of the deity, on a consecrated pitcher filled with water on which fruits and mango-sprouts are placed or on a mystic diagram (Yantra) which represents the deity. 1 Two essential features of the worship are bhūtasuddhi and nyāsa, aimed at the purification of the body and helping the gradual realisation of the supreme ideal of the Tantra form of worship, viz. the identity of the Individual soul with the Supreme Soul. 2 Vedic mantras, with or without any modification, are also occasionally used. RV. III, 62.10 popularly known as the gāyatrī, is the commonest Vedic mantra which with necessary modifications is used in the Tantric worship of different deities. MSS. containing the texts of the modified forms of the mantra in connection with the worship of various deities are noticed in this volume (6499, 6281). The Tantric use of the Sri-sūkta (RV. I, 165) has been indicated in two MSS. (6500-1) which describe how different verses of the hymn are to be used in offering various objects in the worship of Lakşmi as also in rites like nyāsa and purascarana. Uses of Vedic mantras in the purification of fish, meat and wine are described in works dealing with the Kaula cult. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xviii) While an image is immensely popular in Bengal, the diagram is more popular elsewhere (6579 ff). IV. SOME IMPORTANT WORKS A brief passing reference may now be made to the characteristic features of a selected number of the more important but little-known works, MSS. of which are described in the following pages. There are a good number of works which are unique and are noticed here for the first time. The names of these have generally been marked with an asterisk in the index of titles. But even under titles without any mark there are not a few works which though already noticed are either inaccessible elsewhere or are still unique other notices referring to MSS. described in the following pages. But in a manuscript collection it is not only the MSS. of hitherto unknown works that are important and useful. It is not infrequently that MSS. of well-known works are immensely useful for the determination of the correct text of a particular work. Tantra works again, especially the original tantras, possess immense textual irregularities and variations. It will be noticed that even the number and arrangement of the chapters of a work differ in different MSS., a comparative analysis of several of which is therefore essential for a critical edition, Some of the MSS. present different versions of even a number of later digests and commentaries. Of these mention may be made of the following: 6232. Mantra-candrikā of Janārdana. The MS. of the Society contains an elated version of the work of which a shorter version is described in L.II. 911. 6352. Kramottama of Nijātmānandanātha. This seems to represent an abridged version of the work as contained in No. 6351. 6438. Kaulāvalī of Jñānānanda. This constitutes a shorter version of the work of the same name published in the Tantrik Texts Series (Vol. XIV) 1. An idea of the 1 Notices of two manuscripts by MM. H. P. Shastri and Prof. Kielhorn reveal that the work had other versions as well (Ind. Cult., III, p. 519). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xix ) the T IV relation between the two versions may be had from the following statement : Number of chapters Corresponding portions in the edition of in the MS. the Tantrik Texts Series. .. II. 50—II. 104. II .. III. 105--V. III VI.–VIII. 38. .. VIII. 39–IX, 41+first few lines of Chapter IV. .. IX. 71-X. 141. VI . . XI. VII .. XII. 1-131+-last few lines of Chapter XIII. VIII .. XIV. IX .. XV. 6595. Hatha-pradīpikā. This seems to contain a smaller version of the work as known through different editions. 6817. Mallādarśa of Premanidhi Pantha. This may be a shorter version of the work described under No. 5971 where no name of the author is traceable. Besides the above-mentioned works, the following works and MSS. in the different sections of the Catalogue deserve special mention. A. ORIGINAL TANTRAS. (1) General. The Vira-tantra (5925-7) which deals with the worship of Kāli, Tārā and other deities, specially in connection with left-handed worship, has a very unsatisfactory text. The first four chapters agree in all the three MSS. Chapters 5-10 in 5925 agree with chapters 5-11 in 5927. The last four chapters in 5927, however, have no corresponding matters in any of the other two MSS., the concluding chapters of which agree but for the chapter numbers 1. 1 Chaptors 10, 11 and 13 of 5925 agree respectively with chapters 5, 6 and 8 of 5926 which has no colophon for chapter 7. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (xx) It is not known if this is the work referred to by Raghunandana in his Smrti-tattva. A reference may be made here to a work called the Brhadrudra-yāmala (5866-7) which has little connection with the Rudrayāmala. The Society seems to possess all the known MSS. of the work ---three in number 1-two of which both incomplete, are described here and the remaining one, which is complete belongs to the old collection of the Society. The work is in the form of an interlocution between Krsna and Nārada. It deals with the worship of various deities like Ganesa, Kāli and Pañcānana, the popular Guardian Deity of children. The only work so far known expounding the doctrines and practices of the little-known but catholic Pārānanda school of Tantric worship, which puts a taboo on ritualistic details as also on animal sacrifice, apparently an essential feature of Sakti worship, appears to be the Pārānanda-sūtra published in the Gaekwad's Oriental Series. The present collection possesses a fragmentary manuscript of another small work on the subject, called the Pārānanda-mata or Paramananda-mata-samgraha (5982). It gives a brief but clear and systematic account of the views of the school. This is a metrical work, with a few prose-lines here and there, containing about a hundred verses. Some of the verses, which are apparently borrowed by both from an earlier source, are found in the printed text also. The language in both the works is occasionally almost identical. The fragment has been published in JRASBL. (1939, pp. 467-7), with a short summary of the contents in English. The Akāśabhairava-kal pa belonging to the Mahāśaiva-tantra appears to be a big work of which a portion, complete in itself, dealing with various magic rites is preserved in a MS. of the Society (5895). Another portion, a considerably bigger one, belongs to the Tanjore Library of which a modern copy is in the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute. This portion deals with the details of the worship of Sāmrājya-lakşmi (Presiding Deity of Sovereignty) and with Rāja-dharma (royal duties). A detailed description, containing a list of contents, of the last-mentioned manuscript is given in the Karnataka Historical Review (1939, pp. 7–18) 1 For an account of the MSS. and their contents of. D. R. Bhandarkar Volume, pp. 77–81. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xxi) by Mr. P. K. Gode who believes that the work is associated with the State of Vijayanagara, a picture of which, Mr. Gode thinks, is reflected in the work. The Rādhā-tantra (6002-3) is an interesting work which seeks to demonstrate the supremacy of Śakti worship through the life and achievements of Krşņa, who is represented as an ardent worshipper of the Divine Mother. It is definitely stated that devotion to Sakti was at the root of all the superhuman achievements of Krsna (ch. 22). Krsna performed various Kaula rites in the company of Rādhā, an incarnation of Padmini who was an attendant of Tripurā (ch. 6). Vļdāvana was the proper place for the ritualistic practices of Krsna, as the Divine Mother always resided here and the two principal trees of the place, e.g., tamāla and kadamba, were nothing but different forms of Kāli and Tripura (ch. 21). The work, however, seems to be a comparatively late one. Though no definite date can be assigned to it, one limit of its age is supplied by the Syāmāsa paryā-vidhi (6303) of Kāšīnātha composed in 1699 S.E. (or 1777 A.D.), which refers to the Rādhā-tantra as one of the source books utilised by it. That the work was regarded as authoritative is testified to by the large number of manuscripts and printed editions that the work possesses as well as by references made to it in later digests like the Sakti-ratnākara (6216) of Rājakiśora of unknown date and the Syāmāsaparyā-vidhi already referred to. The existence of a work called Brhad-Rādhātantra (Cat. Cat., I. 504) may not unlikely be an indirect evidence of the popularity of the work which led to a longer version' (Brhat) of it. The work may have originated or at least was more popular in Bengal. Manuscripts of it are mostly known to be in Bengali characters and all the known editions are published in Bengal and in the Bengali script 1. The Society possesses only one MS. of the Mahānirvāna-tantra (6039) which has been published several times by different scholars 2. But curiously enough the number of known MSS. of the work is quite disproportionate and very small. Only two MSS. are noticed in the Catalogus Catalogorum (I. 298 under Nirvana-tantra). It 1 For a detailed account of the contents of the work cf. Sāhitya Parişat Patrikā, vol. 46, pp. 296–300. 2 A list of the various editions of the work is given by Arthur Avalon in the Introduction (pp. viii-ix) to his edition of it published in the Tantrik Texts Series (Vol. 13). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xxii) does not seem to have occupied an important place in the literature of the Tantras. The work is not mentioned in the well-known lists of Tantras, e.g., the Toḍala-tantra list and the Vāmakesvara-tantra list. Scarcely does any of the famous Tantric compilations refer to or quote from this work. Of the few works which contain references to the Mahānirvāṇa mention may be made of the Kramadikṣā of Jagannatha 1 (6525) and the Sarvollasa-tantra (6204) of Sarvananda 2. It seems that it was owing to these facts that the work was suspected in some quarters to be a fabrication in whole or in part of Hariharananda, the guru of the celebrated Hindu 'reformer' Raja Ram Mohun Roy, 'written with the object of pushing the Reformist views' of the latter. It may be pointed out in this connection that the work 'was first published by the Adi Brahma Samaj under the editorship of Ananda Chandra Vedantavagisha'. "The preface to this edition stated that three MSS. were consulted; one belonging to the library of the Samaj, the second supplied by Durgadas Chaudhuri, and the third taken from the library of Raja Ram Mohun Roy.' 3 (2) Works on Different Deities. We have here a number of works pertaining to the cult of Durga. The Maya-tantra (5985), which may or may not be identical with the work of the same name quoted in the Tantra-sāra, the Śakti-ratnākara and the Agama-tattva-vilāsa, prescribes (ch. 8 and 9) and speaks highly of (ch. 12), Kulācāra in connection with the worship of Durgā with the details of which it deals. As some of the MSS. end with chapter 7 the genuineness of these chapters may not be beyond all doubts. Two works assigned to the Rudra-yamala (5879, 5885) deal with the worship of the deity during the famous autumnal festival of Northern India known as Navaratri as well as with the nine well-known forms of the deity. The Vanadurga-kalpa 1 Some of the references have been identified, e.g., ungafage fazių (fol. 18A=VIII. 279), देहल्यां नाभिमात्रायाम्, प्रत्येकबिन्दु मतिमान्, वसुधारां प्रकल्पैवम् (fol. 21A-IX. 91-93). 2 Chapters 6, 58 and 59. 3 Introduction and Preface to the edition and translation of the work by Arthur Avalon (Madras 1928, Calcutta 1913). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xxiii) (6067) describes the details of the worship of Vanadurgā, a deity whose worship is highly popular in several districts of Bengal 1. There is, however, no work here which describes all the rites to be performed by the regular worshippers of the deity, of which there is a good number in Bengal. Works on deities whose rituals are dealt with both in original Tantras and Digests have been noticed, for the sake of convenience, only under Digests. (3) Works on Caitanya. A number of apparently late but nevertheless interesting works refer to or deal with the worship of the great Vaişņava saint of Bengal-Caitanya. These are associated with well-known Tantric texts. In one of them, associated with the Kulārnava (5913), the divinity of Caitanya is established with various arguments. In another, associated with the Visvasāra-tantra (6038), which professes to give an account of this 'secret' incarnation of Vişnu, the date of his appearance is also indicated (4586 of the Kali age). In the Urdhvāmnāya-samhita (5959) he is referred to as an avatāra in place of the Buddha. It is significant that the last MS. is in the Nāgari script and presumably is of a non-Bengali origin. Of other works of the type reference may be made to the sections on Caitanya ascribed to the Brahma-yāmala and the Krsna-yāmala, manuscripts of which are found in the old collections of the Society (AS., p. 64) and the Bangiya Sāhitya Parişad (VSP., p. 41). (4) Works on Alchemy. Among manuscripts of works on alchemy reference may be made to the following: Rasārņava (5870) and Rasa-kalpa (5871) associated with the Rudra-yāmala deal with various preparations of mercury. The Suvarnatantra (6101) and Svarnatantra (6824) describe the synthetic preparation of valuable metals like silver and gold. (5) Works on the use of hemp. We have here a small manuscript (6068) containing an extract on the Tantric use of hemp. The topic has been incidentally dealt with in a number of Tantra works. The Mahānirvānatantra (V. i cf. JASB., 1930, pp. 382-3. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xxiv) 82-87) gives directions for the ritualistic purification of hemp. One entire chapter of the Sarvollā satantra (6204, ch. 30) deals with its use and efficacy. Five names of hemp are given 1. Hymns to deified hemp are described in ASB., VII. 5574, 5655. The use of the drug in a number of folk-rites is also known. (6) Works relating to the science of warfare. A reference may be made to manuscripts of more or less familiar astrological and magical works connected with the science of warfare in old India. These works are generally associated with the Tantras. Some of them like the Narapatijayacaryā (with sections bearing the stamp of the Tantric form of composition), a MS. closely agreeing with which has been described under the title Brahmayāmala (5892), are definitely stated to have been based on the tantras, especially of the Yāmala class, while one, Yuddhajayārnavatantra, (6109–12) at least is actually styled a tantra. They deal with what is called Svarodayaśāstra or the science of sounds, a lack of the knowledge of which brings about the fall of a king, even though rich in armaments. Incidentally, they describe mystic diagrams to determine the future of royal undertakings, lay down the details of magical and Tantric rites such as initiation into warfare, consecration of the weapons to make them infallible, six black rites of the Tantras for controlling and causing the destruction of enemies. 208. B. DIGESTS. (1) General works. Under this section reference may first of all be made to several commentaries. Uncertainty seems to surround the names of the authors of two commentaries of the Prapanca-sāra (6174-5). Different MSS. refer to different names while some of the MSS. give no name at all. Even the name of the preceptor of one of the commentators (6175) is not known for certain. While it is given as Vaikunthavāņi or Amararājasarasvati in the introductory verses, it is definitely referred to in the last colophon as Umaraprakāśa. The Society possesses MSS. of two commentaries (6182-3) on the Sāradā-tilaka 1 सम्बिदा समया देवि विजया सिद्धिरेव च । HV Traifa wewengatay Sarvollāsa-tantra (30. 22). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( which do not seem to have so far been noticed. One of these (6183) was composed in 1675 V.S. or 1618 A.D. XXV ) Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1 The chief interest of the Vidyārṇava (6206) lies in the account it gives of the foundation of the town of Vijayanagara. The account, which does not appear to have so far been recorded in any of the several modern works on Vijayanagara, does not, unlike other legendary accounts, refer to Harihara Bukka and Vidyaranya whose names are almost invariably associated with the foundation and the naming of the town. It does not constitute a version of the legends already recorded but gives a new and independent story by itself. In giving the history of the composition of the work it is stated that it was composed at the request of an unnamed king 1 of Vijayanagara, the posthumous son of Prauḍhadeva. The author appears to have been a man of influence. For it is told that when Praudhadeva died 2 leaving his queen with child it was the author of the present work who acted as regent in pursuance of the wishes of the people. As regent he is stated to have built the beautiful town of Vidyanagara (Vijayanagara) resembling the mystic Śri-cakra. When the son of Prauḍhadeva attained majority and was fit for carrying on the duties of a king he was placed on the throne. And at the request of the king and learned men of eminence the work was composed. According to Prof. Salatore the foregoing version of the story about the origin of Vijayanagara has no historical value. The Vidyarnava, Prof. Salatore rightly observes, can in no way be assigned to a date earlier than A.D. 1446, the year of the death of Praudhadeva, whose posthumous son could come to the throne only after that year 3, when the town had already been in existence for a large number of years, having been constructed in 1368. Besides referring to the history of the origin of Vijayanagara the work under review traces the line of teachers of the school of Sankarācārya, beginning from the great master and ending with the 1 The name of the king is given as Ambadeva by Mahamahopadhyaya Gopinath Kaviraj presumably on the authority of the MS. of the Vidyarnava belonging to the Benares Sanskrit College (Brahmasutra-Acyutagranthmala, Introduction, p. 54). Benares, 2 For an account of the death of Praudhadeva and other details about the author of the work cf. Ind. Cult., VI. 107-9. 3 Ind. Cult., VI. 244-5. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xxvi ) present author who claims to have directly belonged to the school. A similar list is also found in the Kramottama (6351-2). It is to be noted that both the lists contain names otherwise unknown. The Mantra-kamalakara (6238) is a little-known work of the celebrated Kamalākara Bhatta, author of the Nirnaya-sindhu, son of Rāmakrsna,grandson of Nārāyana and great-grandson of Rāmeśvara. The work is stated to have been compiled for the benefit of the author's son, Ananta. The section on the worship of Rāma belongs to Rāmakrşņa, father of Kamalākara. Another manuscript of the work referred to in A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Private Libraries of North-Western Provinces (Allahabad, 1877-86) and mentioned by Aufrecht (Cat. Cat., I. 429) is scarcely accessible at the present moment 1. The Mantra-muktāvală (6239) of Purņa-prakāśa, of which the Society possesses a manuscript complete in 25 chapters, appears to be one of the oldest of Tantric digests. The MS. of the Society was copied in 1480 V.S. (=1424 A.D.). The work is stated to have been based principally on the Prapanca-sāra. It appears from the extremely corrupt and obscure introductory and concluding verses that the author, an ascetic, was a follower of the school of Sankara. The Society's collection of manuscripts of the Tantra-sāra of Krşņānanda is specially interesting. It is a sixteenth century work on Tantra rituals very popular in Bengal. But the Society's manuscripts of the work are almost all in non-Bengali scripts. Two more or less complete manuscripts (6187-8) are in the Newari script. There are also three manuscripts in the Nagari (6190-1, 6576) and one in the Bengali script (6577) containing only extracts. Portions of the work are found in a mutilated form, with occasional omissions intervening, in two manuscripts, one (6266) in Nagari and the other in Newari (6267), as also in a Bengali manuscript (6189) where the order of the topics is different from that in the editions of the Tantra-sära. It is not known if the last three manuscripts as also one described under No. 6402 belong to works based on the work of Krsnānanda like Rāmānanda's Samgraha, of which there is a manuscript in the Society (II. A. 48), complete in ten chapters. It is also possible that the Tantra-sāra, along with other works, borrowed from the same source which, or rather fragments of which, can be 1 For two more little-known works of the same author, cf. Indian Culture, V.211-4. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xxvii) traced in these manuscripts as well as in works like the Syāmārahasya, sections of which (e.g., Sava-sādhanā) closely agree with similar sections of the Tantra-sāra. Ātma-rahasya (6201-2), Āgama-tattva-samgraha (6215), Tantrasiddhānta-kaumudi (6222) and Cidānanda-mandākini (6229) give exposition of some aspects of the philosophy of the Tantras. (2) Works on different deities. (a) Kālī.-The Kāli-tattva (6306-7) is an important work, the more so if its author Rāghavabhatta be identical with the famous commentator of the same name who commented on the Sāradātilaka. The way in which the commentary is referred to in the former work (fol. 6A of 6307) would naturally make one inclined to suggest the identification. It quotes from and refers to a number of original Tantra works. No Tantra digest is foun' to have been referred to though many of them are stated to have been consulted for the preparation of the work. Though several MSS. of the Kālitattva were already reported, all that was known of the work was through a short notice by R. L. Mitra (Bik., p. 586). The present volume gives a detailed description of the work and its contents. (6) Tārā.-The Matsya-sūkta (5997), which is different from a Puranic work of the same name, is referred to in many a Tantric compilation of Bengal. The work or at least the portion preserved in the MS. of the Society deals with the details of the worship of Tārā. A work called the Brhanmatsya-sūkta is referred to in the Mantra-ratnākara (6192) and the Arcana-sangraha (6212). It may be noted that no MS, of the Tārā-rahasya which is a popular work in Bengal is found here. The Tārā-pradipa (63322-3) is an interesting work, as it is attributed to Laksmana Desika who may be identical with the author of the famous Sāradā-tilaka. It may be that this work as well as the Kālā-tattva of Rāghavabhatta were intended to supplement the Sāradā-tilaka with which both the authors were closely associated and which does not deal with the popular deities, Kāli and Tārā. It is curious that all the MSS. that have been reported of the Tārā-pradāpa are in the Bengali script except the one in Bikaner. The popularity of the work thus appears to have been restricted to Bengal where Tantric digests like the Tantra-sāra and the Syāmā-rahasya refer to and quote from a work of the same name. But the work seems to be little-known in these For Private and Personal Use Only Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xxviii) days in Bengal or elsewhere. Scholars like Arthur Avalon were not aware of the existence of this work or of any other work of Laksmana except the Sarada-tilaka though a number of them are referred to (Cat. Cat., I. 536). It is an independent work having no connection with the Sarada-tilaka though it is suspected by some to be a commentary on the latter (Cat. Cat., I. 536). (c) Siva. The cult of Pañcanana, Pañcānanda or Pāñcu Thakur, presumably a popular aspect of Siva, is immensely popular among the women-folk of West Bengal, specially of the lower class, who worship the deity, as the Guardian Deity of children, for the protection and welfare of their young ones. The known literature on the cult, unlike other folk-cults, is, however, extremely meagre. The Society, fortunately, is in possession of three MSS.-perhaps all that are known-of a Tantric text called the Bṛhadrudra-yamala (5866-7) sections of which deal exclusively with this cult. These sections in the manner of mangala-kavyas of medieval Bengal, one of which may not unlikely have been the basis of the Sanskrit version given here, record legends concerning the powers of the deity in causing destruction when offended and bringing prosperity when propitiated. The MSS. are especially interesting in view of the fact that Sanskrit works pertaining to folk-cults are rare, if not totally unknown 1. Of later digests on the cult of Siva the Vatukarcana-samgraha (6466) of Balambhaṭṭa appears to be the most comprehensive, while the fragment of the Bhairavarca-pārijāta is interesting being associated with the name of a royal author, Jaitrasimha of the Vaghela dynasty. Balambhatta has referred to a number of digests and authors (p. 629). Kāśīnātha, the polymath, has got the largest number of works in this section. Of the ten works of Kaśīnātha that we have in this section, as many as five seek to demonstrate the greatness and supremacy of the deity. We have little information about a number of authors whose works are included in this section: e.g., Siddheśvara (6462), Lakṣmidhara (6463), Ganga-suta (6464), Dhanaraja, son of Kesava (6465) and Ramacandra whose work seems to be based on a similar work by Kṛṣṇabhatta (6467). 1 For details of the MSS. and the legends cf. D. R. Bhandarkar Volume, pp. 77-81. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xxix ) (d) Ganesa.The cult of Ganesa is dealt with in three original Tantra works-Mārjārī-tantra (5877), Kumāra-samhità (6056) and Vināyaka-samhita (6088), which speak of the black rites to be performed with the aid of this deity. The only work of known authorship in the section of digests on this cult is the Mahāgana pati-Irama or Ganesotsava (6505) by a disciple of Citprakāśa, Anantadeva by name, who is stated to have belonged to the Dāideva school and hailed from Mātspura. (e) Sun. The worship of the sun god is treated of in the concluding chapters (ch. 31-35) of the Devīrahasya-tantra, stated to be a part of the Rudra-yamala. These chapters or some of them, are contained in two MSS. (5880, 5888, 6001). There are a few later compilations on the cult of this deity. We have here a fragment of one, called the Tycabhāskara (6575). It is gathered from the MS. of the work belonging to the Sanskrit College of Calcutta (which was partially examined) that it deals with the details of the worship of the deity (e.g. 29451—fol. 47A, atu41—54A, 3urtfu—59B, 3784779–73B, tafafe129A). Reference is made in it among others to Tantra-kaumudi (18A), Prapañcasāra-samgraha of Girvāṇendra (32B), Mantra-mahodadhi (34B), Mantra-deva-prakāśikā (39A), a hymn by the author (māmakīnastava—58A) and the prayoga section of the work (37A). (3) Works on Yoga. The number of unique works in the section of Yoga is proportionately larger in comparison with that in other sections. No other MSS. appear to be known of works described under Nos. 61169, 6599, 6600, 6603, 6605, 6619, 6621 and 6622. But none of these works appears to be old. Of these, the date of composition of the Sāra-samuccaya (6604) is given as 1770 V.S. (1714 A.D.). A work of this name is referred to in the Cakra-dipikā (6622) and the Yogakalpa-latikā (6603) of Krsnadeva, a name identical with the name of the father of the author of the work of which the Sārasamuccaya of the Society is stated to be a summary. The only known MS. of the Yukta-bhava-deva, of which the Sāra-samuccaya is an abridgement, belongs to the Bangiya Sāhitya Parişad. A comparison of the MSS. of the two works reveals that the abridgement very closely follows the original. The former has one complete colophon at For Private and Personal Use Only Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (xxx) the end where the number of the chapter is not indicated, while the end of the first chapter is marked on fol. 18A. The latter has two chapter colophons (I, fol. 29A, III, fol. 60A). The latter portion of the Society's MS.1 (fol. 38B-67B) has no corresponding portion in the MS. of the Parisad, which seems to be incomplete. C. STOTRAS. Sanskrit possesses a vast literature on stotras. An idea of the extent of this literature may be formed from the fact that descriptions of MSS. of stotras cover three big volumes (Nos. 17-19) of the Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS. belonging to the Madras Oriental Library. The Society has also a fairly rich collection of stotras scattered over three volumes of its Descriptive Catalogues (Vols. V, VII and VIII). The stotras described in the present volume, however, do not all belong to the Tantras nor are they all Tantric in character. Similar remarks apply to stotra manuscripts described in other volumes which though devoted to subjects other than Tantras deal with stotras belonging to Tantras. A limited number of the stotras are extremely popular and highly interesting both from the standpoint of philosophy as well as poetry. Some of the hymns attributed to Sankarācārya in the present volume (e.g. Bhavāny-aştaka, p. 818, mānasapūjā, pp. 832-3, Rāma-pañjara and Bālāstaka, p. 851 and Gangāstaka, p. 861) cannot be traced in the Works of Sankaracharya (Sree Vanivilas Press, Vols. XVI-XVIII). Reference is made below to the works chiefly of an exegetical character, belonging to the different groups of stotras dealt with in the volume. (i) Kali. The commentaries on the well-known Karpūrastotra, of which there are seven described in the following pages, are all new. Of these the commentary of Durgārāma (6628-9) is dated though the verse containing the date is evidently corrupt in both the MSS. and the date cannot thus be ascertained. One commentary (6632) is attributed in the colophon to the great Sankara. 1 The section ending in fol. 38A agrees with the one ending in fol. 56A of the Parisat MS. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xxxi) (ii) Tripurā. One of the sublimest and most important stotras in Sanskrit is the Ananda-laharī attributed to the great Sankarācārya. Various scholars commented on the work from time to time. Of littleknown or hitherto-unknown commentaries the Society possesses MSS. of those of Kavirāja (6697), Rāmabhadra Miśra, son of Visvanātha (6696) and Raghunandana, son of Candramauli (6695). Raghunandana may not unlikely be identical with the author or any of the authors of the same name with the title Nyāyavägisa and Nyāyālańkāra, MSS. of whose commentaries on the Mahimnah-stotra and the Guru pădukā-stotra have been described (VII. 5600-1., VSP., p. 62, HPR., I. 97). Śrīkļşņa Tarkālankāra (6692), like Gangāhari (6691), gives an interesting legend about the origin of the stotra. Sankara's disregard or denunciation of the Divine Mother, it is told, led to some difficulties on his part and he succeeded in overcoming them by composing the stotra. Śrikțşņa suspects that a number of concluding verses of the stotra are not genuine. And it is reasonable to conclude that it was apparently due to such a suspicion that Govinda Tarkavāgisa (6689-90) left two verses at the end without any commentary thereon. (iii) Bhavāni. The Devīnāma-vilāsa (6703) which is of the nature of a metrical commentary on the Bhavani-sahasranama-stotra is an interesting work. It devotes one verse on each of the thousand names of the deity in order to explain the significance of it. The chief interest of the student of history, however, centres round the concluding verses of the chapters which generally refer to other works of the author. The names of these works, however, could not be definitely ascertained owing to the hopelessly corrupted text of the MS. V. A FEW LITTLE-KNOWN AUTHORS Information about the personal history of an author is very useful for a correct appreciation of the value and importance of his works. Details that could be gathered in this connection regarding little-known 1 authors, MSS. of whose unpublished works are 1 Stray but valuable pieces of information about well-known authors are also sometimes met with. Thus Pūrņānanda, a popular Tantric writer of Bengal and For Private and Personal Use Only Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (xxxii) described in the volume, are set forth below for what they are worth. No notice, however, has been taken of meagre references to parents, preceptors, sects, families or the like. But these have generally been indicated in the words of the authors themselves in the authors' index. Of these references mention may be made here of a few. The author of the Bhairavārcā-pārijāta (6468) refers to himself as a prince of the Vaghela dynasty. Veņudhara, who wrote a commentary (6626) on the Karpūra-stotra, refers to his patron Pratāpasimha in the concluding verse of the commentary. The author of the Krama pūrnadīkņā-paddhati (6526) also seems to refer to his patron in the person of a king called Vikramāditya. But unfortunately none of these rulers or chiefs could be identified. Two of the genealogical references appear to reveal the identity of the descendants of two well-known Tantric writers. Of these Gopālapañcānana, grandson of Krşņānanda Agamavāgisa of Tantra-sāra fame, was also, like the grandfather, the author of a comprehensive Tantric compilation called the Tantra-dipikā of which the Society possesses an incomplete MS. (6230). Vaidyanātha, author of the Bhuvanesi-kalpalatā (6383), refers to himself as the grandson of Rāghavabhatta, who may not unlikely be identical with the great Tantric writer of the same name, whose fame rests on his wellknown commentary on the Sāradā-tilaka. Besides these there are a host of other little-known authors of whom no information is available. Among these we have very little beyond the name of Rāmagati Sena. Only a few lines of his Tantra-candrikā are preserved in one MS. (6274). He may not unlikely be identical with the author of the same name whose Yogakalpalatikā has been described by H. P. Shastri (HPR., I. 299). It is stated that Rāmagati hailed from East Bengal (HPR., I., p. xxi). The authors are usually Brahmins by caste. But we have at least two works written by persons belonging to other castes. Of these Krşņamohana, author of the Agama-candrikā (6209), who was a Kāyastha, makes no apology for going out of what may be sup a disciple of Brahmananda, also a reputed author of several works, refers in his Sākta-krama (6198-9) to one work by his guru, namely, the Saktitantra-māntrikā. gamasāra-sarvasva which is not found to be included in the list of works, generally attributed to the latter (@ gemaafananifah I R -6198 (fol. 2A), 6199 (fol. 1)]. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xxxiii) posed to be his own jurisdiction. Krsnadeva Gaņa, author of the Cidānanda-mandākini (6229), however, refers to the religious taboo on the use of books written by non-Brahmins and justifies his own action in writing the book by suggesting that the taboo does not apply to serious literature (jñāna-sästra). The names of authors present peculiar difficulties in ascertaining the actual identity of the authors of Tantric works. Mere identity of names, in the absence of more definite evidence, does not naturally justify any personal identification 1. Hence, the same name has been repeated more than once in the author's index. On the other hand, the same person is also not infrequently known by different names-pre-initiation and post-initiation names. In a number of cases both these names are available 2, while in others, we know only one of the names. Thus different works of the same author sometimes seem to belong to different authors 3. Details that could be gathered about some of the authors are given below under the names arranged in an alphabetical order. BALAMBHAȚȚA. Bālam bhatta 4, who is evidently different from the great Smrti writer of the same name (18th century), was the son of Rāmabhatta 1 But occasionally there is legitimate room for doubt. And one would feel tempted to identify Krşnabhatta, at whose instance Lakşmibhatta (6346) wrote, with the preceptor of the author of the Sundari-saparyā (6349) and with the author of the work on which the Bhairavapūjā-paddhati (6467) is based. Similarly Rāmānanda, author of the Sundari-mahodaya (6348) may be identical with the preceptor of the author of the Dattārcana-candrikā (6353). 2 Adyānandana-Navamisimha (6308). Vidyānandanātha-Srinivāsa (6340). Cidānandanātha-Laksminātha (6346). Sivanandanātha-Kašinātha. Sankarānandanātha--Sambhubhatta (6348). Bhairavānanda-Rāmabhatta (6349). (This is known from a variant reading, सुन्दरौयजनं वक्ष्ये भैरवानन्दसंज्ञकः, of the second introductory verse, as recorded in the above MS.) Nijātmānandanātha---Mallikārjuna (6351). 3 Thus Prof. Peterson thought that the Saubhāgyaratnākara of Vidyananda was the work of one who is different from and a co-pupil of Srinivāsa (Ulwar, 2444). Compare in this connection Study of Manuscripts (Kane Festschrift, pp. 77-8). 4 Quite a number of authors appear to have had the same name. The names of the father and grandfather of the present author are referred to respectively as those of the brother and son of two of them (Cat. Cat., . 372). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xxxiv) and grandson of Divakara of the Bharadvaja family. He was the author of the Vaṭukarcana-samgraha (6466) in which reference is made among others to the Sivarcana-candrikā of Śrīnivāsa (?), the Puraścarna-candrika of Devendrāśrama (?), the Dipadana-vidhikrama of Ramacandra, author of the Bhairavapūjā-paddhati (?), the Mantra-mahodadhi of Mahidhara (?), the [Simha (?)] Siddhantasindhu of Śivānanda (?) and the Mantra-martanda of the father of the author (fol. 275B). KASINATHA 1. Kāśīnātha Bhatta Bhada, alias Šivanandanatha of Benares, son of Jayarama Bhaṭṭa and Vārāṇasī, and grandson of Sivarama, was the author of a large number of small treatises, principally on Puranic and Tantric topics, MSS. of which are available in different parts of Northern India. His scholarship which is testified to by his literary remains is also indicated by a number of epithets found in the colophons of one or other of his many works. It would appear that he belonged to a comparatively modern period, probably 17th-18th century. For no MSS. of any of his works is known to be old. Most of the MSS. of his works belonging to the Society are of the 19th or even the present century. Of the older MSS. one, that of the Sambhavācāra-kaumudi, was copied in 1849 V.S. or 1793 A.D., while that of another, the Sivadvaita-prakāśikā (IO., IV. 2513) was copied in 1858 V.S. (1802 A.D.). An incomplete date which may not unlikely be the date of Kāśīnātha is found at the end of his commentary on the Jñānārṇava-tantra. It is stated there that the commentary was written in the month of Asvina, on the fifth-day of the bright fortnight in the Prabhava year of the sixty years cycle. Though nothing can be stated definitely in the absence of the mention of the era, it is known that the year in question fell in 1747, 1687 and 1627 A.D. And our author may not unreasonably be supposed to have written the work in any of the above-mentioned years. The upper limit of the age of the author may be ascertained by his references to earlier works and authors in his books, e.g. Bhattoji Dikṣita (16th century) in his Tantra-bhūṣā, Śyāmā-rahasya in the 1 For a detailed account of the life and works of Kāšinātha cf. JRASBL., IV. 455-65. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (XXXV) Kāli-bhakti-rasāyana, Pratāparudra-nibandha, Nrsimhaprasāda, Rūpanārāyaṇa and Viśvarūpācārya in the Candikārcana-dipikā and Rāmārcana-candrikā in the Ramapūjā-tarangini. Further, if he is the author of the Avatāra-bheda-prakāśikā he must be later than the 16th century when the Rādhāvallabhi sect, referred to in it, was founded by Hitaharivamsa. He also appears to have been later than Amrtānandanātha and Mahīdhara (16th century), authors of commentaries respectively on the Yogini-hrdaya and the Mantramahodadhi, for though he does not refer to them by name, his commentaries on those works are based on and occasionally agree with those by the former two. KESAVA VIŠVARŪPA. Keśava, who had the unusual title Viśvarūpa, composed in 4933 Kali Era a work called the Āgama-tattva-saṁgraha (6215) of which the only known MS., a mere fragment, belongs to the Society. From the meagre account given in the work it is gathered that Keśava was born in a Mahārastra family though he lived in Southern India near the river Tungabhadrā. He has. referred to his Guru Kşemānandanātha and his Paramaguru Mādhavānandanāthal, who were respectively authors of the Saubhagya-kalpalatika 2 (6339) and the Saubhāgya-kalpadruma (6338). KRSNAMOHANA. Kršņamohana, a Kāyastha of Pūrvasthali (in Western Bengal), was the author of eighteen works 3, of which some are mentioned by name in his Niti-sataka 4 and the Kamalodaya 5. He appears to have been a man of wealth who engaged learned men to write books for him. It is definitely recorded that he got the Agama-candrikā compiled by renowned learned men 6. Of his works 1 Another grand-disciple (disciple's disciple) of Madhava seems to have been the author of a work called the Saubhāgyānanda-sandoha---a commentary on the Paramūnanda-tantra on which the work of Madhava himself was based (Introductory verses to Saubhāgya-kalpalatikā). 2 A work of the same name is twice referred to in the Catalogus Catalogorum (I. 738; II. 177) without mentioning the name of the author. 3 ASB., VII. 5509. 4 ASB., VII. 5508. 5 VSP., Intro., p. xxvi. 6 ASB., VIII, 6209. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xxxvi ) eight appear to have so far been noticed (ASB., VII. 5250-1, 5508-9, VIII. 6209; HPR., II. 41; VSP., pp. 125, 187). MAHĀDEVA VIDYAVAGISA. Mahādeva Vidyāvāgiša, son of Yādavānanda Cakravarti, grandson of Vidyāsāgara and great-grandson of Subuddhi Miśra, acquired the title Vidyāvāgīša from his guru at Vişņupura in Māndāran. He composed his commentary on the Ananda-laharī (6694) in 1527 S.E. (= 1605 A.D.). One of the introductory verses of the commentary seems to refer to a work or works by him on the secret of the worship of Śakti, Siva and Vişņu 1. NANDARĀMA TARKAVĀGİSA. Nandarāma was the author of a number of small works on Tantric and philosophical subjects 2. In his commentary on the Śatcakra-nirūpaña (6367) he refers to his patron Harivallabha Rāya, who in all probability was a zemindar of Bengal. He was earlier than Jagannātha who commented on Nandarāma's abstracts on Nyāya, Vaišeşika, Rhetoric, Sāmkhya and Yoga. The commentary on the last of these works is stated to have been completed in 1638 S.E. (TRIZ yafua). MSS. of these abstracts are unfortunately not available, while MSS. of the commentaries, found in the Society, will be dealt with in the volume dealing with MSS. of works on philosophy. NAVAMĪSIMHA. Navamisimha (alias Adyānandana) introduces himself in the beginning of his Tantra-cintāmaņi (6217-8) as the minister of king Bhūpālendra of Nepal who is stated to have been a man of learning and piety. This king seems to be identical with Mahindra Malla or Bhūpälendra Malla of Katmandu who ruled for about five years, 1689-1694 A.D. 3 (Wright--History of Nepal, London, 1877, 1 The introductory and concluding verses are quoted in IO., IV. 2624. 2 Atma-prakāšaka (IQ., IV. 2400), Samkhyā-prakāšaka (10., IV. 2457), commentary on şaţcakra-nirūpaña (ASB., VIII. 6367), abstracts on different branches of Indian literature and probably Svarūpākhya-stava-tikā (VSP., p. 51). 3 It is not clear how Bendall assigns to this king the date 1705 (Cat. Buddhist Sans. Mss. Univ. Lib. Cambridge, Chronological Appendix III). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xxxvii) p. 221). The Society is in possession of four MSS. of two extensive Tantra digests of Navamīsimha, the Tantra-cintāmani (6217-8) and Kula-mukti-kallolini (6308). No manuscript of the first of these works appears to have so far been reported from anywhere else. It seems that copies of the second work were made at the instance of Ranodyota Shah in 1877 V.S. with a view to giving publicity to it and two of these copies are now found in the Society, NILAKANTHA THE SAIVA. Nilakantha the Saiva--who is different from his more famous name-sake whose fame rests on his commentary on the Mahābhārata_was the author of a number of Purāna and Tantra works which are not so well-known. He has given but meagre information about himself incidentally in his works. We are told that he was born in a family of Saivas. Mayūreśvara of this family, the great grandfather of our author, earned for the family the surname Saiva. The son of Mayūreśvara was Nilakantha whose son, the father of our author, was Ranganātha, the poet. Ranganātha had his son Nilakantha by his wife Laksmi. Both the parents are referred to by name in the colophons as well as in the introductory and concluding verses of his works. He also refers to two of his gurus-Kāšīnātha and Sridhara--as well as to one Ratnaji at whose instance he is stated to have composed his commentary on the Devī-bhāgavata. He seems to have hailed from the Marhatta country, as he refers to a number of dialectic words of Marathi in the above-mentioned commentary (VIII. 24. 25–7). Nilakantha does not mention his date but an approximate idea may be formed about his time on the basis of the references he makes to authors and works. He refers in his commentary on the Devibhāgavata among others to the Saubhāgya-kal palatā, Durga-pradipa of Mahesa Thakkura, Sarvaśāstrārtha-sangraha of Madhusudana Sarasvati, Śāradā-tilaka, Guptavatā-tākā (of Bhāskara Rāya) composed in 1741 A.D., Mantra-mahodadhi (of Mahidhara) composed in 1589 A.D., Mādhava, author of a commentary on the Sūtasamhitā, Prthvidharācārya and Nāgoji Bhatta (17th-18th century). It would therefore appear that Nilakantha flourished at a time not earlier than the middle of the 18th century. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xxxviii) About half a dozen works of Nilakantha are known or have been mentioned 1. The present volume describes two MSS. of one of these works, e.g., the commentary on the six accessories of the Saptasatī of the Mārkandeya-purāna which is referred to in the commentary of the Devi-bhāgavata (V. 8. 38, V. 33. 57-9). But it seems to be rather curious that this latter commentary is also referred to in the present work. Only one incomplete MS. of the work, comprising the Kavaca portion, is recorded (Cat. Cat., II. 166). The Society possesses two MSS. of the work: one complete and the other incomplete. PREMANIDHI PANTHA. Premanidhi Pantha who hailed from Kūrmācala or Kumaon, was the son of Umāpati and Udyotamati and was the worshipper of Kārtavīrya. Little is known about his life and family. We are told that he had sorrowful bereavements in his family. He lost his beloved wife at a comparatively young age. It seems he thereupon left his ancestral home and came to be settled in Benares where on the completion of his commentary on the Sivatāndava, he was given considerable property and a house by his patron and disciple Malaivammadeva. Reference is made to two daughters of his, named Mahālaksmi and Kanakā. This much of his personal history may be gathered from his commentary on the Sivatāndava in which he incidentally describes his patron and makes reference to himself. It appears from the introductory verses of the Sudarsanā (commentary on the Tantrarāja-tantra) that he had a third wife Prāṇamañjarī by name who composed the commentary in memory of her son called Sudarśana. The name of the father and the mother of this wife are given as Harşadeva and Harşamati 2. The time when he flourished is roughly indicated by the references to dates of composition given in some of his works. We are told that he composed the Mallādarsa and the Dipa-prakāśa in 1648 S.E., Prthvī-premodaya and the commentary on the Sāradā 1 For a detailed account of these cf. Indian Historical Quarterly, Vol. XVI, pp. 356-61. % Nāgari-pracārini Patrikā, N.S., Vol. VI, 1982 V.s. (p. 376, f.n.). The commentary is also attributed to Premanidhi (Cat. Cat., I. 222, II. 46). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xxxix ) tilaka in 1658 S.E., the Jagatpremodaya in 1663 S.E. and the Prāyaścitta-pradāpa in 1675 S.E. This would point to the second quarter of the eighteenth century together with a portion of the third as the period of his literary activities. Premanidhi was the author of a good many works on Tantra and Smộti. He himself refers to some of them. He mentions six works of his at the end of his commentary on the Sāradā-tilaka, and three at the end of the Sabda-prakāśa, while Mallādarśa incidentally refers to the Bhakti-taranginī. In the descriptive catalogues and in the lists of his works based on them as given by Aufrecht and Kane different portions of the same work appear to have, in some cases, been indicated as separate works. The same work has also sometimes been referred to under different titles. A brief account of the works on which more or less definite information is available has been published in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, Letters (Vol. VI, 1940, pp. 105–117). The present volume notices two of his many works—Prayoga-ratnākara (6510) and commentary on the Sivatāndava (5971, 6817). RATNANĀBHA AGAMĀCĀRYA. Ratnanābha, author of a hitherto unknown work called the Sundarirahasya-vrtti 1 (6350), has left us some personal details at the beginning and end of his work. He was a Vārendra Brahmin of Maitreya denomination. He was the son of Nārāyaṇa and grandson of Mukunda. He refers to his great grandfather as well, though the name is not quite intelligible. His guru was Gopinātha, disciple of Hayagriva. In the beginning of the work salutations are offered also to Keśavācārya, Vallabhācārya and Vidyādharācārya. It is not known if the Sundarirahasya-vrtti referred to in the Mantra-ratnākara (6192) is identical with the work of the same name by Ratnanābha. SĀHIB KAULA. Sāhib Kaula which seems to be a Tantric ecclesiastical designation in Kashmir is a peculiar and rather unique title. A person The number of chapters contained in the work is ten. This number has been so conceived as to correspond to the number of categories enumerated in the system of philosophy of the Sakti-worshippers. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( xl ) occupying the position in the 17th century was the author of several Sanskrit works of which the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal definitely possesses the manuscript of one. A manuscript of a second work, the Kalpavṛksa composed in 1733 V.S., is reported to be in the possession of Pandit Madhusudan Kaul, Superintendent of Archaeology, Kashmir, who claims to be a descendant of this illustrious personage. The work of which a manuscript is possessed by the Society, is the Devinama-vilāsa (6703) composed in 1723 V.S. It is a work in 16 chapters, dealing with 1,000 names of the Divine Mother. Every chapter of this work ends with a versecolophon, which occasionally refers to other works of the author. The designation of the author, far more than the works which possess few marked characteristics, is in the present case highly interesting. The functions attaching to the position and the real nature of it are not known. But our author apparently takes pride in referring to what seems to have been a highly dignified position. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir He refers to it at least three times in his Devinama-vilāsa (verse 2, chapter colophon and date verse). It is referred to once in the concluding verse of the Srividya-nityapūjā-paddhati (6354) which is also attributed to a Sahib Kaula. - The present author is evidently different from Sahebrām or Sahibram of the 19th century whose works are referred to by Aufrecht in his Catalogus Catalogorum (I. 716, II. 171). There is reference to a Sahib Kaula who flourished in the 19th century and hymns to whom were composed by his disciples-Jyotiḥprakāśa and Cidrupa (6815, pp. 868-70). The hymn of Jyotiḥprakāśa was commented on by his disciple Govinda in 1830 S.E. or 1908 (loc. cit.).* Of other works attributed to Sahib Kaula who may or may not be identical with the present author the Society possesses the MSS. of the following: (1) Śrīvidyā-nityapūjā-paddhati, a big ritualistic work dealing with the details of the worship of Tripura. (2) Sārika-stava (6400, p. 568), a hymn to the goddess Sarikā. (3) Stray verses (6400, p. 569). It may be pointed out in this connection that the epithets Mahāmāhesvarācārya and Sahiba-kaulanandanatha are used either For Private and Personal Use Only Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xli) jointly or singly with the name of the author in the colophons of all the above works. SANKARĀCĀRYA of Bengal. A number of Tantric treatises are attributed to one who is generally known as Sankarācārya of Bengal. In one of these works, the Tārārahasya-vrttikā (6320-1), the author is stated to have been an inhabitant of Bengal and the son of Kamalākara and grandson of Lambodara. A MS, of the work belonging to the Durbar Library of Nepal is dated L.S. 511 (1630 A.D.) and a work of the same name referred to in the Tārā-bhakti-sudhārnava of Narasimha may not unlikely be identical with the present work. The actual name of the author, however, seems to have been Sankara Agamācārya as indicated in a MS. of the work in the India Office Library (10., IV. 2603). But it cannot be stated that this Sankara was the author of all the works (L., VI. 2379, HPR., I. 262, L., I. 428, ASB., VIII. 6365, ASB., VII. 5679) attributed to the Sankara of Bengal. As a matter of fact, in most cases the author is referred to simply as Sankarācārya and there does not appear to be any strong case for referring to him as Sankarācārya of Bengal. SARVĀNANDA. Sarvānanda, author of the Sarvollāsa (6204) flourished about four hundred years ago at Mehar, a village in the district of Tippera in Eastern Bengal. He is stated to have been totally illiterate. He acquired spiritual success and supreme knowledge through the grace of the Divine Mother, who was propitiated by him through the muttering of a mantra as he was seated on a corpse. Thereafter he earned the epithet Sarva-vidya as all the forms of the Mother were revealed to him. His name is still held in great esteem and his descendants have to this day a large number of disciples all over Bengal. The temple of Kāli at the village of Mehar where Sarvānanda attained spiritual success has become a place of pilgrimage to the people of Bengal and an annual festival is held there to commemorate his attainment of success about the middle of January The life-story of Sarvānanda is described in a Sanskrit work called the Sarvānanda-taranginī attributed to his son Sivanātha. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xlii ) ŚRĪNIVĀSA BHATIA. Śrīnivāsa Bhatta Gosvāmin and his descendants appear to have occupied a position of some distinction in Northern India, where Srinivāsa had migrated from his original home in the South. A fair account of the family may be gathered from the works left by Srinivāsa and his descendants. It is known from the introductory verses of the Sivārcana-candrikā (6231), which gives a detailed description of the family and its ancestral home, that to the south of Kāñci (Conjeeveram) there was a big village called Ananta, on the banks of the river Eņā, which was inhabited by pious and learned Brahmins, who had received the village as a grant from a certain king. Here was the ancestral home of a learned family of scholars of whom Srinivāsa was the most prominent. His father, Sriniketana, grandfather, Timummala, and great grandfather, Samarapungava Diksita, have all been referred to by him in glowing terms. Srinivasa, who was specially versed in the Tantras, had gone on a festive occasion to Jullandhar, a famous seat of Tantric worship and was initiated by Sundarācārya or Saccidānandanātha, presumably the author of the Lalitārcana-candrikā and the Laghu-candrikā (6343) which may be an abridgement of the former. His postinitiation name appears to have been Vidyānandanātha. As desired by his preceptor he came down to and settled at Benares. He was the author of several Tantric compilations four of which he has mentioned by name at the end of his Sivārcana-candrikā. The dignity of the family was continued, if not enhanced, by the successors of Srīnivāsa. His son Jagannivāsa, who was also versed in the Tantra lore, counted among his disciples a number of ruling chiefs of the time, of whom Devisimha (Bundel) has been mentioned by Sivānanda Gosvāmin, the eldest of the sons of Jagannivāsa, who wrote the Simhasiddhānta-sindhu (6193) at the request of the above-mentioned chief. Janārdana, another son of Jagannivāsa and probably the youngest one, was the author of the Mantra-candrikā (6232) 1. VIÁVANĀTHA SINGH of Rewa. We learn from volume IV of Captain Luard's Rewa State Gazetteer (Lucknow, 1907) that Visvanath Singh who succeeded his 1 For a detailed account of Śrīnivāsa cf. IHQ., XV, pp. 131ff. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xliii. ) father Jai Singh in 1833 and ruled up to 1854, was like his father a lover of literature and learning to which he gave his support (p. 17). It is further stated there that 'Maharaj Visvanath Singh, himself a good scholar, was a great patron of Sanskrit learning and invited Brahmans to settle in different parts of the state and form seminaries for teaching Sanskrit' (p. 69). There is no reference here to any books composed by the Maharaja. The Catalogus Catalogorum of Aufrecht, however, mentions manuscripts, found mostly in Oudh 1, of as many as half a dozen works 2-all on the cult of Rāma-by Maharaja Viśvanātha, who in all probability is identical with the above-mentioned ruler of Rewa. The Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal possesses five manuscripts of four oi these works 3 of which one, the Mantrārtha-nirnaya (6494) is described in the following pages. One of these MSS. (e.g., Rāmamantrārtha-nirnaya) is in Bengali characters, shewing that one at least of his works had travelled beyond the limits of his own territories. Three of these MSS. are dated. The MSS. of the Brahmasūtra-bhāsya, the Manträrthanirnaya and the Samgīta-raghunandana are stated to have been copied respectively in 1843 (1900 V.S.), 1850 (1907 V.S.) and 1880 (1937 V.S.). It will be seen that two of these MSS. were copied during the lifetime of Visvanātha. The fact that one MS. was copied after his death and one was copied in Bengali characters shows that the works concerned had gained some popularity. Some details about his personal history may be gathered from several of these works of Viśvanātha. As most of the works deal with Rāma and his cult it seems that he was a follower of the cult of Rāma. It seems later in life he became a follower of the Rādhā-vallabhi school when he commented on the Brahmasūtra 1 It mentions only three MSS. outside Oudh :-Two MSS. of the Rāmacandrähnika described by R. L. Mitra (Notices of Sans. MSS., I. 73) and P. Peterson (Descr. Cat. Sans. MSS., State Library, Ulwar, No. 962) and the only MS. of Sarva-siddhānta (R. L. Mitra, op. cit., VII, 2329). 2 Rūma-gita, Rāmacandrāhnika (with commentary), Rāmamantrūrtha-nirnaya, Brahmasūtra-bhāsya, Sarva-siddhānta and Samgita-raghunandana. 3 Two MSS. of the Rāmacandrāhnika, one MS. of the Samgita-raghunandana described in ASB. (VII. 5255, 5256, 5269), one MS. each of the Manträrtha-nirnaya, described in the present volume (6494), and of the Brahmasūtra-bhāsya, to be described in the philosophy volume. For a critical account of these works cf. JRASBL., 1939, pp. 455-8. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xliv ) according to the views of this school. In fact, in the beginning of the commentary he justifies his initiation into both the cults. In this work he refers to himself as the eldest son of Jayasimha. The introductory portion of the Sarva-siddhānta mentions his minister Bhodulāla and his otherwise unknown work Bhāṣā-rāmāyana. This Sarva-siddhānta as well as the Sangīta-raghunandana appear to have been composed when Viśvanātha was only a prince (Kumāra) and had not as yet formally assumed charges of his territories. Thus the colophons of both these works refer to him as Mahārājakumāra while the colophon to the latter work calls him also Bābusaheb. In almost all his works Visvanātha refers to his guru Priyādāsa in highly eulogistic terms. It is stated that it was the guru who residing in his heart composed the works. Visvanātha mentions by name a number of works by Priyādāsa (e.g., Susiddhāntottama, Śrutasūtra-tātparyāmrta, etc.) among which the views of the Śrutasūtra-tātparyāmsta were followed in preparing the commentary of the Brahmasūtra. The line of teachers (guru-paramparā) of Visvanātha is given at the end of the Sarva-siddhānta. YAŠODHARA MIŚRA. Yasodhara, son of Kamsāri Miśra, wrote his Mantrārādhanadāpikā (6233) in 1488 S.E. Of his three works, Mantrārādhanadipikā, Phala-candrikā and Viravara-cintāmani 1, each refers to a different patron at whose instance the work is said to have been composed. The first of these works refers to Rajāni (?), son of Kālidāsa and grandson of Nathamalla of the Maravāha dynasty 2 Govindadāsa is the name of the patron mentioned in the second work while Mahārājādhirāja Vīravara is the name found in the third. VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Before concluding I must gratefully acknowledge the help received from the authorities of the Royal Asiatic Society in the progress and completion of the work. My special obligations are 1 A comparison of the MSS. of the Viravaracintāmaņi and the Daivajñacintā. mani in the Society revealed the close identity of the two works, chapters V, VII-XVI, XVIII and XIX of the former corresponding with chapters II, III-XII, XIV and I of the latter. 2 Ulwar, Extr. 654. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( xlv ) due to my former teacher Dr. Suniti Kumar Chatterji, Philological Secretary of the Society and to Dr. B. S. Guha, the present General Secretary for very kindly going through the introduction and suggesting many improvements, and to Dr. Baini Prashad, the Treasurer, for taking a keen and active interest in the work. CHINTAHARAN CHAKRAVARTI. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra I. ORIGINAL TANTRAS .. II. DIGESTS A. Comprehensive and General Works B. Work dealing with particular Deities I. ŚAKTI A CONTENTS (1) Kālī (2) Tārā (3) Tripura (4) Bhuvanesvarī (5) Chinnamastā (8) Sārikā (9) Rājñi (10) Dhanada (11) Candi (6) Vagalamukhi (7) Vindhyavasinī II. ŠIVA III. VIŞNU IV. GANESA V. VI. (12) Gayatri (13) Pratyangira (14) Indrākṣi (15) Mahişamardini (16) Kubjikā (17) Miscellaneous KARTAVIRYA MISCELLANEOUS C. Works dealing with particular Rites, Mudras, Yantras I. DIKṢA .. II. PURASCARANA ( xlvii) Cat. No. 5804-6165 6166-6623 6166-6298 6299-6524 6299-6451 6299-6319 6320-6334 6335-6381 6382-6385 6386-6389 6390-6397 6398-6399 6400 6401 6402 6403-6419 6420-6429 6430-6431 6432 6433 6434-6437 6438-6451 6452-6486 6487-6504 6505-6509 6510-6514 6515-6524 6525 6525-6529 6530-6535 For Private and Personal Use Only Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ::::::::: Page 1-333 334-740 334-467 468-670 468-608 468-486 486-505 505-549 549-554 554-559 560-565 565-566 566-570 570-571 571-772 572-581 582-588 588-589 589-590 590-591 591-596 597-608 609-641 642-654 655-658 659-664 665-670 671 671-674 675-678 Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir xlviii CONTENTS III. HOMA .. IV. MAGIC RITES V. MISCELLANEOUS RITES VI. MUDRĀS VII. YANTRAS Cat. No. 6536-6538 6539-6566 .. 6567-6572 6573-6578 6579-6591.. Page 679-680 681-699 700-702 703-706 707-714 D. Works on Yoga 6592-6623 .. 715-740 III. STOTRAS AND KAVACAS OF DIFFERENT DEITIES · I. SAKTI (1) Kāli (2) Tārā (3) Tripurā (4) Bhavāni (5) Bhuvanesvarī (6) Durgā .. (7) Mahişamardini (8) Annapūrņā .. (9) Vagalāmukhi (10) Pratyangira (11) Indrākşi .. (12) Gāyatri (13) Sarasvati (14) Lakşmi (15) Miscellaneous II. Síva .. III. VIŞŅU IV. KĀRTAVĪRYA V. PLANETS VI. MISCELLANEOUS .. VII. COLLECTIONS OF HYMNS 741 741 741-764 764–765 765–785 785-790 790 790-791 791 791-792 792-793 794-796 6624 6624 .. 6624-6662 6663-6665 6666-6699 6700-6703 .. 6704 6705 6706 6707 6708-6711 6712-6715 6716-6717 6718-6725 6726 6727 6728-6740 6741-6757 6758-6784 .: 6785 6786-6788 6789-6809 6810-6815 796 679-800 800-801 801-802 802-810 811-819 820-835 836 837-839 840–850 851-870 6816-6825 IV. APPENDIX .. Addenda et Corrigenda Index I. TITLES II. AUTHORS 871-876 877-879 881-892 881-889 890-892 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Annals-Annals of the Bhandarkar Cat. Cat.-Catalogus Catalogorum, Oriental Research Institute, Parts I-III, by Theoder Aufrecht, Poona. Leipzig, 1891-1903. ASB-Descriptive Catalogue of Sans- CS-Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit krit Manuscripts in the Govern. Manuscripts in the Library of the ment Collections under the care Calcutta Sanskrit College, Vols. of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, I-XII (Calcutta, 1895–1917). by H. P. Shastri, Vols, I-IV, Hall-A contribution towards an Index Calcutta, 1917-25. . to the Bibliography of Indian - Descriptive Catalogue of Sans Systems of Philosophy, by Fitz krit Manuscripts in the Collections Edward Hall (Calcutta, 1859). of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, HPR--Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts by H. P. Shastri, Vols. V-VII (New Series) by Mahāmahopā - (Calcutta, 1928-34). dhyāya Haraprasad Shastri, Vols. - Catalogue of Printed Books and I-IV (Calcutta, 1898-1911). Manuscripts in Sanskrit belonging Ind. Cult.-Indian Culture (Indian to the Oriental Library of the Research Institute, Calcutta). Asiatic Society of Bengal 10-Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts (Calcutta, 1904). in the India Office Library, Bd--Report on the search of Sanskrit London, Parts I-VII, by J. Manuscripts in the Bombay Eggeling (London, 1887-1904). Presidency during the years - Catalogue of Sanskrit and 1887-88, 1888-89, 1889-90, 1890-91 Prakrit Manuscripts in the by R. G. Bhandarkar (Bombay, Library of the India Office 1897). (London), Vol. II, Brahmanical Ben-Catalogue of Sanskrit Manu and Jaina Manuscripts by A. B. scripts in the Sanskrit College Keith, with a supplement, BudLibrary, Benares (Allahabad, dhist Manuscripts by F. W. 1864-74). Thomas (London, 1935). Bik-Catalogue of Sanskrit Manu Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts scripts in the Library of His (First Series), Vols. I-X, by Raja Highness the Maharaja of Bikaner, Rajendralala Mitra (Calcutta, by Rajendralala Mitra (Calcutta, 1871-92), Vol. XI, by H. P. 1880). Shastri (Calcutta, 1895). BM-Catalogue of Sanskrit and Pali Mad-Descriptive Catalogue of Books in the British Museum, by Sanskrit Manuscripts in the E. Haas (London, 1876). Government Oriental Manuscripts - Catalogue of Sanskrit, Pali, and Library, Madras, Vols. 1-XXVIII Prakrit Books in the British (Madras, 1901-37). Museum acquired during the years Mad. T.--Triennial Catalogue of Sans1876-92, by C. Bendall (London, krit Manuscripts in the Govern1893). ment Oriental Manuscripts Supplementary, by L. D. Bar. Library, Madras, Vols. I-VII nett, 1892-1906 (London, 1908), (Madras, 1913-37). 1906-28 (London, 1928). Mad. Tr.-Same as Mad. T. ( xlix ) For Private and Personal Use Only Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS I Nep.-A Catalogue of Palm-leaf & selected paper MSS. belonging to the Durbar Library, Nepal, by H. P. Shastri (Vol. I) (Calcutta, 1905), Vol. II (Calcutta, 1915). Oudh-A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts existing in Oudh, Fascicules I-XI (Calcutta, 187278), Fasciculos XII-XV (Alla habad, 1880-83). Oxf.-Catalogi Codicum Manuscripto rum Bibliothecae Bodleinae, Codices Sanskriticos, by Th. Aufrecht (Oxonii, 1864). Peters.--Report of operations in search of Sanskrit MSS. in the Bombay Circle, I-VI (Bombay, 1883 96).* Rep-Report on the search of Sanskrit Manuscripts by Mahamahopådhyāya Haraprasad Shastri, 18951900 (Calcutta, 1901), 1901-05 (Calcutta, 1905), 1906-11 (Calcutta, 1911). Stein-Catalogue of Sanskrit Manu scripts in the Raghunath Temple Library of His Highness the Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir, by M. A. Stein (Kashmir, 1894). Sulabhatantraprakāśa-A collection or Tantra works published by Umacaran Tarkaratna and Tarapada Nyayaratna (Calcutta, 1887). Tantrasamgraha-Same as Vividha mülatantra and Vividhatantra samgraha. Ulwar-Catalogue of Sanskrit Manu scripts in the Library of His Highness the Maharaja of Ulwar, by P. Peterson (Bombay, 1892). Ulwar Extr.-Extracts quoted at the end of Ulwar, Vividhamulatantra-A collection of Tantra works published by Rasikmohan Chattopadhyāya (Calcutta, 1903 etc.)t Vividhatantrasamgraha-A collec tion of Tantras published by Rasikmohan Chattopadhyāya (Calcutta, 1881-86). VSP-Descriptive Catalogue of Sang krit Manuscripts in the Vangiya Sahitya Parishat, by Chintaharan Chakravarti (Calcutta, 1935). W-Handschriften-Verzeichnisse Der Königlichen Bibliothek, by Dr. Weber (Berlin, 1853). Weber--Same as w. * The title of the first report is 'Detailed Report......'. † The title and date are taken from BM, 1892-1906, p. 716; these are not found in the copies belonging to different Calcutta Libraries. BM, 1876–92, column No. 413. The present title and the foregoing one have both been freely used to refer to the collection of Tantras published by Chattopadhyāya, irrespective of the year of publication. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra II. SIVA. 39 Kāsinātha. 6452. 6527. दक्षिणामूर्त्तिकौस्तुभः । Daksiraimūrtikaustubha. Substance, country-made paper. 115 inches. Folia, 7. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 112. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fresh. Complete. This deals in 91 verses with the details of the worship of Dakṣiņāmurtiśiva beginning with the morning rites of the worshipper. Beginning : श्रीदक्षिणामूर्त्तिगुरुभ्यो नमः | व्यनन्ताख्यं गुरुं नौमि कवित्वप्रतिभाकरं । शास्त्रवल्लोजलधरं स्फुरत्कीर्त्तिकरं परं ॥ वीरासनैकनिलयाय हिरण्मयाय न्यग्रोधमूलहिणे निटिलेक्षणाय । Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir गङ्गाधराय गजचम्मविभूषणाय प्राचीनपुण्यपुरुषाय नमः शिवाय ॥ नत्वा श्रीशङ्कराचार्य्यचरणाम्भोरुहृदयम् । काशीनाथः प्रतनुते दक्षिणामूर्त्तिकौस्तुभम् ॥ एको नित्यः शिवो व्यापौ दक्षिणामूर्त्तिरूपष्टक् । स एव जगतां कर्त्ता हर्त्ता चैव च पालकः ॥ शिवखरूपात् प्रकृतिः प्रतिविम्बस्वरूपिणौ । मह[त्] तत्त्वं ततो जातमहङ्कारस्ततः परम् ॥ व्याकाशस्तु ततो जातस्ततो वायुः प्रकीर्त्तितः । ततोऽग्निश्च प्रजातोऽत्र व्यमेरापः प्रकीर्त्तिताः ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra End : ( 610 ) पानीयात् पृथिवो जाता ततो द्यौषधयः शुभाः । औषधिभ्यो भवेदन्नं व्यन्नात् प्राणः प्रकीर्त्तितः ॥ प्राणाज्जीवो हि संजातो जीवात्मपरमात्मकौ । शिवविम्बात् सर्व्वमेतत् जगदेतच्चराचरम् ॥ व्यतएव भवेद्ब्रह्म जगदेतच्चराचरम् । व्यथाहिकं (हिकं) प्रवक्ष्यामि यद्दिना दुःखमाप्नुयात् ॥ निशायाः पश्विमे यामे स्मरेत्सदाशिवं सदा । उत्थाय दक्षिणाङ्गेन वामपादं न्यसेद्भुवि ॥ ततो ग्टहाहित्वा कृत्वावश्यकमादरात् । मुखप्रक्षालनं कृत्वा कुर्य्यादाचमनादिकम् ॥ द्रव्यं मन्त्रो विधिर्यज्ञो यजमानस्तथार्त्विजः । धर्मो देशश्च कालश्च सर्वमेतत् तदात्मकम् ॥ नियमस्यापि कर्त्ता त्वं संगोप्ता च त्वमेव हि । निजभक्तस्य कामानां पूरको नात्र संशयः ॥ Colophon : Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir इति श्रीमद्भडोपनामकजयरामभट्टसुतवाराणसौगर्भसम्भवकाशीनाथविरचिते दक्षिणामूर्त्तिकौस्तुभे मूलकारिका समाप्ता । Post-colophon Statement:-- शुभं मौः शावन वदी ६ संवत् १९६१ | मालवीयबालमुकुन्द - स्येदं पुस्तकम् । 6453. 6632. दक्षिणामूर्त्तिदौपिका । Daksināmūrtidipiko. Substance, country-made paper. 102 x 62 inches. Folia, 31. Lines, 10. Extent in slokas, 580. Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat 1961. Appear. ance, fresh. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 611 ) The subject-matter of the present work is the same as that of the one described under the previous number. It lays down the detailed procedure of the worship. It deals both with nitya (Fol. 1-25) and naimittikapājā (Fol. 26–29A). The last two verses in the present work agree with those of the preceding one. Beginning : नत्वा गणेश्वरं देवौं पितरौ राघवं शिवम् । काशीनाथः प्रतनुते दक्षिणामूर्त्तिदीपिका[म् । तत्र ब्राह्म मुहूर्ते उत्थाय कृतावश्यकक्रियः शुद्धः सन् देवाएं समार्जनोपलेपनादि कृत्वा निर्माल्यं निःसार्य पूर्वदिनावशिएपत्रादिनाभ्यचर प्रणम्य स्खशिरसि श्रीगुरोर्धवलाकारां करणापूर्णलोचनां वराभयकरां मूत्तिं सहखारेखिलेशदाम् इति ध्यात्वा ... Colophon:-- इति श्रीमद्भूडोपनामकशिवरामभट्टाङ्गजजयरामभट्टाभिधशिवभक्तसूनुमन्वशास्त्रप्रवीणकाशीनाथविरचिता दक्षिणामूर्त्तिदीपिका समाप्ता। Post-colophon Statement : श्रीसंवत् १९६१ मी० आषाढ़ सुदि ६ मालवीयबालमुकुन्दस्येदं पुस्तकम् । 6454. 6516. शिवाढतप्रकाशिका। Sivādvaitaprakāsika. Substance, country-made paper. 13xb inches. Folia, 1-17, 19-31. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 690. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1960. Appearance, fresh. Complete in three chapters. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 612 ) The work seeks to demonstrate, with the help of quotations from different works, which are occasionally explained by the author, that Siva is the sole and supreme deity whose worship alone leads to salvation. It refers to the Vaidika form of worship of the deity as distinguished from the Tantric form (Fol. 13B, 23A, 26A). Another MS of the work is described in IO. IV. 2513. Beginning : श्रीगणेशाय नमः। श्रीदक्षिणामूर्त्तिगुरुभ्यो नमः । करैर्दधानः परशुं कुरङ्गं वराक्षमुद्रामुपदेशमुद्रा । वरस्य मूले विबुधोपसेव्यः सदा शिवायास्तु सदाशिवो नः ॥ वाराणसीमहं वन्दे सच्चिदानन्दरूपिणौं । माटरूपेण सततं सहसारेखिलेशदा ॥ अनन्ताख्यं गुरु नौमि कवित्वप्रतिभाकरम् । शास्त्रवल्लौजलधरं स्फुरत्कौतिकरं परम् ॥ ढुंठिराजं महादेवौं नत्वा श्रीभारतीगुरु["] । काशीनाथः प्रतनुते शिवाईतप्रकाशिकाम् ॥ तत्र धर्मार्थकाममोक्षेषु चतुर्विधपुरुषार्थेषु मोक्ष एव परमोत्तमपुरुषार्थः स चात्मतत्त्वज्ञानाधौनः तच्चात्मतत्वज्ञानं महेश्वराः धौनमिति। Colophons : 11A, इति श्रीमद्भडोपनामकजयरामभट्टसुतवाराणसौगर्भसम्भवशिवाराधककाशीनाथविरचितायां शिवाईतप्रकाशिकायां प्रथमोल्लासः । 22B, द्वितीयोल्लासः, 30B, दक्षिणामूर्तिशिवाराधककाशी. टतो. योल्लासः। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 613 ) Post-colophon Statement : संवत् १९६० मौ० श्रावण वदौ २ के । मालवीयबालमुकुन्दस्येदं पुस्तकम् ॥ 6455. 6539. Śivādvaita prakāśikā. Substance, country-made paper. 114 X 41 inches. Folia, 10. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 270. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fresh. Complete. Though the name of the present work is the same as that of the work described under the previous number, and the subject matter of both is of the same nature, they do not agree with each other as regards the actual contents. There is also no division into chapters in the present work. Beginning : श्रीगणेशाय नमः । श्रौदक्षिणामूर्त्तिगुरुभ्यो नमः । अनन्ताख्यं गुरु नौमि कवित्वप्रतिभाकरम् । शास्त्रवल्लौजलधरं स्पुरत्कौतिकरं परम् ॥ अनाद्यायाखिलाद्याय ... ... ... ... नत्वा श्रीशङ्कराचार्यचरणाम्भोरुहदयम् । काशीनाथः प्रतनुते शिवाद्वैतप्रकाशिकाम् ॥ तत्र [भो]तृभोग्यात्मकस्य प्रपञ्चस्य सनियन्तकस्य सृछेः प्राक् प्रलोनावस्थायां विकल्पहेतूनामभावात् श्रीदक्षिणामूर्त्तिपरशिवखरूपमत्यन्तनिर्विकल्पकं स्वप्रतिछं भवति । तत्स्वरूपेऽध्यस्ता मायापि विकल्परहितैवावतिष्ठते । सा च प्राणिकर्मपरिपाकवशादौयदिकल्पिता सती शिवशक्तिविभागस्यापि तदानीमभावात् तदुभयसाधारणं चिन्मात्रमेव आश्रयतया खौकरोति । चिन्मात्र For Private and Personal Use Only Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 614 ) रूपः श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तिपरशिवोपि तत्सम्बन्धवशात् किञ्चित् खप्रतिष्ठत्वं विहाय तदभिमुखो भवति । अथ शिवशक्त्युभयरूपसाधारणं चिन्मात्रमाश्रिता सा माया पुनर्दिधा भवति । End : जगत् सृष्टिरियं पश्चाद्यथापूर्वं प्रवर्तते । Colophon : इति श्रीमद्भडोपनामकजयरामभट्टसुतवाराणसौगर्भसम्भवकाशोनाथविरचिता शिवादैतप्रकाशिका नागपुरे भवानीपण्डितररहे समाप्ता। Post-colophon Statement : मालवीयबालमुकुन्दस्वेदम् । 6456. 6645. शैवसिद्धान्तमण्डनम् । Saivasiddhāntamandana. Substance, country-made paper. 104 x 3} inchos. Folia, 1-2, 4-14. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 240. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fresh. Complete. It seeks to demonstrate the greatness and supremacy of the deity by quotations mainly from Puranic literature. Beginning : श्रीगणेशाय नमः । श्रीदक्षिणामूर्त्तिगुरुभ्यो नमः । ज्योतिर्मात्रसदानन्दनिर्मलज्ञानरूपिणे । नमः शिवाय शान्ताय ब्रह्मणे लिङ्गमूर्तये ॥ दक्षिणामूर्तिपादाजभ्रमरीभूतमानसः । काशीनाथः प्रतनुते शेवसिद्धान्तमण्डनम् ॥ तत्रादौ स्वान्दे। श्रुतय ऊचुः । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 615 ) तत्र ऋगुवाच । मदन्तःस्थानि भूतानि मत्तः सर्व प्रवर्त्तते । यदाहुस्तत् परं तत्त्वं स रुद्रस्वेक एव हि ॥ End : एवंविधशिवचरितरहस्यं देवैरपि ज्ञातुमशक्यम् । अथ व्यासः। कृषा एव विजानाति शिवतत्त्वं सनातनम् । येन स्य(ख?)नेत्रपद्मेन पूजितोऽम्बिकया सह ॥ अथ विषणं प्रति शिवः। हरे यस्त्वावयोर्भेदं न करोति महामतिः । स एव शिवभक्तो ह महापाशुपतञ्च सः । स एव शिवदृक् भक्तो ह्यन्यथा शिवविन्न तु ॥ Colophon: इति श्रीमङ्गडोपनामकजयरामभट्टसुतवाराणसौगर्भसम्भवकाशौ नाथविरचितं शैवसिद्धान्तमण्डनं समाप्तम् । Post-colophon Statement : मालवीयबालमुकुन्दस्येदं पुस्तकम् । 6457. 6548. शिवसिद्धान्तमञ्जरौ। Sivasiddhāntamanjari. Substanco, country-made paper. 10 X 4} inches. Folia, 50. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 800. Character, Nagara. Date, Sarmvat 1872. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. This also seeks to demonstrate the supremacy of Śiva by quotations from various works, chiefly the Purāṇas. It also describes (Fol. 44ff) the characteristics and functions of a worshipper of the deity. The author has referred here (Fol. 44A) to one of his many works, the Sivabhaktisudhārnava. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 616 ) Beginning : अनाद्यायाखिलाद्याय मायिने गतमायिने । अरूपाय सरूपाय दक्षिणामूर्तये नमः ॥ नत्वा श्रीशङ्कराचार्यचरणाम्भोरुहदयम् । काशीनाथः प्रतनुते शिवसिद्धान्तमञ्जरोम् ॥ सदाशिव[:] परं ब्रह्म सांबमूर्तिः सनातनः । विभूतिलेश[:]तस्यैव प्रपञ्च इति वैदिकः ॥ Colophon : श्रीशिवसिद्धान्तमञ्जरी समाप्ता । It will be noticed that this colophon unlike the usual practice in the works of Kāšīnātha does not refer to the name and genealogy of the author. Post-colophon Statement : मौति संमत् १८७२ फुल्गुनमास्ये कृष्णपक्षे तिथौ ८ मङ्गलवासरे लिखितम् । 6458. 6529. शिवभक्तिरसायनम् । Sivabhaktirasāyana. Substance, country-made paper. 98x6 inches. Folia, 46. Lines, 11. Extent in slokas, 1,000. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fresh. Complete in five chapters. The first two chapters speak of the efficacy of the worship of Siva. The third chapter describes the procedure of worship of the deity beginning with the morning rites of the worshipper. The last two chapters deal with the worship of the deity on particular occasions. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 617 ) Beginning : श्रीगणेशाय नमः । श्रीदक्षिणामूर्त्तिगुरुभ्यो नमः । अनन्ताख्यं गुरुं नौमि कवित्वप्रतिभाकरम् । शास्त्रवल्लौजलधरं स्फुरत्कीर्त्तिकरं परम् ॥ अनाद्यायाखिलाद्याय मायिने गतमायिने । अरूपाय सरूपाय दक्षिणामूर्तये नमः ॥ नमः शिवाय शान्ताय ... ... ... ... नत्वा श्रीशङ्कराचार्याचरणम्भोरुहदयम् । काशीनाथः प्रतनुते शिवभक्तिरसायनम् ॥ तत्र शिवभक्तिर्दिविधा मुख्या गोणी चेति । तत्रेश्वरविषयकोनुरागाख्यचित्तवृत्तिविशेषो मुख्यभक्तिः । तथा च भक्तिमीमांसासूत्रम्---सा परानुरक्तिरौश्वरे। ईश्वरः शिव इति । Colophons : 7B, इति श्रीमद्भडोपनामकजयरामभट्टसुतवाराणसौगर्भसम्भवकाशीनाथविरचिते शिवभक्तिरसायने प्रथमोल्लासः ; 15B, द्वितीयोल्लासः ; 27A, •टतीयोल्लासः ; 35B, चतुर्थोल्लासः ; 46B, • पञ्चमोल्लासः समाप्तः । [Fol. 26B-28B contain the beginning of chapter IV followed by the concluding portions of chapter III the colophon of which is again repeated in Fol. 28B. Chapter IV therefore really begins from Fol. 29A.] Post-colophon Statement : मालवीयबालमुकुन्दस्येदम् । 6459. 6552. कामेशार्चनचन्द्रिका । Kamesārcanacandrika. Substance, machine-mado blue paper. 12x4 inches. Folia, 31. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 600. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fresh. Com. plete in three chapters. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 618 ) The work lays down the procedure of the worship of the deity Kāmeśvara, an aspect of Siva, and quotes from different authoritative texts, extracts in support of the procedure described. Chapter I seeks to demonstrate the greatness and supremacy of Siva. Chapter II describes the morning rites of the worshipper as well as the nyāsas to be performed in worshipping the deity. Chapter III deals with external worship ( बाह्याराधन) including कलशस्थापन (Fol. 24A-B), विशेषार्घ्य (24B-25A), puja proper (26A) and पुरश्चरण (80B). Reference is made, among others, to two works of the author, Mantrarājasamuccaya and Purascaraṇadīpikā (30B). Beginning : - श्रीगणेशाय नमः । श्रीएकवीरायै नमः । श्रौदक्षिणामूर्तिगुरुभ्यो नमः । नमामि कामेश्वरपादपकजं करोमि कामेश्वर पूजनं सदा । वदामि कामेश्वरनाम निम्मलं स्मरामि कामेश्वरतत्त्वमव्ययम् ॥ कमनीयत्वात् कामः । कामः कमनीयतयेत्युक्तेः । श्रीमत् सुन्दरनाथस्य देवौं सफरलोचनां । कलये हृदये नित्यं कदम्बवगवासिनीम् ॥ नत्वा श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तिचरणाम्भोरुहद्वयम् । काशीनाथः प्रतनुते कामेशार्चन चन्द्रिकाम् ॥ तत्रादौ आत्मतत्त्वज्ञानं किं जीवात्मतत्त्वज्ञानं वा परमशिवात्मतत्त्वज्ञानं मोक्षे कारणमिति चेदत्र वदन्ति । परमशिवात्मतत्त्वज्ञानं मोक्षकारणम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 619 ) The deity is described as follows (Fol. 22B): ध्यायेत् कामेशललितां मिथुनं वा समाहितः । मञ्चोपरिणात् कौसुम्भवसनेनोत्तरच्छदः ॥ शुचिताम्मदुतास्कृप्तः पद्मरागमणित्विषा । तस्योपरि वसन् पूर्वदिङ्मुखो दययान्वितः ॥ पूटङ्गारवेशरुचिरः सदा घोड़शवार्षिकः । उद्यद्भास्करविम्बाभश्चतुर्हस्तस्त्रिलोचनः ॥ हारकेयरमुकुटकटकाद्यैरलंकृतः । कमनीयसितज्योत्स्नापरिपूर्णकपोलभूः ॥ जागर्ति भगवानादिदेवः कामेश्वरः शिवः । तस्योत्सङ्गे समासौना तरुणादित्यपाटला ॥ सदा घोडशवर्षा च नवयौवनदर्पिता । बालार्कमण्डलाभासां चतुर्वाऊं त्रिलोचनां ॥ पाशाङ्कुशधनुर्बाण[न्] धारयन्तौं शिवं शिवाम् ॥ Colophons : 10A, इति श्रीमद्भडोपनामकजयरामभट्टसुतवाराणसौगर्भसम्भवकाशीनाथविरचितायां कामेशार्चनचन्द्रिकायां प्रथमः प्रकाशः ; 23A, द्वितीयः प्रकाशः; 31A, 'टतीयः प्रकाशः । Post-colophon Statement : --- मालवीयबालमुकुन्दस्येदं पुस्तकम् । 6460. 6525. शिवमुक्तिप्रबोधिनौ। Sivamuktiprabodhini. Substance, country-made paper. 11xb inches. Folia, 15. Lines, 8 on a page. Extent in slokas, 200. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fresh. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 620 ) The main object of the work is to show that salvation may be attained only through the knowledge and worship of Śiva who alone has the power to grant it. Beginning: नमः शिवाय त्रिदशार्चिताय विनटदोषाय गुणार्णवाय । विमुक्तिमार्गप्रतिबोधनाय वेद्यादिवेदाय [ वेदादिवेद्याय ? ] नमः शिवाय ॥ दक्षिणामूर्तिपादाअभमरीभूतमानसः । काशीनाथः प्रकुरते शिवमुक्तिप्रबोधिनीम् ॥ तत्र रुद्रस्तारकं ब्रह्म व्याचछे येनासावरतीभूत्वा मोक्षोभवति । End : जगत्कारणभूतौ तौ दम्पतीभूतविग्रहो। समौनाक्षीसुन्दरेशौ ध्यायेत् खहृदयाम्बजे ॥ Colophon : इति श्रीमद्भड़ोपनामकजयरामभट्टसुतवाराणसौगर्भसं भ]व काशीनाथविरचिता शिवमुक्तिप्रबोधिनी पुण्यग्रामे समाप्ता । Post-colophon Statement : मालवीयबालमुकुन्दस्येदं पुस्तकम् । 6461. 8374. शाम्मवाचारकौमुदी। Sambhavācārakaumudi. Substance, country-made paper. 10x4 inches. Folia, 33. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 600. Character, Nagara. Date, 1849 V.S. Appearance, fresh. Complete in five chapters. This and the following two works deal with the details of the worship of Siva. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 621 ) Beginning : अनाद्यायाखिलाद्याय मायिने गतमायिने । अरूपाय सरूपाय दक्षिणामूर्तये नमः॥ श्रौचिदम्बरपादाजधमरीभूतमौलिना। रच्यते काशीनाथेन शाम्भवाचारकौमुदी ॥२॥ तत्रादौ परमशिवोत्कर्षः प्रदर्यते । कौमें नारायणं प्रति परशिवः । प्रलयस्थितिसर्गाणां कर्त्ता त्वं धरणीपते । वत्स वत्स हरे विश्वं पालयेतच्चराचरम् ॥ End : मार्जनदशांशेन विप्रभोजनं गुरुसन्तोषणञ्च । पुरश्चरण संकल्पादिकं तु मत्कृतपुरश्चरणदीपिकायां द्रव्यम् । Colophons of the different chapters : - 8A, इति श्रीमद्भडोपनामकजयरामभट्टसुतवाराणसौगर्भसम्भवकाशीनाथविरचितायां शाम्भवाचारकौमुद्यां प्रथमः प्रकाशः ; 15A, द्वितीयप्रकाशः ; 23A, प्रातःकृत्यादिमूलमन्त्रन्यासविधानाख्यस्ततीयः प्रकाशः; 29A, • पूजानिर्णयाख्यश्चतुर्थः प्रकाशः; 33B, ० यन्त्रपूजाविधानाख्यः पञ्चमः प्रकाशः । Post-colophon Statement : संवत् १८४८ लिखितं सेवारामेण काश्यां पञ्चनदे शुभं भवतु । शुभं भूयात् । Siddheśvara. 6462. 5878. पञ्चाक्षरीमुक्तावलौ। Paicākesarimuktāvali. Substance, country-made paper. 9 X 4 inches. Folia, 33. Linos, 10, Extent in slokas, 850. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old and soiled, Complete in five chapters. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 622 ) One MS of the work is noticed in Stein, P. 231. Beginning : प्रणम्य जगतामोशं विभुं साम्बसदाशिवम् । गणेशं विघ्नहर्तारं गिरं विद्याकरा[न्] गुरून् ॥ शिवपञ्चाक्षरीमन्त्रजपहोमार्चनात्मिकां । पद्धतिं तनुते पौवविद्दान् सिद्धेश्वरावयः ॥ बुद्धिजालैः समाहृत्य शैवागमसमुद्रतः । सारोक्तिमौक्तिकानौह खगिव ग्रथिता यतः ॥ अतः पञ्चाक्षरीमुक्तावलिरित्यभिधानकं । लभते पद्धतिरि(ति)यं शिवसन्तोषकारिणौ ॥ आदिसर्गे महादेवो न ... ... । मन्तराजमिमं प्राह ब्रह्मगो रजव्यात्मने ॥ पञ्चाक्षराणि पञ्चास्यैरग्रहौत् पद्मजो यतः । पञ्चानामक्षराणां च समाहारोत्र कथ्यते ॥ तान्यक्षराणि शैवानि मन्त्रस्तन्मय उच्यते । वाच्य[:] सदाशिवश्चात्र वाचको मन्त्र ईरितः ॥ श्रुतिस्मृतिपुराणेषु तथा शैवागमेष्वपि । अस्य मन्त्रस्य माहात्म्यं पौनःपुन्येन वर्ण्यते ॥ ग्रन्थविस्तारभौतेन नेह कात्नेन कथ्यते । सन्त्यस्य भेदा बहवो नालं वक्तुं चतुर्मुखः ॥ यथामति यथाशास्त्रं शियाचाराविरोधतः । मन्त्रस्यास्य त्रयो भेदाः] सविस्तारं प्रकाश्यते ॥ Colophons and headings : -- 3A, इति पञ्चाक्षरीमुक्तावल्यां प्रथमश्रेणिः ; 4B, इति भूतशुद्धिः ; 5A, इति प्राणप्रतिष्ठा, अथ माटकान्यासः ; 5B, इत्यन्तर्माटका ; 6A, इति बहिर्माटकान्यासः ; 6B, इति कलान्यासः ; 7A, ध्यानम् ; 7B, इति श्रीकण्ठमाटकान्यासः; 8A, इति पौठन्यासः ; 8B, प्रासादपञ्चाक्षरीषडङ्गन्यासः ; For Private and Personal Use Only Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 623 ) 9A, अथ पञ्चवक्त्रन्यासः ; 9B, इत्यरात्रिंशत्कलान्यासः ; 10A, अथ गोलान्यासः ; 10B, अथ चक्रन्यासः ; IIA, इति शुद्धपञ्चाक्षरौध्यानम् ; व्यथ शक्तिपञ्चाक्षरीध्यानम् ; अथ प्रासादपञ्चाक्षरौध्यानम् ; 12A, इति श्रीपञ्चाक्षरमुक्तावल्यां न्यासजपविधिर्नाम द्वितीयश्रेणिः ; अथ पूजाविधिरभिधीयते; 18A, इति श्रीपञ्चाक्षरमुक्तावल्यां पूजाविधिर्नाम टतीयश्रेणी ; इति नित्यविधि[:]समाप्ता । 19A, इति नैमित्तिकज[प] विधिः ; 20B, अथ नैमित्तिककाम्यहोमविधिरच्यते । 24A, इति श्रीपञ्चाक्षरमुक्तावल्यां नैमित्तिककाम्यविधिर्नाम चतुर्थ श्रेणिः ; 25A, इति लघदौक्षाविधिः। अथ देशः, अथ कालः, अथ जपस्थानम् ; 26A, व्यथ जपमाला ; 27A, अथ जपनियमः ; अथ पुरश्चरणनियमः ; 28B, अथ पूजाप्रकारः; 29B, अभ्यङ्गद्रव्यम् ; 32A, इति पूजाप्रकारः समाप्तः। अथ होमविधिः ; 33B, इति श्रीपञ्चाक्षरौमुक्तावल्यां पञ्चाङ्गोपासनोपयोगिदेशकालादिकथनं नाम पञ्चमः श्रेणिः । Post-colophon Statement : इदं पुस्तकं रघुनाथभट्ट। Lakşmīdhara. 6463. 4285. शैवकल्पद्रमः। Saivakalpadruma. Substance, palm-leaf. 15X1 inches. Folia, 96. Lines, 4, 5. Extent in slokas, 1,400. Character, Udiyā. Apperance, old and mouse-eaten. Incompleto at the end, The present MS contains four chapters and a portion of the fifth. A MS of a work of the same name attributed to Lakşmicandra Miśra is mentioned in Cat. Cat. I. 662. Beginning : + + + + + लिख्यते । एकदन्तं उमापुत्त्रं गजवक्त्रं त्रिलोचनम् । चन्द्रार्धधारिणं वन्दे सर्वविघ्नविपत्तये ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 624 ) वन्दे शम्भु त्रिभुवनगुरुं सर्वलोकाधिवासम् ब्रह्मोपेन्द्रार्चितपदयुगं सोमसूर्य्यामिनेत्रम् । + + + + + खर्गमोक्षखलोकान् दातारं गोदिजहितकरं ब्रह्मविष्णवादिरूपैः ॥ श्रुतिस्मृतिपुराणानां भारतागमधर्मिणां । भूयात् सुवाक्यबीजाच्च शैवकल्पद्मोदयः॥ गुरुवचनजलैः प्रवर्द्धमानो जपनवपल्लवमर्चनाप्रमूनम् । फलमम्तमयं दधानमारात् सुख यतु विज्ञखगान् रहस्ययं हि ॥ पापपुण्यपथश्रान्ता जनाः सर्वे निराकुलाः । शैवकल्पद्रुमं प्राप्य गतश्रान्ता भवन्तु च ॥ कस्माज्जगत् समुत्पन्नं कारणान्यत्र कानि च । तेषां पूज्यतमं किन्तदादावेतन्निरूप्यते ॥ तत्रादौ श्रीभारते शान्तिपर्वणि युधिष्ठिरं प्रति भीष्मवाक्यम् । प्रकृति पुरुषञ्चैव शोभयित्वा खतेजसा । ब्रह्माणमसृजत्तस्माद्देवदेवः प्रजापतिः ॥ Colophons of the different chapters : 9B, इति श्रीमदेकाम्रविपिनविहितस्वर्णकूटाचलवरशिखरकन्दरोदरविनोदिशम्भवरत्रिभुवनेश्वरपदद्दन्दारविन्दमकरन्दपाननिर्भरमत्तमधुकरलक्ष्मौधरविरचिते शैवकल्पद्रुमे प्रथमः काण्डः ; 28B, द्वितीयः काण्डः ; 41B, टतीयः काण्डः ; 91B, चतुर्थः काण्डः । The fifth chapter which is incomplete begins as follows: अथाहं तज्जपं वक्ष्ये पूजाभेदं ततः परम् । वैदिकं तन्त्रगुप्तञ्च शिवधर्मादिभाषितम् ॥ तत्रादावासननिर्णयः । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 625 ) Gangāsuta. 6464. Beginning 3212. त्वरितरुद्र विधिः । Tvaritarudravidhi. Substance, country-made paper. 10 × 42 inches. Folia, 3. Lines, 11. Extent in Ślokas, 80. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old and discoloured. Complete. The work deals with the details of the worship of Tvaritarudra. It contains both the pramāna (Fol. 1-2A) and prayoga (Fol. 2A-3B) for this worship. The dhyana of the deity runs as follows (1A, 3A ) : चतुर्भुजं त्रिनेत्रञ्च शुद्धस्फटिकसन्निभम् । च्यम्टतेन च पूर्णौ दौ कलशो हस्तयोर्द्वयोः ॥ इस्तदयेन योगस्य कृतमुद्रं स्थिरासनम् । सर्वकामफलेशानं शङ्करं करुणानिधिम् ॥ उग्रकर्मणि चैवोग्रं मूर्त्तिं ध्यायेदुमापतिम् । द्विभुजं नागहस्तञ्च शूलपाणि[] जटाधरम् ॥ ध्यात्वैवं शङ्करं पापान्मुच्यते मोहसम्भवात् । Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir यस्य कुक्षौ जगत् सर्व्वं स्थावरं जङ्गमं च यत् । दुःखच्छिदे नमस्तुभ्यं ब्रह्मविष्णुशिवात्मने ॥ or त्वरितरुद्रस्य न्यास मुद्राक्रमेण तु । जपहोमादिकं सर्व्वं कथ्यते सर्व्वसिद्धये ॥ Colophons : 2A, इति गङ्गासुतोक्तत्वरितरुद्र विधिः ; 3B, इति कल्पोक्तफलोदयप्रकारः कथितः । इति त्वरितद्रविधिः । 40 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 626 ) Dhanarāja. 6465. 10330. आह्निकचन्द्रिका | Ahnikacandrikā. Substance, country-made paper. ( Fol. 1–26) 9 x 4 inches, (Fol. 27-58) 10×42 inches. Folia, 58. Lines, 7-10. Extent in slokas, 700. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. Beginning : The work begins by describing the morning rites to be performed by a householder and the preliminaries. ( nyāsa, etc.) to be observed in a Tantric worship. It deals in detail with the worship of Siva ( Fol. 33A - 47A) and briefly with the worship of Durgã (48A–52A), Vagalāmukhī (53A-56B ) and Mahālakgmī (56B-57A ). Among others it quotes from and refers to the following works: 1, मनु, माधवीय वामनपुराण; 2B, प्रयोगपारिजात; 3B, स्मृत्यर्थ सार; 4B, अगस्त्य संहिता; 13A, याचाररने वृद्धवसिष्ठ; 16B, पारिजात; 18B, विष्णुस्मृति, पारिजाते भरद्वाज ; 19A, भट्टोजीय आश्वलायनस्मृति, भट्टोजीय ; 21A, मदनरत्ने मरीचि ; 51A, मन्त्रकोश; 52A, मेहतन्त्र । Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir प्रणम्य मातरं गङ्गां शङ्करं वनशङ्करौं । श्रीकेशवाख्यपितरं वेदशास्त्रविशारदम् ॥ धनराजेन सुधिया सारमुद्धृत्य शास्त्रतः । शिष्टानां तन्यते तुष्ट्यै संक्षेपाज्ञिकचन्द्रिका ॥ The following colophon, written in a different hand, is found at the end of the MS: इति श्रवगलार्चनचन्द्रिका समाप्ता । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 627 ) Balambhatta. 6466. 5454. वटकार्चनसंग्रहः। Vatukārcanasamgraha. Substance, country-made paper. 15x6 inches. Folia, 1-287 with one extra Fol. each after Fol. 57, 89 and 131. The extra Fol. after Fol. 145 and 211, though mentioned in the contents, are missing. Fol. 67-68 and 147-149 (which cover the matter of 147-150 of the original) are later restora - tions. Lines, 10. Extent in slokas, 9,400. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fresh. Comploto in oight chapters. At the end of the MS there is a detailed list of contents in five folios. After the end of chapter VIII there is a section named बापदुद्धारणपटल taken from the Visvasāratantra which is followed by Vatukapūjāyantra and Vatukapājāyantradevatā. Of works referred to, mention may be made of Dīpadāna of Rāmacandra (Fol. 120) and Mantramārtanda of the author's father (Fol. 275B). The work deals with the details of the worship of Vatukabhairava. Beginning : यन्मन्त्रजपतो विप्रः सिद्धोऽभूदिह भूतले । वटुकं सिद्धिदं कान्तं भैरवं तं नमाम्यहम् ॥ विप्रः बहदारण्यकः। वटुकं वटुकनामानम् । -आपद्गतमनुष्याणामापदुद्धारहेतुके ।। मन्त्रस्तोत्रे भैरवस्य ऋषिभिः समुदौरिते ॥ अतस्तविषय बद्धं जाता भक्त्या मतिर्मम । यं दृष्ट्वा साधकाः सर्वे भविष्यन्ति गतव्यथाः॥ मत्कल्पितं नात्र किञ्चिद् यत् कृतं ग्रन्थकारकैः । तत्संग्रहोऽत्र विज्ञेयः सर्वभूतदयालुभिः ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 628 ) भारद्वाजकुलाम्भोधौ शौतरश्मिरिवापरः । वसुधातलविख्यातो जातो नाम्ना दिवाकरः ॥ तत्सुतो रामभट्टोऽभूच्चन्द्राच्चन्द्र इवापरः । उपदेपोन शिष्याणामज्ञानध्वंसकारकः ॥ रहस्पतिसमः शास्त्रे रामाराधनतत्परः । हरिणा सदृशो वीर्ये क्षमया पृथिवीसमः । तत्सुतः परया भक्त्या बालम्भट्टः समासतः ॥ करोति साधकप्रौत्यै वटुकार्चनसंग्रहम् ॥ इह खलु त्रिविधतापसन्तप्तान् दुरितसङ्घविहन्यमानाभीप्सितार्थान् पुरुषार्थमलभमानान् अनायासेन पुरुषार्थं कामयमानान् जनानुद्दिधौर्घः परमकारुणिकः शिवः आपदुद्धारकं मन्त्रं प्रच्छन्त्यै पार्वत्यै । आपदुद्धारणादस्मादापदुद्धरणक्षमः। तन्त्रेषु नास्ति मन्त्रोऽन्य इत्याहुस्तन्त्रवेदिनः ॥ इत्यक्त्या । एवं आपदुद्धारणा ज्ञस्तु संसाराब्धिं न संविशेत् । इत्युक्त्या एवमभौटफलसंसिद्ध्यै कीर्त्तितः सुरपादपः । . इत्युक्त्या च सकलजनापविनाशनसुखोपायं सकलजनमोक्षमुख्योपायमभौटफलसिद्धिसुरपादपं समस्तपुरुषार्थसाधनञ्च श्रीमद्दटुकमन्त्रमुक्तवान् । तज्ज्ञानञ्च तत्तदुद्धाराधौनमिति तन्मन्त्रोद्धार यादौ प्रदर्यते । Colophons of different chapters : 34A, इति श्रीमदनबद्यविद्याविद्योतमानभारद्वाजोपनामक-रामभट्टात्मजबालम्भदृकृते वटुकार्चनसंग्रहे तान्त्रिकसंक्षिप्ततरनित्य होमप्रयोगकथनं नाम प्रथम बटुकार्चनम् ; 68A, भस्मसाधनकथनं नाम द्वितीयं वटुकार्चनम् ; 84B, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 629 ) स्तोत्रकवचसहस्रनामपञ्जराणां समग्रावर्त्तनत्वविचारकथनं नाम टतौयं वटुकार्चनम् ; 127A, दिनियमकथनं नाम चतुर्थं वटुकार्चनम् ; 160B, • शान्त्यादिकाम्य कर्मपूजाविधानकथनं नाम पञ्चमं वटुकार्चनम् ; 194A, संक्षिप्ततान्त्रिकहोमप्रयोगकथनं नाम घ; वटुकार्चनम् ; 232B, •वटुकभैरवसहस्त्रनामस्तोत्रमन्त्र कथनं नाम सप्तमं वटुकार्चनम् ; 287B, वटुकोपनिषत्कथनं नाम अयमं वटुकार्चनम् । Works and authors quoted and referred to: 8A, तान्त्रिकपद्धति ; 8B, विश्वसारोद्धार ; 9A, दक्षिणामूर्तिसंहिता ; 9.B, नित्यातन्त्र ; 12A, शिवार्चनचन्द्रिका ; 29A, प्रयोगसार ; 57B, वम्मतन्त्र ; 63B, पुरश्चरणाचन्द्रिका ; 73A, वामदेवसंहिता ; 77A, मैथिलमत ; 77B, शिवागमसार; 80A, कण्ठरव, मिश्रोक्ति ; 81A, काश्मीरमत ; 84A, शामायनक्रम ; 84B, शक्तिसङ्गमतन्त्र ; 86A, योगपालसंवरतन्त्र ; 97A. स्मृति चन्द्रिका ; 97B, विद्याविशारदग्रन्थ ; 112B, रुद्रयामले विश्वसारोद्धार ; 115A, उड्डामरेश्वरतन्त्र ; 117B, रामचन्द्रकृतदीपदानविधिक्रम ; 136A, भैरवतन्त्र, कुवेरतन्त्र, ज्ञानार्णव ; 136B, दोपविधान ; 137A, उत्तरतन्त्र ; 141A, वाराहीतन्त्र ; 143B, वामकेश्वरतन्त्र ; 145A, पाशुपततन्त्र ; 146A, गुह्यागम ; 147B, साबर; 155B, मन्त्रमार्तण्ड, शिवरहस्ये अच्छिदसंहिता; 161A, मन्तदीपप्रकाशिका ; 176A, भूतभैरवतन्त्र ; 182A, मन्त्रमहोदधि ; 183A-B, रहस्यत्तिकृत् ; 184A, तन्त्रराज, विश्वसार, कुलार्णव ; 186B, कुलमूलावतार; 189A, व्याकाशभैरवकल्प ; 190A, तत्त्वसागर; 199A, कालसङ्कर्षिणौतन्त्र ; 199B, सिद्धान्तसिन्ध; 203A, कालिकातन्त्र ; 204B, भैरवीतन्त्र ; 205A, विश्वसार; 209A, भैरवयामल ; 232B, रुद्रयामले रहस्यखण्ड ; 249A, कोमलेशकोटिप्रसादे तत्त्वसाररहस्य ; 261A, त्रिपुरासिद्धान्त; 267A, नारदीय ; 273A, शिवागमकल्प ; 273B, प्रत्यङ्गिराविधान ; 280B, नित्यनाथसिद्धविरचित रसरत्नाकर; 286B, वटुकोपनिषत् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Beginning : ( 630 ) 6467. 5805. भैरवपूजापद्धतिः | Bhairavapujāpaddhati. —— Rāmacandra. Substance, country-made paper. 9 x 5 inches. Folia, 14, of which the first six, the 8th and the 9th have been restored on modern paper. Lines, 12. Extent in slokas, 350. Character, Nāgara. Complete. Appearance, fresh. The work lays down the procedure of worship of Vaṭukabhairava, beginning with the morning rites of the worshipper. It would appear from the colophon that the present work is based on a similar work by Kṛṣṇa Bhatta. Along with the present MS are found two Fol. containing a portion of Bhairavasahasranāmastotra, Colophon : Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ॐ प्रखण्डानन्दबोधाय नित्याय परमात्मने । चित्संक्रान्तखरूपाय कृतात्मगुरवे नमः ॥ धौमता रामचन्द्रेण शिष्याणां प्रीतये शुभा । क्रियते पद्धतिः खल्पा वटुकस्य शिवात्मनः ॥ तत्र सविकल्पः साधकः ब्राह्मे मुहर्त्ते चोत्थाय व्यावश्यकं कृत्वा पादौ पाणी प्रक्षाल्य रात्रिवासः परित्यज्य धौते वाससी परिधाय व्याचम्य देवमन्दिरे गत्वा तत्र देवाग्रे उपविश्य तन्निर्माल्यमपसार्य पूर्व दिनावशिष्टपुष्पैः संपूज्य ततो ब्रह्मरन्ध्रस्थश्वेतवस्त्रसहस्त्रदलकर्णिकायां स्वगुरुं श्वेतानुलेपनादिभूषितं For Private and Personal Use Only I इति रुद्रयामलानुसारेण कृष्ण भट्टोक्तभैरवपूजापद्धतिः समाप्ता । Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 631 ) Jaitrasimha. 6468. 5745. भैरवा पारिजातः। Bhairavārcāpārijata. Substance, country-made paper. 12 x 5 inches. Folia, 51-101. Lines, 10-14. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Date, Samvat 1845. In. complete. The present MS contains chapters 9–14. as also the latter part of chapter 8. This portion deals with initiation and allied matters. One MS of the work is mentioned in Cat. Cut. I. 417. End :---- इति गदितमशेषं भैरवोपासनायां यजनजपङतादौ शास्त्रदृषं विधानम् । गुरुचरणासरोजाराधानालभ्यमेतत् कृतसुकृतसहखैर्गोपनीयं हि तस्मात् ॥ इत्यं महाराजकुमारवर्यः श्रीक्षेत्रसिंह इति विश्रुतनामधेयः । श्रीभैरवस्यार्चनपारिजातं ग्रन्थं वघेलकुल पद्मरविश्वकार ॥ तं पारिजातमधिरु + मरागुरुत्यो मूलं समस्तनिगमार्थविशालशाख । नानाप्रयोगदलकारकाध्यपूर्ण धर्मार्थकामयुतमोक्षफलं लभन्ते ॥ Last Colophon : इति श्रीवघेलकुलकमलप्रद्योतप्रचण्डमार्तण्डमहाराज-कुमारश्रीजैत्रसिंहदेवविरचिते श्रीभैरवा पारिजाते चतुर्दशस्तवकः समाप्तश्चायं ग्रन्थः । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (632) Post-colophon Statement in a different hand): संवत् १८४५ शके १७१० मिति वैशाख शुद्धत्रयोदश्यां मन्दे केदारत्रवाडौब्राह्मणाल्लिखापितं पुस्तकम् । Kamalakara. 6469. 5790. Utfontant ufafy: 1 Mrtyunjayavidhi from the śāntiratnākara. Substance, country-made paper. 10x4} inches. Folia, 1-7+1-3, of which Fol. IA contains the continuation of Fol. 3B. Lines, 12. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1866. Appearance, fresh. Complete. This contains the Mrtyunjayavidhi (i.e. rules for the magical use of certain mantras of Siva) section of the Sāntiratnākara of Kamalakarabhatta (ASB. III. 2184 -Fol. 220B-232A). Fol. 5A-7B contain the Purusasūktavidhi and the dīpasthāna found in Fol. 232A-236B of the MS of the śāntiratnākara. Post-colophon Statement : संवत् १८६६ भाद्रय. कृष्णप. २ तिथौ मङ्गले लिखितं गोपीनाथेन । Anonymous. 6470. 4289B. hafa afm: 1 Saivacintāmaņi. Substanco, palm leaf. 14} x 1} inches. Folia, 14-83B. Linos, 3, 4, 5. Extent in slokas, 950. Character, Cdiyā. Appearance, good. Complote. The work deals with the details of the worship of Śiva. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 633 ) Beginning : प्रणम्यादौ महादेवं हिमाद्रितनयापतिम् । शैवचिन्तामणिग्रन्थो वक्ष्यते मुक्तये नृणाम् ॥ देवं नत्वा करिवरमुखं सर्वविघ्नापहारम् सर्वेशानं त्रिनयनमथो चन्द्रखण्डाकिन्तञ्च । वक्ष्ये शैवागमजलनिधितावमौशानतो वः । प्रादुर्भावं जिनकुलहं शैवचिन्तामणिञ्च ॥ Colophons of the different sections : 2IA, इति श्रीशैवचिन्तामणौ शैवगङ्गादिरुद्राक्षधारणान्तकथनो नाम प्रथमः पटलः ; 29A, शिवसन्ध्यादिमाटकान्तकथनं नाम द्वितीयः पटलः ; 36A, श्रीकण्ठादिपञ्चाक्षरोद्धारणान्तकथनो नाम टतीयः पटलः ; 45B, अन्तर्यागादिमुद्रान्तकथनो नाम चतुर्थः पटलः ; bIB, ध्यानासनोपचाराद्युपवासनान्तकथनो नाम पञ्चमः पटलः ; 58B, परमन्यासादि-एकामवनपौठवर्णनो नाम षष्ठः पटलः ; 69A, काशौहिमवर्णनादि-विनियोगाग्निसंस्कारान्तकथनो नाम सप्तमः पटलः ; 77B, दर्शनादिशिवरात्रिव्रतकथनो नाम अयमः पटलः । Fol. 78-83 contain a section describing the procedure of the worship of Śiva. This section begins: अथ त्र्यम्बकपूजाविधिलिख्यते। अथ पूज्यतया केचिदादौ द्वारपालपूजां कुर्वन्ति। तद्यथाव्याचम्य विधिना तत्र सामान्या विधाय च । द्वारमस्त्राम्बुभिः प्रोक्ष्य द्वारपालान् प्रपूजयेत् ॥ 6471. 11204B. शिवपञ्चाक्षरौपद्धतिः । Siraparicālesaripaddhati. Substance, country-made paper. 104 X 4} inches. Folia, 13. Lines, 11. Extent in slokas, 340. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (634) The work lays down the procedure of the worship of Siva beginning with the morning rites of the worshipper. Colophon : इति शिवपञ्चाक्षरीपद्धतिः समाप्ता । 6472. 11010D. AETETIpfafy: | Mahāmặtyunjayavidhi. Substance, mill-made paper (as used in B.N.W. Railway Form No. SN. 38. VP). 10 x 51 inches. Folia, 4. Lines, 11. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fresh, Incomplete. This lays down the procedure for the muttering of the Mahāmrtyunjayamantra for the purpose of obtaining a long life free from all diseases. The MS belonged to one Pandit Badrinarayana Misra (Daulatganj, Chapra) as indicated by a rubber stamp and a short line on the obverse of the first leaf. 6473. 9657. F U HTEET: | Mytyunjayamantrajapa. Substance, country-made paper. 84x4 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 6. Extent in ślokas, 12. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fresh. Incomplete. This lays down the procedure for muttering the mantra of Mộtyuñjaya which is muttered with a view to obtaining a long life free from all diseases. 6474. 11225. ERR U TIH | Mrtyunjayajapavidhāna. Substance, mill-made paper. 9 x 44 inches. Folia, 4. Extent in blokas, 40. Lines, 8. Character Nāgara. Date, 1919 V.S. Appearance, fresh. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 635 ) It deals with the same topic as that of the previous MS. Post-colophon Statement : Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir लिखितं संवत् १९१८ । मिति व्याश्विन कृस्त दुआदशि १२ वार शनीश्वर लिखितं लक्ष्मीशंवर शह व्यवदिच पाठक । 6475. 2402. मृत्युञ्जयविधिः | Mytyuñjayavidhi. Substance, country-made paper. 9X 4 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 11. Extent in Ślokas, 38. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. It deals with the same topic as that of the previous MS. 6476. 4710. [उमामहेश्वरपूजा | Worship of Umāmahesvara.] 11 x 2 inches. Substance, palm-leaf. Folia, 10 ( broken ), 13-19. Lines, 5. Character, Newari. Appearance, old and Fragmentary. discoloured. The portion preserved here deals with the worship of Umāmaheśvara which name occurs on Fol. 13B and 15A. Homa of the deity is treated in Fol. 17Bff. The prescriptions for the worship begin thus ( Fol. 13A ) : दत्त्वा पुष्पमुमेशस्य मूर्ध्नि भक्त्या प्ररोप्य च । सुरभ्या शक्तिमन्त्रेण नमस्कृत्वा महेश्वरम् ॥ aat ध्यात्वाम्बिकेशानं क्षणमात्रं स्मिताननम् । स्वागतं ते भवानीश हृदेत्युक्वा समाहितः ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 636 ) मम सुखागतं वत्सेतोशेनोक्तं विभाव्य च । पादाजयुगले पाद्यं नमोन्तेन हृदाशुना ॥ खधान्तेन विभोर्वत्रे तेनैवाचमनीयकम् । खाहान्तेन शिरस्यधैं टूर्वापुष्पाक्षतानि च ॥ वौषडन्ते हृदा दत्त्वा सहृन्मूलेन वा ततः । 6477. 5523. महाकालयञ्चाङ्गम् । Mahākalapaicangu. Substance, country-made paper. 9x4 inches. Folia, 33. Extent in slokas, 450. Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat 1836. ance, good. Complete. Lines, 7. Appeur'. Colophons of the different sections : --- 5A, इति श्रीविश्वनाथसारोद्धारतन्त्रे उत्तरखण्डे मन्त्रप्रदीपिकायां कामेश्वररहस्ये घडाम्नायनिर्णये महाकालपटलं नाम पटलं सम्पूर्णम्, चतुस्त्रिंशः पटलः ३४। 13B, महाकालपद्धतिः सम्पूर्णम् ; 17A, • श्रीमहाकालयञ्चाङ्गे मन्नगर्भकवचं सम्पूर्णम्, षट्त्रिंशतितमः पटलः ; 29B, महाकालसहसनामसम्पूर्णम् ; 33, •महाकालस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् । Post-colophon Statement :-- शुभमस्तु संवत् १८३६ समयनाम अाषाढ़मासे कृष्णपक्षे चतुर्दशीमन्दवासरे लि० काश्यां मध्ये के। .. 6478. 10526. वटकभैरवतरङ्गः। Vatukabhairaeaturaigu. Substance, country-made paper. 8x3inches. Folia, 11. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 150. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fresh. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 637 ) This deals with the details of the worship of Vaţuka. It seems to form part of a bigger work. Beginning : व्यथ वटुकभैरवमन्त्रतरङ्गः । कान्तिमेधाबलारोग्यतेजःपुर्यिशः श्रियः । उद्धरेबटुकं देवं आपदुद्धरणं तथा ॥ गुरुदयं पुनर्बेन्तं वटुकं तं समर्चयेत् । एकविंशत्यक्षरात्मा शक्तिरुद्रो मनुर्मतः ॥ Colophon : इति श्रीवटुकभैरवतर समाप्तं । 6479. 5917. वटकमालामन्त्रम् । Vatakamālāmantra. Substance, country-made paper. 91x5 inches. Folia, 4. Lines, 9. Extent in ślokas, 70. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complete. It contains a mālāmantra (a long mantra) of Vatukabhairava. Beginning : अथ वटुकभैरवमालामन्त्रः। श्रीभैरवः पायादपायात् ॐ ह्रां ह्रौं ३ ॐ नमो भगवते ब्रह्माण्डभैरवाय प्रचण्डोग्रभैरवाय कपालमैरवाय धून विप्रचण्डवृश्चिकवाहनाय फणिभूषणाय गिलि गिलि महोग्रप्रचण्डप्रबलाय कालभैरवाय हाँ ह्रौं हूँ हैं ह्रौं हः मथ मथ......... । Colophon : इति श्रीवटुकमालामन्त्रं सम्पूर्णम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 638 ) 6480. 9925. [agaida | Vațukārcana.] Substance, country-made paper. 9 X 4 inches. Folia, 7. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 80. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete. It deals with purascaraṇa, pājā and dīpadāna in connection with the cult of Vatuka. Beginning : ATŪTI TA: 1 कुलेश श्रोतुमिच्छामि भैरवस्य महात्मनः । पुरश्चाविधिः कीदृक् नाम्नामयोत्तरस्य च ॥१॥ 6481. 11344. Tucanusfa: | Dīpadānapaddhati. Substance, country-made yellow paper. 94x4 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 7. Extent in ślokas, 20. Character, Nāgara. Appearanco, fresh. Complete. The work describes the procedure of offering lamps to Vațukabhairava. An extract from the Bhairavītantra dealing with the same topic has been described under No. 6042 above. For a description of a similar procedure in connection with Kārtavirya cf. Dīpaprakāśa below. 6482. 11346. [ECHTTU 15 | Unmattabhairava pancānga.] Substance, country-made yellow paper. 104 X5 inches. Folia, 23. Lines, 9. Extent in blokas, 480. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 639 ) Two sections (paddhati and patala) are not found here. Colophons : 2B, इति श्रीपारमेश्वरतन्त्रे वाराणसौपटले श्रीउन्मत्तभैरवसांख्याने गुरुरुद्रसंवादे उन्मत्तभैरवद्वादशनामस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ; 7B, श्रीउन्मत्तभैरवोपाख्याने गुरुरुद्रसंवादे उन्मत्तभैरवहृदयं सम्पूर्णम् ; IIB, . उन्मत्तभैरवकवचं शुभम् ; 13B, उन्मत्तभैरवस्तवराजं समाप्तम् ; 14B, • उन्मत्तभैरवारकस्तोत्रं शुभम् ; 22.B, श्रीउन्मत्तभैरवसहस्रनामस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ; 23B, ० याज्ञवल्काकृतं पञ्चाङ्गपूर्णसाङ्गस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् शुभम् । 8B, उन्मत्तभैरवयन्तोद्धारणं सम्पर्णम् ; 9A, उन्मत्तभैरवकोलकं समाप्तम ; 10A, इति सात्त्विकध्यानम् ; इति राजसं ध्यानम् ; 10B, इति तामसं ध्यानम् । 6483. 6294. अजरादिदिपञ्चाशदभैरवप्रयोगः। Ajarādi dvipañcāśadbhairavaprayoga. Substance, country-made paper. 93x41 inches. Folia, 9. Lines, 12, 13. Extent in slokas, 150. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good, Date, Samvat 1953. Complete. The work gives mainly the invocations of the Bhai. ravas. Beginning : अथ दिपञ्चाशदजरादिभैरवप्रयोगः। अस्मिन् अमुककम्मणि अजरादौनां पञ्चाशत्क्षेत्रपालानां स्थापनं पूजनं च करिष्ये । Post-colophon Statement : संवत् १८५३ आषाढ़ कृष्णा ६ बुधे लिखितम् जगन्नाथमालवी वचउ वा मालवीयोपनामकः कम्मकाण्डी। बालमुकुन्दस्येदं पुस्तकम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (640) 6484. 11357. MHATTFIT | Sarabheśvarapūjā. Substance, country-made paper. 8X4 inches. Folia, 3. Lines, 10-11. Extent in slokas, 55. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good, Incomplete. The present work gives the procedure of the worship of the Sivaite deity Sarabheśvara. The MS closes with the words "gy TH'; but the yantra is not described. For a number of works dealing with rituals of this deity cf. Mad. XV. 8092ff. 6485. 10159. TTH951F# Sarabhapañcānga. Substance, country-made paper, 7x54 inches. Folia, 10+14+3+ 11+4+16 (bound in book form). Lines, 12. Extent in slokas, 725. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complete. Colophons : 10, xfa 121ATRA+ WHAT Hyria : 14, çfa WTHufa[:] =iya[]; 3, #1 #2017 THEY HUNA ; 11, 19THIET FYNA ; 4, xfa TTH TITHE FUH; 16, har till शरभसहस्रनामस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् । शुभम् । Of the topics stated here to belong to the Ākāśabhairavakalpa, the kavaca of the deity is found in Fol. 68B of the Society's copy of the MS of the work (No. 5895 above). 6486. 3233. [Efafet: 1 Rudrawidhi.] Substanco, country-made paper. 61 x 4 inches. Tolia, 22. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 260. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fresh. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 641 ) It deals with the details of the worship of Rudra and gives an elaborate description of nyāsas. Beginning : अथातः पञ्चाङ्गरुद्राणां न्यासपूर्व जपहोमार्चनविधिं व्याख्यास्यामः। या ते रुद्र शिवा तनूरघोरापापकाशिनी । तया नस्तनूवा शंतमया गिरिशांताभिचाकशीहि ॥ शिखायै नमः। ॐ अस्मिन् महत्यर्णवेऽन्तरीक्षे भवा अधि तेषां शिरसे स्वाहा। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir III. VISNU. Keśavācārya. 6487. 725. क्रमदौपिका। Kramadipika. Substance, palm-leaf. 19x1 inches. Folia, 76. Lines, 3. Extent in slokas, 1,000. Character, Bengali. Date, Saka 1609. Appearance, old and dilapidated. Complete in eight chapters. The present manuscript was noticed in L. IV. 1551. This is a Vaisnava work which deals with the Tantric worship of Vaişnava deities. It was published by Rasikmohan Chatterji in his Vividhatantrasamgraha. An edition of it with the commentary of Govinda Bhattācārya has been published in the Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series (Benares, 1917). Post-colophon Statement : शकाब्दाः १६०६ श्रीप्रसाददेवशम्मणः लिखितमिदं। क्रमदीपिकेयं । 6488. 3558. Kramadipika. Substance, country-made paper. 14x2 inches. Folia, 60. Lines, 4. Character, Bengali. Date, Saka 1579. Appearance, faded. Complete. Post-colophon Statement : शकनरपतिवर्षे रन्ध्रसप्तेषुचन्द्रः कलसगतदिनेो वासरे भानुसूनोः । मुररिपुचरणाजे वाञ्छता भक्तिमग्रमां लिखितमखिलमेतत् रामकृष्णोन यत्नात् ॥ श्रीरामकृष्णादेवशम्मणः पुस्तकमिदम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 643 ) 6489. 10777. Kramadīpikā. Substance, palm-leaf. 16X1 inches. Folia, 2-63 (with folia marks on the first five folia lost). Lines, 3. Character, Bengali. Date, Saka 1540. Appearance, dilapidated. Incomplete. Post-colophon Statement : श्रीगोपालाय नमः । शकाब्दा १५४० चैत्र ३ । हरये नमः । The MS begins with I. 7 and runs right up to the end. It is accompanied by eight leaves containing portions of the commentary of Govinda Vidyāvinoda (e.g., commentary on I. 1, III. 1-33, II. 15–22). There are also five leaves containing two kavacas of Krşņa, one stated to belong to the Padmapurāna and the other to the Kumārītantra. 6490. 8663. Kramadīpikā. Substance, country-mado paper. 14 X 5} inchos. Folia, 91. Lines, 13. Extent in ślokas, 4,500. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old. Complete. The text is accompanied by a commentary by Bhairava Tripāțhin, another MS of which, with a different introductory. verse and a benedictory concluding verse, is described in Bik. No. 1281. Beginning of the commentary : - श्रीगोयौजनवल्लभाय नमः। ॐ तत्सत् । आलोढ़वेणुमरुणाधरपल्लवेन गोपाङ्गनाप्रणयिनं प्रणिपत्य कृष्णम् । श्रीमद्गुरूक्तसरणीमनूस्त्य कुर्वे व्याख्यां मुकुन्दयजनक्रमदीपिकायाः ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Last Colophon :― ( 644 ) इति श्रीत्रिपाठिभैरवता [क्रमदीपिका-]टप्पनी समाप्ता | 6491. 4109. Commentary on the Kramadipikā by Govinda Vidyāvinoda. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Substance, palm-leaf. 14x1 inches. Folia, 92. Lines, 4, 5. Extent in slokas, 2,700. Character, Udiyā. Appearance, soiled. Complete. The author of the commentary is Govinda Vidyavinoda Bhaṭṭācārya. The introductory portion does not agree with what has been published in the Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series edition of the work and quoted in Bik. No. 1282. It runs thus : - Post-colophon Statement : तत्र तावत् प्रथमतः इष्टलाभाय ग्रन्थकारस्याभिमत देवतास्मरणात्मकं व्याशीर्वादलक्षणं मङ्गलमाचरन् सम्बन्धादिकं सूचयति श्लोकेन । तस्य प्रयोजनं तावत् निःशेषदुःखनिवृत्तिनिरतिशयानन्दलक्षणमोक्षात्मकभगवत्सम्प्राप्तिः सर्व्वज्ञत्वादिरणिमादिर्वा । विषयो भगवत्समाराधनमनयोरुपायोपेयभावसम्बन्धः । are प्रथमग्रन्थो व्याख्यायते । कलात्तमायालवकात्तमूर्त्तिरिति । प्रारिविग्रन्थस्याविघ्नपरिसमाप्त्यर्थम् इदं पुस्तकं यादवशमा व्यलेखि । 6492. 4108. Commentary on the Kramadipikā by Govinda Sarman. Substance, palm-leaf. 15 x 12 inches. Folia, 62. Lines, 5, 6. Extent in slokas, 1,300. Character, Udiya. Appearance, discoloured and wormeaten. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 645 ) The author of the commentary is Govinda Śarman, son of Jagannātha. Beginning : यस्य प्रपञ्चात्मकवेणुनादसम्पूरितश्रोत्रसमस्तजन्तुः । त्यक्ता प्रपञ्च कमपि प्रपेदे नित्यं नमो नन्दसुताय तस्मै । मूर्जी वन्दे श्रीगुरुपादपद्म युगप्रभालङ्कातरत्नपीठम् । यस्यान्तिके भूपतिकोटिशीर्ष कोटौररत्नावलिदीपिता भूः ॥ श्रीमज्जगन्नाथसुतो वरेन्द्रो गोविन्दशा क्रमदीपिकायाः । कर्पूरवर्त्या कुरुते विशेष प्रोद्दीपनं स्नेहलवैः कवीनाम् ॥ क्वचित् समासैः पृथगेव वाच्यम् क्वचिद्विधेयः पदयोर्विसन्धिः । ग्राम्येण शब्देन निगढ़शब्दे __ वाच्यं यथा येन प्रकाशितं स्यात् ॥ श्रीकृषापूजाक्रमदीपिकायाः कर्पूरवत्तिं परिवर्द्धयख। यो वर्द्धयेत्तस्य विद्धिरेव यो नाशयेत्तस्य विधिः प्रमाणम् ॥ व्यथ तावदभौयप्रचयप्रतिबन्धकदुरितनिवारणपूर्वकचिकौर्षितप्रबन्धावयम्भपरिहानार्थं शिवाचारपरिपालनार्थं ग्रन्थकारः सकलभुवनैकनायकचराचरगुरोः वागीश्वरस्यानुस्मरणपूर्वकमाशौर्बाद खरूपं मङ्गलमातनोति कलात्तमायेत्यादि । End : लिखनं यथा प्रतिपादस्य दशमाक्षरो नकारः स नकारो मध्ये विलिख्य उपर्युपरि पंक्तित्रयेण पादत्रयं लिखेत् । प्रतिपंक्त्या एकेन For Private and Personal Use Only Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 646 ) मध्यनकारेण सर्वत्र निर्वाहः। पुनश्चतुर्थपादस्तु पंक्तिप्रथमेनाक्षरेण शेषाक्षरेण सह दयं वयं कृत्वा चतुर्थपादं लिखेत् । एवं चक्रबन्धेन 'लोकं विलिख्य प्रतिपंक्तौ घण्ठाक्षरेण तौयाक्षरेण च ग्रन्थकारस्य ग्रन्थस्य च नाम सम्यगायाति । केशवेन कृता क्रमदौपिकेयमिति । ऊनविंशाक्षरोऽयं 'लोकः । श्रीमज्जगन्नाथसुतो वरेन्द्रो गोविन्दशर्मा क्रमदीपिकायाः । कर्पूरवर्त्या कुरुते विशेष प्रोद्दीपनं तत् श्रीकृष्ण पूजाक्रम यो वर्धयेत्तस्य विरद्धिरेव यो नाशयेत्तस्य विधिः प्रमाणम् ॥ Narayana Bhatta. 6493. 4114. साधनदौपिका। Sadhanadipiki. Substance, palm-leaf. 171x1} inches. Folia, 1-50. Lines, 7 to 10. Extent in slokas, 2,900. Character, Udiyā. Appearanco, coiled. Complete. This deals with the details of the worship of Visni. A MS of the work is fully described in L. IV. 1721. Two MSS are noticed in Ulwar. 1529 and Peters. 4. No. 1161. Beginning : श्रीकृष्णं परमानन्दं सच्चिदानन्दरूपिणम् । वन्दे गुरु कृयासिन्धं वैधावाचारसिद्धये ॥ सदाचाराविरोधेन मन्त्रशास्त्रानुसारतः । साधनस्य हि भावस्य दौपिकेयं प्रतन्यते ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 647 ) शङ्करं शङ्करं नत्वा सर्व्वशास्त्नम् । सेविनं सर्व्वधर्म्माणां कान्यकुब्जकुलोद्भवम् ॥ वक्ष्ये प्रकाश एतस्मिन् गुरुशिष्यादिलक्षणम् । दीक्षां विना भगवतो भक्तिर्न स्यात् कथञ्चन ॥ Colophons : 7B, इति श्रीनारायणभट्टविरचितायां साधनदीपिकायां गुरु + + + लक्षणः प्रथमः प्रकाशः । 16A, इति श्रीनारायणभट्टविरचितायां साधनदीपिकायां सेवालक्षणो द्वितीयः प्रकाशः । 23A, टतीयः प्रकाशः। 34A, • चतुर्थः प्रकाशः | 36B, ० पञ्चमः प्रकाशः। 45A, ० षष्ठः प्रकाशः । 50A, इति श्रीनारायणभट्टविरचितायां साधनदीपिकायां सप्तमः प्रकाशः । ० Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Leaves 50B-53A contain extracts from the Sarasvata Samhita and the Bṛhatkalottara on the subject of the bathing ceremony of Viṣṇu. Viśvanāthasimha. 6494. 7955. मन्त्रार्थनिर्णयः । Mantrārthanirnaya. Substance, country-made paper. 13 2 x 42 inches. Folia, 33. Lines, 7. Extent in Ślokas, 500. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old. Complete. Beginning : It seeks to demonstrate the supremacy of the worship and mantra of Rama and gives an esoteric meaning of the latter. For a Kavya work by Viśvanatha dealing with the story of Rāma cf. Rāmacandrāhmika ( ASB. VII. 5255-6). नत्वा श्रीरामचन्द्रं सकलगुणनिधिं कामदं यस्य नाम गौरीगौरीशपादौ गणपतिचरणौ वायुस्रुनोस्तथाङ्घौ । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 648 ) श्रीमज्ञानखरूपं सरसमतिगुरु श्रीप्रियादासमोशं व्याख्यातुं (न्त) राममन्त्र निजमतिसदृशं वन्दते विश्वनाथः ॥ यतो वाचो निवर्तन्ते अप्राप्य मनसा सहेत्यादिश्रुतिप्रतिपाद्यः श्रीरामचन्द्र एवातः सर्वतः परत्वं तस्य ज्ञात्वार्थं करोमि । तनुमनोवचनागोचरीराम इति नामैव निर्वात्वात् । End : अतो नारायणाद्यवतारी श्रीसन्दावनविहारी परमेश्वर एनमेवोपासते। ततः प्रमाण रामस्यातिप्रियं नाम रामस्येव सनातनम् । रात्रिन्दिवं ग्राणन्नेघ भाति वृन्दावने स्थितः ॥ इति शुकसंहितायाम्। पूजितो नन्दगोपाद्यैः श्रीकृयो नापि पूजितः । भद्रया महिषोभिश्च पूजितो रघुपुङ्गवः ॥ इति उन्दावनं परित्यज्य पादमेकं न गच्छतीत्यादिवचनानि यत्र ब्रह्मवैवर्ते, सन्ति तत्रैव एते सर्वे अवताराः सर्वेश्वरा रघुनन्दनमेवोपासते इत्यपि प्रसिद्धम् ॥ सर्वमन्तमहाराज सर्वेषां समुपासित । विश्वनाथस्य सर्वस्य मन्त्रराज नमोऽस्तु ते ॥ Colophon : इति सिद्धिश्रीमहाराजाधिराजश्रीमहाराजाश्रीराजाबाहादुरश्री सीताराम चन्द्र कृपा पात्राधिकारिश्री विश्वनाथसिंहदेव कृतौ मन्त्रार्थनिर्णयः संपूर्णः । Post-colophon Statement : शुभमस्तु सर्वेषां ॥ सन १२५७ साल ६ आश्विन । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 649 ) Anonymous. 6495. 5785. तन्त्रमारपजापद्धतिः । Tantrasārapujāpaddhati. Folia, 18. Lines, 9. Substances, country-made paper. 7x4} inches. Character, Nägara. Appearance, old. Incomplete. It describes, according to the Tantrasāra, the procedure of the worship of Lakşmi-Nārāyaṇa who is stated to be the deity residing in the heart of Madhvācārya (श्रौम्मध्वाचार्याणां हृतकमलमध्यनिवासिनं -Fol. 5A). MSS of this Tantrasāra and commentaries thereon are described under Nos. 61856186 ante. The name of the work occurs on the obverse of the first leaf. Beginning : श्रौवेदव्यासाय नमः। वेदव्यास['] स्फूर्त्तविघ्नध्वंससिद्धाननोपमं । (व्यनयोदकं) संप्रगाम्य गुरूंश्चापि वक्ष्ये पूजनपद्धति । अर्णोदकं च ( व्यग्रमोदकं च ) श्रौतुलसौगन्धपुष्पादिपूर्वकैः । स्मृत्युक्तलक्षणपूजनसाधनद्रव्यसञ्चयः ॥ संपाद्य स्मृतिमार्गेण स्नानसन्ध्याजयादिकं । औपासनब्रह्मयज्ञं (च) विधाय हरिमर्च येत् ॥ प्रक्षाल्य पादौ चाचम्य देवदारं गतस्ततः । पूर्वद्वारे श्रियं नत्वा जयञ्च विजयं तथा ॥ बलञ्च प्रबलञ्चैव दक्षिण हारयालको। चण्डप्रचण्डनामानौ पश्चिमहारपालको। नन्दसुनन्दनामानौ उत्तरद्वालपालको । चतुर्भुजान्वेष्याणौं शङ्खचक्रगदाधरः । पौताम्वरादिश्रीचिहेरबिन्ताङ्गान् नमाम्यहं ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 650 ) इति नत्वा समुत्थाय तदनुज्ञाम [वाप्य तु ] | कपाटोड्वाटनं कुर्य्यात् वायवायेति मन्त्रतः ॥ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 6496. 380. पूजापद्धतिः । Pūjāpaddhati. Substance, country-made yellow paper. 15 x3 inches. Folia, 1-26 (as marked on the right-hand margin), 7-32 (as marked in a later hand on the left-hand_margin). Lines, 6. Extent in slokas, 450. Character, Bengali. Appearance, fresh. Complete. This begins with a brief description of the daily rites to be performed by a Tantric worshipper, snana, sandhyā and tarpana, and goes on describing in detail the Tantric worship of Kṛṣṇa. The work is introduced as Pūjāpaddhati ( अथ पूजापद्धतिर्लिख्यते) and is called pūjāpatalam in a colophon on Fol. 19B ( इति संक्षेपपूजापटलं सम्पूर्णम्). The des - criptive portion of the work (paddhati or patala) is followed by a number of hymns and kavacas: ब्रह्माण्डपुराणे सूतशौनकसंवादे श्रीगुरोः कवचम् ( 19B-20A ), ब्रह्मयामलोक्त[:] श्रौगुरोः स्तवराजः ( 20A B), बृहत्पारमहंस्ये श्रीगुरोः स्तवराजः (21A-B), सनत्कुमारीये त्रैलोक्यमङ्गलं नाम कवचम् ( 21B-23B), गौतमीयतन्त्रोक्त[:] श्रीकृष्णस्तवराजः ( 23B-24B), रुद्रयामले ब्रह्मनारदसंवादे श्रीकृष्णकृतं राधिकास्तोत्रम् (24B-25A ), रुद्रयामले हरगौरीसंवादे पञ्चपञ्चाशत्पटले बृन्दावनेश्वरीस्तवराजः ( 25B-26A ) । 6497. 121. Pūjāpaddhati. Substance, country-made paper. 112 x 5 inches. Folia, 12. Lines, 12. Extent in Ślokas, 250. Charactor, Bengali. Appearance, old. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 651 ) The work agrees generally, though not fully, with the one of the same name described under the previous number. The present MS has been described in L. II. 924. Fol. 8A quotes an extract on mānasapājā from the Brahmasiddhanta. The present MS does not mention by name the deity to be worshipped. 6498. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 9610. Vaiśyasandhyā. Substance, country-made paper. 13 x 5 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 36. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. Complete. It describes the procedure of sandhya as performed by a Vaisnava. 6499. 9822. jugurt | Gopālagāyatrī. Substance, country-made paper. 7x4 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 26. Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat 1858 (?). Appearance, old. Complete. It gives the Tantric Gayatri for the worship of Gopala. Post-colophon Statement: संवत् । १००८५८ । 6500. 2695. [afqu| Śrīsūktavidhāna.] Substance, country-made paper. 8x4 inches. Folia, 6. Lines, 11. Extent in slokas, 90. Character, Nagara. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. It describes the Tantric application of the Śrīsūkta (RV. I. 165) for securing fortune. It specially deals with For Private and Personal Use Only Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 652 ) different nyāsas to be performed with the different verses of the sukta. 6501. 2696. Śrīsūktavidhāna. Substance, country-made paper. 8x4 inches. Folia, 8. Lines, 10. Extent in slokas, 95. Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat 1811. Appearance, fresh but mouse-eaten. Complete. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir It deals with the same topic as the one in the work described above. It is however fuller than the previous one and gives the details of the puja of the goddess Lakṣmi with the verses of this sūkta, as also the important Tantric rite called purascarana in connection with it. Post-colophon Statement:-- संवत् १८९९ । रातारण नामसंवत्सरे । 6502. 10187B. fear | Hayagrivasaṇhitā. Substance, country-made paper. 7x3 inches. Folia, 1-16. Lines, 10. Extent in slokas, 220. Character, Nagara. Appearance, old. Complete. The reverse sides of all the folia are marked on the left-hand upper corners with the letters. The work describes the applications of different mantras of Hayagriva. The portions contained in Fol. 1-7B are metrical. This section has three colophons (Fol. 4A, 5A, 7A) according to which it constitutes chapters 1, 2 and 11 of the Hayagrivasamhita. The remaining portion, which has no such colophons, is in prose and quotes from works like Sārada (Fol. 9B), Mantradevataprakāśa (10A) and Hayagrivopanisad (10B). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 653 ) Date of copying : Fol. 5B, संवत् १८६० माघमासे कृष्णपक्षे एकादशि वार रवि । Fol. 16A (in a later hand), सम्बत् १७२३ वार शनीचर तौथ्य १७२४५४ । 6503. 3776. हनुमदुर्गम् । Hanumaddurga. Substance, country-made paper. 9 x 3} inches. Folia, 5. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 75. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1880. Appearance, fair. Complete. Colophon : इति अथर्वणवेदमन्त्रे देवीप्रोक्तं श्रीमद्धनुमदुर्गा समाप्तोऽयम् । Post-colophon Statement : सम्बत् १८८० दुतीय चैत्र वदि ६ मङ्गलवासरे तेलौसामध्ये लिखा इदं पुस्तकम् । श्रीरामाय नमः। श्रीकृष्णाय । A MS of the work is described in HPR. II. 264. Cat. Cat. I. 754 refers to it as a stotra. It contains the mālāmantra of Hanumān and describes the procedure of its muttering. The mantra begins (Fol. 2A.) : ॐ नमो भगवते दावानलकालाग्निहनुमन्ताय तेजोवितानधवलौकृत-वञ्चदेह-वचकाय-वचतुण्ड-वचनख-वचबाहु-वञ्चरोम-वचनेत्रवचदन्त-वञ्चकरकमलमात्मकराय भीमकरपिङ्गलाक्ष-उग्रप्रलयकाल-रौद्रवीरभद्रावतार-शरभ-शाल्व-भैरव-दोर्दण्डलङ्कापुरीदहनउदधिलङ्घन-कृतान्तशतां विश्वास ईश्वरपुत्रवायुसुत-अञ्जनौगर्भसम्भूत-उदयभास्करविम्ब-नरदेवदानव-ऋषिमुनिवन्द्य वौसा युद्धपाशुपतास्त्र-ब्रह्मास्त्र-वैधावास्त्र-नारायणास्त्र-कालशक्ति-कालदण्डकालपाश-अघोरास्त्र-निवारणाय । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 654 ) 6504. 9283. Hanumaddurga. Substance, country-made paper. 82 x 4 inches. Folia, 8. Lines, 6. Extent in slokas, 50. Character, Nagara. Date, 1740 S.E. Appearance, fair. Complete. Colophon : The mantra as contained in this MS is smaller than the one in the previous MS. इत्यथर्ववेदे हनुमन्तदुर्ग समाप्तः । Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Post-colophon Statement:--- शाके १७४० बहुधान्यनामाब्दे सहस्यमासे कृष्णतियां भानुवासरे featयप्रहरे तद्दिने मल्लारित्मजजोतिषोपनाम्ना हरिणेदं लिखितं भवानौनन्देषु दीयताम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir IV. GANESA. Anantadeva. 6505. 2234. महागणपतिक्रमः। Mahāganapatikrama. Substance, country-made paper. 6x4 inches. Folia, 74. Lines, 8, 9. Extent in ślokas, 800. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old and discoloured. Incomplete. The present MS is described in L. X. 4144. The work appears to be referred to as Gaņeśotsava in the colophons. It describes the details of the worship of Mahāganapati beginning with the morning rites of the worshipper. Beginning : गुणं गणपतिं दुर्गा वटुकं शिवमच्युतं । ब्रह्माणं गिरिजां लक्ष्मौं वाणौं वन्दे विभूतये ॥ चित्प्रकाशं गुरुं वन्दे पूर्णानन्दैकविग्रहं । क्रियतेऽनन्तदेवेन महागणपतेः क्रमः ॥ तत्रादौ मान्त्रिको रजनौतूर्ययामे विबुध्य यावश्यकमाचमनादिकं विधाय खासने पद्मासने चोपविश्य खशिरसि सहसदलकमलकर्णिकायां श्रीगुरुचरणारविन्दं ध्यात्वा तद् यथा । प्रशास्महे नमोवाकं चित्प्रकाशानन्दमूर्तये । शिवाय करुणाद्रीय गुरुरूपमुपेयुधे ॥ खप्रकाशविमर्घाख्यं वीजाङ्करसमुद्भवं । पूटङ्गारपौठनिलयं वन्दे गणपतिं प्रभुम् । ... ... ... ... ... For Private and Personal Use Only Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (656) Colophons of the different chapters :-- 19B, fa tee Theifera Aizgafena yapata fagfera JWHATTqad gratifeaim faqtd A TART: 1 43B, JOAमहोत्सवे न्यासादिजपान्तविवरणं नाम द्वितीयः कल्पः । The third chapter, which is incomplete, deals with the worship proper. Anonymous. 6506. 1952. HATT Nafacepit i Mantragañesacandrikā. Substance, country-made paper. 8.1 X 4 inches. Folia, 9. Lines, 9, 10. Extent in ślokas, 100. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fresh. Complete. The MS contains the third chapter of the work. It describes the procedure of the worship of different types of Gaņeśa : Mahāganapati (Fol. 1-5A), Lakşmīvināyaka (5A-B), Vakratunda (6B), Vidyāganapati (5B-6B), Saktigaṇeśa (8B-9B), Herambaganapati (9B-10A), and Haridrāgaṇeśa (10A-B). The topics generally agree with those of chapter I of the Mantracandrikā of Janārdana. Last Colophon : इति मन्त्रगणेशचन्द्रिकायां गणेशमन्त्रविधानाख्यस्ततीयोल्लासः । 6507. 5867. Tatortomuufatica: | Ekākşaraganapatikalpa. Substance, country-made paper. 81 x 4 inches. Folia, 16. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 300. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. It describes different types of tarpana and homa with the mantra of Gaņeśa for the attainment of various objects, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 657 ) generally of a worldly nature, such as the bringing into subjection other people, and the like. Beginning : ॐ गणेशाय नमः। व्यथैकाक्षरगणपतितर्पणविधिः चतुर्विधपुरुषार्थसिद्ध्यर्थं प्रकाश्यते । चतुर्विधं तर्पणं विधाय अम्बुपयोरसदृतेन । नानाप्रयोगपूर्वकं कृत्वा। घट्कोणमध्ये त्रिकोणं लिखित्वा घट्कोणहितान्तं । तवहिरयदलं पद्मं। त्रिकोणमध्ये बौजपूर्वकं असतार्णवाय नमः । त्रिकोणाहिः इक्षरसक्षौरतसमुद्राय नमः । Last. Colophon : इत्येकाक्षरगणपतिकल्पः समाप्तः । 6508. 5783. गणेशपञ्चाङ्गम् । Ganesaparicanga. Substance, country-made paper. 10x41 inches. Folia, 17. Lines, 9-14. Extent in slokas, 400. Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat 1885 and Saka. 1750. Appearance, good. Complete. Colophons of the different sections : - 4A, इति श्रीरुद्रयामले तन्त्र गणपतिमन्त्रोद्धारविधिर्नाम पटलः समाप्तः ; 9B, महागणपतिपूजापद्धतिः समाप्ता(6); 10B, महागणपतिकवचं सम्पूर्णम् ; 16A, महागणपतिसहस्रनामस्तवः सम्पूर्ण :]; 17A, महागणपतिस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् । Post-colophon Statement :-- मासानां उत्तमे मासे सिंहमासे कृष्णपक्षे अमावास्यायां भौमवासरे पूर्वानक्षत्रे साध्यनाम योगे इदं पुस्तकं लिखितम् । श्रीसंवत् १८८५ शाके १७५० । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 658 ) 6509. 10228. उच्छिष्टगणेशपञ्चाङ्गम् । Ucchistaganesaparicanga. Substance, country-made paper. 101x41 inches. Folia, 13, of which the first and the last are later restorations. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 290. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1964. Appearance, discoloured. Com. plete. Colophons of the different chapters : 2B, इति श्रीरुद्रयामले तन्त्र उच्छिष्टगणेशपटलं सम्पूर्णम् ; 3B, इति उच्छिछगणेशपूजनं सम्पर्णम् ; 6A, इति श्रीरुद्रयामले तन्त्र उमामहेश्वरसंवादे गणे शकवचं समाप्तम् ; llB, इति श्रीरुद्रयामले तन्ने उच्छिष्टगणेशसहस्त्रनामस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् ; 13.B, इति श्रीरुद्रयामले तन्त्रे हरगौरौसम्बादे उच्छिएगणेशस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् । Post-colophon Statement : संवत् १९६४ आश्विन शुक्ल १० बुधे दिने प्रातःकाले मालवीय औरघुनाथरामशम्मणे न संपूर्णीकृतम्। काश्यां गोघट्टतटे। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir V. KĀRTAVIRYA. Premanidhi. 6510. 9600. GOTTTTTTT: | Prayogaratnākara. Substance, country-made paper. 10x 44 inches. Folia, 21. Lines, 12. Extent in slokas, 630. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, tolerable. Incomplete. The work deals in three parts with the details of the rites in connection with the worship of Kārtavirya. The present MS contains the first three chapters of the second part of the work while MSS containing the first nine chapters of the first part and the last three chapters of the third part are found respectively in the India Office (IO. IV. 2595) and the old collection of the Society (No. I. E. 54). Several other chapters (containing the verses found mutatis mutandis at the end of each chapter of the work), not identified heretofore, are found scattered in different places. Thus the old collection of the Society contains MSS of the last chapter of Book II as also the first and second chapters of Book III (I. E. 52 and III. D. 65). MSS of the first chapter of the last book have been described in ASB. III. 2412 and Nep. II, p. 141. A long list of contents is found at the end of MS No. I. E. 54 in a very corrupted form. It is quoted below with minor corrections here and there : प्रयोगरकैलोस्यद्धतेस्तु त्रयः प्रवाहा वितता भवन्ति । नित्योऽथ नैमित्तिक उत्तरस्तु काम्यो हि + नि वदामि तेषाम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 660 ) नित्ये प्रातःकृत्यरत्नं तु पूर्व पश्चादुक्तं मज्जनानरत्नम् । सन्ध्यारत्नं तर्पणावेदिरत्नं वास्ताभ्यारत्नमेतत् परं तु । भूतशुद्धादिरत्नान्ते माटकारत्नमौरितम् । मन्त्रराजन्यासरत्नं योगपौठाख्यरत्नकम् । तदेवान्तर्यागरत्नं ततोऽादिके रत्नकम् ॥ निरूपितरत्नं पौठपूजारत्नमतः आह्वायनादिकरत्नकम् । ध्यानरत्नमतः पश्चात् उपचारौघरत्नकं । श्राद्धतर्पणरत्नान्ते वलिरत्नं निरूपितम् ॥ रत्नं नित्यं जयावेदिः होमरत्नं ततः परम् । अतः पूजाशेषरत्नं दीपरत्नमनन्तरम् ॥ विसर्गरत्नं तत्पश्चादित्यं रत्नानि नित्यके । एकविंशतिसंख्यानि सम्भय कथितानि हि ॥ नैमित्तिके प्रथमतो रत्नं जन्मोत्सवादिकम् । पुरश्चरणरत्नं तत्पश्चादुक्तं तु वर्मणः ॥ पुरश्चर्यारत्नमयो मन्त्रराजस्य कौर्त्तितम् । दीक्षारत्नं तत इति मध्ये रत्नचतुश्यम् । टतीये तु प्रवाहे स्यात् काम्यदीपाख्यरत्नकम् । प्रथमं तद्द्वितीयं स्यातदानाख्यखकम् ॥ ततो लवणदानाख्यरत्नं सम्यगुदीरितम् । वर्मणो धीतिरत्नं स्यात् तुरीयपतिगुप्तकम् ॥ घटकर्मरत्नं तु परं घळं सामान्यरत्नकम् । ततो नएप्राप्तिरत्नं परचकार्त्तिवारकम् ॥ तत्पश्चाद्वादिजेटरत्नं नवमकं ततः । गणे नाशकरत्नान्ते भूतनाशकरत्नकम् ॥ बन्धनिर्मोक्षरत्नं स्याद् रत्नं म्टत्वापहारकम् । चतुर्दशतमं रत्नं देवप्रत्यक्षताकरम् ॥ लक्ष्मौलाभरत्नं विवाहाधिकारकम् । रत्नं शत्रूच्चाटनाख्यं यात्रारत्नमतः परम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 661 ) म्त्युसंहारिरत्नान्ते दुर्घहार्तिघ्ररत्नकम् । महाराजवशौकाररत्नमत्यद्भुतं ततः । भौतिघ्ररत्नं स्यात् कल्यागणावाप्तिरत्नकम् ॥ कुछस्फोटादिविध्वंसरत्नं स्यात्तदनन्तरम् । सामान्यकामरत्नं स्याच्चतुर्विंशतिसंख्यकम् ॥ रुद्रदौपाख्यरत्नान्ते वर्मोयासनरत्नकम् । संक्षेपदीपरत्नान्ते ग्रन्थानुक्रमणे स्मृता ॥ प्रयोगरत्नाकर एव साम्पतं समापितः श्रीहरि हैहयेशितुः । उपासनारत्नभ्टतां कृतार्थकीकृतौ नराणां विहितत्रतितक । दुरुक्तं वापि सूक्तं वा मम बालस्य दुर्मतेः । सन्तोषयतु नित्यं श्रीकार्तवीर्यार्चने रतान् ॥ यस्योद्योतमतौ सती गुणवती माता पितोमाय ति] म प्रेमनिधौति पन्थकुलभूः कूर्माचलो जन्मभूः । सूपास्यं कृतवीर्यजाच्युतपदं वाराणसी वासभू स्तमादभ्युदयिता हि हैहयपतेः सूपासनापद्धतिः । Beginning (of the present MS): ___ श्रीगणेशाय नमः । श्रीसीतारामचन्द्राभ्यां नमः । हनुमते नमः । ॐ कार्तवीर्यार्जुनाय नमः | राजराजेशपादालनिरस्ताखिलतापकः । अथ नैमित्तिकं कर्म यथामति तनोम्यहम् ॥ नित्यनैमित्तिकमपि कर्म खाकरणे प्रत्यवायजनकतया आवश्यकमिति तदपि निरूप्यते। End. (of the present MS): अत्र सर्वत्र एकेन यदि न सिद्धिस्तदा त्रिवारमावृत्तिरिति पूर्वोक्त ...... । ग्रहणनिमित्तकश्राद्धदानादिकं पुत्रधाटप्रतिद्वारा निर्वाह्यं न खयमिति संक्षेपः । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 662 ) श्रीमद्दीव्यत्कार्तवीर्यप्रसादात् प्रादुर्भूते प्रेमनिध्याख्यविप्रात् । ग्रन्थे भक्तन् राजसन्तोषकेस्मिन्नित्यं मन्त्रोपासना ++ पि रत्नम् । श्रीश्रीसीतारामचन्द्राभ्यां नमः । हनुमते नमः ॥ 6511. 979. दीपप्रकाशः । Dipaprakasa. Substance, country-made paper. 9x4 inches. Folia, 42. Lines, 10. Extent in slokas, 1,100. Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat 1785. Appear. ance, old. Complete. The present MS is described in L. VI. 2055. The work deals with the rite of dedicating lamps to Kārtavīrya. This topic also covers the first chapter of the last book of the work described under the previous number where other MSS containing the chapter are also referred to. For similar rites in connection with Vațukabhairava cf. Nos. 6042 and 6482 above. The date of composition of the work is given: इत्यं दीपप्रकाशः कुमतिनिरसनो नाल्पकाथ[s]ल्पशब्दो मानश्रीवृत्तपूर्ति गजलधिरसल्माप्रमाणे तु शाके । मार्गे कृष्णे च पक्षे निशिभवतिथौ नन्दभूदीननाथ प्रेमा केनापि वयक्षरमयतनुतामादधानः प्रपूर्णः ॥ ५११ ॥ Post-colophon Statement : संवत् १७८५ माघमासे शुक्लपक्षे । ग्रन्थसंख्या ११२० । 6511A. 981. शब्दप्रकाशः। Sabdaprakāsa. Substance, country-made paper.9x4 inches. Folia, 120. Lines, 10. Extent in slokas, 3,000. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 663 ) The present MS is described in L. VI. 2056. This constitutes a commentary by the author himself on his Dīpaprakāśa. Anonymous. 6512. 5720B. [अर्जुनपारिजातव्याख्या। Arjunapārijatavyākhya.] Folia, 1-7. Lines, 12. Substance, country-made paper. 91x41 inches. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Incomplete. This contains a very small portion of a commentary on the Arjuna pārijāta of Rāmacandra Kavi, which seems to deal with the details of the worship of Kārtavīrya. The same work appears to have been referred to in Cat. Cat (I. 31) under two different titles, Arjunārcanakalpalatā and Arjunārcāpārijāta. Beginning : तत्र विघ्नविघाताय मङ्गलम् । मत्तेति। मत्तश्चासौ मातङ्गश्च तस्य वदनमिव वदनं यस्य तत्। ...... मुधी शिरसा प्रणम्य नमस्कृत्याहं रामचन्द्रनामा कविः श्रीकार्तवीर्यस्य यजनक्रम आदरेण वदामि। किमर्थं मन्त्रविदुषां मन्त्रज्ञातणां मनोर्मन्त्रस्य सिद्धेहेतोः। Colophons :6B, इति प्रथमः। 7A, द्वितीयं कुसुमम् । 6513. 11197. [कार्तवीर्यपूजापद्धतिः। Kartaviryapijāpaddhati.] Substance, country-made paper. 64x3} inchog. Folia, 2-7, 4. Lines, 5. Character, Nagara. Appearance, good. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 664 ) The portion contained in the MS indicates the procedure of the worship with different mantras of Kārtavirya : the mantra with 20 syllables (Fol. 1), mālāmantra (4A), astropasamharaṇamantra (5A) and mahāmantra (5B). 6514. 3766. [wil via data: | Kärtavīryamantra.] Substance, country-made paper. 63 x 44 inches. Folia, 2. Linos, 13. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. It describes the procedure of the muttering of the mantra of Kārtavirya containing 20 syllables. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir V. MISCELLANEOUS. Anonymous. 6515. 3100. परमहंसपद्धतिः । Paramahamsapaddhati. Substance, country-made paper. Tx4 inches. Folia, 34. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 480. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. This describes the procedure of the worship of Paramahamsa, the Supreme Soul, beginning from the morning rites of the worshipper. Beginning: ॐ ज्ञानसागर नमस्तुभ्यं परात्मा परमेश्वर। ज्ञानानन्द कथं प्राप्य भवानिशकरं प्रभो। ज्ञात्वा ज्ञान कथं ज्ञेय वैराग्यज्ञानभक्तिदं । साध्यसाधन वक्ष्यामि योगेश्वरस्य लक्षणम् ॥ मुमुक्षुर्मविशं युक्तं गुरुज्ञानरताय च । तीर्थयात्रादिपङ्कास्य गुरुरग्रे निवेदयेत् ॥ Colophon : इति श्रीरुद्रयामले शिवपार्वतीसंवादे श्रीपरमहंसपद्धति[:] सम्पूर्ण[T] । 6516. 5808. परमहंसपञ्चाङ्गम् । Paramahamsapancanga. Substance, country-made paper. 104x6 inches. Folia, 43. Lines, 12. Extent in slokas, 1000. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 666 ) Beginning : श्रीभैरवः । ॐ त्वत्सेवयास्मि तुटोहं वरं वरय सुव्रते। यत्किञ्चित् [ याचसे ] देवि तत्ते सर्च वदाम्यहम् ॥ श्रीदेव्युवाच । सन्तुष्टो देवदेवेश वरयोग्यास्माइं यदि । तदा मे ब्रूहि पटलं परमहंसदैवतम् ॥ श्रीभैरव उवाच। तव भक्यास्मि सन्तुको वक्ष्यामि तव भक्तितः । परमहंसदेवस्य पटलं भोगमोक्षदम् । रहस्यं सर्चतन्त्राणां गोपनीयं प्रयत्नतः । सर्वकामिकमौशानि सर्वस्वं मम सुन्दरि । परमः परमो हंसो देवदेवो महेश्वरः ।। भक्तानां मोक्षदो हंसो निष्कलश्च निरञ्जनः । चतुर्विंशत्यक्षरोयं मन्त्रात्मा मन्त्रविग्रहः । सर्वमन्त्रात्मको हंसः सर्वदेवमयः परः ॥ सर्बयन्त्रेश्वरो हंसः सर्वमन्वेश्वरः प्रभुः । सर्चतन्त्रात्मको देवः सर्वकम्मनिवर्तकः ॥ तेनेदं सृज्यते विश्वं तेनेदं पाल्यते जगत् । तेन संहियते विश्वं निग्रहानुग्रहात्मकम् ॥ मन्त्र देवस्य तस्याहं जपामि सततं प्रिये । यन्त्र तस्याहम_मि धारये कवचं प्रिये ॥ तथा नानां सहखच्च स्तवञ्चैव पठाम्यहम् । पञ्चाङ्गमेतदस्याहं रक्षामि विधिवत् सदा ॥ Colophons of the different sections :-- 3A, इति श्रीरुद्रयामले तन्ने परमहंसपटलः समाप्तः ; 28B, इति चैतन्यानन्देन विरचिता परमहंसपद्धतिः समाप्ता; 41B, इति श्रीरुद्रयामले तन्त्र For Private and Personal Use Only Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 667 ) परमरहस्योपाख्याने प्रजापतिभैरवसंवादे परमहंसनामसहस्रं सम्पूर्णम् ; 43B, इति रुद्रयामले तन्ने परमहंसपञ्चाङ्गे परमहंसस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्ण समाप्तम् । The Kavaca (28B-30B) has no colophon. 6517. 9641. [परमहंस विधिः । Paramahamsavidhi.] Substance, country-made paper. 101x5 inches. Folia, 29. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 200. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Incomplete. This contains a gurustotra (which agrees with the stotra occurring in the gurupañcānga described below) a description of the procedure of the muttering of paramahamsamantra, and the paramahamsasahasranāma, which agrees with the one occurring in the paramahamsapañcānga described above. Colophons of the different sections : - 6A, इति श्रीरुद्रयामले परमहंसरहस्यं गौरीकल्ये उमामहेश्वरसंवादे गुरुस्तोत्रं समाप्तं सम्पूर्णमस्तु ; 10B, इति परमहंसन्यासध्यानं समाप्तम्। इति गौरीकल्पे ईश्वरेण उमा प्रति वक्तव्यं सम्पूर्णम् । The sahasranāma which is incomplete has no colophon. 6518. 9487. गुरुपञ्चाङ्गम् । Gurupancanga. Substance, country-made paper. 8x4 inches. Folia, 32. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 315. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complete. Colophons of the different sections : 4A, इति श्रीरुद्रयामले तन्ने गुरुपटलः समाप्तः; 10A, • हरगौरीसंवादे श्रीगुरोनित्यपूजापद्धतिः समाप्ता; 16A, इति श्रीविश्वसारोत्तरे श्रीगुरुकवचं For Private and Personal Use Only Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 668 ) समाप्तम् ; 25B, इति श्रीरुद्रयामले तन्वे महागमसारे श्रीगुरोर्मन्त्रगर्भसहसनामस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् ; 32A, इति श्रीरुद्रयामले तन्वे परमरहस्ये उमाहरसंवादे श्रीगुरोः स्तोत्रं समाप्तम् । 6519. 3186. प्रणवकल्पः । Pranavakalpa. Substance, Machine-made paper. 13 X5 inches. Folia, 15. Lines, 10. Extent in slokas, 270. Character, Bengali. Appearance, good. Complete. All the topics except the last one are found to be extracts from the Pranavakalpa, stated to belong to the Skandapurana (A.S.B., V 3867-70, L. VII, 2290). The work relates to the cult of pranava or the syllable om. Colophons of the different sections : 3A, इति श्रीप्रणवकल्पे प्रणवस्तवराजः समाप्तः; 4A, प्रणवकवचं समाप्तम् ; 4B, प्रणवपञ्जरं समाप्तम् ; 6A, प्रणवहृदयं समाप्तम् ; 7A, •प्रणवहृदयं समाप्तम् ; 8A, प्रणवानुस्मृतिः समाप्ता; 9A, . ॐकाराक्षरमालिकामन्त्रं समाप्तम् ; 10B, • प्रशावमालामन्त्रं समाप्तम् ; 12B, देवीश्वरसंवादे प्रणवगीता समाप्ता; 14A, प्रणवाटोत्तरशतनाम संपूर्णमस्तु ; 14B, • प्रणवषोडशनाम समाप्तम् ; 15A, इति मानसिकलानं यतीनाम् । It will be noticed that the Pranava-hrdaya occurs twice. 6520. 4633. अजपाजपक्रमः। Ajapājapakrama. Substance, country-made paper. 13x3 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 5. Extent in ślokas, 30. Character, Bengali. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. The MS seems to contain an extract from a digest which quotes from the Kulamūlāvatāra. This extract For Private and Personal Use Only Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 669 ) deals with the muttering of the ajapāmantra. The two MSS described below also treat of the same topic though in different words. Beginning : अथाजपाजपक्रमः । कुलमूले । सध्यावन्दनं कृत्वा जपाराधनं कुर्यात् । यथा हंसः सोहमिति पञ्चकैः प्राणायामत्रयं कृत्वा अजपागायत्रीमन्त्रस्य शिरसि हंसऋषये नमः । Colophon : इति श्रीशङ्कराचार्यकृतकुलमूलावतारे अजयाजपक्रमः | 6521. 7118. [79414sfa: 1 Ajapāpaddhati.] Substance, country-made paper. 11X5 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 13. Extent in blokas, 70. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Com. plete. 6522. 7086. [Ajapāpaddhati.] Substance, country-made paper. 8 X 4 inches. Folium, one. Lines, 21 in all. Character, Nägara. Appearance, discoloured. Incomplete. 6523. 3271. [heat fafy: 1 Mahāvākyavidhi.] Substance, country-made paper. 9 x 5 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, Il. Extent in ślokas, 30. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old and discoloured. Complete. It describes the Tantric procedure of the muttering of Vedic texts concerning the relation between the supreme and the individual soul. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 670 ) Beginning: अखण्डमण्डलाकारं व्याप्तं येन चराचरम् । तत्पदं दर्शितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥ ...... अस्य महावाक्यमन्त्रस्य हंसऋषिः शिरसि । व्यव्यक्तगायचीच्छन्दः मुखे। परमात्मा देवता हृदये। हं बीजं गुह्ये। सः शक्तिः पादयोः। सोहं कोलकं सर्वाङ्गे। मम व्यविद्यानिवृत्तये खखरूपप्राप्तिमोक्षार्थे जपे विनियोगः । 6524. 2170. गन्धर्वराजमन्त्रविधिः । Gandharvarājamantravidhi. Substance, country-made paper. 91x4 inches. Folium, 1. Lines, 17 in all. Extent in slokas, 17. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complete. It describes the procedure of worshipping Viśvāvasu, the Gandharva, and muttering his mantra for the attainment of beautiful daughters. Beginning :-- अथ गन्धर्वराजमन्त्रविधिः । आचम्य प्राणानायम्य देशकालौ संकौवं मम ईप्सितकन्याप्राप्त्यर्थं ईमितकन्याप्रदौविश्वावसुगन्धर्वराजदेवताप्रीत्यर्थं श्रीविश्वावसुगन्धर्वराजमन्त्रजपमहं करिष्ये । End:-.. गुह्यातिगुह्यगोप्ता त्वं ग्रहाणास्मत्कृतं जपम् । सिद्धिर्भवतु मे देव त्वत्प्रसादान्महाप्रभो। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir C. WORKS DEALING WITH PARTICULAR RITES, MUDRĀS, YANTRAS, ETC. I. DIKSA. Jagannatha. 6525. 10053. क्रमदीक्षा। Kramadhksā. Substance, country-mad, paper. 11 X6 inches. Folia, 1-40,+ 6 without any number. Linos, 12. Extent in slokas, 700. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complete. It deals with the details of initiation with special reference to Kramadīkņā. It quotes from and refers to many Tantra works, such as, Brhattantraraja (Fol. 1), Sāradā (3A), Somaśambhu (4A), Tantrasāra (4B, 6B, 12A), Vişnuyāmala (11A), Prapañcasāra (19A), Mahānirvāņatantra (18A, 20B, 21A, 21B, 23A), Dipika (22A, 22B, 23B) etc. The work seems to come to an end in Fol. 37B, the remaining portion containing mantras of various deities. There is, however, no colophon in the MS. Beginning : नत्वा श्रीकालिकानन्दं परमानन्दनिर्भरम् । तस्य शिष्यो जगन्नाथः क्रमदीक्षा वितन्वते ॥ तत्रादौ कमनिरूपणम् । रहत्तन्त्रराजे । आदौ च कालिकामन्त्र तदन्ते तारिणीमर्नु । ग्रहीयात् सुन्दरौमन्त्र क्रमदीक्षा प्रकीर्तिता ॥ पुनस्तत्रैव । यादौ च तारिणौमन्त्रं तदन्ते कालिकामर्नु । ग्रहीयात् सुन्दरीमन्त्र क्रमदीक्षा प्रकीर्तिता ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 672 ) Sukadeva. 6526. 5750. Kramapūrnadīksāpaddhati. Substance, country-inade paper. 101x41 inches. Foliu, 38. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 570. Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat, 1904. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. It deals with Kramadīksā as well as Pūrnābhiseka. . Though called a paddhati it contains both pramāna and prayoga, Beginning :-- प्रगाम्यारभुजां देवौं विन्ध्यवासकृतादराम् । विक्रमादित्यभूपालरिपुकालधनु राम् ॥ भजतामुग्रतारायाः पादपवजयादिना । संक्षेपात् पूर्णदीक्षाया लिख्यते ग्रहणक्रमः ॥ अथ संक्षेपतस्तारायाः पूर्णाभिषेकविधिः। महाविद्योपासकानां पूर्णभिषेकस्यावश्यकत्वमुक्तं भैरवयामले । End : पारिजातानन्दनानः क्रमपूर्णाभिषेचने । मनिबद्धा पद्धतिस्तस्य गुरुणा गुरुकर्मणे ॥ १ ॥ अनया कर्म कुर्वन्तु दीक्षामन्त्र[प्र]वेदिनः । स(त्)कृपं शोधयन्त्वाशु वचसा वर्मभेदिनः ॥ २॥ शासतः पृथुवत् पृथ्वौं विक्रमादित्यभूपतेः । त्रिविक्रमवपुःकल्पः पुरुषार्थसमुन्नते[:] ॥ ३ ॥ प्रचण्डचण्डमुण्डादित्रिदशादिनिरासिनौ । धर्म []धर्मपरित्राणं विदध्याद् विन्ध्यवासिनी ॥ ४ ॥ Colophon: इति श्रीविददुपाध्यायपण्डितशुकदेवप्रकाशिता क्रमपूर्णदीक्षापद्धतिः समाप्ता। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 673 ) Post-colophon Statement : मासानां मासोत्तमे मासे फाल्गुनमासे शुक्लपक्षे नवम्यां रविवासरे सं १६०४। Anonymous 6527. 1652. [starfafy: | Dikşāvidhi.] Substance, country-made paper. 94 x 4 inches. Folia 1-28 (of which fol. 1-16 are written in one hand, fol. 17-28 in another). Lines, 10 (up to fol. 16) and 12-13 (in fol. 17-28). Extent in slokas, 600. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complete. It deals with various types of initiation such as, Kriyādīkşā (20B), Varṇao (21A), Kalāvatio, Sparsao, Drgo, Vedhao (21B), Sāktao, Sāmbhavī° (23A), Yāmalao, Pañcapañcikā", Carañao (23B), Medhā', Kausikī, Pūrņābhişeka (24B). 6528. 6082. T YTT: | Dīksāprayoga. Substance, country-made paper. 61X4inches. Folia, 1-4. Lines, 10. Extent in slokas, 45. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete. It gives a short description of the procedure of initiation of a sākta worshipper. 6529. fa: 1 Abhisekapaddhati. 693. ita Substance, country-made yellow paper. 15X2} inches. Folia, 2-6. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 170. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old. Incomplete. 43 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 674 ) The present MS has been described in L. IV. 1536. It describes the procedure of Mālāsamskāra (2B), Kavacasamskära (2B), Sāktābhiṣeka (2B-5A) and Pūrṇābhişeka (5A-6B). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir II. PURASCARANA. Gopinātha Pāthaka. 6530. 10193. परश्चरणविधिः । Purascaranavidhi. Substance, country-made paper. 93x5 inches. Folia, 18. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 400. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1882. Appearance, old and discoloured. Complete. The work deals with Purascarana as well as with incidental matters like dīkşā, requirements of a guru and a sisya, purification of mantras, etc. Beginning : शिवादींश्च गुरून् नत्वा पुरश्चरणमुच्यते । विनानेन [न] सिद्धः स्यान्मन्त्रो वर्षशतैरपि ॥ इत्यवश्यतया संप्रति ततः संक्षेपतस्तदिधिं वक्ष्ये । End :--- श्रीनाथगोपालमहं प्रणौमि खानन्दरूपं परमासनस्थम् । यस्य प्रसादेन तमाश्रिता ये खानन्दपूर्णाः प्रभवन्ति नित्यम् ॥ नानाग्रन्थान् समालोक्य श्रीमान् गोपीनाथकृती । पुरश्चर्याविधिं सम्यक् साधकार्थमचौकरत् ॥ Colophons of the different sections : 4B, इति शैवमाधवपाठकामिहोत्रसुतशैवगोपीनाथपाठकामिहोत्रविरचिते पुरश्चरणविधौ संक्षेपदीक्षाविधिः ; 12B, शिष्यपरीक्षादि सर्वविधिः; 18B, इति श्रीमत्परमहंसपरिव्राजकाचार्यश्रीमद्गोपालाश्रम पूज्यपादकृपाकटाक्षासादितपरमानन्दैकरसशेवमाधवपाठकामिहोत्रिसुतशेवगोपीनाथपाठकामिहोत्रिविरचितः पुरश्चरणविधिः ससाप्तः । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 676 ) Post-colophon Statement : शुभमस्तु । श्रीशङ्कराभ्यां नमः। जेठमासे शुक्लपक्षे तिथौ पूर्णमायां भौमवासरे श्री संवत् १८८२ । Devendrāśrama. 6531. 9062. पुरश्चरणचन्द्रिका। Purascarnacandrika. Substance, country-made paper. 10x31 inches. Folia, 70. Lines, 8-10. Extent in slokas, 1,000. Character, Nagara. Appearance, old and discoloured. Complete. The work deals with Purascarana and matters connected with it. A MS of the work has been described in L. VII. 2399. Beginning : प्रणम्य जानकीनाथं देवेन्द्राश्रमधीमता। क्रियते मन्त्रचन्द्राणां पुरश्चरणचन्द्रिका ॥ अशेषशास्त्राम्बुधिपारदृश्वा विशेषतो मान्त्रिकचक्रवत्तौँ । उपासनानां हितहेतुभूतां पुरखियां यो विशदौकरोति ॥ सन्त्येव मन्लशास्त्रे बहवो निबन्धास्तथापि सुविशेषैः । सर्वोपासनसिद्धेहेतुतया चन्द्रिका जयति ॥ . End : तन्त्राणि जैमिनि-कणाद-पतञ्जलौनां श्रीव्यासगोतमसदाशिवपाणिनौनाम् । सांख्यस्य चामरगुरोः कवितां स्मृति यो वेदं च वेद कृपया रघुनन्दनस्य ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 677 ) तेनेयं ग्रथिता माला वाक्पुष्पैरर्थतन्तुना । कण्ठे विभूषणं भूयाद् रघुनाथार्पिता सतौ ॥ इति सकलमन्त्राणां पुरश्चरणचन्द्रिकाम् । सर्वागमानुसारेण श्रीदेवेन्द्राश्रमोऽकरोत् ॥ page. Colophons: 43B, इति श्रीपरमहंसपरिव्राजकाचार्य्य-श्रीविबुधेन्द्राश्रमपूज्यपादशिष्यदेवेन्द्राश्रमकृतायां पूजाजपविधानं समाप्तम्; 70B, • [ होमतर्पणाभिषेकब्राह्मणभोजनविधिः समाप्तः ]; पुरश्चरणचन्द्रिका समाप्ता । 6532. 4112A. Puraścaraṇacandrikā. Substance, palm-leaf, 14x1 inches. Folia, 1-42. Lines, 5, 6 on a Extent in slokas, 1,000. Character, Udiyā. Appearance, fair but worm-eaten. Complete. Candraśekhara. 6533. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 4112B. पुरश्चरणदौपिका | Purascaraņadipikā. Substance, palm-leaf. 14x1 inches. Folia, 65. Lines, 5, 6. Extent in slokas, 2,400. Character, Udiya. Appearance, fair but worm-eaten. Complete in five chapters. MSS of the work have been described in HPR. II. 127 and Mad. Tr. (R. No. 5165). The former MS gives 1512 Ś.E. as the date of composition of the work. Post-colophon Statement : समाप्तोऽयं ग्रन्थः त्रिविक्रमशतपथिनः खाक्षरमिदम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 678 ) Harakumāra. 6534. 1732. Tituatferti Purascaraṇabodhinī. Substance, country-made paper. 184X44 inches. Folia, I to 89+2 (containing a table of contents). Lines, 6. Extent in slokas, 4,400. Character, Bengali. Appearance, fair. Complete in eight chapters. This is a comprehensive work dealing with the details of purascarana. The author, a well-known member of the Tagore family of Calcutta, father of late Maharaja Sir Yatindramohan Tagore and grandfather of Sir Maharaja Pradyot Kumar Tagore, composed the work in 1735 Saka or 1813 A.D. An edition of the work in Bengali characters was published in Calcutta (1903). Anonymous. 6535. 6081. Tufafy: | Purascaraṇavidhi. Substance, country-made paper. 7x44 inches. Folia, 4. Lines, 9. Extent in Slokas, 40. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complete. This gives a brief description of the procedure of the rite. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir III. HOMA. Caturbhujācārya. 6536. 6381B. Farrera fuftiaiata TIETH: 1 Nityanaimittika tāntrikahoma. Substance, country-made paper. 104 x 44 inches. Folia, 2-7. Lines' 14. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Incomplete. It describes the procedure of Tantrika homa. Fol. 7B contains the whole of the prāmāņa section and a very small portion of the prayoga section of the Yantrasamskāra described below (6590). Colophon: इति श्रौद्रविडान्चयावतीर्ण श्रीशङ्कराचार्याभिषिक्त हरिहराचार्याभिषिक्तनागरान्वयावतीर्ण श्रीचतुर्भुजाचार्यविरचितो नित्यनैमित्तिकतान्त्रिकहोमः समाप्तः । Anonymous. 6537. 10684. THfafy: | Homavidhi. Substance, country-made paper. 164 x 4 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 8. Extent in blokas, 60. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old and discoloured. Complete. This describes the procedure of Homa meant, as is stated at the end, specially for the Vaisnavas. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 680 ) Beginning : अथ अभिस्थापनम् । कृतनित्यक्रियः पञ्चगव्येन भूमिशुद्धिं विधाय यथाविधि आसनशुद्धिं कुर्यात् । सामान्यायं कुर्यात् । मूलमन्त्रेण प्राणायामादिकं कुर्यात् । गुरुं खाहां च पूजयेत् । End : वैष्णवाणामयं होमो गोपालेषु विशेषतः । तद् भस्म धारयेन्नित्यं संयतात्मा सम्द्धये ॥ Colophon : इति होमविधिः समाप्तः ।। 6538. 7824. कुण्डकल्पद्रुमटीका। Kundakalpadrumatika. Substance, country-made paper. 103 x 5 inches. Folia, 11. Lines, Character, Nagara. Appearance, discoloured. Incomplete. 11. This agrees with what is described as a commentary on the Kundakal padruma of Mādhava Śukla (ASB. II. 1106). It runs up to verse 56 of the work and quotes frequently from Tantra works. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir IV. MAGIC RITES. Srikrsna Vidyāvāgisa. 6539. 3881. uzaine fuait l Şațkarmadīpikā. Substance, country-made paper. 13x31 inches. Folia, 36. Lines, 8-10, Extont in slokas, 1,400. Character, Bengali. Appearance, fair. Complete in nine chaptors. The work deals with the six black rites of the Tantras. It was published in Bengali characters by R. Chatterji (second edition, Calcutta, 1338 B.S.). Post-colophon Statement : श्रीभवानीप्रसाद शर्मणः पुस्तकं खाक्षरञ्च । Srinātha. 6540. 244. THTGA 1 Kāmaratna. Substance, country-made paper, 17x3 inches. Folia, 18. Lines, 5. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old. Incomplete. MSS of the work have been described in L. II. 991 and IO. IV. 2634. The present MS contains the first three chapters of the work which is complete in 15 or 16 chapters. The work deals with the six black rites of the Tantras as well as other magic rites. An edition of the work has been published by the Lakshmivenkatesvar Press (Kalyan, 1842 Ś.E.). The edition attributes it to Nityanātha. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 682 ) 6541. 2529. Kamaratna. 79. Lines, 6. Substance, machine-made paper. 13 × 4 inches. Folia, Extent in slokas, 1,200. Character, Bengali. Date, Saka 1805. Appearance, fair. Complete in 15 chapters. Post-colophon Statement: शकाब्दाः १८०५ । 8106. समाप्तोऽयं ग्रन्थः ॥ 6542. Kamaratna. Substance, country-made paper. 13x3 inches. Folia, 82 with the first three leaves missing. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 1,900. Character. Bengali. Incomplete at the beginning. The present MS, which contains an inflated text, runs up to the end of the 15th chapter. Post-colophon Statement:-- 10153. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir श्रीरामगोविन्ददेवशर्मणः खाक्षरं पुस्तकञ्च । शुभमस्तु शकाब्दाः १६३५ । व्यस्मिन्नब्दे दिल्लादिमण्डलाधिकारी नाम्ना श्रीयुत फरक सेरन्टपतिरभूत् । १६३५ ॥ १६३५ ॥ 6543. Kamaratna. Substance, country-made paper. 11x4 inches. Folia, 1-15+9-122 of which Nos. 12 and 57 are missing. Lines, 9. Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat 1925. Appearance, some portions old and some portions new. Incomplete for a few folia. The MS was complete in 16 chapters. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 683 ) Fol. 1-15 and 59-122 are later restorations. The date of copying belongs to one of these restored portions. 6544. 10152B. Kāmaratna. Substance, country-made paper. 9£x 5 inches. Folia, 16B-55. Lines, 11. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1872. Appearance, old and discoloured. Incomplete. The present MS contains chapters 12-16 inclusive. Post-colophon Statement: श्रीसंवत् १८७२ मासोत्तममासे भाद्रपदमासे शुक्लपक्षे अष्टम्यां सोमवारे काशीमध्ये प्रलादघाट उपर लिखितं ठाकुररामरामानुज दास ॥ 6545. 10948. Kāmaratna. Substance, country-made paper. 12 X 5 inches. Folia, 78. Lines, 10. Extent in blokas, 1,200. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete in 15 chapters. Nityanāthasiddha. 6546. 3081. TATATAT: 1 Rasaratnākara. Substance, country-made paper. 9}x4 inches. Folia, 21. Lines 9. Extent in Slokas, 500. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1872. Appear. anco, fair. Complete in five chapters. This, as also the following two MSS, contains what is called the Siddhakhanda (or portions thereof) of the Rasaratnākara attributed to Nityanatha or Nemanatha (Ulwar For Private and Personal Use Only Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 684 ) 2308), son of Pārvati and Sankhagupta (Ulwar 1665). The work is stated, in the beginnings of the Rasakhanda (Venkateswar Steam Press, Bombay) and Rasendrakhanda (Bik. 1430), to be complete in five khandas. But there is no reference to the Siddhakhanda in the list of khandas enumerated in the above two places. It is however men. tioned instead of Mantrakhanda in Cat. Cat., II, p. 116. The present MS, as well as the two following, agrees with the MS described in HPR. I. 308. The work deals with the black rites. Beginning: ॐ यः शान्तः परमोऽदयः परशिवः कंकालकालान्तको ध्यानातीतमनादिनित्यनिचयः संकल्पसंकोचकः । आभासान्तरभासकः समरसः सर्वात्मना बोधकः सोयं सर्वमयो ददातु जगतां विद्यादिसियटकम् ॥ अथ सर्वजनवश्यम् । एकचित्तः स्थितो मन्त्री मन्त्र जवायुतद्दयम् । ततः क्षोभयते लोकान् दर्शनादेव साधकः ॥ Colophons of the different chapters : 6A, इति श्रीपार्वतीपुत्तनित्यनाथसिद्धविरचिते रसरत्नाकरे सिद्धखण्डे रत्नसारोद्धारे सर्ववश्यादिपतिवश्यं नाम प्रथमोपदेशः; 10B, सिद्धखण्डे मन्त्रसारे आकर्षणादिस्तम्भनं नाम द्वितीयोपदेशः; 16A, मोहनादिहलेशनिवारणं नाम टतौयोपदेशः ; 19A, • कौतूहलं नाम चतुर्थोपदेशः ; 21A, • यक्षिणीसाधनं नाम पञ्चमोपदेशः ।। Post-colophon Statement :---- कराश्ववखिन्दमितेऽब्दे मेषमास्यसिते पक्षेऽयमोतियाविन्दुवासरे लिखितमिदं गुलजारेोत्यलम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 685 ) 6547. 9930. Rasaratnākara. Substance, country-made paper. 101 X 44 inches. Folia, 11. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 225. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Incomplete. The present MS contains two chapters and a portion of the third. 6548. 10336. Rasaratnākara. Substanco, machine-made modern paper. 9 x4 inches. Folia, 18. Lines, 9. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, discoloured. Incomplete. This MS contains three chapters and a portion of the fourth, running as far as the middle of Fol. 18A of the MS described under No. 6546. The introductory verse in this MS is different from the one found in the other MSS described above. Beginning : afaat fararea fafed agai सिद्धखण्डं विनिर्दिवं सिद्धिदं सर्वकामदम् ॥ 6549. 10339. Rasaratnākara. Substance, country-made paper. 9}x4 inches. Folia, 34. Lines, 12, 13. Extent in slokas, 600. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old. Complote in 14 chapters. This and the following MS contain what is called the Mantrakhanda of the work. It agrees with the MSS described above only in respect of the introductory verse For Private and Personal Use Only Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 686 ) and some portions here and there. The topics however are generally identical or of the same nature. Colophons of the different chapters : GB, इति श्रीपार्वतीपुत्रनित्यनाथसिद्धविरचिते रसरत्नाकरे मन्त्रखण्डे मन्त्रसाधनं नाम प्रथमोपदेशः; 11A, सर्वलोकवशीकरगां नाम द्वितीयोपदेशः ; 12B, राजवश्यव्याघ्रनिवारणं नाम टतीयोपदेशः; 16B, इति स्त्रीवश्यादिद्रावणान्तं नाम चतुर्थोपदेशः; 18A, इति पतिवश्यं नाम पञ्चमोपदेशः; 19B, इति श्री. आकर्षणं नाम अयमोपदेशः ; 25A, इति श्रीसेनास्तम्भनं नाम अयमोपदेशः ; 27A, इति श्री. शत्रोच्चाटनं नाम नवमोपदेशः ; 27B, इति श्री. मारणं नाम दशमोपदेशः ; 28B, इति श्री. व्याधिकरणं नाम एकादशोपदेशः; 31A, इति श्री० ग्रहलोशनिवारणं नाम द्वादशोपदेशः; 32A, इति श्री. कौतुक इन्द्रजालं नाम त्रयोदशोपदेशः ; 34B, इति श्री. यक्षिणीसाधनं नाम चतुर्दशोपदेशः । 6550. 8413. Rasaratnākara. Lines, 9. Substance, country-made paper. 91x4 inches. Folia, 12. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Incomplete. This MS contains only the thirteenth chapter which agrees with the same chapter of the MS described above. Rajarama. 6551. 3463. वशकाठमञ्जरी। Vasakāryamanjari. Substance, machine-made paper. 121x4 inches. Fol. 26 missing. Lines, 8-11. Extent in slokas, 1,400. Appearance, soiled. Incomplete. Folia, 1-46 with Character, Nāgara. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 687 ) The work deals with the six black rites of the Tantras. The present MS contains the description of the procedure of five of these six rites with the help of the mantras of various deities. Beginning : प्रणाम्य सच्चिदानन्दं गुरुं तद्ब्रह्मरूपिणम् । भद्रकालौं ततो नत्वा श्रीराजारामशमणा ॥ क्रियते विदुषां प्रौत्यै वशकार्यस्य मञ्जरी ॥ क्रोधाज्ज्वलन्तौं चलनं वमन्तौं हरि दहन्तौं दितिजं ग्रसन्तीम् । भोमं नदन्तौं प्रणमामि नित्यां रोरूयमाणां क्षुधयोग्रकालोम् ॥ नैमित्तिकानि काम्यानि निपतन्ति यथा तथा । तथा तथैव कार्याणि न कालस्तु विधीयते ॥ शान्तिवश्यस्तम्भनानि विद्वेषणोच्चाटने तथा । मारणान्तानि शंसन्ति घट्कम्माणि मनौषिणः ॥ Colophons of the chapters : 5A, इति श्रीराजारामतर्कवागीशभट्टाचार्यविरचितायां घटकर्ममञ्जयों सामान्यविधिः प्रथमः पटलः। 27A, ०वश्कर्ममञ्जयों शान्तिविधितिौयः पटलः । There are no further chapter-colophons of this type though there are sections on some more black rites such as वशीकरण (27A-35B), स्तम्भन (35B-42B), विद्वेषण (42B-44B) and उच्चाटन (44B-46). Rāma Vājapeyi. 6552. 8293. निधिदर्शनम्। Nidhidarsana. Substance, country-made paper. 9x4 inches. Folia, 9. Lines, 9. Extent in ślokas, 125. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1961. (Copied from a MS dated Samvat 1695, Saka 1560.) Appearance, fair. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 688 ) This describes magical rites for the acquisition of hidden treasures and other desired objects. Beginning : गुर्बिणी या मता नारौ तत्केशं रूपवित्तकं । कृत्वा धारयते पश्चास्मनोलयेत्तनुं ॥ १ ॥ नरमुण्डधरो नमः शिखिपुच्छैः सुभूषितः । इत्येवं रूपग् वीरो पूजां कुर्यात् निधिस्थलं ॥ २ ॥ वहिकौशांतको वचौ श्वेतार्का गिरिकर्णिका । वचा पाठा च निर्गुडौ करण्ष्या च मूलकं ॥ ३ ॥ निम्बरण्डबीजानि गोमूत्रैः पेषयेत् समं । अनेन पादलेपेन विघ्ना यान्ति दिशो दिशः ॥ ४ ॥ एवं नानाप्रयोगेण अतिपातालगं धनं । ग्रह्णाति नात्र सन्देहः स्वयं प्रोक्तं पिनाकिनः ॥ ५ ॥ कुष्माण्डेरण्डधुस्तूरबीजं फनरुकस्य च । जातिदाडिनमूलानि गोमूत्रैः पेषयेत् समं ॥ ६ ॥ अनेन पादलेपेन सर्पयक्षपिशाचकाः । पलायन्ते न सन्देहो निधानं ग्राहयेडुवं ॥ ७ ॥ अथ दृएं निधिं मन्त्री कोलकैः कीलयेत्तु तं । प्लक्षपालाशलोधा-कदम्बवटनिम्बजैः ॥ ८॥ शम्युदुम्बरकाश्वत्थकौलपत्रसमायुतैः । ॐ पुनन्तु मां देवजनाः पुनन्तु मनसा धिया । पुनन्तु विश्वा भूतानि जातवेदः पुनीहि मां ॥ इति कीलकमन्त्रः । ॐ सर्वभूताधिपतये नमः। अनेन मन्त्रेण मद्यमांसाभ्यां बलिं दद्यात् । भूतबलिः। ॐ ह्रीं भू फट् अनेन मन्त्रेण निधानस्यासनपुष्यादीन् दद्यात् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 689 ) End: चत्वारो मूलिका[:] चैव पिष्ट्वा पादे प्रलेपयेत् । सर्पयक्षगणाः क्रूरा ये चान्ये विघ्नकारकाः ॥ पलायन्ते निधिं त्यक्वा यथा युद्धेषु कातराः ॥ Colophon : इति श्रीनैमिषस्थमालववाजपेयी-श्रीरामविरचितं निधिदर्शनं समाप्तम् । Post-colophon Statement : संवत् १६६५ शाके १५६० कार्तिकसुदि ५ बुधे लिखितं शुभं । हाल संवत् १९६१ मार्गशीर्ष शुक्ल ८ गौ दिने लिखितं रघुनाथराममालवीयेन काश्यां त्रिलोचनेश्वरसन्निधौ। श्रीमपिटव्यगरुवरबालमुकुन्दचरणभ्यो नमः । Paramasivendra Sarasvati. 6553. 10169. भूतिरुद्राक्षमाहात्यम् । Bhutirudrāksamāhātmya. Substance, country-made paper. 11x41 inches. Folia, 49. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 1,000. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Incomplete. The present MS contains the section on भूतिमाहात्म्य and a few lines of रुद्राक्षमाहात्म्य । The section deals with the importance and uses of vibhūti (sanctified ashes) which is stated to be a favourite object of Siva. Beginning : नत्वा गणेश्वरं स्कन्दं साम्बं सद्गुरमेव च । भूतिरुद्राक्षमाहात्म्यनिष्पत्त्यादि प्रकाश्यते ॥ प्रथमं संग्रहेणैव द्वयोरर्थ उदीर्यते । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 690 ) तत्र भस्मधारगास्य । प्रथमं वधस्त्वं तदन्वाश्रमधम्मैता । नित्यत्वं च सदा धार्य्यं तथैवालङ्यनीयता ॥ व्यत्याज्यत्वं त्याज्यदोषो भोगमोक्षफलार्थता | मोक्षार्थता धहेतुत्वं वरिष्ठं पापनाशकम् ॥ तापत्रयनिवृत्तिश्च त्रिसप्तककुलोद्धृतिः । सर्व्वकर्माङ्गता शम्भुविष्ण्वादेस्तुतिकार गाम् ॥ अष्टैश्वर्य्यप्रदं विष्णुविधौशर्ष्यादिधाता ! भस्मोत्पादनमानानि व्यवस्था भस्मनस्तथा ॥ बृहज्जावालपाद्मोक्त-विरजाहोमसुक्रमः । वायवीयोक्तविरजातत्त्व होमक्रमस्तथा ॥ कौम्र्मोक्तरीत्या पाशुपतं संग्रहेण प्रदर्शितम् । विभूतिधारण विधिस्तत्प्रमाणमनन्तरम् ॥ तथा रुद्राक्षमाहात्म्यं नित्यत्वेनैव वर्णितम् । स्कान्दे पुराणेऽन्यत्रापि वायवीये तथैव च ॥ पाराशरे च वाशिष्ठे लैङ्गे गारुड एव च । तथा बृहन्नारदीये स्कान्दे काम्यत्वमौरितम् ॥ ब्रह्मवैवर्त्तेपि तथागस्त्यलाञ्छितवाग्वरे । ब्रह्माण्डाख्ये पुराणे च महाफलमुदीरितम् ॥ पाद्मे स्कान्दे च वाशिष्ठे लेने ब्रह्माण्डसंज्ञके । रुद्राक्षधारणं सर्व्वपापनाशक मौरितम् ॥ पाराशरे च वाशिष्ठे लैड्रे रुद्राक्षधारणम् । शिव विष्णुसुरज्येष्ठऋष्यादिष्टतमौरितम् ॥ End of the bhūtimāhātmya section: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir विप्राणां सलिलेन धार्य्यमुचितं भस्म त्रिकालेष्वपि स्त्रीभिक्षोर्जलवर्जितं प्रतिवनस्थानाङ्गनानामिदम् । दौक्षा हौनन्नृणां च वारिसहितं मध्याहतः प्राक् स्मृतं सर्व्वेषां सममेतदार परे सन्तोनवद्ये विधिम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 691 ) Colophon : इति श्रीमत्परमहंसपरिव्राजकाचार्याभिनवनारायणेन्द्रसरखती. पूज्यपादशिष्यश्रीमत्परमशिवेन्द्रसरखतौविरचितं भूतिमाहात्म्यं सम्पूर्णम् । Post-colophon Statement :-- पुस्तक त्रिविक्रमेन्द्रखामौ । Anonymous. 6554. 2773. [षट्कर्मविधिः। Satkarmavidhi.] Substance, country-made paper. 15x5 inches. Folia, 7. Lines, 12. Extent in ślokas, 250. Character, Bengali. Date, Saka 1723. Appearance, old. Complete. The work deals with the black rites and incantations. A considerable portion of the work is in Bengali. Beginning : यस्येश्वरस्य विमलं चरणारविन्दं * * * * तं शङ्करं सकलदुःखहरं नमामि ॥ वक्ष्ये च कामरत्नतः । वश्यादिकम्मणि मन्त्रं सावनान्तं समुद्धरम् । Post-colophon Statement : श्रीफकिरचाँद अधिकारी सां भिद्धाराव ॥ श्रीम्रत्यञ्जय शर्मा खकीय पुस्तकमिति । शकाब्दाः १७२३ तेरिख २४ भाद्र । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 692 ) 6555. 11362. हरमेखला। Haramekhala. Substance, country-made paper. 15 x 4inches. Folia, 177 of which 4, 8, 28, 31, 32, 56, 81-83, 87, 133-35, 167, 169 are missing. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 4,700. Character, Nawari. Appearance, old. Date, 782 N.S. Incomplete. The present MS contains chapters I-VII. It is accom. panied by a commentary in Nepali. It may be the same as Harimekhalā (Nep. I, p. 36). The work deals with magic rites. The Uddīšatantra is called Haramekhalā in one MS (L. II. 989). A Haramekhalaka-grantha is mentioned as one of the source books on which the Kaksapuțutantra is based. Beginning:-- नि[र]वधिजगद्भावाभावोदयव्ययविश्रमकुमति+ पमक्रमक्रीताशौण्डोऽप्यखण्डसमस्थितिः । सततमपथग्भोग्यं भावावरोधरसात्मकं कमपि दिशतादानन्दं वा नवेन्दुविभूषणः ॥ व्यक्तार्थतो विदधतो हरमेखलाया बुद्धः खभावचरति हरमेखलायाः । सन्तो यथा हरचिरादभियोगतात्ताः स्यः संशयादिविरहादभियोगतात्ताः ॥ विद्यानिधेर्जगति सर्वगुरोदिजेन्द्र चूडामणेः खयग्रहतोऽपि गम्यः । तईस्तु सुन्दरधिया स्मृतय चिकीर्षाः शानिविष्ठमथ कोत्र मनोऽभिमानः ॥ Last Colophon : हरमेखलायां सप्तमः परिच्छेदः समाप्तः। इति हरमेखलायां योगमालायां नेपालभाषाटीका परिसमाप्ता ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Post-colophon Statement: ( 693 ) सम्बत् ७८२ ज्यष्ठमास्य कृष्णपक्ष चतुर्दश्यायां विधौ रोहिणीनक्षत्रे शूलयोगे बृहस्पतिवासरे तद्दिने लिखितं सम्पूर्ण शुभ 6556. 9935. वशीकरण प्रयोगः । Vasikaranaprayoga. Substance, country-made paper. 102X42 inches. 17 in all. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir It describes different rites for bringing people under subjugation. Beginning : 6557. 8484. सुग्रीव[व] शंकरणौ विद्या । Sugrīva(va)samkaranī vidyā. : Folium, 1.. Lines, Substance, country-made paper. 10 x 5 inches. Extent in slokas, 700. Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat 1890. ance, fair. Complete. It describes uses of the mantras of Sugrīva and other deities in connection with the black rites of the Tantras including the subduing of evil spirits. Folia, 35. Lines, 10. Appear For Private and Personal Use Only व्यथातः संप्रवक्ष्यामि गुह्याद्गुह्यतरं परं । सुग्रीवमण्डलं चैव मातृमण्डलमुत्तमम् ॥ डाकिनीनां विशेषेण निग्रहं तं वदाम्यहं । ये चान्ये भूतदोषाश्च पिशाचा यक्षराक्षसाः ॥ नश्यन्ति च ग्रहाः सर्व्वे सुग्रीवस्मरणादपि । मातृभिः पूतनादिभ्यः सुग्रीवं तत्र यो जपेत् ॥ Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 694 ) मण्डलं संप्रवच्यामि सिद्धं सुग्रीवभाषितं ॥ मास्थाने सशाने वा एकवृक्षे चतुष्पथे । ततो भूमिं परीक्षेतुं मण्डलं तत्र लेखयेत् ॥ Colophon :-- इति श्रीसुग्रीव[व] शंकरणी विद्या समाप्ता । Post-colophon Statement : रन्ध्रर्त्तु[वसु]चन्द्रेऽब्दे मासे च मकरेऽसिते । सप्तम्यां पुस्तकं दिव्यं लिखितम् ऋतुशम्भा ॥ संवत् १८६० मिः मार्गशीर्ष कृष्ण के समाप्त लौखा पुस्तक । भवानीका स्थ लोखा वावलिभद्रसी घराज पुतमहले लौखितं पौच्चरौ । 6558. 9330. शाबर मन्त्रः । Substance, country-made paper. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Sābaramantra. 10 X 42 inches. Incomplete. Folia, 8. Lines, 11. It contains (up to Fol. 6A) a number of incantations in Hindi and corrupt Sanskrit. The portion after 6A agrees with the beginning of Divyaśābaratantra (No. 6091 above). 6559. 9924. [ मन्त्रसंग्रहः । Mantrasamgraha.] Substance, country-made paper. 102 × 43 inches. Folia, 5. Lines, 9. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only It contains a collection of incantations and prescriptions of drugs for purposes like the preservation of the foetus, bringing people into subjugation, etc. Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 695 ) 6560. 2151. रोगहरणचिन्तामणिमन्त्रः। Rogaharanacintamani mantra. Folia, 2. Lines, 11. Substance, machine-made paper. 6x4 inches. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete. This contains a mantra stated to be taken from the Vāmakeśvaratantra, the muttering of which drives away diseases. The rules for the muttering are also given. Colophon: इति वामकेश्वरतन्त्रे शिवशक्तिसंवादे रोगहरणो नाम चिन्तामणिमन्त्रः समाप्तः । 6561. 9919. [रोगहरणमन्त्रः । Rogaharanamantra.] Substance, country-made paper. 101x4 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 17. Extent in slokas, 75. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old. Complete. It contains incantations for driving away diseases. Beginning: ॐ स्वस्ति श्रीलङ्कातो महाराजाधिराजसमस्तकोणाधिपतिः श्रीविभीषणः समादिशति अमुकग्रामे वास्तव्य अमुकशरीरस्थ रे रे दुरावेलावर एकाहिक-द्याहिक-व्याहिक-चातुर्थिक-ज्वर कामज्वर एतेषां मध्ये यः कोऽपि भवति तन्वति वन्दति त्वया मम पत्रिकादर्शनेन शीघ्रं समागन्तव्यं नोत्वचिरश्चन्द्रहासखङ्गेन कर्त्तयिष्यामि मा भणिष्यसि बलादिदिशमिति। आदौतवारै ए चिठी लियौ रोगी नैव चाईयै गगलहोमी गलै बान्धियै सर्वताव जाइ। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 696 ) 6562. 2321. मोटनविधिः। Motanavidhi. Substance, machine-made paper. 61x4 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 10. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. It contains an extract from chapter 23 of the Maruttantra which describes a magical rite called Motana for securing divine manifestation. This is followed by a folium describing the procedure of the worship of Kaumāri. Beginning: अथ मोटनकं वक्ष्ये देवाविर्भावकारणम् । पाकक्रिया प्रकर्त्तव्या चतुर्भक्षसमन्विता ॥ भार्यया साधकेन्द्रस्य पातिव्रत्यादियुक्तया । अप्रसूताः स्त्रियः पञ्च याहूय सकुमारिकाः ॥ अलंकृताः पवित्रास्ता एकपंत्योपवेशयेत् । Post-colophon Statement : इदं पुस्तकं भागवतोपनामकधरणीधरभट्टेन लिखितम् । 6563. 10216. पूतनाविधानम् । Putanavidhāna. Substance, country-made paper. 9x4 inches. Folia, 12. Lines, 8-11. Extent in slokas, 200. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1934. Appearance, old and discoloured. Complete. It deals with the propitiation of Pūtanā, an evil spirit that causes various ailments among children. A section dealing with the same topic is found in the Santiratna of Kamalakara (ASB. III. 2184--Fol. 118A130B). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 697 ) Beginning : अथ पूतनाविधानप्रारम्भः । अथात[:] संप्रवक्ष्यामि रसनं दशरात्रिकं । पूतना धन्विनी नाम ग्टहीते दशरात्रिकं । तया ग्रहीतमात्रस्तु चक्षभ्यां नैव पश्यति ॥ End: ॐ नमो देवी नलिनि बालका बालपरो वलिं यह बालकं मुञ्च मु[च्च] खाहा। 6564. 5737. कौतुकचिन्तामणिः । Kautukacintamani. Substance, country-made paper. 13x7 inches. Folia, 20. Lines, 16 to 19. Extent in slokas, 1,025. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1891. Appearance, mouse-eaten and discoloured. Complete. The work describes a number of magical performances with different applications of various substances. Beginning : श्रीमद्गौरौमुखाम्भोजबन्धुरायतलोचनं । लोचनं सर्वजगतामोडे यत्नेश्वरं तथा ॥ अथ कौतुकेषु तावत् नीतिचिन्तासु विषपरीक्षाप्रकारः । झगराजः शुकश्चेति सारिका चेति पक्षिणः । कोशन्ति भृशमुद्विमाः विषपन्नगदर्शनात् ॥ सुव्यक्तं मुञ्चति क्रौञ्चो मियते मत्तकोकिलः । जीवंजीवस्य च ग्लानिर्जायते विषदर्शनात् ॥ एषामन्यतमेनापि समश्नीयात् परीक्षितुं । भोज्यमन्नं परीक्षार्थं दद्यादा पूर्वमम ये ॥ एवं खयं यत्नवता राज्ञा स्तम्भनवशीकरण-वाजीकरण-कृत्रिमवस्तुकरणं च जनाद्यपकरणक्षदोहदादिभेदै[:] कौतुकैः कालज्ञानं For Private and Personal Use Only Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 698 ) कार्यमिति तान्युच्यन्ते। तत्रादौ कौतुकप्रयोक्ता पर कृतप्रतिकूल सम्भावनया खशरीरपूर्णक्रमेणैव कौतुकानि युञ्जीत । List of topics dealt with : IB, तत्र परसे नास्तम्भः ; 2A, अथाङ्गारभक्षणम् ; अथ रहदाहस्तम्भः ; 2B, अथ खगस्तम्भः ; अथ अग्निस्तम्भः; 3A, अथ जले स्तम्भनभेदाः; अथ वीर्यस्तम्भः ; 4A, अथ स्त्रीवश्यं ; 5A, पतिवश्यं ; अथ वाजीकरणाम् ; 6A, अथानङ्गकालस्थितिः; 7B, अथ भङ्गबन्धः ; अथाकर्षणम् ; अथ कृत्रिमवस्तुकरणानि ; 8A, अथ पद्मरागकरणम् ; अथ नौलमणिः ; 9A, अथ स्वर्णोत्कर्षः; 9B, अथ कस्तुरी ; 10A, अथ हिरालकरणम् ; 10A, अथ सिन्दूरकरणम् ; 10B, अथ कर्पूरतैलकरणम् ; 10B, अथ भूनागप्रकारः; 1IA, अथ पुष्यनि-सपातनम् ; 1IB, अथ खनननक्षत्रम् ; अथाञ्जनानि ; 12A, अथ[]दृश्यकरणं ; 12B, अथ पादपदोहदादि ; 13B, अथ वृक्षवैचित्री; 14A, अथ पाषाणचवणं ; अथ दोपवशात् साकारनिरीक्षणम् ; 14B, अगाधजलस्थितिः; 15A, अधो मारुतकरणं ; 16A, अथ मूषकोच्चाटनं ; 17A, अथ सारस्वतप्रयोगः; 17B, चौरव्याघ्रादिभयहरणं; 18A, अथ नानारूपकृतिः; 18B, व्याघ्रकरणं ; वृश्चिककरणं ; मत्स्यसर्पकरणं ; 19A, इन्द्रलुप्तरोगनाशः; 19B, मुखदुर्गन्धनाशः ; अथ देहस्फटितहरणम् ; अथ सुकुमाररसायनम् । Post-colophon Statement : श्रीसंमत् १८९१ समैनाम माधवदी पञ्चमी ॥ ५॥ के दसघत कहा लाल कायस्थ । 6565. 10607. वहन्निधिदर्शनम् । Brhannidhidarsana. Substance, country-made paper. 11X4 inches. Folia, 1-13 of which Fol. 10 is missing and Foll. 11-13 are of a larger size (11x5t inches). Lines, 13-18. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Incomplete. The name of the work occurs on the obverse of Fol. 1. As regards the subject matter of the work, it is similar to the Nidhidarsana described above. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Beginning : 12-14. ( 699 ) *** नमो भालेक्षणवहिज्वालाजटिलमौलये | त्रिपुरान्धगजध्वंस पण्डिताय पि[ना] किने ॥ करङ्किणीमतं तन्त्रं सिद्धसाबरतन्त्रतः । अथ निधिकर्मणि सहाथान् वच्यते । सर्व्वस + + + शान्त - मद - मात्सर्य्यवर्जिताः । प्रलम्बबाहवो घोरा निर्भया दम्भवर्जिताः ॥ ... सहायाः शोभनाश्चैते कथ्यन्ते मुनिनोदिताः । सत्य होना दुराचारा नास्तिकाः शास्त्रदूषकाः ॥ ... 6566. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir एते निन्द्याः समाख्याता [:] सहाया निधिकर्मणि । निधिस्थानानि कथ्यन्ते शम्भुप्रोक्तानि कानिचित् ॥ जीर्णोद्यानतडागेषु चण्डिकायतनेषु च । श्मशाने तीर्थसीमायां सिद्धस्थानेषु मण्डले ॥ तोरणे इस्तिशालायां चत्वरे चास्युदाश्रये । निषादानां गृहे पर्णशालायां वरालये ॥ 10524. राजौसाधनम् । Rājisādhana. Substance, country-made paper. 9×5 inches. Folia, 8. Lines, Character, Nāgara. Appearance, discoloured. Incomplete. The present MS contains only a fragment of a work without any beginning or end. It refers to the Kakacandeśvarimata ( 1A) and Govindārnava (8A). It contains, among other things, a number of recipes for preparing artificial gold. The name is taken from that of a sectional heading (Fol. 2A). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra V. MISCELLANEOUS RITES. Anonymous. 6567. 9285. Hayfsuraufas | Bhutasuddhi and Prāņa pratisthā. Substance, country-made paper. 7×3 inches. Folia, 6. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 70. Date, Samvat 1923. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. Complete. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir This contains the description of the procedure of two Tantric rites, भूतशुद्धि and प्राणप्रतिष्ठा. Colophon: इति श्रीभूतशुद्धिप्राणप्रतिष्ठे समाप्ते । Post-colophon Statement:-- मिति फाल्गुनवदी १० गुरुवार संवत् १८२३ । पण्ड्या छगणजौसुत गोपीनाथजी । व्यात्मपठनार्थं वा परोपकारार्थं ॥ शुभं भवतु ॥ 6568. 1987. सन्ध्याप्रयोगः | Sandhyāprayoga. Substance, country-made yellow paper. 8×4 inches. Folia, 12. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 150. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1950. Appearance, fair. Complete. The present MS has been described in L. X. 4257. Though it describes the procedure of Vedic Sandhya it is found to have Tantric elements (Nyasa, etc.) to a large extent. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 701 ) Post-colophon Statement : मि. कृष्ण ११ चन्द्रोन संवत् १६५०। शुभं भूयात् । 6569. 2178. HIGHEjafafy: | Mānasasnānavidhi. Substance, country-made paper. 105 X 54 inches. Folium, l. Lines, 11. Extent in slokas, 14. Character, Năgara. Appearance, old. Complete. The present MS has been described in L. X. 4131. It describes 'mental bathing' through meditation. 6570. 9598. [atfracticefagausfa: 1 Tāntrikakrtyaviseşa paddhati.] Substance, country-made paper. 6x2 inches. Folia, 15 (by counting). Lines, 6. Extent in slokas, 250. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old. Incomplete. The MS consists of four sets of leaves describing respectively the procedure of the following Tantric rites: (1) petafafe, (2) fwatafmil and gart47, (3) ratautora (the first two folia of this section are missing), (4) पात्रवन्दन. The section hydratua incidentally refers to the mode of arrangement of pots in which wine is to be poured. And the section 1997 gives metrical mantras to be uttered in purifying and utilising each of these pots. These mantras, which are eleven in number here, are found generally to agree with the verses of Mahākālasamhitāyām şodaśapātram (6058 above). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (702) 6571. 4778. Tāntrikakrtyavisesapaddhati. Substance, country-made paper. One long sheet of paper with 34 folds, each 7X3] inches. Lines, 16-19 on each side of a fold. Character, Newari. Appearance, old and discoloured. Complete. It contains descriptions of the procedure of various Tantric rites, such as Mantrapradānadīkşā, Tripurasundarī pūjā, etc. 6572. Tāntrikakrtyaviseșapaddhati. 8666D. Substance, country-made paper. 114X5 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 13. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old. Incomplete. It describes afg , f a , TTT and refers to महाकपिलपञ्चरात्र, हयशीर्षपञ्चरात्र and त्रिकाण्डमण्डण । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir VI. MUDRAS. Rāmakiśora. 6573. 8136. मुद्राप्रकाशः। Mudrāprakāsa. Substance, country-made paper. 13x4 inches. Folia, 1-23 of which Fol. 9B is blank. Lines, 8, 9. Extent in ślokas, 550. Character, Bengali. Appearance. good. Complete in six chapters. The work deals in detail with the mudrās of the five principal deities. A MS of the work in Maithili characters has been described in L. V. 1866. An edition of the work in litho was published at Benares (Siddhavinayaka Press, 1941 V.S.). The work refers amongst other works to Tantrasāra (22B etc.), Sulkarmadipika (22B) and Saradatilaka (23A). Beginning: दहिणहरिहराद्यैर्देवबन्दैनमस्यं __दददभिमतमर्थं भक्तिभाजां जनानाम् । परिहतसकलाफर्योगिभिyायमानं हरचरणसरोज क्षेमकामा भजध्वं ॥ नत्वा गुरुपदं रामकिशोरेणएसिद्धिदम् । साधकानां मुदे मुद्राप्रकाशोयं विरच्यते ॥ देवानां मुदं हर्घ राति ददातौति मुद्रा। तथा च मन्त्रदर्पणे रचनां सम्यग् ज्ञात्वा पूजायां दर्शयेन्मुद्राम् । तदियं मुद्रा कथिता देवेभ्यो यन्मदं राति । मुदं रातोति मुद्रा स्थादित्यन्यत्र । End : यो जज्ञे सुकृतौ धरासुरवराद्धौरोत्तमाद्राघवात् तस्माद् रामकिशोर ईश्वरसमाद् यो रुद्रनारायणात् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (704) जातो युग्मशरस्थिराधरधरामाने शकाब्दे गते तेनासौ त्रिपुरारिराजनगरे मुद्राप्रकाशः कृतः ॥ Colophons of the different chapters : 10A, इति श्रीरामकिशोरविरचिते ग्रन्थे मुद्राप्रकाशाख्थे । साधारणमुद्रानिर्णय आदिपरिच्छेदः ॥ 12A, द्विजातिना रामकिशोरनाम्ना मुद्राप्रकाशे रचितो द्वितीयः। अयं परिच्छेद उमेशमुद्राविनिर्णयो नाम गतः समाप्तिम् ॥ 15A, द्विजातिना रामकिशोरनाम्ना मुद्राप्रकाशे रचिते प्रयत्नात् । अयं परिच्छेद उपेन्द्रमुद्राविनिर्णयो नाम गतस्तृतीयः ॥ 16A, दिजातिना रामकिशोरनाम्ना मुद्राप्रकाशे रचिते प्रयत्नात् । अयं परिच्छेद इभास्यमुद्रा विनिर्गयो नाम गतश्चतुर्थः ॥ 22B, रामकिशोरविरचिते ग्रन्थे मुद्राप्रकाशाख्थे । गतवान् पञ्चम एष सम्पूर्णत्वं परिच्छेदः शक्तिमुद्राविनिर्णयो नाम ॥ 23A, रामकिशोरविरचिते ग्रन्थे मुद्राप्रकाशसंज्ञके। गतवान् एष च षष्ठः सम्पूर्णत्वं परिच्छेदः ॥ 6574. 9057. Mudrāprakāśa. Substance, country-made paper. 101x4t inches. Folia, 29. Lines, 8. Extent in blokas, 550. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete in six chapters. Bhāskararāya. 6575. 2025. तृचभास्करः । Trcabhāskara. Substance, country-made paper. 104 x 4 Extent in blokas, 60. Character, Nāgara. Incomplete. inches. Folia, 3. Lines, 9. Appearance, worm-eaten. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 705 ) The present MS contains a section of the work describ. ing a number of mudrās. According to the colophon it forms part of Bhāskararāya's Tycabhāskara, which is described as a work treating of the worship of Sūrya for removing bodily illness' (CS. II. 481). Beginning: अथात्र उपयुक्तानामुपयोक्ष्यमाणानां च मुद्राणां लक्षणानि । यज्ञकृत्येषु चेच्छातौ इस्तौ मुद्रादिसुक्षमौ। तदा मुद्रां विधायैव तत्तत् कृत्यं समाचरेत् ॥ मुद्राविमुक्तहस्तेन क्रियते कम वैदिकम् । यदि तनिष्फलं तस्मात् कम्म मुद्रान्वितश्चरेत् ॥ इत्यादिवचनात्तान्यावश्यकानि । Colophon:--- इति भाकररायभारत्युनौते टचभास्करे मुद्रालक्षणानि । Post-colophon Statement : श्रीमाघ सुदौ पुनवसौ संमत् । 6576. 2807. मुद्रा[प्रकरणम् । Mudra pra]karana. Substance, country-made paper. 204 X 4f inches. Folia, 4. Lines, 6. Extent in slokas, 140. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old. Complete. The present MS has been described in L. X. 4203. This contains the mudrā section of the Tantrasāra of Krsnananda. 45 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 706 ) 6577. Mudrāprakarana. 2927. Substance, country-made paper. 81x5 inches. Folia, 9. Lines, 12. Extent in slokas, 150. Character, Nāgara. Appoarance, fair. Complete. In the present MS the mudrā section is preceded by the Yogāngāsana section of the Tantrasāra. 6578. 6008. [मुद्राविवरणम् । Mudravivarana.] Folia, 7. Lines, 15. Substance, country-made paper. 8x6 inches. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete. It describes various mudrās and quotes from Tantrarāja, Prayogasāra, Laksmanasamgraha, Rajatantra, etc. A number of quotations from the Lakşmanasamgraha are traceable in the Mudrāprakarana described above. Beginning : अङ्कशमुद्राकुम्भमुद्रामिप्राकारमुद्राऋष्यादिन्यासमुद्राघडङ्गमुद्रागालिनीमुद्राशयमुद्रामत्स्यमुद्राः अ[]वाहनादिनवमुद्रा[:]गोशमुद्रा[:] सप्त शाक्तदशमुद्राः वैषणव एकोनविंशतिः शैवद शमुद्राः गन्धादिपञ्चमुद्राः चक्रमुद्रा ग्रासमुद्रा प्राणादिपञ्चमुद्रा: सप्तजिह्वामुद्राः भूतबलिमुद्रा नाराचमुद्रा नमस्कारमुद्रा संहारमुद्रा सप्तनवतिश्चेति पाशमुद्रा गदामुद्रा शूलमुद्रा खङ्गमुद्रा। अथैतासां लक्षणानि। End : मुष्टिरूईकृताङ्गछा दक्षिणा नादमुद्रिका । तर्जन्यङ्गठसंयोगाद् अग्रतो विष्णुमुद्रिका ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir VII. YANTRAS. Dāmodara. 6579. 5775. JOC Yantracintāmani. Substance, country-made paper. 10X 4 inches. Folia, 32. Lines, 12. Extent in blokas, 950. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1855. Appearance, old. Complete. MSS of the work have been described in L. I. 257, CS. V. 76 (I) and VSP. (p. 62). An edition of the work was published in Litho at Benares (1935 Samvat). After the last section, called moksādhikāra, the edition treats of a few general topics concerning yantras, like the drawing and consecration of them. The work is complete in nine sections. The first two sections give an account of the author, describe the origin of the work and deal with a few general directions. In the remaining seven sections different yantras as used in different functions (vašīkarana, ākarşaņa, vidveşana, māraña, uccātana, śānti and mokşa) are described. The descriptions are given in the form of utterances of Śiva. Post-colophon Statement : Haa seyyi 6580. 11290. Yantracintāmaņi. Substance, country-made paper. 94 x 3 inches. Folia, 1-64. Lines, 6. Extent in slokas, 950. Character, Newari. Date, 790 N.S. Appearance, fair. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 708 ) Post-colophon Statement :-- संवत् ७९० फाल्गुन वद्दि & शुभमस्तु | 6581. 5847. Yantracintamani. 8107. Substance, country-made yellow paper. 14 x 4 inches. Folia 1-12, of which Fol. 9 is missing. Lines, 12. Extent in slokas, 380. Character, Bengali. Appearance, fair. Incomplete. The present MS runs almost up to the end of the description of the third yantra under the section of stambhana. 6582. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Yantracintamani. Substance, country-made paper. 6×4 inches. Folia, 56. Lines, 11. Extent in slokas, 700. Character, Nagara. Appearance, old. Incomplete. The introductory portion giving the genealogy of the author and an account of the origin of the book which comprise the first chapter and a part of the second in the previous MSS are absent in the present MS which also does not describe the third yantra of the last chapter and omits the concluding portion which gives the contents of the work and indicates its merits. It begins in the middle of the second piṭhika which is referred to as the first in the colophon on Fol. 3A. Beginning: श्रीपार्व्वत्युवाच । विना होमेन जप्येन पुरश्चरणसेवया । कलौ तु सिध्यते देव तथोपायं वदस्व नः ॥ १ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 709 ) श्रीशिव उवाच । साधु साधु महाप्राज्ञे लोकानां हितकारके । इदमर्थं न केनापि एसोहं पद्मलोचने ॥ २ ॥ Post-colophon Statement : इदं पुस्तकं गोविन्दभट्टस्य सूनुना सोमनाथेन लिखितम् । 6583. 2884. Yantracintamani. Substance, country-made paper. 10x5 inches. Folia, 1-43. Lines, 9, 10. Extent in slokas, 700. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1870. Appoarance, fair. Incomplete. This MS begins towards the end of the first pīthikā and omits the initial portion of the second as also the last section called mokşādhikāra. Beginning : महारैर्महाभौमैर्महाकालैश्च विराजितैः । केवलाश्वतरै गौतध्वनिविराजितैः ॥ एवम्भते तु कैलासे देवदेवः खयं प्रभुः । ज्योतिम्मयोऽम्मतमयो योग्यचित्तः] सदाशिवः ॥ अव्यक्तो व्यक्तरूपोऽसौ यत्रास्ते तु खयं शिवः । Post-colophon Statement : समाप्तं । शुभं लिखितं। संवत् १८७० शाके १७३५ मास पौष तिथौ त्रयोदश्याम् । Sriharsa. 6584. 5876. अङ्कयन्त्रविधिः । Aikayantravidhi. Substance, country-made paper. 104 x 6 inches. Folia, 10. Lines, 15. Extent in slokas, 300. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 710 ) The present manuscript contains the author's own commentary on the work accompanied by portions of the text. The concluding portions which have no commentary deal with homa and the six black rites. It is not known if these portions form part of the work. Another MS of the work with the commentary is noticed in Bd. 943. Sriharşa, referred to by Premanidhi in his commentary on the Sivatāndava (Fol. 19B, 5971 above), seems to be identical with the present author. Beginning of the commentary :-- श्रीसूर्ययामा:तवाजपेया दिवाप्तजन्मा वितनोति टौकाम् । श्रीरामचन्द्रान् गुरुरामरूपान् प्रणम्य हर्षः सुकृती कृतज्ञः ॥ तन्वाण्यालोय तन्त्रेभ्यो गुरुभ्योधीत्य कृत्स्नशः । अजातन्त्रस्य गुच्छोयं कृतो हर्षेण विस्तरात् ॥ तस्यैव क्रियते टीका तेनैव सूरिणा बुधाः । अनुभूय च तत्त्वार्थ ग्रहन्तु शुभवाञ्छकाः ॥ अत्र विनविध्वंसकद्वारा प्रारब्धग्रन्थसमाप्त्यर्थं शियाचारपरि पालनाय च विषयादौन् दर्शयन् खेरदेवतां नमस्करोति । Beginning of the text : ॐ कायेन वाचा शिरसा च नित्यं नमामि शम्भु भवमुत्तरीतुम् । विशुद्धदेहं प्रकृतेः परं तं भवादिभूतं विरजं विराजम् ॥ १ ॥ नत्वा गुरुं गणपतिं च वदामि यन्त्राण्यबोद्भवानि नवघोडशकोछकानि । यद्वारणाद् भवति वर्गसमीहितार्थसिद्धिर्नणां श्रुतिपथे परमास्तिकानाम् ॥ २ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Colophon : ( good. 711 ) Teraisatra यन्त्राणि यामलादौनि भागशः । व[च्मि] लोकोपकारार्थं यन्त्रग्रन्थं सुगोपितत् ॥ ३ ॥ भूर्जपत्रे लिखेद्यन्त्रं रोचनाद्यैः शुभेऽहनि । व्या।लेख्य धारयेन्मूर्ध्नि करे वा यदि वा गले ॥ ४ ॥ इति श्रीहर्षकृत [:] व्यङ्कचन्द्रविधिस्तमाप्तः । The last leaf which does not form part of the present work contains an extract from some treatise relating to the efficacy of different types of rudrākṣa. It begins : : कार्त्तिकेय उवाच । एकद्वित्रिचतुष्पञ्चषट्सप्तवसवो नव । दशैकादश-द्वादश-त्रयोदश- चतुर्द्दश ॥ एतेषां तु मुखानां तु देवता कोऽत्र शङ्कर । गुणाश्च कीदृशास्तेषां कथयख यथार्थतः ॥ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir श्रीशिव उवाच । पूटणु शाङ्करतत्त्वेन वक्त्रे वक्त्रे यथाक्रमम् । एकवक्त्रः शिवः साक्षात् ब्रह्महत्यां व्यपोहति ॥ Anonymous. 6585. 8089. [ यन्त्रसंग्रहः । Yantrasangraha.] Substance, country-made paper. 10 x 10 inches. Folia, 6. Appearance, This contains diagrams, drawn on sheets of paper, pasted on boards, of Vāgīśvari, Chhinnamasta, Vindhyeśvarī, Bālātripurasundari, Śrīvidyā and Gaṇeśa. Along For Private and Personal Use Only Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (712) with these there are ten more sheets of paper of varying sizes (18" X 14", 19" x 14", 21"X3", etc.) containing a number of diagrams concerning Śyenayāga, Baudhāyanīya Śyenayāga and other Vedic rituals. Three sheets of paper, found with No. 6572 above, contain Mahāganapatiyantra, Vindhyavāsinīyantra, Tripurā. yantra, Rāmayantra, Tvaritāyantra, Gopālayantra and a number of other diagrams. 6586. 7554. Tita a l Garbharakṣāyantra. Substance, country-made paper. 74 x 41 inches. Folium, 1. Lines, 20 in all. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. This contains a diagram which is named Garbharakṣāyantra in a late Bengali hand. It is accompanied by vernacular mantras, directions and other matters. 6587. 5200. Ferituira! Jagaddhātrīdurgāyantra. Substance, country-made paper. 12 x 64 inches. Folium, l. Lines, 5. Character, Bengali. Appearance, good. Complete. It contains the diagram called Jagaddhātrīdurgāyantra as also a few verses indicating how it is to be drawn. The verses are identical with similar verses occurring in the Tantrasāra of Krsnānanda. 6588. 5113. Fragen Mrtyunjayayantra. Substance, country-made paper. 131 x 3 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 8. Oharacter, Bengali. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 713 ) This describes the Mrtyunjayayantra and the rites connected therewith. Beginning: शान्त्यर्थं सर्वलोकानां जया) जयकाङ्गिणाम् । यन्त्रं म्रत्युञ्जयं नाम प्रवक्ष्यामि समासतः ॥ हंसमध्यगतं नाम म्त्युञ्जयपुटीकृतम् । रक्ष रक्ष समायुक्तं बाह्ये रेखात्रयायतम् ॥ 6589. 5208. मृत्युञ्जययन्त्रटीका। Mrtyurijayayantratika. Substance, country-made paper. 131x3 inches. Folia, 3. Lines, 8. Character, Bengali. Appearance, discoloured. Incomplete. This is a commentary on the work described under the previous number. The commentary on the last two verses is wanting in the present MS. Beginning: शान्त्यर्थमिति म्रत्युञ्जयं नाम यन्त्र समासतः संक्षेपात् प्रवक्ष्यामि । किमर्थं सर्वलोकानां शान्त्यर्थं जयकाङ्गिणां जयार्थं । हंसेति । नाम साध्यनाम हंसमध्यगतं हंस इति पद्ममध्यस्थितं लिखनीयम् । 6590. 2263. यन्त्रसंस्कारः। Yantrasamskāra. Substance, country-made paper. llxb inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 36. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete. It contains both the pramāņa or authoritative texts for, and prayoga or description of, the procedure of the rite called Yantrasamskāra or consecration of a symbolic diagram. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 714 ) Another incomplete MS of the work is found along with the Nityanaimittikatāntrikahoma described above (No. 6536). Beginning : अथ यन्त्रसंस्कारः। तत्र वामकेश्वरतन्वे भैरव्युवाच । चक्रभेदो महादेव त्वत्प्रसादान्मया श्रतः । इदानौं श्रोतुमिच्छामि प्रतिष्ठाकम्मनिर्णयम् ॥ श्रीशङ्कर उवाच । फ़्टणु देवि महाभागे जगत्कारिणि कौलिनि । तस्योदयापनकम्माङ्ग सर्व्वतन्त्रविनिर्णयम् ॥ स्नात्वा संकल्पयेन्मन्त्री गुरोर्वचनमाचरेत् । पञ्चगव्यं ततः कृत्वा शिवमन्त्रेण मन्त्रवित् ॥ तत्र चक्र क्षिपेन्मन्त्री प्रणवेन समाकुलम् । तदुडत्य पुनश्चक्रं स्थापयेत् स्वर्णपात्रके । 6591. 6080. यन्त्र शोधनविधिः । Yantrasodhanavidhi. Substance, country-made paper. 13 x 4] inches. Folia, 2 (folded in the middle in the form of a booklet). Lines, 9. Character, Nāgara. Appear. ance, fair. Complete. The subject-matter of the present work is the same as that of the previous one, but it contains only the prayoga of the rite, and it is more detailed. Beginning: ॐ अथ यन्त्रशोधनविधिः। अथ प्रयोगः। तत्र कृतनित्यक्रियः खस्तिवाचनपूर्व सङ्कल्पं कुर्य्यात् । अद्येत्यादि अमुकगोत्रः श्रीअमुक देवशर्मा अमुकदेवतायाः पूजार्थममुकदेवताया यन्त्रसंस्कारमहं करिष्ये । इति संकल्प्य न्यासं कुर्यात् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir D. WORKS ON YOGA, Svātmārāma. 6592. 347. Fue fait I Hathapradīpikā. Substance, country-made paper. 11}x 6 inches. Folia, 1-105. Lines, 9-13. Extent in slokas, 3,000. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair, worm-eaten and occasionally pasted and repaired. Complete in four chapters. The present MS in which the text is accompanied by the commentary of Brahmānanda has been described in L. IV. 1513. Many editions of the work have been published. 6593. 8569. Hathapradīpikā. Substance, country-made paper. 103 X 44 inches. Folia, 97. Lines, 11. Extent in slokas, 3,000. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complete in four chapters. The present MS also contains along with the text the commentary by Brahmananda. 6594. 8573A. Hathapradīpikā. Substance, country-made paper. 10 X 43 inches. Folia, 25. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 500. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1896. Appearance, good. Complete. Post-colophon Statement : संमत् १८८६ वैशाख कृष्णानवम्यां सोमवासरे। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 716 ) 6595. 8573B. Hathapradāpikā. Substance, country-made paper. 10 X 4 inches. Folia, 20. Lines, 11. Extent in slokas, 500. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complett. This seems to be a shorter version of the work, the first four chapters containing respectively 70, 75, 84 and 86 verses instead of 67, 78, 130 and 114 in the printed editions. What is called chapter 5 in the present MS (Fol. 17A-18A) is constituted by verses taken from chapter 3 of the printed editions. Twenty-eight verses without any colophon occurring after the conclusion of the fifth chapter deal with the nādīs, siddhis and characteristics of Yoga. Short explanatory notes are found with some of these verses. The fourth chapter (Fol. 16B-17A) quotes extracts from works of others (e.g. Saubhadra and Visvarūpācārya). 6596. 10521. Hathapradīpikā. Substance, country-made paper. 6 x 44 inches. Folia, 6. Lines, 11. Extent in blokas, 40. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1892. Appearance, diecoloured. Incomplete. The MS contains what is called the fifth chapter of the work. The latter part of the MS (Fol. 4A-6B) describes the procedure of the rites to be performed in connection with the visualisation of one's shadow on the sky, the effect of which is described in the first part. Beginning : अथ छायापुरुषदर्शनविधानम् । देव्युवाच । भगवन् देवदेवेश सागमविशारद । नराणां पापिनां लोके पापनिर्मोचनं कथम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 717 ) कालज्ञानं कथं वा स्यात् सूक्ष्मोपायेन तद्दद । श्रुतानि साधनानीश त्वयानेकानि भूरिशः ॥ तथापि तानि मनुजैरशक्यान्यल्यबुद्धिभिः । प्रायेण मनुजा लोके कलौ खल्पायुषो ध्रुवम् ॥ ... ... ... ... 2A, खच्छायापुरुषं पश्येत् गगने शुद्धमानसः । तस्यावलोकनात् सद्यः पापराशिविनश्यति ॥ देव्युवाच । अतः छायां कथं पश्येद् गगने भूतलस्थितां । कालज्ञानच्च घन्मासं तस्मिन् दृरे कथं भवेत् ॥ शिव उवाच । नौरन्ध्र गगनं देवि यदा भवति निम्मलम् । तदाच्छायामुखो भूत्वा निश्चलं प्रयते[न्द्रियः ॥ खच्छायाकण्ठमालोक्य खगुरूक्तक्रमेण वै। सम्मुखं गगनं पश्यनिर्निमेषस्तथैकधीः ॥ शुद्धस्फटिकसताशः पुरुषस्तत्र दृश्यते । न दृश्यते यथा तत्र पुनस्तदत् परीक्षयेत् ॥ 3A, शिरः पाणिपदो यत्र दृश्यते पुरुषो यदि । त[दा घन्मासपर्यन्तं म्रत्युस्तस्य न विद्यते ॥ शिरोहीनं यदा पश्येत् षन्मासाभ्यन्तरे मतिः । पादापादौ न दृश्येत भायाहानिर्न संशयः ॥ न दृश्येते यदा पाणौ भातुहानिर्न संशयः । एवं ज्ञात्वा मतिं सम्यक् गङ्गातीरं समाश्रयेत् ॥ Colophons : Fol. 4A, इति श्रौदठप्रदौपे उमामहेश्वरसंवादे छायापुरुषलक्षणं नाम कालज्ञानं पञ्चमपटलः । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 718 ) 6B, afa og futai taiyaathan: athuên: 1 Post-colophon Statement : sitraa fase fafar Flyt fogait रामचरणब्राह्मण अयोध्यावासी । fafed Sundaradeva. 6597. Hadefocuit | Hathasanketacandrikā. 5834. Substance, country-made paper. 12 x 6 inches. Folia, 41 to 86. Lines, 17, 18. Extent in blokas, 2,300. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1888. Appearance, discoloured. Incomplete. The present MS contains chapters V-XIII. It is not known if the small portion occurring after chapter 13 also forms part of the present work. A MS complete in 13 chapters is described in CS. III. 165. R. L. Mitra who has noticed a MS of the work (Bik., p. 567) gives Viśvanātha as the name of the author's father while it is mentioned in the last colophon in the present MS as well as in the one described in CS as the name of his grandfather. Hall (p. 17) gives Pūrņānanda as the name of his spiritual guide, but Viśvarūpatirtha is the name found in the colophon of chapter X in the present MS. It quotes from and refers to works and authors like gretfuni (41A), puefa (44A), AIT (44B), agarTTTTU (45A), TT (46A), oferilafu (46A), F attare (49A), The (50B), JATAHT (57A), tarafga (59A), atatufaa (60B), tatag 14 (66A), fapgautu (67A), FH1TTe (67B), H (754), fattian (82A) and TUETT (84B). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 719 ) Colophons : 44A, इति गोविन्ददेवसुतसुन्दरदेवविरचितायां हठसंकेतचन्द्रिकायां प्राणापानविधिविवेचनं नाम उपदेशः ; 50B, इति गोविन्ददेवसुतकाश्यपगोत्रपवित्रकाशौस्थवैद्यविद्याविशारदसुन्दरदेववैद्यविरचितायां हठसंकेतचन्द्रिकायामारम्भावस्थादिप्राणायामविवेचनं नामोपदेशः। इति वायुजयविधिपरिच्छेदः पञ्चमः । 55A, इति गोविन्ददेवसुतसुन्दरदेवविरचितायां हठसंकेतचन्द्रि' सूक्षशरीरविवेचनं नाम उपदेशः ; 56A, इति सुन्दरदेवविरचितायां हठसंकेतचन्द्रिकायां सुषुम्नादिवरूपमन्त्रसाधनादिसमाधिलयविवेचनं नाम उपदेशः ; 58B, इति योगसारसमुच्चयाद् योगबीजनिरूपणं नाम हठसंकेतचन्द्रिकायामुपदेशः । इति हठसंकेतचन्द्रिकायां हठसिद्धिबौनविधिकथनं नाम परिच्छेदः षष्ठः । 60B, इति सुन्दरदेवविरचितायां हठसंकेतचन्द्रिकायां प्रत्याहारपरिच्छेदः सप्तमः। 67B, इति गोविन्दसुतकाशीस्थकाश्यपगोत्रपवित्रदाक्षिणात्यद्विजवर्यवैद्यविद्याविशारदसुन्दरदेवविरचितायां हठसंकेतचन्द्रिकायां हठयोगक्रियाविवेचनं नामोपदेशः। इति परिचयावस्थापरिच्छेदोऽयमः । 68B, इति गोविन्ददेवसुतसुन्दरदेवविरचितायां हठसंकेतचन्द्रिकायां समाधिविवेचनं नाम उपदेशः; 73A, इति राजयोगः; सुन्दरदेवविरचितायां हठसंकेतचन्द्रिकायां अमनस्कत्वराजयोगविवेचनं नामोपदेशो नवमः परिच्छेदः ।। 75B, इति सुन्दरदेवविरचितायां इठसंकेतचन्द्रिकायां नाडौनां शक्तेः पदविवेचनं नाम उपदेशः ; 77B, इति श्रीपादपूज्यविश्वरूपतीर्थशिष्यसुन्दरदेवविरचितायां योगशरीरविवेचनम् ; 78B, शरीरे ब्रह्माण्डसृष्टिविवेचनं नाम ; 79A, इति श्रीपादपूज्यविश्वरू[प]तीर्थयतिवरशिध्यसुन्दरदेवविरचितायां हठसंकेतचन्द्रिकायां शरीरं परिच्छेदो दशमः । 82B, इति गोविन्दसुतसुन्दरदेवविरचितायां हठसंकेतचन्द्रिकायां घट्चक्रक्रमविवरणोपदेशः ; 84A, इति गोविन्ददेवसतसुन्दरदेवविरचितायां हठसंकेतगणावसाननिरूपणं नामोपदेशः। इति षट्चक्रकथनं नाम एकादशः परिच्छेदः । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 720 ) 84A, इति सुन्दरदेवविरचितयोगहृदये राजयोगविवेचनं दादशः परिच्छेदः। 85A, इति श्रीकाश्यपगोत्रपवित्रदाक्षिणात्यदिजललामकाशौस्थविश्वनाथदेवपौत्रगोविन्ददेवसुतसुन्दर देववैद्यविरचितायां हठसंकेतचन्द्रिकायां अमनस्कत्वविवेचनं नामोपदेशः समाप्तः। खस्थारिएं परिच्छेदः त्रयोदशः। सम्पर्णेयं हठविधिचन्द्रिका। Post-colophon Statement : शुभमस्तु । संवत् १८८८ चैत्रकृष्णायमौ - लिष्यतं मनबौधराम । शुभस्थाने गढ़ा। There are about two more folia after the post-colophon statement which contain topics like षोडशाधार, लक्ष्यत्रय and योमयञ्चक। Ramakantha. 6598. 566. नादकारिका । Nādakārika. Substance, country-made paper. 12x41 inches. Folia, 7. Lines, 8. Extent in ślokas, 120. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old. Complete. The text is accompanied by the commentary of Aghoraśivācārya. The name of the commentator is given as Ghoraśivācārya in the concluding verse of the commentary: श्रीमद्घोरशिवाचार्यजन्यया परसंज्ञया । व्याख्याता नादसिद्धिश्च प्रार्थितेन गुरूत्तमैः । The colophon, however, gives the name as Aghoraśivācārya. The present manuscript has been described in L. IV. 1434. An edition of the work was published by the Śivāgamasiddhāntaparipālanasangha (Srirangam, 1925). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 721 ) Harisankara. 6599. 10087. योगसारः। Yogasāra. Substance, country-made paper. 11x 44 inches. Folia, 1-3. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 40. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Incomplete. The present MS contains the first chapter of the work and a small portion of the second. The first chapter speaks of the importance of the Guru while the second begins with a description of Kumbhaka An unnumbered leaf found with this MS belongs to some work on Vedic metres. Beginning : अथ श्रीहरिशङ्करकृतयोगसारः प्रारभ्यते । वन्दे तं परमात्मानं सच्चिदानन्दमव्ययम् । एक ज्योतिःखरूपेण सर्वव्यापिनमीश्वरम् ॥ १ ॥ अथाई गुरुणाज्ञप्तः सर्वप्राणिहितप्रदम् । योगसारं विनिम्मातुं याचे साहित्यमौश्वरात् ॥ २ ॥ नाम यद्यपि नास्माकं स्थानमप्यत्र न क्वचित् । न चापि ज्ञातिरस्माकं बान्धवाः सन्ति नाप्यथ ॥ ३ ॥ तथापि खामिनः सृयो नानाविधशरीरिणाम् । बोधनार्थमिदं नाम कल्पितं पूर्वसप्तमैः ॥ ४ ॥ Colophon : 3B, इति श्रीमल्लक्ष्मणज्योतिर्वित्सुतपण्डितहरिशङ्कारशर्मोक्ते योगसारे नाम योगग्रन्थे प्रथमः सोपानः । 46 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 722 ) 6600. 10088. योगार्णवः। Yogarmara. Substance, country-made paper. 11 X 44 inches. Folia, 4. Lines, 6. Extent in slokas, 70. Character, Nāgara. Appearanco, good. Incomplete. The names of the author and of the work are given in verses 16 and 19. The MS contains only 30 verses with a portion of verse 31. From a marginal note in Fol. 2A it appears that the verses were addressed to a king of Kāśī (Benares). The verses seem to form part of the introductory portions of the work. A few verses of the work described under the previous number are also found here (compare verses 22-4 of this MS with verses I. 17-18 of the previous MS). Beginning : श्रीपतिः शिवशङ्करः शिवमूर्त्तिः साधुभक्तिसहितः सहितानाम् । सर्बदा भवतु मङ्गलकारी ज्ञानधाम रघुनन्दनरामः ॥ १ ॥ स्मरणतः खलु यस्य वनेचरः स्मृतिपथेन मुनीन्द्रपदं ययौ । तदनु दाशरथेगुणवर्णनम् शुचिमनाः शुचि सर्वमिहाकरोत् ॥ २ ॥ ... ... ... ... ... इति तदिच्छति कर्त्तमिलापतेः प्रियतमो भवतां हरिशङ्करः। भवति येन पुनर्जगतीतले हरिकथाशुचिनाम जगत्पतेः ॥ १६ ॥ ... ... ... ... ... For Private and Personal Use Only Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 723 ) समोच्य विविधं शास्त्रं नानामतविभूषितम् । योगार्णवं ज्ञानमार्ग रचयामि महीयते ॥ १६ ॥ Srikantha. 6601. 5850. Urriar i Yogaratnāvalī. Substance, country-made paper. 12 x 5 inches. Folia, 3–54, 56. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 1,225. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old and discoloured. Incomplete. Another MS of the work, consisting of ten or more sections, is described in IO. V. 2761, where it is represented as 'a treatise on quack medicines'. The present MS contains what are called the first two chapters and a portion of what may be the third. These chapters deal with various magical rites, though there are sections on initiation (Fol. 37B), daily worship of Tripurā (Fol. 42B) and description of Yantras (Fol. 45A). Colophons : 20A, Efa Panantainafuaufusafadfearai acardi समस्तविषनिग्रहो नाम प्रथमः परिच्छेदः। 29B, भूतग्रहशाकिनौज्वरविनिग्रहो नाम द्वितीयः परिच्छेदः । 42B, sfa fagufandafafa: 1 43A, gefafafa: 6602. 7293. Yogaratnāvalī. Substance, country-made paper. 94 x 34 inches. Folia, 26 (by counting) among which the following leaf-marks are found : 8-12, 14-15, 26, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 40, 68, 70, 71, 72. Lines, 12. Extent in slokas, 625. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old and discoloured. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (724 ) There are no colophons in the present MS. The section on initiation begins on Fol. 34B and that on Yantras on 41B. Beginning :-- मूर्त्तिः कापि महेश्वरस्य महती यफमूलादयस्तुम्बौतुम्बफला[व] लौव शतधा ब्रह्माण्डकोटिः स्थितः । यन्मानं न पितामहो न च हरिब्रह्माण्डमध्यस्थितो जानात्यन्य +रेषु किं च गयाना सा सन्ततं वोवतात् ॥ १ ॥ क्षाराम्भोध्यतिमन्थनोत्यितविषज्वालाकुलं मन्दरं दृष्ट्वा मुक्तरवाः सुरासुरगणाः पेतुर्महौं मूर्छिताः । येनाहाय विबोधिताः प्रशमितं कण्ठे धृतं तद्विषं स व्यालोज्ज्वल हारभाखरवपुः श्रीनीलकण्ठोवतात् ॥ २ ॥ नित्यानन्दविधायिनमनन्तरजरामरं जगत्पूज्यम् । मणिमन्त्रौषधतत्त्वं येन कृतं तं हरं नत्वा ॥ ३ ॥ योगरत्नावलौ नाम हृद्या श्रीकण्ठशम्भुना । क्रियते सारमादाय पक्षिराजादितन्त्रतः ॥ ४ ॥ शिवो रुद्रश्च भूतेशः पक्षिराजोऽथ तुम्बरुः । सर्व्वतन्त्रविधातारः पञ्चापि परमेष्ठिनः ॥ ५ ॥ अरूपो बहुरूपश्च हंसो विग्रह इत्यमौ । कृतादिषु क्रमात्तन्त्रव्याख्यातारश्च देशिकाः ॥ ६ ॥ यन्नामश्रवणासातलगता नागा अनन्तादयो भूमिष्ठास्त्रिदिवस्थिता अपि भवन्त्यईक्षणानिर्विघाः । शाकिन्यो ग्रहभूतराक्षसगणाः नश्यन्ति रोहवरास्तं वन्दे विधुशेखरं गगुरु श्रीपक्षिराज हरम् ॥ ७ ॥ पक्षिराज शिखायोगं बिन्दसारं शिखाम्तम् । तोत्तलं+ कूटं च कृत्स्नाङ्गं तोत्तलोत्तरम् ॥ कटाहं छागतुण्डं च सुग्रौवं कर्कटामुखम् । एतानि विषतन्त्राणि For Private and Personal Use Only Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 725 ) Krsnadeva. 6603. 3902. योगकल्पलतिका। Yogakalpalatika. Substance, country-made paper. 171x3} inches. Folia, 32, marked 158-189. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 1,000. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old. Complete (?). Though numbered consecutively the numbers 186-189 appear to be in a hopeless disorder. Beginning : नत्वा श्रीगुरुदेवदेवगिरिजावाणीहरौशान् मुनेनीनातन्त्रमतं गुरोर्गुरुमतं भट्टादिकानां मतम् । ज्ञात्वा चारतरं तनोति सचिरां सज्जीवसन्तोषिणीम् संक्षेपेण च योगकल्पलतिका श्रीकृष्णदेवो हिजः ॥ अथ योगं प्रवक्ष्यामि गुरूपदेशतोऽधुना । संसारतारकं मोक्षफलदं सर्वदं नृणाम् ॥ योगशब्दार्थो यथा । शारदायां । ऐक्यं जीवात्मनोराहुर्योगं योगविशारदाः । जीवात्मपरमात्मनोरैक्यमिति केचित् । End :-- हंसो गणेशो विधिरुद्र हंसो हंसो हरिः शम्भुमयश्च हंसः । हंसो हि जौवः परमश्च हंसो हंसो गुरुभीति समाधिगम्यः ॥ Colophon: इति योगकल्पलतिका समाप्ता । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 726 Authorities quoted and referred to: 158A, सारदा, ज्ञानार्णव; 158B, लक्ष्मणभट्ट, पञ्चतत्त्व, शारदा, तन्त्रकौमुदी ; 159A, गौतमीय; गान्धर्व्व; 159B, गोरक्षषट्क ; 160B, गौवासार; 162B, षट्चक्रविवरण; 164A, श्रीक्रम; 165B, रात्रवभट्ट ; 166A, शङ्कराचार्य्य ; तन्त्रराज; 166B, श्रौक्रमसंहिता; 167A, गोरक्षसंहिता ; 168B, योगरत्नावली; 169A, नागभट्ट; 170A, दक्षिणामूर्त्ति ; 170B, H&; 171B, ब्रह्मानन्द ; 173A, योगवाशिष्ठ ; 173B, महामुक्तितन्त्र ; 174B, पञ्चतत्त्व; 175B, ज्ञानभाष्य ; 179B, सारसमुच्चय ; 184A, प्रपञ्चसार; 185A, श्रीतत्त्वचिन्तामणि; 185B, ऊर्द्धाम्नाय । 8-9. Complete. Harisevaka. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 6604. 96. सारसमुच्चयः । Sārasamuccaya.. Lines, Substance, country-made paper. 9x4 inches. Folia, 1-67. Extent in ślokas, 1,000. Character, Nagara. Appearance, old. The present MS has been described in L. II. 864. The work which was composed in 1770 V.S. is in one of the introductory verses stated to be an abridgment of the of Yuktabhavadeva (VSP., p. 251) of Bhavadeva, son Kṛṣṇadeva and author of a good many works on Yoga and other topics (Cat. Cat. I. 398, IO. IV. 2270, L. V. 1884), who wrote in the 16th century. The work is called Yogasarasamgraha in the colophon while Sarasamuccaya seems to be the name referred to in one of the introductory verses. The correct name may be Yogasārasamuccaya (Cat. Cat. II. 112). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 727 ) Ramacandra. 6605. 5538A. तत्त्वयोगबिन्दः। Tattvayogabindu. Substance, machine-made paper. 8x6 inches. book-form). Lines, 23. Extent in slokas, 400. Appearance, good. Complete. Pages, 25 (arranged in Character, Bengali. Beginning: अथ राजयोगप्रकारो लिख्यते। राजयोगस्य इदं फलं येन राजयोगेन अनेकराज्यभोगसमय एव अनेकपार्थिवविनोदप्रेक्षणसमय एव बहुतरकालं शरीरस्थितिर्भवति स एव राजयोगः। तस्य एते भेदाः। क्रियायोगः ज्ञानयोगः चर्चायोगः हठयोगः कम्मयोगः लययोगः ध्यानयोगः मन्त्रयोगः लक्ष्ययोगः वासनायोगः शिवयोगः ब्रह्मयोगः अतयोगः राजयोगः सिद्धयोगः। एते पञ्चदश योगाः। End : यस्य मनः सहजानन्दे मग्नं भवति तेन पुरुषेण दृषिः स्थिरा कर्त्तव्या आसनं दृढं कर्त्तव्यं पवनः स्थिरः कर्त्तव्यः एतादृशः कश्चिनियमः सिद्धस्य नोक्तः। मनःपवनाभ्यां यदा सहजानन्दः स्वखरूपेण प्रकाश्यते स सहजो योगः कथ्यते । राजयोगमध्ये इति चक्रवर्तिनामकथनम् । Colophon: परमहंस्यां श्रीरामचन्द्रविरचितायां तत्त्वयोगबिन्दः समाप्तः। 6606. . 11019. Tattvayogabindu. Substance, country-made paper. 10x4} inches. Folia, 28. Lines, 8, 9. Extent in blokas, 400. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1818. Appearance, old and discoloured. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 728 ) Post-colophon Statement : शुभमस्तु । संवत् १८१८ समय वैसाख वदि टतौया बुधवासरे। लिखितं श्रीदीक्षितकलानाथ तत्पुत्रेण चन्द्रमणि । शुभं भूयात् । Subhacandra. 6607. 9768. ज्ञानार्णवः । Jinānārnava. Substance, country-made paper. 12x5 inches. Folia, 17-94, of which. Fol. Nos. 24-40, 45, 46, 57, 59-64, and 79-91 are missing. Lines, 1I Extent in blokas, 2,000. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old. Incomplete. Colophons : 17A, इति श्रीशुभचन्द्रविरचिते ज्ञानार्णवे योगप्रदौपे योगप्रशंसनाधिकारः पञ्चमः ; 19B, दर्शनशुयधिकारः षष्ठः; 20B, • ज्ञानोपयोगो नामाधिकारः सप्तमः; 44B, अक्षविषयनिरोकप्रकरणम् एकोनविंशतिमम् ; 47B, •त्रितत्त्वप्रकरणं विंशतिमं; 49A, मनोव्यापारप्रकरणं एकविंशतिमं; 50B, रागद्देषप्रकरणं हाविंशतिमं; 52A, शाम्यप्रकरणं त्रयोविंशतिमं; 54A, या ध्यानप्रकरणं चतुर्विंशतिमं; 55A, हिंसनन्दः प्रथमं प्रकरणं पञ्चविंशतिमं; 55B, • सत्यरौद्रं द्वितीयं प्रकरणं षड्विंशतिमं; 56A, • चौर्यानन्दरौद्रं टतीयं प्रकरणं सप्तविंशतिमम् ; संरक्षणानन्दरौद्रं चतुर्थं प्रकरणमष्टाविंशतिमं; 56B, • यार्तध्यानप्रकरणमेकोनत्रिंशतिमं; 58A, विरुद्धस्थान प्रकरणं त्रिंशतिमं ; 66B, सवीर्यध्यानप्रकरणं त्रयस्त्रिंशतिमं; 70B, शुद्धोपयोगविचारप्रकरणं चतुस्त्रिंशतिमं; 71B, आज्ञा विचयप्रकरणं पश्चत्रिंशतिमं ; 72B, • अपायविचयप्रकरणं घट्त्रिंशत्तमं; 74A, विपाकविचयप्रकरणं सप्तत्रिंशतिमं; 92A, • रूपातीतप्रकरणं विचत्वारिंशतिम ; 93B, • धर्मध्यानफलप्रतिपादनप्रकरणं त्रयश्चत्वारिंशतिमं। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (729 ) Kāśinātha. 6608. 6520. योगसिद्धान्तमञ्जरी। Yogasiddhāntamanjari. Substance, country-made paper. 10x41 inches. Folia, 8. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 150. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1961. Appearance, fair but worm-eaten. Complete. Beginning : बौरासनैकनिलयाय हिरण्मयाय न्यग्रोधमूलहिणे निटिलेक्षणाय । गङ्गाधराय गजचर्मविभूषणाय प्राचीन पुण्य पुरुषाय नमः शिवाय ॥ ललिताम्बापदबन्दं निधाय हृदि सुन्दरम् । रच्यते [काशिनाथेन योगसिद्धान्तमञ्जरी ॥ अतः परं प्रवक्ष्यामि योगं परमदुर्लभम् । तत्र प्रथम प्रधानभूतं वेदान्तमतमाह । ऐक्यं जीवात्मनोराहुर्योगं योगविशारदाः। एतत्तत्त्वमसीत्यादिश्रुतिप्रसिद्धम्। यत् प्रयोगसारे निष्कलस्याप्रमेयस्य परमात्मनः सन्धानं योगमित्याहुः। संसारोच्छित्तिसाधनमिति । श्रीविद्योपासकमतमाह । शिवशावात्मकं ज्ञानं जगुरागमवेदिनः। शिवशम्वोरभेदज्ञानमित्यर्थः । End : ये विमं विघामव्यक्तं मां च देवं महेश्वरम् । एकभावेन पश्यन्ति न तेषां पुनरुद्भवः ॥ इत्यलमतिविस्तरेण । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 730 ) Colophon : इति श्रीमद्भडोपनामकजयरामभट्टमुतवाराणसौगर्भसम्भव#tapi ufafanufatfear योगसिद्धान्तमञ्जरौ HATAT Post-colophon Statement : fra atUHET I iią 2.283 HT: 10 azt ११। मालवीयबालमुकुन्दस्येदं पुस्तकम् । Gorakşanātha. 6609. i l Gorakşaśataka. 160. T Substance, machine-made paper. 19 x 44 inches. Folia, 4. Lines, 11. Extent in blokas, 250. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old. Complete. The present MS has been described in L. I. 451. The work, consisting of two śatakas, has been published under the name Gorakṣapaddhati by Gangavishnu Krishnadas (Lakshmivenkatesvar Press, Kalyan, Bombay, 1846 S.E.). The satakas are not distinguished by sectional colophons in any of the MSS described here except the one described under No. 6613 below. The first sataka has been edited and translated by G. W. Briggs (Gorakhnath and the Kānphatā Yogīs, Calcutta, 1938, pp. 284ff.). It will be noticed that the work is referred to under different titles in different MSS. 6610. 3770. Gorakşaśataka. Substance, country-mado paper. 10 X 4 inches. Folia, 12. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 250. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 731 ) 6611. 4017. Goraksasataka. Substance, country-made paper. 10x4 inches. Folia, 13. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 250. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complete. 6612. 5541. Goraksasataka. Substance, machine-made paper (bound in book-form). Pages, 39 to 55. 8 x 6 inches. Lines, 19-24. Extent in slokas, 250. Character, Bengali. Appearance, good. Complete. On the last page of the present MS the Yati pañcaka of Sankarācārya is quoted in a different hand. 6613. 9378. Goraksasataka. Substance, country-made paper. 11} x 6 inches. Folia, 11. Lines, 11. Extent in slokas, 250. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete. The colophons in this MS refer to the work as Goraksayogaśāstra and Muktisopānasamketa. 6614. 3636E. Gorakşaśataka. Lines, 10. Substance, country-made paper. 14 X 34 inches. Folia, 5. Character, Bengali. Appearance, dilapidated. Incomplete. The present MS contains the first half of the work with a portion of the second half. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 732 ) 6615. 4343. Goraksasataka. Substance, country-made paper. 132 x 3 inches. Folia, 11. Lines, 4, 5. Extent in slokas 150. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old and discoloured. Complete. The colophon in the present MS refers to the work as Gorakṣasamhita. The contents of the present MS have occasional disagreements with those of the MSS described above. 6616. 9094. Goraksasataka. 14×72 inches. Folia, 17. Lines, 14 Substance, country-made paper. to 16. Extent in slokas, 900. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1930. Appearance, fair. Incomplete. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir The present MS contains the first sataka of the work accompanied by an anonymous commentary. Beginning of the commentary :— श्रीशम्भुं श्रीहरिं सूर्यं हेरम्बं जगदीश्वरीम् । प्रणम्य शतकव्याख्यां कुर्मो योगतरङ्गिणीम् ॥ व्यथ योगस्य प्रकरणारम्भे श्रीभगवान् गोरक्षः श्रीगुरुपादाभिवन्दनात्मकं मङ्गलं ग्रन्थनिर्विघ्नतासिद्धये खनुष्ठितं शिष्यशिक्षायै निबध्नाति व्यर्थात् विषयप्रयोजने च सूचयति श्रीगुरुमिति । Post-colophon Statement:-- सम्बत् १८३० भादौ मासे कृष्णपक्षे 8 सोमवासरे काश्यायां धर्मेश्वरनिकटे शुभम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 733 ) 6617. 10490. Gorakşaśataka. Substance, machine-made paper (bound in book form). 61 X 84 inches. Folia, 29. Lines, 26. Extent in slokas, 1,000. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Date, Samvat 1944. Incomplete. The present MS contains the second half of the work which is called here in the colophon the Muktisopāna. The text is accompanied by Lakşminārāyaṇa's commentaries in Sanskrit and Hindi. The commentaries were completed on the 11th day of the month of Māgha, 1943 V.S. The date is given at the ends of both the commentaries. A MS containing the commentary on the first half of the work is possessed by the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute (Briggs, op. cit., p. 256). Beginning of the Sanskrit commentary : ध्यात्वा कुम्भिवराननं भगवतौं वाग्देवतां श्रीगुरु नत्वा तातमथ प्रसूं बुधवरान् वाराणसौवासिनः । मिश्रश्रीधरनोदितः शिवमुदे कुर्वे यथाशेमुषि श्रीगोरक्षकृतहितीयशतके व्याख्यां तदाख्यामहम् ॥ अथ श्रीमदादिनाथशिष्यमत्स्येन्द्रनाथयोगीन्द्रशिष्यः श्रीमांस्तत्र भवान् भगवान् गोरक्षनाथः निखिलजनोद्दिधौर्षाविहितपूर्वशतककथितावशियहठयोगपदार्थनिरूपणेच्छया हठयोगशास्त्रसारखरूपमुत्तरशतके तावत् प्रागापानगतिनिरोधफलं दर्शयति प्राण इति । Beginning of the Hindi commentary : गणपतिगिरिशसरखतीतातमातयद वन्द । गोरख उत्तरशतकको विकृति करों सुखकंद ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra (734 End of the Hindi commentary:— > मिश्र श्रीधर विप्रकी आज्ञा को हिय धार । गोरख उत्तर शतकको वाख्याको सुविचार ॥ गुणजलनिधिविलभूमिमिति वर्ष माघ शिति यहि । एकादशौ गुरुवार यह पूर्णा काशी माहि ॥ व्यादिनाथ शङ्कर गुरुगोरख व्यादिक सिद्ध । कृपा करें मुहि पर सदा औ सव जन गुणवृद्ध ॥ Post-colophon Statement : Colophon : इति श्रीमत्कौशल्यगोत्रोद्भवसारखतकुलतिलक सकलविद्या रत्नाकर श्रीमत्पण्डित ठाकरदत्तशम्भशिष्यलक्षी नारायणनामक कविवरविरचिता योगीन्द्र श्री गोरक्षनाथकृतमुक्ति सोपाननाम कहठयोगशास्त्रोत्तरशतकव्याख्या बालबोधिनौ सम्पर्णा । Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir संवत् १९४४ । श्राव कृ० १३ मो० । 6618. 184. Goraksasataka. Substance, country-made yellow paper. Folia, 5-7. 13 x 5 inches. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 70. Charactor, Bengali. Appearance, old. Date, 1729S.E. Incomplete. The MS was described in L. I. 412. It forms part of a larger MS and begins from Fol. 5 which contains the last two lines with the colophon of another treatise as follows: इत्युमामहेश्वरसंवादे खदेहे ब्रह्मज्ञानम् । The portion contained in the present MS is in the form of an interlocution between Narada and Gotama. It deals with the elements of Yoga. Though introduced as the Nāḍījñānadipikā belonging to the Goraksasamhita the colophon calls it antarayoga. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 735 ) Beginning : अथ गोरक्षसंहितायां नाडीज्ञानदीपिकेयम् । श्रीगौतम उवाच । देवर्षे योगयुक्तात्मन् योगानुभवदर्शक । सांख्ययोगविशेषज्ञ कर्मयोगनिघेवक ॥ विना योगं न सिध्येत कुण्डली च क्रमप्रभो । मूलचक्रे कुण्डलिनी यावन्निद्रायिता प्रभो॥ तावत् किञ्चिन्न सिध्येत मन्त्रयन्त्रार्चनादिकम् । End : स्थाने तु पूजयेन्मन्त्री विशुद्ध[:] शुद्धचेतस[7] । मनो निवेश्य कृष्णो वै तन्मयो भवति ध्रुवम् ॥ यावन्मनोलये जाते कृष्ण खात्मनि चिन्मये । कृष्ण इत्युपलक्षणं खखदेवतापरम् । ततः सिद्धमनौ मन्त्री जयहोमं समभ्यसेत् । ततः परं न किञ्चिच्च कृष्णमस्ति मुने हरे॥ Colophon : इति श्रीनारदगौतमसंवादेन्तरयोगः । Post-colophon Statement : शुभमस्तु शकाब्दाः १७२६ । Akulendranātha. 6619. 10724B. Pīyūsaratnamahodadhi. Substance, palm-leaf. 11x2 inches. Folia, 2-32, of which Fol. Nos. 19 and 20 are missing. Lines, 4. Extent in slokas, 350. Character, Newari. Appearance, old. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 736 ) The work quotes from चिचिणीनाथ (2B), काकचण्डेश्वरीमत (5A), सरह (5B), विशेषाचार्य (6A), अकुलनाथ (7A), शिव (11A). End : चतुर्दशभुवनेषु या या अवस्था भवति तत्काले तास्ता वरणारत्वा स देहेन सह सिद्धयोगी यस्मात्तिष्ठति तस्मात् जीवन्म[क्ति विशेषे अकुलाख्यं विज्ञेयमिति उत्तमोत्तमव्याख्यानं चतुर्थमिति । Last Colophon : इति श्रीअकुलेन्द्रनाथेन निम्मितसमस्तसारसंग्रहः पौयघरत्नमहोदधिर्नाम समाप्तमिति । 6620. सारसंग्रहः। Sarasamgraha.] 10724D. Substance, palm-leaf. 11x2 inches. Folia, 1-54, of which Fol. 3 is missing and two folia each are marked 5 and 6. Extent in slokas, 650 Character, Newari. Appearance, old. Incomplete. It seems to contain summaries of different works. Akulanātha is here identified with Siva. Beginning : योसावनादिनिधनं परमार्थसार मूर्खाधमध्यविषवहि + + स्तशून्यम् । सर्बोपमानरहितं शिवशक्तिगर्भ तस्मै सुबोधगुरवे चिदचिन्नमस्ते ॥ सर्वज्ञः सर्वदो व्यायौ अनादिरजमव्ययः । निःप्रपञ्चं निरालम्बं अकुलं तं नमाम्यहम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra (737 ) कालोत्तरं समालोच्य विचार्य्य च पुनः पुनः । सारात्सारं समाकृष्य श्रीमदकुलशम्भुना || व्यकुलाय विबोधाय हितार्थं सर्व्वयोगिनां ॥ शिवदं वेदमित्याज्ड विद्यमानं परं पदं । तत् पदं वेदितं येन स विप्रो वेदपारगः ॥ 47 Colophons of the different chapters: 5À, इति श्रीमदकुलनाथोद्धृतकालोत्तरे इष्टोपदेशशिवधर्मोत्तरसार[:] प्रथमोऽध्यायः ; 16B, इति श्रीमदकुलनाथोद्धृतनिर्वाणकारिका-निःश्वासकारिका[सा]र[:] द्वितीयोऽध्यायः ; 18B, ० वेदोत्तरसार-स्मृतिसार- कृष्णयोगसार[:] तृतीयोऽध्यायः ; 19A, • कुलपञ्चाशिकासारं चतुर्थोध्यायः ; 19B, •महाज्ञानसारः पञ्चमोऽध्यायः ; 24A, ॰ श्रीमतसार [:] षष्ठमोऽध्यायः ; 24B, • श्रीमदुत्तरसङ्गसार[:] सप्तमोऽध्यायः ; 26A, ० श्रौमचिञ्चिणौमतसारः अष्टमोऽध्यायः ; 29A, ० महामायास्तोत्रसारे दशमोऽध्यायः ; 29B, • शङ्खयोगमहाज्ञानसारः षष्ठोध्यायः ; 35B, इति गौतासारः समाप्तः; 51B, इति भट्टारकश्रौच्चकुलेन्द्रनाथावतारिते अकुलमहादर्शने बौद्धाम्नाये | ० ० Gangānanda. 6621. 10724C. [योगसारः । Yogasāra.] Substance, palm leaf. 11 x 2 inches. Folia, 33-46. Lines, 4. Extent in slokas, 160. Character, Newari. Appearance, old. Incomplete. Beginning : Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir यतो जातमिदं सर्व्वं त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम् । लौयते प्रलये यत्र व्यकुलं तं नमाम्यहम् ॥ या सा देहगता तृष्णा प्रदेहा षोडशान्तगा । तस्मात्तप्ततरा तृष्णा व्यकुला कुल पातु मां ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 738 ) नमामि सर्चदेवानां देवौनां चरणाम्बुजम् । सिद्धानां योगिनीनां च नमामि परमार्थतः ॥ निरञ्जनं विबोधाय हितार्थं सर्वयोगिनां । योगतः सर्वशास्त्राणां विचारार्थं पुनः पुनः ॥ सारात्सारतरं ++ भावाम्तमहारसं । लोकमेव प्रवक्ष्यामि यदुक्तं ग्रन्थकोटिभिः ॥ गङ्गातौरे हिमगिरिशिलाबद्धपद्मासनस्य ब्रह्मज्ञानाभ्यसनविधिना योगनिद्रां गतस्य । किं तैर्भाव्यं मम सुदिवसैर्यत्र ते निर्विशङ्काः सम्प्राप्तं ते जठरहरिणा स्टंगकं दुर्विनोदम् ॥ The work seeks to explain the main principles of Yoga by way of bringing out the significance of the different expressions used in the last verse quoted above. End : एवं संक्षेपतः प्रोक्तं प्रभावगुणवर्णनं । विस्तरेगौव न संक्षेपतः प्रोक्तं वर्षशतैरपि ॥ योगाचार्येण संचिन्त्य श्रीगङ्गानन्दधौमता । एवमादि प्रयोक्तव्यः कश्चित्तत्त्वविन्दकः ॥ नास्ति ज्ञानात् परं तीर्थं नास्ति ज्ञानात् परं तपः । नास्ति ज्ञानात् परो यज्ञस्तस्मात् ज्ञानं समाश्रयेत् ॥ ये संसृता ज्ञानमयो स्तनापी ते यान्ति पारं भवसागरस्य ॥ Ramabhadra. 6622. 141. चक्रदीपिका । Cakradipika. Substance, machine-made paper. 17x5 inches. Folia, 4. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 100. Character, Bengali. Date, Saka 1727. Appearance, fair. Complete. 47B For Private and Personal Use Only Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 739 ) The work describes the creation of the various parts of the human body which is shown to be the universe in miniature. It incidentally refers to the six cakras. Beginning: सपत्नीकं गुरं नत्वा तथैव कुलदेवताम् । रामभद्रसार्वभौमः कुरुते चक्रदीपिकाम् ॥ अथ षट्चक्रविवरणम् । तत्र प्रथमं सृष्टिक्रमः। सृष्टिस्तु चतुर्विधा भवति । खेदाण्ड्जोद्भिदादिभेदात् । End : ईडा गङ्गा समाख्याता पिङ्गला यमुना स्मृता । तयोर्मध्ये वसेन्नाडौ सुषुम्ना सूक्ष्मरूपिणी ॥ सा विख्याता महानाडौ बाला रण्डा तपस्विनी । भ्रमध्ये मिलिता एता[:] त्रिवेणी कथ्यते बुधैः ॥ योगकौमुद्यामपि गङ्गायमुनयोर्मध्ये बाला रण्डा तपखिनौ । बलात्कारेण गृहौयात् तद्विष्णोः परमं पदम् ॥ अस्यार्थः बाला रण्डा तपखिनौ सरखतौति अर्थात् सुषुम्नानाडीका सा बलात्कारेण आत्मनो वेगेन गङ्गायमुनयोरर्थात् ईडापिङ्गलयोर्मध्ये तद्विष्णोः परमं पदं भ्रमध्यस्थानं एहौयात् अतएव त्रिवेणी कथ्यते । Works quoted :-- रुद्रयामल, सारसमुच्चय (Fol. 1), योगकौमुदी (Fol. 4B). Post-colophon Statement :-- शकाब्दाः १७२७। वङ्गादेशीयपुष्पवाटीयग्रामे निवासीश्रौगिरिधरशम्मणः स्वाक्षरमिदम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 740 ) Anonymous. 6623. 9936. षटचक्रविवेचनम् । Satcakravivecana. Substance, country-made paper. 101 x 41 inches. Folium, 1. Lines, 10 in all. Extent in Slokas, 15. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. Complete. In twelve stanzas, of which the first two are found in the Goraksasataka, it gives a short account of the Cakras in the human body. A pictorial illustration of these is found on the obverse of the folium. Beginning : षट्चक्रं षोडशाधारं त्रिशून्यं व्योमपञ्चकं । खदेहे यो न जानाति कथं योगी स उच्यते ॥१॥ एकस्तम्भं नवदारं त्रिशून्यं पञ्च देवता[:] । पञ्चेन्द्रियकुटुम्बेषु यत्रात्मा तत्र मे ग्रहम् ॥ २ ॥ अथाधारं गुदे चक्रं खाधिष्ठानन्तु शेफसि । मणिपूरन्तथा नाभौ हृदि चक्रमनाहतं ॥ ३ ॥ कण्ठे विशुद्धिचक्रञ्च व्याज्ञाचक्रन्तु मस्तके । षडेतानि तु चक्राणि परिज्ञेयानि योगिभिः ॥ ४ ॥ ललाटचके हे पत्रे ह क्ष इत्यक्षरद्वयं । कण्ठे घोडशपत्राणि तत्र स्युः षोडशखराः ॥ ५ ॥ Colophon: घट्चक्रविवेचनं समाप्तम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir E. STOTRAS AND KAVACAS OF DIFFERENT DEITIES. I. SAKTI. (1) KĀLI. 6624. 2839. Karpūrastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 17x3 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 7. Extent in blokas, 60. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old and worn-out. Complete. It is a well-known stotra printed in various collections of stotras. A portion of the kavaca of Kālī known as the jaganmangala kavaca is found at the end of the MS. 6625. 9480. Karpūrastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 64 X 4 inches. Folia, 6. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 60. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1816. Appearance, fair. Complete. 6626. 5819. Karpūrastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 11 X4 inches. Folia, 6. In Tri. pātha form. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complete. The text is accompanied by a commentary by Veņudhara who wrote under the patronage of Pratāpasimha. Beginning of the commentary : नमानि हरमानिनौरुचिपदपाथो(पास्थो)रुहं जनालिभिरभिटुतं ललितगद्यपद्यादिभिः । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra End : ( 742 ) शिरोभिरभिवन्दितं सुरमहेन्द्रभ्टग्वादिभि स्त्रिकालमधिपूजितं जलजयोनिसिद्धादिभिः ॥ कर्पूरवर्त्तिकादीपः कर्पूरस्तवदौपकः (दिपका) प्रकाश्यते यथा श्रीमद्देणुनाथरसैरलम् ॥ समस्तभूपालशिरोग्रभूषण Colophon : प्रतापसिंह[स्य] यशः सुकौर्य्यते । शिवोक्तकर्पूरनुतिप्रदीपिकां मुदाकरो[द्] वेणुधरः सुरौ(वौ)श्वरः ॥ इति वेणुधरकृता कर्पूरस्तवदीपिका समाप्ता ॥ 5820. 6627. Karpūrastotra. Substance, country-made paper. Extent in slokas, 250. 102 × 42 inches. Folia 27. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Beginning of the commentary:-- Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir The text is accompanied by the commentary Karpūrastavadipika of Kāśīnātha. व्यनाद्यायाखिलाद्याय मायिने गतमायिने । व्यरूपाय सरूपाय दक्षिण [1] मूर्त्तये नमः ॥ न जानामि तीर्थं न जानामि योगं न जानामि + + लयं वा किमेतत् । न जानामि भक्तिं व्रतं चापि मातगतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥ Lines, 7. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 743 ) कालिकां सकललोकपालिका लोहिताक्तगलमुण्डमालिकाम् । भावयामि कविताप्रणालिका __देहकान्तिजितमेघमालिकाम् ॥ नत्वा विश्वेश्वरं देवौं मातरं पितरं तथा । काशीनाथ[:] प्रतनुते कर्पूरस्तवदौपिकाम् ॥ Colophon : इति श्रीमद्भडोपनामकजयरामभट्टसुत-वारानसौगर्भसम्भवदक्षिणाचारमतप्रवर्तक-काशीनाथविरचिता कपूरस्तवदीपिका समाप्ता। 6628. 3385. Karpūrastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 16 X 4 inches. Folia, 13. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 425. Character, Bengali. Appearance, good. Complete. The text is accompanied by the commentary of Durgārāma Siddhāntavāgisa. Beginning of the commentary : या सूते सचराचरं जगदिदं यद्भाषया भाषते यत्कारुण्यकणार्पणाप्तविभवं सुस्थं परं तिष्ठति । यस्यामेति लयं लये पुनरिदं शम्भुखयम्भुखभू वृन्दैर्वन्दितपादपद्मयुगला पायादसौ कालिका ॥ विश्वं मोहमहोम्मिजन्मजलधौ मग्नं समुद्दोच्य तत् कारुण्याईहृदोद्दिधौपुरकरोत् श्रीभैरवो यां स्तुतिम् । मन्त्रोद्धारबलिवरूपकथनैः श्रीदक्षिणायाः परां दुर्गारामधरासुरो वितनुते व्याख्यां तु तस्याः स्तुतेः ॥ . For Private and Personal Use Only Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 744 ) End: नत्वा पदाम्बुशहमौशमुखैर्दिवौको उन्दैर्नुतं सपदि दक्षिणकालिकायाः । यस्याः स्तुतेर्विरचिता वितिः समाप्तिम् __ आप्ता वियत् + + + चन्द्रमिते हि वर्षे ॥ Colophon : इति श्रीदुर्गारामसिद्धान्तवागौशभट्टाचार्यविरचिता श्रीश्यामास्तवटीका समाप्ता। __.6629. 5789. Karpurastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 12x4 inches. Folia, 14. Lines, 10. Extent in slokas, 425. Character, Nagara. Appearance, good. Complete. The text is accompanied by the commentary of Durgārāma. 6630. Karpurastotra. 5056. Substance, country-made yellow paper. 13x3 inches. Folia, 7. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 220. Character, Bengali. Date, Saka 1732. Appearance, good. Complete. The text is accompanied by the commentary of Kālicarana. Beginning of the commentary : वन्दे तां परदेवतां त्रिनयनां श्यामा सुभौमानना दोर्दण्डामरवैरिदालनरतां दासप्रियां सर्वदा । नानाक्रव्यसदाशवासनरतां मुण्डालिमालाधरां यस्याः पादतले लुठन्ति सततं देवाः सयक्षाशयाः । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 745 ) अथ श्रीमहाकालरचितश्रीकालौस्तोत्रटीका । जन्मसाफल्यकामेन श्रीकालीचरणेन भोः । श्रीकालिकायाः कर्पूरस्तवटौका वितन्यते ॥ Colophon : इति कामदेवपण्डितवंशसम्भवश्रीकालौचरणविरचिता श्रीमहा कालप्रणीतश्रीदक्षिणकालिकास्तोत्रटीका समाप्ता । Post-colophon Statement : विश्वेश्वरपुरे टीका श्रीमहेशः समालिखत् । श्रीकालिकायाः स्तोत्रीयामतिभक्तियुतो मुदा ॥ शकाब्दा १७३२ । 6631. 175. Commentary on the Karpūrastotra. Substance, machine-made paper. 154 x 34 inches. Folia, 9. Lines, 5. Extent in slokas, 130. Character, Bengali. Date, 1726 S.E. Appearance, old. Complete. The present MS has been described in L. I. 473 where the commentary is attributed to Anantarāma though there is no mention of his name anywhere in the MS. It has also no agreement with a manuscript of Anantarāma's commentary (belonging to the old collection of the Society) where his name is explicitly mentioned both in the introductory verse and in the colophon. Post-colophon Statement : शाके घायनादिसोमगणिते मासे तथा चाश्विने वारे देवगुरोः सदा शुभमयस्तोत्रं समुल्लासकम् । सम्पूर्ण सकलार्थदं सुखमयं सर्वार्थसिद्धिप्रदं विद्यावेदविशारदं गुणयुतं गुह्यं गुरूणां मतम् । शुभमस्त शकाब्दाः १७२६ । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 746 ) 6632. 56216. Commentary on the Karpūrastotra. Substance, palm leaf. 14x1 inches. Folia, 114 to 119. Lines, 5. Extent in slokas, 100. Character, Udiya. Appearance, good. Complete. The colophon attributes the commentary to the great Sankarācārya. Beginning: भैरव उवाच कर्पूरमिति । हे मातस्ते स्तवकर्पूरबीजं ये जनाः । Colophon : इति श्रीमत्परमहंसपरिव्राजकाचार्यश्रीशङ्कराचार्यविरचिता टीका समाप्ता । 6633. 5900. Commentary on the Karpūrastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 103 x 44 inches. Folia, 16. Lines, 7-9. Extent in slokas, 240. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complete. Krsna. Pandita, the commentator, is stated to have written at the instance of one Jayarāma, the astrologer. Beginning : कर्पूरस्तवराजस्य महाकालकृतस्य च । स्फुटार्थं प्रकरोत्येनां व्याख्यां श्रीकृष्णपण्डितः ॥ End : ज्योतिर्विज्जयरामेण नियुक्तः कृष्णपण्डितः । कालौस्तवप्रकाशं च चक्रे संयमिनां मुदे ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 747 ) 6634. 8273. कामकलाकालौस्तोत्रम् । Kāmakalākālistotra. Substance, country-made paper. 8x4 inches. Folia, 6. Lines, 7. Extent in ślokas, 80. Character, Nāgara. Date, Saka 1711. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. Though called a stotra it is of the nature of a mālāmantra. Beginning: श्रीमहाकाल उवाच । अथ वक्ष्ये महेशानि महापातकनाशनम् । गद्यं सहखनाम्नस्तु संजीवनतया स्थितम् ॥ पठन् यत् सफलं कुर्यात् प्राक्तनं सकलं प्रिये । अपठन् विफलं तहत् तबस्तु कथयामि ते ॥ ॐ मैं जय जय कामकलाकालि कपालिनि सिद्धिकरालि सिद्धिविकरालि महाबलिनि ...... End: इतीदं गद्यमुदितं मन्त्ररूपं वरानने । सहस्त्रनामस्तोत्रस्य चादावन्ते च योजयेत् ॥ अशकवानो द्वौ वारौ पठेच्छेघमिमं स्तवम् । सहसनामस्तोत्रस्य तदैव प्राप्यते फलम् ॥ अपठन् गद्यमेतत्तु तत्फलं नो समाप्नुयात् । यत्फलं स्तोत्रराजस्य पाठेनाप्नोति साधकः ॥ तत्फलं गद्यपाठेन लभते नात्र संशयः ॥ Colophon : इत्यादिनाथविरचितायां महाकालसंहितायां श्रीकामकलाकाल्या गद्यस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 748 ) Post-colophon Statement : स्वस्ति श्रीशकाब्दाः १७११ आश्विनकृष्णसप्तम्यां श्री५ बाहादुरसाह युवराजाधिराजकस्यार्थे लिखितमिदं श्रीदुर्गानाथशम्भगा नेपालदेशे श्री५ पशुपतिसन्निधाने । 6635. 2471. श्यामास्तोत्रम् । Syāmāstotra. Substance, country-made paper. 8!x3 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 6, 7, 8. Extent in blokas, 25. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, discoloured and pasted. Complete. The stotra consists of a collection of names all preceded by the adjective mahat. It is called astotturaśatanāma in one of the introductory verses as well as in the colophon of the following MS. Beginning : कल्पद्रमवने रम्ये रत्नसिंहासनोपरि। उमया सहितं रुद्रं पप्रच्छ नन्दिकेश्वरः ॥ Beginning of the stotra proper : महती चेतना माया महादेवो महेश्वरी । महाबुद्धिर्महाचण्डौ महाकाली महाकला ॥ Colophon : इति रुद्रयामले भैरवतन्त्रे श्यामास्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् । 6636. 10209. Syāmāstotra. Substance, machine-made paper. 7X44 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 15. Extent in slokas, 20. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, discoloured. Oom. plete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( The present MS does not contain the few introductory verses found in the previous MS. Beginning : : 749 > The hymn is followed by a few lines giving mantras of the planets. A leaf contained in the MS gives the mantras required for sacrificing various animals and fruits. श्रीदेव्युवाच । 4641. दक्षिणकालिकास्तोत्रम् | Dakesinakālikāstotra. Substance, country-made yellow paper. Lines, 12 on a page. Extent in slokas, 270. pearance, old. Complete. 6637. Colophon : Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir पञ्चम्यां शनिवासरे प्रियतमे कालौं करालाननां ध्यात्वावाह्य विधाय पूजितमपि स्तुत्वा स्तवेनामुना | संसारार्णवतारकेण तरुणीवृन्दं सदा मोहयन् क्रौडित्वा गजवाजिभिः प्रियतमे महत्वमन्ते व्रजेत् ॥ संसारतारकं स्तोत्रं पूर्वोक्तं वृषभध्वज । इदानों कथयेशान यद्यहं वल्लभा तव ॥ Beginning of the stotra proper : 152 x 5 inches. Folia, 5. Character, Bengali. Ap दलदञ्जनपुञ्जाभा कल्पान्ताम्भोधरप्रभा । महातिमिरनीलाङ्गौ नीलाचलदनप्रतिः ॥ इन्द्रनीलमणिखच्छा नीलोत्पलदलच्छविः । शिखरेण गलोद्दामद्युतिर्मारकताद्रिवत् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only इति श्रीरुद्रयामले महातन्त्रे श्रीदेवीश्वरसंवादे चन्द्रचूडप्रोक्तायां संहितायामुत्तराम्नायपरिशोधने उत्तरपटले पच्चमकल्पे Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 750 ) राजराजेश्वर्या अनिरुद्धसरस्वत्याः श्रीदक्षिणकालिकादेव्याः संसारतारकं नाम स्तोत्रं समाप्तम् । 6638. 176. कालीसहस्रनामस्तोत्रम् । Kalisahasranamastotra. Substance, country-made yellow paper. 13} x 5 inches. Folia, 5. Lines, 6-8. Extent in slokas, 100. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old. Incomplete. The present MS has been described in L. I. 409. Another MS which omits some of the initial verses is described in L. IX. 2959. The hymn has been published in the Stotraratnākara (Madras, 1929, Part II, pp. 79-102). The present MS runs up to verse 71 of the printed edition. 6639. 201. Kālisahasranāmastotra. Substance, country-made yellow paper. 16 x 54 inches. Folia, 22. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 450. Character, Bengali. Appearance, fair. Complete. The present MS has been described in L. I. 478. This hymn consists of names of Kālī, all beginning with k. It is stated to belong to the Mahākālasamhitā. Beginning : कैलासशिखरे रम्ये नानारत्नविभूषिते । नानाक्षलताकोणे नानापक्षिरवैर्युते ॥ चतुर्मण्डपसंयुक्त टङ्गारमण्डपान्विते । समाधौ संस्थितं शान्तं क्रौडन्तं योगिनीप्रियम् ॥ तत्र मौनधरं दृष्ट्वा देवी पप्रच्छ शङ्करम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra श्रीदेव्युवाच । Colophon : -- 11. Complete. ( 751 ) किं त्वया जप्यते नाथ किं त्वया स्मर्य्यते सदा । सृष्टिः कुत्र विलौनास्ति पुनः कुत्र प्रजायते ॥ ब्रह्माण्डकारणं किं तत् किमाद्यं कारणं महत् । मनोरथमयौ सिद्धिस्तथा वाञ्छामयी शिव ॥ इति श्रीमदादिनाथमहाकालविरचितायां महाकालसंहितायां कालीकालसंवादे सुन्दरीशक्तिदानाख्यं कालौखरूपं सहस्रनामस्तोत्रम् समाप्तम् । 6640. 2777. Kalisahasranamastotra. Substance, country-made reddish paper. 18×32 inches. Folia, 18. Lines, 6. Extent in slokas, 450. Character, Bengali. Appearance, fair. Complete. 6641. 4675. Kalisahasranamastotra. 16 × 52 inches. Substance, country-made paper. Folia 71-82. Lines, Character, Bengali. Extent in ślokas, 450. Appearance, fair. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Post-colophon Statement : नवौननौरदनिन्दित निविडकादम्बिनीववण्ठे | श्रीकृष्णचरणसेनस्य खाक्षरमेतदिति । 6642. 11002. Kalikasahasranamastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 62 x 32 inches. Folia, 19, 21-28, Extent in slokas, 70. Character, Nāgara. 59, 61. Lines, 6, 7 on a page. Appearance, fair. Incomplete. [This MS was found missing at the time of printing the Catalogue.] For Private and Personal Use Only Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 3451. ( 6643. Kālisahasranamastotraṭīkā. Substance, country-made yellow paper. 186 inches. Folia, 35. Lines, 10. Extent in slokas, 1,400. Character, Bengali. Appearance, fair. Complete. 171. 752 ) The name of the commentator is not given in the present MS. According to the colophons of the MSS described under Nos. 6644 and 6646 the name is Pūrṇānanda Paramahamsa. 6644. Kālisahasranamastotraṭīkā. Substance, country-made yellow paper. 16 x 5 inches. Folia, 26. Lines, 12. Extent in slokas, 1,140. Character, Bengali. Incomplete. 4631. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir It The present MS has been described in L. I. 477. comes to an end at Fol. 29A of the MS described above. The commentary runs up to a portion of the phalaśruti section. 6645. Kalisahasranāmastotraṭīkā. Substance, country-made paper. 14 x 3 inches. Folia, 24. Lines, 6. Extent in slokas, 550. Character, Bengali. Appearance, discoloured. Incomplete. This MS, which contains the commentary up to name No. 456, reaches as far as a portion of Fol. 15A of the MS described under No. 6643. 6646. Kālisahasranamastotraṭīkā. 4677. Substance, country-made paper. (with two Fol. measuring 10 x 3 inches). Extent in slokas, 400. Bengali. Appearance, fair. Incomplete. 11 x 4 inches. Folia, 20. Lines, 9 Character, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 753 ) The present MS which comes to an end at Fol. 28A of the MS described under No. 6643 contains the commentary on names Nos. 457-1000, together with a very small portion of the phalasruti section. 6647. 8785. कालौहृदयम् । Kalihrdaya. Substance, country-made paper. 10 X 4} inches. Folia, 3. Lines, 10. Extent in slokas, 75. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old. Complete. This contains a long mantra of the goddess which is called hrdaya. Colophon :-- इति देवीयामले कालौहद 6648. 10116. [श्वेतकालौस्तोचाणि । Svetakalistotrani.] Substance, country-made yellow Lines, 11, 12. Extent in slokas, 500. Appearance, fair. Complete. paper. 11 X4 inches. Folia, 13. Character, Nagara. Date, S.E. 1737. This contains (I) श्वेतकालीकवच, (II) श्वेतकालीशतनामस्तोत्र, (III) श्वेतकालीसहसनामस्तोत्र, (IV) श्वेतकालीस्तवराज, and (V) श्वेतकालीमाटकास्तोत्र । I. Beginning :श्रीभैरव उवाच । सहस्रनामतः पूर्वं पठनीयं तु यद् भवेत् । तदहं संप्रवक्ष्यामि दिव्यं कवचमुत्तमम् ॥ 18 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Beginning : -- Colophon : 2B, इति श्रौवाडवानलीयमहातन्त्रे श्रीश्वेतकालौकवचं संपूर्णम् । 48B 754) श्रीश्वेतकाल्यै शतनामानि लिख्यन्ते । . Beginning : II. व्यथातः संप्रवच्यामि गुह्याद्गुह्यतरं परम् । श्वेतायाः कालिकायास्तु नाम्नामष्टोत्तरं शतम् ॥ ... श्वेतकाली महाकाली कालिका कालनाशिनी । कालेश्वरौ कालरात्रिः कालनाथप्रपूजिता || Colophon : 3B, इति श्रीसिद्धान्तसंग्रहे बृहत्सिद्धसारखतोक्तश्री श्वेतका ल्यष्टोत्तर शतनामस्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् । III. व्यथैतत्सहस्रनामानि लिख्यन्ते । अष्टादशसाहस्रसंहितायां ... कैलासशिखरासौनं प्रसन्नमुखपङ्कजम् । गणेशस्कन्दनन्द्यादिप्रमथैः परिसेवितम् ॥ शङ्करं परिपप्रच्छ प्रणम्य गिरिनन्दिनी । श्रीदेव्युवाच । भगवन् सर्व्वधम्मज्ञ सर्व्वभूतहिते रत । Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir तदुक्तं वाडवानलौय महातन्त्रे For Private and Personal Use Only श्वेतकाल्या महादेव्या यत्त्वया सूचितं पुरा । स्तोत्रं सहखनामाख्यं तदिदानीं वद प्रभो । Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 755 ) श्रौश्वर उवाच । श्वेताम्बरा श्वेतवर्णा श्वेतगन्धानुलेपना । श्वेतपुष्पार्चनप्रीता श्वेतमाल्यविभूषणा ॥ Colophon : 11B, इति श्रीवाडवानलीयमहातन्ले अष्टादसाहसिकायां संहितायां श्रोतकालीसहस्रनामस्तोत्रं समाप्तम । IV. Beginning :-- श्रीश्वर उवाच । त्रिपुरस्य वधे देवि यामरा संस्तुता पुरा। तस्याः स्तोत्रं प्रवक्ष्यामि श्वेतकाल्याः शुचिस्मिते । प्रणमामि महादेवौं कालिका भक्तवत्सलाम् । श्वेतवर्णी जगद्धात्रौं सर्वदेवप्रपूजिताम् ॥ Colophon :13A, इति श्रीमाटकाकल्ये उमामहेश्वरसंवादे श्रौश्वेतकालीस्तवराजः समाप्तः। v. Beginning : कर्पूरकुण्डधवलं विलसत्तिनेत्रं दन्ताक्षसूत्रशुभमोदकप हस्तं । नागाननं सकलसिद्धिकरं गणेशं लम्बोदरं प्रणतविघ्नहरं नमामि ॥१॥ हंसासनां कनकपङ्कजकेसराभां रत्नोत्तमोज्वलितमण्डनमण्डिताङ्गीम् । ब्राझौं समुज्ज्वलकमगडलूमक्षसूत्रं संबिभ्रतौं सरनुतां प्रणमामि नित्यम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 756 ) Colophon :13B, इति श्रौश्वेताया माटकास्तोत्रं समाप्तम । Post-colophon Statement : खस्ति श्रीशाके १७३७ मिति आषाढ वदि ७ रोज ५ तद्दिने लिखितमिदं श्रीअन्तनारायण भट्टाय । शुभम् । 6649. 11348. Svetakālīsahasranāmastotra. Substance, country-made yellow paper. 10 X 43 inches. Folia, 1-15. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 195. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. Complete. The stotra agrees with the one described under the previous number. 6650. 11272. गह्यकालीसहस्त्रनाम। Guhyakalisahasranāma. Substance, country-made paper. 8} x 31 inches. Folia, 30. Lines, 6. Extent in slokas, 270. Character, Newari. Appearance, fair. Complete. Beginning : व्यथ निर्वाणगुह्यकाल्याः सहसनाम लिख्यते । कनकाचलमासीनं ब्रह्मविष्णवादिसेवितम् । चिदानन्दघनं पुण्यं करद्यातसागरम् । श्रीदक्षिणकाल्यवाच । . . नानां सहसं महादेव गुह्यकाल्याः पुरातनम् । साधकानां विशेषेण चतुर्वर्गफलप्रदम् ॥ ब्रूहि मत्कृपया देव सर्वागमविशारद । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 757 ) Colophon : इति बालागुह्यकालिकातन्वरहस्यप्रकरणघटसाहसिकायां भैरवभैरवौसंवादे चतुर्दशाध्याये निर्वाणश्रीगुह्यकालीदिव्यसहस्रनामरत्नमालामन्तं समाप्तम् । 6651. ferait # 1 Kālikākavaca. 9479. Substance, country-made paper. 64 x 44 inches. Folia, 4. Lines, 10. Extent in blokas, 30. Character, Nägara. Appearance, fair. Incomplete. This is known as the Jaganmangalakavaca which is stated to belong to the Bhairavatantra. It is found printed in the popular editions of collections of stotras and kavacas. [The MS was found missing at the time of printing the Catalogue.] 6652. 9336. Kālikākavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 94 x 34 inches. Folia, 3. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 30. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Incomplete. It runs up to a portion of the last verse and is therefore as good as complete. 6653. 10394. [Pilaitonia | Kālīkavaca. ] Substance country-made paper. 9X4 inches. Folia, 4. Lines, 9. Appearance, discoloured. Incomplete. This MS contains two kavacas, one called TEAR 19 9 7 coming to an end on Fol. 2A while the other, in the form of an interlocution between Skanda and Śiva, called Hilniaga (?) or tapa (?) is incomplete. Fol. 4 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 758 ) which is without any leaf-mark contains a mantra (ateवेतालपरिवाधारिएकोलनम् ). 6654. 2771A. Kālikākavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 16x3 inches. Folia, 1-4. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 120. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old and discoloured. Incomplete. This kavaca is stated to belong to the Uttaratantra. Beginning: अथोत्तरतन्त्रोक्तकवचम् । यथा कैलासशिखरारूढं भैरवं चन्द्रशेखरम् । वक्षःस्थलसमासौना भैरवी परिएच्छति ॥ भैरव्यवाच । देवेश परमेशान लोकानुग्रहकारक । कवचं सूचितं पूर्व किमर्थं न प्रकाशितम् ॥ यदि मे महतौ प्रौतिस्तवास्ति कुलभैरव । कवचं कालिकादेव्याः कथयस्वानुकम्पया ॥ भैरव उवाच । ... कवचस्य भैरवऋषिरुणिक् छन्दोऽदैतरूपिणी कालिका देवता ऊं बीजं ह्रौं शक्तिः क्रौं कीलकं सर्वार्थसाधनपुरःसरमन्त्रसिद्धये विनियोगः । 6655. 170+199. कालौस्तोत्रम् । Hymn of Kali. Substance, country-made reddish paper. I51x4 inches. Folia, 1-5. Lines, 6-7. Extent in slokas, 90. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Beginning : ----- (759 The present MS had been split up into two parts (which have been joined again) and described in L. I. 416-7. It contains two hymns : ( 1 ) कालीस्तवराज from the कालौहृदय ( Fol. 1-3A), (2) कर्पूरादिस्तव from the वौरतन्त्र ( Fol. 3A-5B). स्तवराजं पूटणु राम कालिकाया मनोहरम् । यस्य स्मरणमात्रेण कालिका सुप्रीसदति ॥ Colophon of ( 1 ) : > इति कालौहृदये कालभैरवपरशुराम संवादे श्रीकालीस्तवराजः समाप्तः । Beginning of IV : 6656. 4678C. Hymn of Kalī. Substance, country-made paper. 16 x 5 inches. Folia, 3-8 (as marked on the left hand margin), 85-90 (as marked on the right hand margin). Lines, 11. Extent in slokas, 240. Character, Bengali. Appearance. discoloured. Incomplete. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir It contains the following hymns to Kāli : I. कर्पूरादिस्तोत्र (3B-4B). II. कालिकास्तोत्रराज from the बृहत्कालीहृदय (4B-5A) another MS of which has been noticed previously. III. जगन्मङ्गलकवच from the भैरवतन्त्र (5A-6A ) other MSS of which have been noticed previously. IV. त्रैलोक्यमोहनकवच from the रुद्रयामल (6A-7B ). V. अभेद्यमहायोनिकवच which is incomplete (7B-8B). Colophon of IV : देवदेव महादेव सारप्रीतिप्रदायक | सर्व्वविद्येश्वरीं विद्यां मयि त्वं कथय ध्रुवम् ॥ इति रुद्रयामले देवशङ्करसंवादे श्रीमद्दक्षिणकालिकाया स्त्रैलोक्यमोहनं नाम कवचं समाप्तम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 760 ) Beginning of V:श्रीशिव उवाच । अथान्यत् संप्रवक्ष्यामि कवचं योनिसंज्ञकम् । सर्वविद्याकरं साक्षात् महापातकनाशनम् ॥ Mathurānātha. 6657. afast i Syāmākalpalatikā. 797. PUTHT Substance, country-made yellow paper. 154 x3 inches. Folia, 12. Lines, 5-6. Extent in slokas, 250. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old. Complete. The present MS has been described in L. IV. 1613. An edition of the work complete in 109 verses was published in Bengali characters and with a Bengali translation (Gupta palli, 1825 Þ.E.). 6658. 4689. Syāmākalpalatikā. Substance, country-made paper. 15 X 3] inches. Folia, 12. Lines, 6. Extent in blokas, 250. Character, Bengali. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. Post-colophon Statement (blurred over with ink):-- सन १२३३ साल सौरपौषसंक्रान्तिदिन प्रकरबार टमटार वेला offa ya HHA ETT 6659. 5166. Syāmākalpalatikā. Substance, country-made paper. 124 x 4} inches. Folia, 19. Lines, 5. Extent in slokas, 250. Character, Bengali. Appearance, good. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 761 ) In the present MS the date of composition of the work is given at the end as follows: वेदादितिथिशाकेघु लुतास्थि चन्द्ररोचिषि । अकारि मथुरानाथशम्मणा कालिकास्तुतिः ॥ Post-colophon Statement : शिवाशिवौ च संनम्य फाल्गुने चाटमौमिते । श्रीकालिकायाः स्तोत्रञ्च कान्तिचन्द्रः समालिखत् ॥ 6660 5214. Commentary on the Syāmākalpalatikā. Substance, country-made yellow paper. 13 X 44 inches. Folia, 1-12, of which Fol. 5 is missing. Lines, 10 to 16. Extent in slokas, 400. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old and discoloured. Complete. Beginning : प्रथमं जगदम्बायाः स्तुतिविषये सृष्टिक्रममाह गुणातीत इति । परमपुरुषः शक्तिरहितश्चेद् गुणातीतो दोनो भवति जगत्कर्त्तताशक्तिरहितो भवति । कला प्रकृतिः तया युक्तश्चेत् सच्चित्मखविभव पूर्गो भवति सच्चिदानन्दपूर्णो भवतीत्यर्थः । Colophon: इति श्रीमथुरानाथविरचिता देवीस्तोत्रटिण्यनी समाप्ता । Kāśinātha. 6661 3540. श्यामासन्तोषणस्तोत्रम् । Syāmāsantosamastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 171x38 inches. Folia, 104. Lines, 5. Extent in slokas, 2,080. Character, Bengali. Appearance, good. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 762 ) The work appears to be complete in four chapters. Only the last leaf of the fourth chapter seems to be missing in the present MS. The first chapter incidentally speaks of the rules of worship of the deity while the main purpose of the work is to describe the greatness of the goddess. The last three chapters have each a refrain for the verses in it. The author of the work is possibly identical with a Professor of the same name of the Calcutta Sanskrit College who published translations of the Bhāṣāpariccheda and Prabodhacandrodaya. For an account of the life and works of Kāśīnātha cf. Sāhitya Parişat Patrikā, Vol. 45, pp. 222–231, Vol. 46, p. 80. Beginning :. . प्रोत्फुलब्रह्मरन्ध्रस्थितपरममहापद्ममध्यस्थ शुभ व्याकोषहादशाणे सुविमलकमले ध्यानगम्येतिरम्ये । सम्पर्णेन्दुप्रदीप्तस्फुटनखनिकरं बालमन्दारवर्ण सर्वाभौयस्य सिद्धिं सपदि दिशतु मे श्रीगुरोः पादपद्मम् ॥ १ ॥ कालव्याली कराली कलिकलुषहरा कुण्डली कृषाकाली केशौ कामौ कुली कुलकमलचरौ काव्यकल्लोलकण्ठौ । कल्याणौ शहन्त्री कमलजनिलया काव्यदा कल्पवल्ली कालौ कैवल्यदात्री कलयतु करुणां कामपूरा कृपाङ्गी ॥ २ ॥ Colophons : 74B, इति श्रीकाशीनाथतर्कपञ्चाननविरचिते श्रीश्यामासन्तोषणनामस्तोत्रे प्रथमोल्लासः; 88A, द्वितीयोल्लासः; 99B, ०टतीयोल्लासः । The date of the composition of the work (Fol. 104B):-- रसशरमुनिचन्द्र रक्षितेऽस्मिन् शकान्दे गगनगुणमितांशे सौरचैत्रे शुभाहे । स्तुतिरियमतिसाध्वी सन्मुखाम्भोजजाता भवतु चिरमवन्यां सि ... ... ... ... For Private and Personal Use Only Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 763 ) Beginning : Rājanārāyana. 6662 4646. कालौकल्पस्तुतिः । Kālīkalpastuti. Substance, country-made paper. 14x3 inches. Folia, 60. Lines, 5-6, Extent in slokas, 900. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old and discoloured. Incomplete. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir This contains what is stated to be the fourth section of the hymn which is of the type of the Devicatuḥṣasthyupacārastotra of Sankara (see below). यामिन्याः शेषभागे पुलकित हृदयस्तीर्थपूतान्तरात्मा पद्मारण्ये शरण्ये शशरहितविधोर्मण्डले चिन्तयेऽहम् | श्रीनाथं शुद्धवेशं परमरससमाखादकारुण्यमनं शक्त्या युक्तं दधानं वरमभयमही पूर्णशुभ्रांशुकान्तम् ॥ देवौं तद्यामभागे स्फुटकमलदल प्रख्यलो लायताक्षीमौषद्धासप्रसन्नां पृथुघनकठिनोत्तुङ्गवत्तोरुहायाम् । व्यरक्तद्योतवस्त्रां सुतनुकटितटीपद्मरागप्रकाशां रत्नालङ्कारभूषां प्रभुकरकलितां राजपद्मां भजामि ॥ तत्कारुण्योपगम्यद्विदशदलकजं प्राप्य तत्कर्णिकायां तिग्मांशोर्मण्डलान्तर्भूशमरुण सुधासागरे वौचिलोले । रत्नद्दौपे समन्तात् सुरतरुविपिने प्रोद्यदादित्यकल्पं रत्नप्राकारमध्ये मणिसदनमिदं वोच्य भूयो नमामि ॥ इन्द्राद्यैर्लोकपालैस्तदनु व विविधैभैरवैर्भीमवीर्ये - स्तत्पश्चाद्योगिनोभिः परमकुलमयं रक्षितं सावधानैः । तदेव्याधिष्ठितं श्रौमणिसदनमिदं मोक्षदं योगगम्यं भूयो भूयः प्रमोदाम्टतरसिकमना भावये भक्तिनम्त्रः ॥ तत्र श्रीपद्मरागैर्मरकतमणिभिर्वच मुक्तेन्द्रनीलैः स्थूलात् स्थूलैः समन्ताद् रचितमुरुरुचिव्याप्त दिक्चक्रवालम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 764 ) खप्नागारं प्रपद्ये विविधयवनिकाराशिभिमौक्तिकाध्यै रद्धद्वारं समन्तात् स्तुतमवनिमिलन्मौलिभिर्देवताभिः ॥ End : वाक्योपहारैर्जननि त्वदीयैरयत्नसाधारणकल्पितानि । त्वत्पादपङ्कण्हयूजनानि त्वत्प्रीतये सन्तु चिरं प्रसौद ॥ Colophon : इति श्रीकालौकल्पस्तुतौ श्रीराजनारायणप्रलपितायां चैतन्यचिन्तामणि म तुरौयः कल्पः । (2) TARA. 6663. 220. तारासहस्त्रनामस्तोत्रम् । Tarāsahasranamastotra. Substance, country-made yellow paper. 16x5t inches. Folia, 13. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 300. Character, Bengali. Appearance, good. Complete. The present MS has been described in L. I. 462. The stotra, according to the colophon, contains 1,000 names of Tārā all beginning with t though there are some names which begin with st Colophon : इति श्रीबालाविलासतन्ने देवीश्वरसंवादे तकारादिस्वरूपाख्यं सहस्रनामस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् । 6664. 223. Tārāsahasranāmastotra. Substance, machine-made paper. 19x5 inches. Folia, 10. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 300. Character, Bengali. Appearance, good. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 765 ) 6665. 2831. Tārāsahasranāmastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 16x5 inches. Folia, 6. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 180. Character, Bengali. Appearance, good. Incomplete. T : This stotra, which is different from the one described above, also contains names of Tārā beginning with t. Beginning : ॐ मेगएछे सुखासीनं शङ्करं चन्द्रशेखरम् । पप्रच्छ प्राञ्जलिर्भूत्वा पार्वती परमेश्वरम् ॥ श्रीपार्वत्यवाच । त्रैलोक्य श्रीनाथ जगन्नाथ जगद्रो। कृपया परया भक्त्या कथयख मयि प्रभो॥ तकारकोटिविद्यायास्तारायाः परमं शुभम् । सहस्रनामममलमठोत्तरसमाकुलम् ॥ (3) TRIPURA. 6666. 3102. ललितासहस्रनामस्तोत्रम्। Lalitāsahasranamastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 8x4 inches. Folia, 21. Lines, 8. Extent in ślokas, 210. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. An edition of the hymn with the commentary of Bhāskararāya has been published by Pandurang Jawaji (Nirnayasagar Press, Bombay). According to the colophon of the edition it belongs to the Brahmāndapurāņa. The present MS omits the introductory verses and some of the phalasruti verses. It contains verses 52-251 of the printed edition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 6. 8111B. त्रिपुरासहस्रनामस्तोत्रम् | Tripurāsahasra. Beginning : ( 766 > 6667. Substance, country-made paper. 16x32 inches. Folia, 1-11. Lines, Extent in ślokas, 200. Character, Bengali. Appearance, Cold. Complete. namastotra. MSS containing some other stotras of this type are described in Mad. XVII. 9146-9155. कार्त्तिकेय उवाच । महेशं मन्दरगिरौ मुखासीनं महोदयम् | कल्पपादपसंकीर्णे कदम्बवनशोभिते ॥ Colophon : तत्रासीनं मणिग्टहे वैदूर्य्यस्तम्भमण्डिते । मुक्तादामलतायुक्ते सुधाष्यपरिखावृते ॥ जातरूपपटाक्तिप्तवितानवर शोभिते । विश्वेशं विश्वकर्त्तारमीश्वरं करुणाकरम् ॥ विशाखो विनतो भूत्वा महेशमिदमब्रवीत् । ... जय शङ्कर सर्व्वज्ञ सच्चिदानन्ददायक । व्यज्ञानध्वान्तविध्वंस हंसरूप नमोस्तुते ॥ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Post-colophon Statement : इति मानसोल्लासे महातन्त्रे कुमारीप्रस्तावे उत्तरखण्डे हरघडाननसंवादे त्रिपुराबाला सहखनामाख्यं स्तोत्रं समाप्तम् । श्री कालीचन्द्रशर्मणः खाक्षरं पुस्तकमिदम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 767 ) 10430. 6668. 5813. त्रिशतौस्तोत्रम् | Folia, 11. Substance, country-made paper. 82 × 32 inches. Extent in slokas, 140. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. 6669. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir This hymn contains 300 names of Lalita. It has been published along with the commentary of Śankarācārya in The Works of Sri Sankaracharya (Srivanivilas Press edition, Vol. 18, pp. 161-308). Trisatistotra. Commentary on Trisatistotra. Substance, country-made paper. 92 x 4 inches. Folia, 1-111, of which Fol. 4-7, 10, 12-36, 38, 42-52, 54, 55, 57, 59-61, 63, 64, 82, 84, 86, 89, 93, 94, 96-101, 103, 109, 110 are missing. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 670. Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat 1871. Appearance, discoloured. In - complete. Lines, 8. Complete. Post-colophon Statement : The present MS contains the commentary of Sankarācārya. Colophons not found in the printed edition : 9B, इति श्रीपरमहंसपरिव्राजकाचार्य्य श्रीगोविन्दभगवत्पूज्यपाद शिष्यश्रीमच्छङ्करभगवत्पादकृतायां त्रि; 40B, • त्रिशतीनामार्थप्रकाशिकायां हौङ्कारनामार्थप्रकाशनं पञ्चमं समाप्तम् ; 69B, • त्रिशतीनामार्थप्रकाशिकायां द्वितीयखण्डपञ्चमवर्णनामार्थप्रकाशनं दशमं समाप्तम्; 79A, • द्वितीयखण्डचरमवर्णार्थप्रकाशनमेकादशं; 87B, टतीयखण्डस्य प्रथमवर्णनामार्थप्रकाशनं द्वादशं समाप्तं ; 92B, • टतीयखण्डद्वितीयवर्णनामार्थप्रकाशनं त्रयोदशं समाप्तं । For Private and Personal Use Only संवत् १८७१ श० १७३६ पार्थिवनामाब्दे फाल्गुन कृष्ण पञ्चमी ४ भौमे लिखितमिदम् ॥ Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 768 ) 6670. 9575A. लघस्तवः। Laghustava. Substance, country-made paper. 10x5 inches. Folia, 1-4B. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 55. Oharacter, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1918. Appearance, fair. Complete in 22 verses. The stava complete in 21 verses has been printed in Stotraratnākara (Madras, 1929, Vol. II, pp. 146–50) where it is attributed to Kālidāsa. Beginning (not found in the printed edition): ॐ अस्य श्रौलध्वाचार्य्यस्तोत्रमन्त्रस्य पुरन्दर ऋषिः त्रियप् छन्दः श्रोत्रिपुराभैरवी देवता ऐ बीजं लौं शक्तिः सौं कोलकं चतुर्विधपुरुषार्थसिद्ध्यर्थे पाठे विनियोगः। Last verse (not occurring in the printed edition): आनन्दोद्भवकम्पपूर्ण नयनं निद्राट्टहासादिकं ___वेदव्याकरणावगाहनकरं सौभाग्यसिद्ध्यराकम् । वश्याकर्षपुरप्रवेशकवितातर्कोक्तिमुक्तिप्रदं लध्वीजाप्यमिदं करोति सततं योगीश्वरस्य ध्रुवम् ॥ 6671. 3090. सौभाग्यकवचम् । Saubhagyakavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 10 x 4 inches. Folia, 1-6. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 65. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete. The present MS which was described in L. X. 4215 contains besides the Saubhāgyakavaca assigned to the Nityāsodaśikārņava, the Pārāyaṇastotra (Fol. 6B), complete in ten verses and assigned to the Jñānārnava. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 769) Beginning (of the Pārāyaṇastotra): शिवां पद्मासनारूढां शुद्धस्फटिकसग्निभाम् । वन्दे वाग्देवतां देवौं महात्रिपुरसुन्दरीम् ॥ १ ॥ 6672. 5963. चैलोक्यमोहनकवचटौका। Commentary on the Trailokyamohanakavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 91x4 inches. Folia, 9. Lines, 11. Extent in slokas, 340. Character, Nágara. Date, Saka 1517. Appearance, old and discoloured. Complete. A MS containing the text of the kavaca has been described under No. 5815 above. Beginning : अथ त्रैलोक्यमोहनकवचस्य टीका। रु. श्रीदेव्यवाच । श्रीमन्त्रिपुरसुन्दा या या विद्यास्त्वयोदिताः । कृप० ॥ प्रकीर्तिताः ॥८॥ शिरो मे वाग्भवं पातु कएईलहौंखरूपकम् । कामं विष्णुयुतं देवि शक्तिमायेन्द्रमेव च ॥ ६ ॥ महामायां ततः पश्चादाम्भवं बौजमुद्धरेत् ॥ अस्यार्थः । कामं व्यञ्जनरूपं ककारं विष्णुना अकारेण युतं तेन क इति सिद्धम् । शक्तिः एकारः माया दीर्घ ईकारः। इन्द्रः लकारः। महामाया हौं ॥१॥ हसकलह्रौं ललाटच्च पातु कामेश्वरादि माम् । वियच्चन्द्रस्ततः पश्चात् कलौ लकुलिवहि च ॥ 49 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 770 ) मायाखरेण संयुक्तं नादबिन्दुकलान्वितम् । प्रथमं कामराजस्य बीजं परमदुर्लभम् ॥ अस्यार्थः । वियत् हकारः सखरः। चन्द्रः सखरः सकारः। ककारलकारी सखरौ। लकुलो व्यञ्जनरूपः हकारः। वहि व्यञ्जनरूपः रेफः । एतत् लकुलौवहिरूपं व्यञ्जनदयं मायाखरेण दीर्घईकारेण संयुक्त कृत्वा नादेन अर्द्धचन्द्रेण ईकारेण बिन्दकलया बिन्दुखरेण च अन्वितं कर्त्तव्यं तेन हसकलह्रौं इति वर्णखरूपम्। प्रथमं कामराजस्य कूटं पञ्चमौविद्यायां स्थितं भवति । पञ्चमौविद्यायास्तु द्वितीय कूटं भवति ॥२॥ Colophon : इति त्रैलोक्यमोहनकवचस्य भाष्यं टौका च सम्पूर्णा । Post-colophon Statement : शालिवाहनशके नगपूर्णतर्कमेदिनीयुते नृपतौ च । क्रोधने तपसि मास्यसितेऽर्के वासरे विधितिथौ खपरार्थम् ॥ श्रीमन्त्रिसुरसुन्दाः कवचं परमोत्तमम् । त्रैलोक्यमोहनाख्यं हि सटीकमलिखच्छिवः ॥ 6673. 8959. मकरन्दस्तोत्रम्। Makarandastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 10x4 inches. Folia, 5. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 50. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1910. Ap. pearance, fair. Complete in 17 stanzas. Another MS of the stotra is described in Mad. XIX. 10807 where it is attributed to Kālidāsa. The last verse of the present MS is not found in the Madras MS. 49B For Private and Personal Use Only Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Last verse: Colophon: ( 771 ) qafuar fauıda azıfayegzdą | इदं स्तोत्रं पठित्वा तु देवौसायुज्यमाप्नुयात् ॥ इति श्रीशिवोक्तं मकरन्दाख्यं स्तोत्रं समाप्तम् । Post-colophon Statement: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir लिखितमिदं जगदीशाख्येन हरनन्दगिरि यत्यर्थं 1 संवत् १९०१०। चैत्रकृष्ण त्रयोदश्यां रवौ । 6674. 11065. [मानसपूजनम् । Mānasapūjanam.] Substance, country-made paper. Character, Nagara. It contains 52 verses or mantras, one of which is presumably to be uttered on the occasion of presenting a particular object to the deity. The work agrees with the Mānasikapujana attributed to Sankarācārya and described in L. VI. 2236. It was published under the name mānasapūjana (in 71 verses) by Sourindra Mohan Thakur (Calcutta, Samvat 1933) as well as in the collected works of Sankarācārya (Vol. 17, pp. 218-35) under the name of Devicatuḥṣaṣtyupacārapūjāstotra (in 72 verses). The present manuscript does not contain the full name of the work but the leaves are marked in the left hand corners with the letters I. ., apparently an abbreviation for मानसिक पूजन | 10x 4 inches. Folia, 5. Lines, 10. Appearance, fair. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 772 ) Durvāsas. 6675. 578. ललितास्तवरत्नम्। Lalitāstavaratna. Substance, country-made paper. 81x3 inches. Folia, 22. Lines, 6.7. Extent in slokas, 320. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1861. Appearance, old and dilapidated. Complete. The present MS has been noticed in L. IV. 1509. Two MSS of the work are described in Mad. XIX. 10827-8, of which one does not mention the name of any author, while the other attributes it to Sankarācārya. Post-colophon Statement : + + + संवत् १८५१ समये कार्तिक शुभ पद्या[मा]त्मारामेण लिखितं खार्थं परार्थं च । पठतु शुभं भूयात् । 6676. 5782. देवीमहिम्नस्तोत्रम् । Derimahimnahstotra. Substance, country-made paper. 9x4 inches. Folia, 12. Linos, 7 on a page. Extent in slokas, 170. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, discoloured. Complete in 55 stanzas. Beginning: श्रीमातस्त्रिपुरे परात्परतरे देवि त्रिलोकीमहा सौन्दर्य्यार्णवमन्थनोमवसुधाप्राचुर्यवर्णोज्ज्वलम् । उद्यद्भानुसहसनूतनजपापुष्पप्रभं ते वपुः खान्ते मे स्फुरतु त्रिलोकनिलयं ज्योतिर्ममयं वाङ्मयम् ॥ आदिक्षान्तसमस्तवर्णसमणिप्रोते वितानप्रभे ___ ब्रह्मादिप्रतिमाभिकीलितघडाधारानकक्षोन्नते । ब्रह्माण्डाजमहासने जननि ते मूर्ति भजे चिन्मयौं सौषुम्नायतपौतपताजमहामध्यत्रिकोणस्थिताम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 773 ) End.: दुर्वाससा विदिततत्त्वमुनीश्वरेण विद्याकलायुवतिमन्मथमूर्त्तिनैतत् ।। स्तोत्रं विधाय रुचिरं त्रिपुराम्बिकायाः _वेदागमोक्तपटलैर्विदितैकमूर्तेः ॥ ५५ ॥ [सदसदनुग्रहनिग्रहम् हौतमुनिविग्रहो भगवान् । सर्वासामुपनिषदां दुर्वासा जयति दैशिकः प्रथमः ॥५६॥] The last verse is found in the two MSS described below. Colophon : इति श्रीदुर्वा[स]साकृतं देवीमहिम्नः स्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् । 6677. 5976. Devīmahimnahstotra. Substance, country-made paper. 98x8 inches. Folia, 20. In Tripatha form. Character, Nagara. Date. Samvat 1831. Appearance, old and discoloured. Complete in 56 verses. The colophons of this and the following MS call the hymn Sundarīmahimnahstotra. The text is here accompanied by the commentary of Nityānanda another MS of which is described in Ulwar 2381, Extr. 640. Beginning of the commentary : श्रीविद्यानन्दनाथावियुग्मं स्मृत्वा स्वान्तध्वान्तभानुप्रभावम् । सर्वोत्कृठं क्रोधभट्टारकोक्तं स्तोत्रं श्रीमत्सुन्दरीश्रीमहिम्नः ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 774 ) पूर्व कैश्चिद्याकृतं नेति भौतो गूढार्थत्वात् कल्यबुद्धिस्तथापि । शिरिटैरोहितोऽहं गुरुत्या नित्यानन्दः सारतो व्याकरोमि ॥ इह खलु सकलागमाचार्यचक्रवत्तौं साक्षात् शिव एव अनसूयागर्भसम्भतः क्रोधभट्टारकाख्यदुर्वासा महामुनिः श्रीमहात्रिपुरसुन्दOः सानुभावं महिम्नः स्तोत्रं चिकीर्षुरादौ कूटत्रयदेवताभावनारूपं मन्लमाचरति श्रीमातरिति । End of the commentary : इति त्रैपुरं श्रीमहिम्नं गुरूक्तया मया व्याकृतं प्रौतये सिद्धये च । सतां साधकानां सुविद्यैः सुधौरै श्चिरं लोकनीयं हृदा निश्चलेन ॥ Post-colophon Statement : संवत् १८३१ आषाढवदी अमावस्या[यां] शुक्रवासरान्वितायां मया गोवर्द्धनेन कौलेन चित्रितमिदं सुन्दरौमहिनं शुभदम् । 6678. Derimahimnahstotra. 6076. Substance, country-made paper. 81x6 inches. Folia, 18 by counting. Lines, 15. Extent in slokas, 450. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old. Incomplete. The text is accompanied in the present MS also by the commentary of Nityānanda. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (775 ) The MS breaks off abruptly in the middle of the commentary of the first stanza (Fol. 1A) of which the pratīka only is given; and Fol. IB is left entirely blank. Fol. 2A opens in the middle of the commentary on stanza 20. Sankarācārya. 6679. 3108. BIGGS6 | Amandalahari. Substance, country-made paper. 91 x 41 inches. Folia, 32. Lines, 5. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old. Complete in 107 stanzas. MSS in Nāgarī characters, except the one containing the commentary of Kaivalyāśrama, refer to the hymn as Saundaryalaharī while MSS in Bengali characters as also MSS of commentaries by Bengali authors consistently refer to it as Anandalaharī. The Vanivilasa Press edition of The Works of Sankaracharya (Vol. 17, pp. 125–50) refer to it as Saundaryalaharī while under the name Anandalaharī it contains (Vol. 17, pp. 159–64) an entirely different hymn, a MS of which (No. 9490) is described below. The Theosophical Publishing House of Adyar has recently published an attractive edition of the work, together with English translation, explanation in English, diagrams and an appendix on Prayoga (Adyar, 1937). 6680. 4289A. Anandalahari. 3-5. Substance, palm-leaf. 14X1 inches. Folia, 1-13B. Lines, Character, Udiyā. Appearance, good. Complete in 103 stanzas. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 776 ) 6681. Anandalahari. 5050. Substance, country-made paper. 131x21 inches. Folia, 20. Lines, 4, 5. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old. Complete in 106 stanzas. Post-colophon Statement : श्रीदेवीचरणाभिक्षवन्द्योपाध्यायपुस्तकम् । गोविन्दरामदासेन भिषजा लिखितं द्रुतम् ॥ 6682. 9383. Anandalahari. Linee, 23. Substance, country-made paper. 11 x 7 inches. Folia, 10. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete in 103 stanzas. Colophon : इति श्रीशङ्कराचार्यविरचितं सौन्दर्यलहरीस्तवं समाप्तम् । कृति विडविषयमण्डनानामखिलकविमण्डनखण्डनपराणां महा तान्त्रिक श्रीशङ्कराचार्याणाम् । शुभमस्तु । Post-colophon Statement : लिखतं मया पण्डितमुकुन्दरामेण जयन्तीदेव्या[:] पठनार्थम् । संवत् १६००८ ज्येश्यशुक्लषश्यां गुरुवासरे शुभं भूयात् । 6683. 9868. Anandalahari. Substance, country-made paper. 108x33 inches. Folia, 1-19. .Lines. 6. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete in 100 stanzas. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 9823. Anandalahari. Substance, country-made paper. 7x4 inches. Folia, 12. Lines, 11. Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat 1877. Appearance, old. Complete in 102 stanzas. Post-colophon Statement: Character, Nagara. 9824. (777) 6684. संवत् १८७७ । लिखितं गुरदयालेन देव्याः स्तवमनुत्तमम् । 11062. Substance, country-made paper. Appearance, fair. 9684. 6685. Anandalahari. 919. Substance, country-made paper. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. 6686. Anandalahari. 7x4 inches. Folia, 34. Lines, 6. Complete in 103 stanzas. Substance, country-made paper. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 6687. Anandalahari. 10 x 4 inches. Folia, 19. Complete in 104 stanzas. It runs up to a portion of verse 15. 9x4 inches. Folia, 3. Lines, 9. Incomplete. 6688. Anandalahari. Substance, country-made paper. 12 x 4 Extent in slokas, 2,000. Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat 1810. ance, old. Complete with commentary on 101 stanzas. Lines, 7. For Private and Personal Use Only inches. Folia, 60. Lines, 11. Appear Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 778 ) The text is accompanied by the commentary of Kaivalyāśrama. The present MS is noticed in L. V. 1820 where the commentary is stated to be anonymous. Other MSS of the commentary are noticed in Bik. No. 519, L. IV. 1716, VSP. p. 54, IO. IV. 2621 and Oxf. 168. Post-colophon Statement : लोकसंख्या १६००। श्रीपतिविदितिराज्ये १८१. शुभवर्षे पौषमासे शुक्लपक्षे तिथैकादश्यां शनिवारयुता[यां] लिखितमिदं पुस्तकं ना + करामेण वसुदेवजातीय लवपुरमध्ये पठनार्थे धाग्यारामजातीय मुहले । सिद्धिरस्तु लेखकपाठकयोः । शुभमस्तु । 6689. 3694. Anandalahari. Substance, country-made paper. 14x3 inches. Folia, 36. Lines, 5, 6, 7. Extent in slokas, 750. Character, Bengali. Date, Saka 1674. Appearance, old and worm out. Complete with commentary on 101. stanzas. The present MS contains the text of the hymn accompanied by the commentary of Govinda Tarkavāgisa. Two verses (मञ्जीरशोभिचरणं and इत्थं शङ्करमूर्त्तिना, etc.) which are found in some MSS of the stotra occur here after the colophon of the commentator and there is no commentary on these verses. Other MSS of the commentary are noticed in L. X. 3373 and VSP. p. 53. Post-colophon Statement : श्रीसाफल्यरामदेव सार्थको लिखनं पुस्तकश्च । शकाब्दाः १६७४। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 779) 6690. 5204. Anandalaharītīkā. Substance, country-made paper. 153 x 24 inches. Folia, 19. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 750. Character, Bengali. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. The present MS contains only the commentary of Govinda Tarkavägisa. The last verse which is commented upon is numbered 102. This is followed as in the previous MS with the two verses without any commentary. 6691. 3434. Anandalaharīļākā. Substance, country-made paper. 14 X 3 inches. Folia, 38. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 1,100. Character, Bengali. Appearance, discoloured and worn out. Complete with commentary on 103 stanzas. The present MS contains the commentary of Gangāhari, other MSS of which are described in L. II. 750 and HPR. I. 28. Post-colophon Statement : शकाब्दाः। भाद्रस्य सप्तमदिने चन्द्रस्य दिवसे समाप्तोऽयं 9: 11 6692. 3905A. Anandalaharītīkā. Substance, palm-leaf (with a few folia on paper). 16 x 1 inches. Folia, 56 (hy counting). Lines, 4. Extent in slokas, 900. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old and dilapidated. Complete with commentary on 101 stanzas. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 780 ) The MS contains the commentary of Srikrşņa. In the MS described in L. VII. 2415 the name of the commentary is given as Mañjubhāşiņi and that of the author as Krsnācārya. VSP (p. 53) also notices a MS of the work where no name of the commentary is given. The epithet Tarkālankāra used with the name of the commentator in the present MS may be due to a confusion with the wellknown Bengali Smộti author of that name. Beginning:-...... पुरा किल वाराणस्यां ब्रह्ममीमांसाभाष्यकारो दैतवादविमुखो जगद्विजयौ परिव्राजकाचार्यश्रीशङ्करः शङ्करप्रतिमोऽपि श्रीशक्तिभक्तिविधुरतया चिरमनुविरहजन्यलेशपरम्परामनुभूतवान् । अथ शक्तिभक्तिवैधुर्यविज्टम्भितेयं सनदुःखधारेति ध्यानपरौपाकतो निर्णीय शक्तिकलायाः श्रीमदनपुर्णायाः प्रासादं व्रजन्नर्धपथि वर्मखेदेन निष्पन्दतां प्राप्तस्तत्रैव श्रीब्रह्मशक्तिं स्तौति स्म शिव इत्यादि। End: + + भौति पद्यं न सकलपुस्तकस्थं न वा श्रीमदाचार्यकृतमिव लच्यते इति न [व्याख्यातमिति । सञ्चरन्ति + + + + खाधौनविभवे पथि । पराभिप्रायगहनप्रवेशं साहसं महत् ॥ यदि + + भवद्भिरुपलभ्यते । तत्र साहायकं धौराः परं कुरत वो नमः ॥ Colophon:-- इति श्रीतर्कालङ्कारभट्टाचार्यश्रौलश्रीकृष्णशर्मकृतानन्दलहरी- . टोका समाप्ता। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (781) Post-colophon Statement :-- + + + + tera: : asa I 219 Eletri fafcagimgTTN गतेति शाके शतमात्यकानां sonra arata + ane + +1 मासद्वयञ्चैव मखाग्रहाणां वर्षाणि मासानि दिनानि सङ्ख्या ॥ 6693. 3973. Anandalaharītīkā. Substance, machine-made ruled paper (in book form). 8} x 64 inches. Folia, 68. Lines, 15. Extent in slokas, 1,700. Character, Bengali. Appearance, fair. Incomplete. The present MS contains the commentary called Haribhaktisuddhodayā by Harinārāyaṇa up to a portion of stanza 64. Another MS of the commentary is described in HPR. II. 17. 6694. 6582. Anandalaharītīkā. Substance, country-made paper. 19 x 31 inches. Folia, 41. Lines, 8, 9. Extent in blokas, 2,000. Character, Bengali. Appearance, fair. Complete with commentary on 103 stanzas. The present MS contains the commentary by Mahādeva Vidyāvāgisa, another MS of which is described in IO. IV. 2624. Verses occurring at the end of the India Office MS give the genealogical account of the commentator and the date of composition of the commentary as 1527 S.E. These verses are not found in the present MS. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 782 ) 6695. 5116. Ānandalaharīļākā. Substance, country-made paper. 131x2 inches. Folia, 26. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 800. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old and discoloured. Incomplete. The present MS contains the commentary of Raghunandana up to a portion of stanza 57. Beginning : उत्थायाम्बनिधेर्निरीक्ष्य परितः पुंसः प्रतापोद्भुटान् नारीरूपधरस्य कैटभरियोः सान्निध्यमभ्यागता । अन्तर्मोदभरेण बिभ्रति पुरस्तस्मिन्निजामाकृति बीडामोहितविस्मिता भगवती लक्ष्मीः शिवायास्तु वः ॥ अपि च । मुनीन्द्रागां साक्षादचलदुहितुः पाणिकमले ग्रहौते सपूलाघं मदनरिपुणा कामुकतया । ददन्यानामास्ये स्मितवलितमालोक्य परित स्तुतीयाया दृछेः कुशल यतु लज्जापरिचयः ॥ अपि च । अग्रेसरः सकलशास्त्रविशारदानां श्रीचन्द्रमौलिरुदभूट्विजवंशमौलिः । यस्यैककण्ठपदवीमवलक्ष्य वाणी ___खोयाभिमानमहिमानमुरौ करोति ॥ श्रीचन्द्रमौलितनयः कविचक्रवर्ती वाणौविनोदरसिको रघुनन्दनोऽयम् । श्रीशङ्करप्रतिकृतेरिह शङ्करस्य काव्ये दूरूहविषये विदधाति टीकाम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 783 ) विचाऱ्यांगमशास्त्राणि सदरोरुपदेशतः । आनन्दलहरौटीका तनोति प्रीतये सताम् ॥ श्रीत्रिपुरसुन्दरीचरणोपासनपरः श्रीशङ्कराचार्यः शक्तः प्रभवं जगदिति प्रतिपादयन्नाह। शिवः शक्त्या युक्त इत्यादि । 6696. Anandalahari. 10299. Substance, country-made paper. 11x5 inches. Folia, 35. Lines, 15. Extent in slokas, 1,100. Character, Nagara. Appearance, old and worn out. Complete in 102 stanzas. The text in the present MS is accompanied by the commentary of Rāmabhadra another MS of which is found in the old collection of the Society. Beginning of the commentary : नमामि परमं देवं शिवं शान्तमनामयम् । शिवाञ्च यत्प्रसादेन शिवे दृश्यादिकर्त्तता ॥ श्रीविश्वनाथतनयः सर्चविद्याविशारदः । रामभद्रो विवणुते सौन्दर्यलहरौस्तुतिम् ॥ श्रीशङ्करकृतां पुण्यां सौन्दर्यलहरीस्तुतिम् । व्याख्यातुमारभे भक्त्या क्षन्तुमर्हन्ति सूरयः ॥ Colophon of the commentary : इति श्रीरामभद्रमिश्रविरचिता सौन्दर्यलहरीटीका मनोरमा अनुनौकृता । 6697. 5967. Anandalahari. Substance, country-made paper. 104 x 6 inches. Folia, 56. Lines, 14. Extent in blokas, 1,600. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete with commentary on 103 stanzas. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 784 ) The present MS contains the text accompanied by a commentary by Kavirāja. The letters within square brackets in the colophon below are in red ink, evidently written by a later hand. Beginning of the commentary : ॐ सकलसरासरमौलिमणिनौराजितचरणकमलोऽणिमादिप्रवरसिद्धिसे वितपदप्रदानप्रच्युतदुर्लभरजोनिकरः कपिलपुरःसरसिद्धकाशितदर्शनो भगवान् श्रीशङ्कराचार्यः परमापद्तजनतोद्वारार्थविरचितकारुण्यशेवधिः महाविद्यां स्फटीकुवतामेव स्तौति शिव इति । Colophon: इति श्रौ[क]वि[राज[क]ता सौन्दर्यलहरौटीका सम्पूर्ण । 6698. Anandalaharitika. 10260. Substance, country-made paper. 8} x 41 inches. Folia, 35. Lines, 13. Extent in slokas, 875. Character, Nägara. Appearance, old and discoloured. Complete with commentary on 102 stanzas. The present MS contains the commentary of one whose name appears to have been Nirañjana. Beginning : शिवः शक्तयेति । ननु कथं परमहंसपरिव्राजकाचार्यस्य परिवर्जितसकलविषयसुखस्य परमात्मविदः श्रीशङ्करभगवतो भवान्याः सौन्दर्यवर्णने प्रवृत्तिरनौचित्यादिति चेन्ननु भवान्या ब्रह्माभेदेन ब्रह्म वर्णनमेव भवानीवर्णनमिति नानौचित्यं वदामः । Colophon : इति श्रीमन्निरञ्जनौटौकायां सुबोधिन्यां सौन्दर्यलहरी समाप्ता । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 785 ) 6699. 9490. Anandalaharī. Substance, country-made paper. 9X4 inches. Folia, 5. Lines, 7. Extent in blokas, 45. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1751. Appearance, old. Complete in 20 stanzas. An edition of the hymn, complete in 20 stanzas, has been published in The Works of Sankaracharya (Vanivilas Press edition, Vol. 17, pp. 159-164). Post-colophon Statement : इन्दुतर्कनगचन्द्रसम्मिते ज्येष्ठमासि सिततूर्यसंयुते । दिनकरस्य दिवसे हि पुस्तकं सूर्यमणिनामाख्यलेखितम् ॥ सदाभोलानाथाय पठनार्थम् । (4) BHAVĀNI. 6700. 3130. HaThe EGTATTA | Bhavānīsahasra nāmastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 6} x 4inches. Folia, 1-33. Lines, 7 on a page. Extent in slokas, 230. Character, Nāgara. Date, Saka 1701. Appearance, good. Complete. The present MS is described in L. X. 4113. The stotra has been published in the Stotraratnākara (Vol. II, pp. 1-23, Madras, 1929). It is assigned to the Rudrayāmala. Post-colophon Statement : श्रीसंवत् १८३६ शाके १७०१ चैत्र शुद्ध १ भौम्य । 50 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 786 ) 6701. 3774. Bhavānīsahasranāmastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 8x4 inches. Folia, 22. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 230. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. The present MS has no colophon. 6702. 2148. भवानौस्तवराजः। Bhavānistavarāja. Substance, machine-made paper. 6x33 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 6. Extent in slokas, 10. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Incomplete. The stava proper appears to be missing in the present MS which contains the dhyāna and nyāsa only. Beginning : अस्य श्रीस्तवराजस्य सदाशिवऋषिः स्मृतः । देवता जगतां धात्री [त्रि]कूटा परमोत्तमा ॥ छन्दोनुरुप् समाख्यातं मनसा इच्छितं फलम् । अथ ध्यानं वदाम्यस्या देव्याः परममुत्तमम् ॥ कृतेन येन जायन्ते नृणां पूर्णा मनोरथाः । माधेस्तानौलाभारूपश्यामलाकृतिम् ॥ अग्रे रक्तारविन्दाभां चतुर्भुजसमन्विताम् । ग्रैवेयाङ्गदसंयुक्तां लसत्काचौकलापिनीम् ॥ End : एवं न्यासविधिं कृत्वा शतमादौ मनुं जपेत् । स्तवराज पठेत् पश्चात् पुनरन्ते च सम्पूटम् ॥ Colophon: इति रुद्रयामले महागमसारे श्रीभवानीस्तवराजः सम्पूर्णः । 5OB For Private and Personal Use Only Page #233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 787 ) Beginning : Sahib Kaula. 6703. 6019. देवीनामविलासः । Devināmavilāsa. Substance, country-made paper. 7x63 inches. Folia, 1-402 (bound in book-form). Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 3,000. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. Complete in 16 chapters. This is a poem which seeks to elucidate each of the one thousand names of Bhavani (as found in the Bhavānīsahasranamastotra described above), by one verse, beginning from chapter VI (Fol. 162B) and ending in chapter XV (vol. 375B). The earlier chapters describe how Śiva, questioned by Nandikeśvara, related the greatness of the Divine Mother-greatness that led even Śiva to eulogise Her. The last chapter praises the hymn of thousand names. चिद्रूपं कृतनामरूपविभवं त्रैरूप्यरूपं बुधै Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir रासीदस्ति भविष्यतीति वचसां दूरेऽपि सत्तावपुः । त्यक्तायुक्तवियुक्तियुक्तिकलनं भक्तेषु वक्तिप्रयं श्रीशम्भोजयति खभावमधुरं तच्छक्तिरूपं महः ॥ १ ॥ सोऽहं तेन मुज्डः प्रनुन्नहृदयः सर्व्वास्खवस्था स्वपि सुन्दयाः स्तवराज ईशकथिते नाम्नां पुरा नन्दिने । साविकौल इति प्रसिद्धमहसि स्थानेऽमले दर्शये स्वातन्त्रेण निवेशितात्मविभवः सूक्तेर्विलासं स्फुटम् ॥ २ ॥ Chapter VI introduces the subject-matter as follows: Fol. 160A, शम्भुश्चक्रे यानि नामानि देवो देव्याः स्पष्टं पूर्वमुद्देशपूर्वम् । साहित्कौलस्तानि भक्त्यैकवश्यो वृत्तैरर्थं लक्षयद्भिर्बबन्ध ॥ २ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 788 ) विष्णुमायाभिधे सिद्धसरखत्यपिवर्णिते । पर्यायेणेह पच्या च तरण्याख्योपादिता ॥ ३ ॥ क्वापि क्वाप्यन्यनामानि विग्रहान्तरितानि च । वर्णितानि न दूष्याणि तान्यद्भावनया खयम् ॥ ४ ॥ Each chapter ends with a verse-colophon. The first half of this verse is common to all the chapters. The second half which changes from chapter to chapter occasionally refers to other works of the author. The concluding verses of chapters I and XVI, and the second halves of similar verses of the remaining chapters are quoted below. Chapter I:30B, खखातन्लामहानुभूतिकलया वश्यं भवियोदते साहित्कौल इति प्रथावति पदे निम्माति यः खासनम् । देवीनामविलासनानि विरते तत्तत्प्रभावोदयात् तत्काव्ये शिवसिद्धिनीतिसहजे भक्तिः प्रधानागमत् ॥ 46A, गायत्रीमनुजेनुसन्तततनोर्भाष्यस्य तेनागमत् काव्ये नामविलासनानि रचिते भक्तिईयोः पूरणौ ॥ 71A, देवौनामविलासनाम्नि ललिताचित्स्फारसारादय भ्रातर्यत्र तदीयकाव्यन्टपतौ भक्तिस्तृतीयागमत् ॥ 141B, सच्चित्पूर्वपदप्रकृयगतिभागानन्दकन्दल्यनू ड्वारे तस्य कृतौ विलास उदिते भक्तिस्तूरोयागमत् ॥ 159B, तत्काव्ये शिवशक्तिपूर्वकविलासानूड़ते संझते शक्तयन विलासनाम्नि महिता भक्तिर्गता पञ्चमौ ॥ 185B, तत्काव्ये कुलदेवताह्वयगतेः श्रीशारिकायाः स्तवं मन्त्रोद्धारकमानते खसहज भक्ती रसावागमत् ॥ 206B, तत्काव्ये गुरुत्तचिन्तनमणेः सोदर्यभावं श्रिते देवौनामविलासनाम्नि विरतिं भक्तिर्गता सप्तमौ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 789 ) 228B, तत्काव्ये सहजार्चनादिपदवत्याः घटिकाया अनू ते नामविलासनानि सुरसा भक्तिय॑तौतारामौ ॥ 250B, काव्ये तस्य निजात्मबोधसहजे करमौरविख्यातता हेतोर्दुर्गकलावपि प्रवितते भक्तिर्नवावागमत् ॥ 271B, तत्काव्ये चरणादियातयमकं श्रीचन्द्रमौलिस्तवं ____ भाटत्वेन समागतेच दशमौ भक्तिविरामं गता। 292B, तत्काव्ये चरणान्तयातयमकं खं सुप्रभातस्तवं सोदय कलयत्यमुत्र विरतिं भक्तिर्भवानागमत् ॥ 315B, काव्ये तस्य सहोदरेत्र विटते!तानुसारं प्रति ___ भान्त्या नामविलासनाम्नि विरतिं भक्तिर्गता द्वादशौ । 335B, काव्ये तस्य समागते खभगिनौं सज्जातकोदाहृति चित्रान्तेह विलासनाम्नि विरतिं भक्तिस्त्रयोदश्यगात् ॥ 356B, चित्रैः पद्यगणैर्विभासिततनूरन्यानवाप्य स्थिती काव्ये तस्य विलासनाम्नि विरतिं भक्तिश्चतुर्दश्यगात् ॥ 375B, काव्ये तस्य पराविचार्यविषये सत्पद्मबन्धादिका देवौनामविलासनाम्नि तिथिभिर्भक्तिर्गते हाधिता ॥ 392B, श्रीकृष्णात्मपरानुभूतिविभवाच्छौवषाकौलादभूत् साहित्कौल इति स्फुटं शिवपदं बुद्धेर्जनियाश्च यत् ।। भक्तिस्ततिराजितस्य सुफलखन्ता गता मे महाकाव्ये नामविलासनानि ललितापूर्णप्रथां घोडशो ॥ The date of the composition of the work (1667 A.D.) is given:397B, शाके विक्रमभूभतोनलभुजागाजैर्मिते हायने ___ कश्मीरेषु च नेत्रवेदगणिते पक्षे शुचौ माधवे । भूताहे गणपाधिपेऽन्तमन यदिद्विवर्षीविते साहित्कौलपदे विलासमुदितः श्रीशक्तिनामान्यनु । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 790 ) Last Colophon : इति श्रीनामविलासः शुभदः समाप्तः। कृतिरियं श्रीमन्महामाहेश्वराचार्यसाहित्कौलपादानाम् । (5) BHUVANESVART. 6704. 4706D. भुवनेश्वरीस्तोत्रकवचे। Bhuvanesvaristotrakavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 131X4 inches. Folia, 21B-25A. Lines, 8. Extent in ślokas, 75. Character, Bengali. Appearance, good. Complete. ___The stotra is taken from the Saradatilaka (Ch. XXIV. 86-111). The kavaca is assigned to the Rudrayāmala. Beginning of kavaca :-- देव्युवाच । भुवनेश्वर्याश्च देवेश मायाविद्याः प्रकाशिता । श्रुताश्चाधिगताः सर्वाः श्रोतुमिच्छामि साम्प्रतम् । त्रैलोक्यमङ्गलं नाम कवचं यत् पुरोदितम् ॥ Colophon of kavaca : 23A, इति रुद्रयामले देवीश्व[र संवादे त्रैलोक्यमङ्गलं नाम भुवनेश्वरीकवचं समाप्तम् । (6) DURGA. 6705. 148. दुर्गादादिनामस्तोत्रम् । Durgādādināmastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 16x51 inches. Folia, ]-12. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 265. Character, Bengali. Appearance, fair. Com. plete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #237 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 791) The present MS was described in L. I. 461. The stotra which consists of 1,000 names of Durgā, all beginning with the letter d, does not agree with the one of the same name published by Annadacarana Bhattacarya (Murshidabad, 1331 B.S.) and assigned to the Kulārņava. (7) MAHIŞAMARDINI. 6706. 10670. AfegHfE HEEGTH :1 Mahişamardini sahasranāmastava. Substance, country-made paper. 144x24 inches. Folia, 10 (by counting). Lines, 6. Extent in slokas, 160. Character, Bengali. Appear. ance, old, worn-out and faded. Complete. Beginning : fat 3917 9 A ma + + + + HEERHI The fag THÈU Hą + + + + + + Colophon : gfa + + + + + HET HEETHET: HAHI (8) ANNAPURŅA. 6707. aquítil | Annapūrņāstotra. 9816. Substance, country-made paper, 9} x 5 inches. Folia, 6. Linos, 15. Extent in slokas, 80. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1879. Appearance, old. Complete. The stotra proper contains about 50 stanzas. It is therefore styled pañcāśikā in two of the stanzas towards the end. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 4. ( 792 ) Beginning of the stotra proper :— श्रीदेव्युवाच । Colophon : देवदेवेश मे शीघ्रं दारिद्रां न भवेद्यथा । कां देवतां नमस्कृत्य वद शङ्कर तत्त्वतः ॥ ईश्वर उवाच । अन्नपूर्णामहं वच्ये चतुर्वर्गफलप्रदा[म् ] । यस्या[:] स्मरणमात्रेण कृतार्थः साधकस्वरेत् ॥ इति श्रीरुद्रयामले ईश्वरपार्वतीसंवादे अन्नपूर्णास्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् । Post-colophon Statement : Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir शुभमस्तु कल्याणमस्तु संवत् १८७६ अधिक व्यश्विनशुक्ले चतुर्थी ४ गुरौ खार्थं परार्थं च ॥ (9) VAGALAMUKHI. 6708. 236. वगलामुखौस्तोत्रम् | Vagalāmukchistotra. Substance, country-made paper. 16 x 3 inches. Folia, 3A-6A. Lines, Extent in Ślokas, 30. Appearance, old. Complete. Fol. 1-2B of the present MS contains a kavaca of the deity. The MS has been described by R. L. Mitra in L. I. 436, 437, one number describing the kavaca and the other the stotra. The stotra is published in various collections of stotras published in Bengal. 6709. 4706A. Vagalāmukhistotra. Substance, country-made paper. 132 x 42 inches. Folia, 1-3. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 30. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #239 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 793 ) Folia 1-3A contains the stotra while the last leaf contains two kavacas, presumably of Kālī, one called the śatrumardanakavaca and the other the rņasodhanakavaca, the colophons of which are quoted below:3B, इति समयातन्ले देवीश्वरसंवादे शत्रुमर्दनं नाम कवचं समाप्तम् । इति भैरवतन्वे देवीश्वरसंवादे ऋणशोधनकवचं समाप्तम् । 6710. 5129. Vagalāmukhīstotra. Substance, country-made paper. 18x3 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 6. Extent in ślokas, 30. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old. Complete. 6711. 9481. Vagalāmukhīstotra. Substance, country-made paper. 64 x 4 inches. Folia, 2-6. Lines, 11. Extent in slokas, 40. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. Incomplete. In the present MS the hymn which agrees with the one described above is assigned to the Vidyārņavatantra and not to the Rudrayāmala as in the previous MSS and the printed editions. It has more than a dozen verses in the beginning describing the deity. Colophon : इति श्रीविद्यार्णवतन्वे वगलास्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् । Post-colophon Statement : सं। १८१६ । ॐ ब्रह्मास्त्राय विद्महे स्तम्भनाय धीमहि तन्नो वगला प्रचोदयात् । चैत्रमासे कृष्णपक्षे एकादश्यां बुधवासरे लिख्यते लक्ष्मणेन शुभमस्तु । १ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 794 ) (10) PRATYANGIRA. 6712. 2802. Auf TTT A | Pratyangirāstotra.. Substance, country-made paper. 12 X4 inches. Folia, 3 (marked 11-13 on the left hand margin). Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 85. Character, Bengali. Appearance, good. Complete. The stotra proper is of the type of a mālāmantra which is preceded by an introduction and followed by a phalasruti. The phalasruti section of the present MS is followed in the next two MSS by another mantra with an indication of its application and uses. This portion is not found in the present MS. The first folia of the present MS and of the MS described under No. 5640 above (both of which form part of a larger MS) were inadvertently interchanged so that after a proper re-adjustment of the folia the latter MS is found to contain a complete copy of an Aparādhabhañjanastotra alone and no portion of the Pratyangirāstotra as stated in the description thereof. Fol. 3B of the present MS contains the aparādhabhañjanastotra (see below) assigned to the Rudrayāmala. Beginning of the Pratyangirāstotra : -- प्रत्यजिरास्तोत्रमन्त्रस्य ] महादेवऋषिरनुछुट्छन्दः प्रत्यङ्गिरा294 Rariterases fafazitat: .......... मन्दरस्थं सुखासौनं भगवन्तं त्रिलोचनम् । निपत्य चरणौ भक्त्या पार्वती परिएच्छति ॥ श्रीदेव्युवाच । धारणीया महाविद्या प्रत्यङ्गिरा महोदया । apotfearufu afutai TTUTT TI For Private and Personal Use Only Page #241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Colophon: ( 795 ) ... तां तां विद्यां महेशान कथयख मयि प्रभो । पठित्वा धारयित्वा यां नरो विश्वेश्वरो भवेत् ॥ इति चण्डोग्रशूलपाणितन्त्र विनिर्गतमहातन्त्रराजे प्रत्यङ्गिरास्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् । 6713. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 9891. Pratyangirāstotra. Substance, country-made paper. 10 x 41 inches. Folia, 1-5, of which No. 1 appears to be a later restoration on machine-made paper. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 85. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. Complete. 6714. 9492. Pratyangirāstotra. Substance, machine-made paper. 8x3 inches. Folia, 2-5. Lines, 8, 9. Extent in slokas, 80. Character, Nagara. Appearance, good. Incomplete. The stotra begins at Fol. 2B, the previous portion dealing with details of the worship of the deity. The stotra is complete in the present MS but for the colophon and verses towards the end pertaining to the second mantra, found in this and the previous MS. some 6715. 1981. प्रत्यङ्गिराकवचम् | Pratyangirākavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 9×4 inches. Folia, 3. Lines, 10. Extent in slokas, 75. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. Incomplete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 796 ) Beginning : अथ प्रत्यङ्गिराकवचप्रारम्भः । श्रीपार्बत्यवाच । देवदेव महादेव सर्वज्ञ करुणानिधे । प्रत्यगिरायाः कवचं रुचमन्त्रखरूपिणम् ॥ जगन्मङ्गलकं नाम प्रसिद्धं भुवनत्रये । सर्वरक्षाकरं नृणां रहस्यमपि तद् यथा ॥ श्रीशिव उवाच । पूटण वक्ष्यामि कल्याणि कवचं शत्रुनिग्रहम् । परप्रेषितकर्मादीन् मन्त्रशल्यादिभक्षणम् ॥ (11) INDRĀKȘI. 6716. 9365. इन्द्राक्षौस्तोत्रम् । Indrākshstotra. Substance, country-made paper. 9x5 inches. Folia, 3. Lines, 9. Extent in ślokas, 35. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete. The stotra is the same as the one described under No. 5649 above (Vol. VII). 6717. 9575B. Indrāksistotra. Substance, country-made paper. 11x4} inches. Folia, 4B-6B. Lines 7. Extent in ślokas, 35. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1918. Appear. ance, fair. Complete. Post-colophon Statement : शुभमस्तु । सम्बत् १८१८ मौति वैशाख सुदी २ वार सनीचर। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 797 ) (12) GAYATRI. 6718. 153. TECU I Gāyatrīhrdaya. Substance, country-made yellow paper. 184 x 34 inches. Folia, 1-6. Lines, 5. Extent in slokas, 90. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old. Complete. The present MS is described in L. I. 475. The work, in the form of an interlocution between Vasiştha and Brahmā, speaks of the origin of the Vedic mantra known as gāyatrī, as well as the esoteric meaning and potency of the different syllables constituting it. The following two MSS also contain works which are similar to and almost identical with the present one. 6719. 158. Gāyatrīhrdaya. Substance, country-made yellow paper. 16 x 3 inches. Folia, 5-11. Lines, 4. Extent in ślokas, 85. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old. Complete. The present MS is described under two headings in L. I. 442-3. The first two lines of Fol. 5A contain the concluding portion of a gāyatrīkavaca assigned to the Brahmayāmala. The gāyatrīhrdaya here is in the form of an interlocution between Vaišampāyana and Brahmā as well as Brahmā and Nārada. The major portion of what is called gāyatrikalpa (Fol. 8–11) in the present MS is found included in similar words in the previous MS (Fol. 4B-6). 6720. 242. Gāyatrīhrdaya. Substance, machine-made paper. 8x3 inches. Folia, 7. Lines, 6. Extent in slokas, 70. Character, Bengali. Appearance, good. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 798 ) This is assigned to the Brahmakalpa and is in the form of an interlocution between Yājñavalkya and Brahmā. It does not contain any portion of what is called gāyatrikalpa in the previous MS. . 6721. 2087. गायत्रीकवचम् । Gayatrikavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 81x4 inches. Folium, I. Lines, 19 in all. Character, Nägara. Appearance, worn out. Complete. The different syllables of the Vedic gāyatrī are here invoked for the protection of the different parts of the body. MSS of gāyatrīkavaca attributed to Nīlatantra and Āgamasandarbha are described in HPR. III. 74-5. Beginning : अस्य श्रीगायत्रोकवचस्तोत्रमन्त्रस्य ब्रह्मविषणुमहेश्वरा ऋषयः ऋग्यजुःसामाथर्वाणि छन्दांसि परब्रह्मणः स्वरूपिणी गायत्री शक्तिदेवता भू[:] बौज भुवः शक्तिः सुवः कोलकं गायत्रीप्रसादसिद्धार्थे गायत्रीमन्लपठनं करिष्ये। वर्णसत्कुण्डिका हस्तां शुद्धनिम्मलज्योतिषौं । सर्वतत्त्वमयौं वन्दे गायत्रौं वेदमातरम् ॥ Colophon : वशिष्टकल्पे गायत्रीकवचं सम्पूर्णम् । 6722. 5052. Gāyatrīkavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 13x3 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 30. Character, Bengali. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 799 ) Beginning :पार्वत्युवाच । देवदेव महादेव संसारार्णवतारक । गायत्रीकवचं देव कृपया कथय प्रभो । ईश्वर उवाच । फूटगा देवेशि सावित्रीमाहात्म्यं पापनाशनम् । महाव्याधिभयात् पापाद् दुःखसंसारबन्धनात् । प्रतिग्रहान्नदोषाच्च पातकादुपपातकात् । अतिगोप्यं महापुण्यं त्रिकोटितीर्थसंयुतम् ॥ सर्वयज्ञमयं देव परं ब्रह्ममयं सदा । कवचं कथयाम्यद्य पार्वति प्राणवल्लभे ॥ Colophon : इति श्रीरुद्रनामले शिवपार्वतौसम्बादे गायत्रीकवचं समाप्तम् । This is different from, though similar to, the kavaca in the MS described above. 6723. 9506. [गायत्रीस्तोत्रादि। Gayatristotrādi.] Substance, country-made paper. 9X4} inches. Folia, 5. Lines, 14. Extent in slokas, 150. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complete. This contains hymns like the गायत्र्योत्तरशतदिव्यनामस्तोत्र (Fol. 1-2A) [already noticed in L. II. 882] and गायत्रीकवचस्तोत्र (Fol. 4B-5A) which agrees with the one assigned to the Vasisthakalpa and described above (No. 6721). It has also sections dealing with rites for muttering the gāyatri (Fol. 2Bff) and describing what is called a gāyatrīmālāmantra (Fol. 5A-B). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra (800) 6724. 9407. Testa THTF# 1 Gāyatrīstavarājastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 8X3 inches. Folia, 5. Lines, 9. Extent in ślokas, 50. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1789. Appearance, old. Complete. The colophon of the present MS attributes the stotra to Viśvāmitra (afa fa alfhafa fari JateaTİ HUA), Another MS belonging to the old collection of the Society and noticed in L. II. 886 assigns it to the Viśvāmitrasamhitā. 6725. 3020. TETHETTATHI Gāyatrīsahasranāma stotra. Substance, country-made paper. 54 x3 inches. Folia, 27. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 100. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old. Complete. The present MS has been described in L. X. 4073. Post-colophon Statement : शके १७३२ चैत्र शु ७। भौमवासरे संवत् १८६६ दक्षणे शुक्लनामाब्दे । तद्दिने प्रातः समाप्तिमगमत् । The last three folia of the MS contains a description of the procedure of the rite called gāyatrītarpana. (13) SARASVATI. 6726. 11069. FAGĦTETTH | Siddhasarasvatīstotra. Substance, machine-made paper. 7X41 inches. Folia, 4. Lines, 10. Extent in slokas, 25. Character Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 801 ) The stotra proper begins from Fol. 2B, the earlier portion containing mantras and dhyānas. It generally agrees with a Sarasvatīstotra well known in Bengal and published in stotra collections like the Stavakavacamālā (Basumati Sahitya Mandir, Calcutta, 1334 B.S., pp. 554–6). Beginning :2B, ॐ ह्रीं ह्रौं हृद्यैकबीजे शशिरुचिकमले कल्पवृक्षस्थशोभे ____भव्ये भव्यानुकूले कुमतिवनदवे विश्ववन्द्याङ्घिपद्मे । पद्मे पद्मोपविये प्रणतजनमनोमोदसम्यादयित्रि प्रोत्फुल्लज्ञानकूटे हरिनिजदयिते देवि संसारसारे । Colophon : इति श्रीसनत्कुमारसंहितायां सिद्धसरस्वतीस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् । (14) LAKSMI. 6727 10866. महालक्ष्मौहृदयस्तोत्रम्। Mahalaksmihrdaya stotra. Substance, country-made paper. 61x41 inches. Folia, 10. Lines, 11. Extent in slokas, 140. Character, Nagara. Appearance, good. Complete. Beginning : ॐ अस्य श्री आद्यादिमहालक्ष्मी हृदयस्तोत्रमन्त्रस्य भार्गव ऋषिः ... ... ... ... 2B, ॐ श्रीमत्सौभाग्यजननी स्तौमि लक्ष्मौं सनातनीम् । सर्वकामफलावाप्तिसाधनकसुखावहाम् ॥ स्मरामि नित्यं देवेशि त्वया प्रेरितमानसः । त्वदाज्ञां शिरसा मृत्वा भजामि परमेश्वरीम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 802 ) End : ध्यायेल्लमों प्रहसितमुखौं कोटिबालार्कभासां विद्युबर्णाम्बरवरधरां भूषणाच्यां सुशोभाम् । वीजापूरं सरसिजयुगलं बिभ्रतौं स्वर्णपात्रं भर्ला युक्तां मुहुरभयदां मह्यमप्यच्युतश्रीः ॥ Colophon : इति श्रीअथर्वणरहस्ये आद्यादिश्रीमहालक्ष्मौ हृदयस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् ॥ (15) MISCELLANEOUS. 6728. 9324. गङ्गाकवचम् । Gangākavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 10x41 inches. Folia, 5. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 80. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1914. Appearance, fair. Complete. Beginning : श्रीदेव वाच । देवदेव महादेव भक्तानुग्रहकारक । गङ्गायाः कवचं हि यद्यहं तव वल्लभा ॥१॥ श्रीसदाशिव उवाच । लक्षवारसहस्राणि वारितानि तव प्रिये । स्त्रीखभावान्मया देवि पुनस्त्वं परिएच्छसि ॥ End : सबैश्वर्यं भवेत् सत्यं सत्यमेव न संशयः । एषा सन्मोहिनी विद्या पित्रा पुत्रो न कथ्यते ॥ ४३ ॥ गोप्यं गोप्यं पुनर्गोप्यं गोप्यं गोप्यं पुनः पुनः । खमाटयोनिवद्गोप्यं विधेि त्यागमा जगुः ॥ ४४ ॥ 5IB For Private and Personal Use Only Page #249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 803 ) Colophon : इति श्रीरुद्रयामले तन्वे प्रत्यक्षसिद्धिकरे श्रीगङ्गादेव्याः] त्रैलोक्यमोहनं नाम कवचं सम्पूर्णम् । 6729. 4819. योगिनौविजयस्तवः। Yoginivijayastava. Substance, country-made paper. 81x3 inches. Folia, 1-45 of which Fol. 2 is missing. Lines, 6. Extent in slokas, 500. Character, Nowari. Appearance, fair. Complete. Beginning : गुह्यस्तवं प्रवक्ष्यामि महाभैरवनिर्गतम् । भाषितं देवदेवेन भैरवेण महात्मना । गुह्यपद्मक्रमेणैव साधकानां हिताय वै । भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदं दिव्यं देवासुरनमस्कृतम् ॥ End :--- महाकुममते ख्यातं योगिनोविजयस्तवम् । पिप्पलादेन मुनिना एथिव्यामवतारितम् ॥ भैरवेण पुराख्यातं देव्या नियममुत्तमम् । यः पठेत् परया भक्त्या सोपचारेण नित्यशः ॥ स सर्वशुभमाप्नोति इत्येवं भैरवोऽब्रवीत् ॥ Colophon : इति ब्रह्मयामलदासप्ततिसाहसे रक्ताद्ये नवाक्षरविधाने योगिनोविजयस्तवः समाप्तः । 6730. 1870. वशीकरणस्तोत्रम् । Vasikaranastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 71x4 inches. Folia, 1-3. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 25. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 804 ) The present MS is described in L. X. 3248. The hymn is addressed to Vārāhī. 6731. 182. मातृकाकवचम् । Matrkākavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 13x41 inches. Folia, 6. Lines, 7-8. Extent in ślokas, 110. Character, Bengali. Appearance, fair. Complete. Different letters of the alphabet are invoked here for the protection of different parts of the body. The present MS was described in L. I. 486. Beginning : ईश्वर उवाच । पूटण कमलपत्राक्षि माटकां ब्रह्मरूपिणीम् । ब्रह्मादिभिः सदा ध्येयां सूक्ष्मां पद्मवने स्थिताम् ॥ अकारादिक्षकारान्तां प्रणम्य निगदामि ते । सदा ब्रह्ममयौं नित्यां योगपद्मोपरिस्थिताम् ॥ End : एतत्त्वत्त्वं महेशानि यो जानाति नरोत्तमः। स एव तु महादेवि देवीपुत्र इव क्षितौ । सोऽहं शिवो महादेवि देवीरूपस्तु शक्तिमान् । स शाक्तः शिवभक्तश्च स [च] वो वैष्णवोत्तमः ॥ स एव धन्यो यस्यार्थे महेशो व्यग्रमानसः ॥ Colophon: इति चिन्तामणितन्ते देवीश्वरसंवादे माटकाश्रीजगन्मङ्गलं नाम कवचं समाप्तम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 805 ) 6732. 10313. रजस्वलास्तोत्रम् । Rajasvalāstotra. Substance, country-made paper. 7x33 inches. Folia, 1-5. Lines, 6. Extent in slokas, 30. Character Nagara. Appearance, worn-out and repaired. Complete. Beginning : ॐ अस्य श्रीरजस्खलास्तोत्रमन्त्रस्य ईश्वर ऋषिः....... अथ ध्यानम् । बालार्ककोटिवर्णाभां बालचन्द्रनिभाननाम् । अनन्तबालासहितां ध्यायेद्देवौं रजस्खलाम् ॥ भगोद्भवं जगत् सव्वं त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम् । भूपातालादिक++सत्याकाशं भगोद्भवम् ॥ Colophon : इति श्रीरुद्रयामले तन्त्र उमामहेश्वरसंवादे रजखलास्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् । 6733. 10316. पुष्यिणौस्तोत्रम् । Puspinistotra. Substance, machine-made paper. 7x4 inches. Folia 1-3. Lines, 6. Extent in ślokas, 25. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1956. Appearance, fair. Complete. Beginning : रजस्खलामुखं दृष्ट्वा सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते । सम्भाषणञ्च कुरुते सोमयागफलं लभेत् ॥ तस्याः स्मरणमात्रेण भवेन्मुक्तिश्चतुर्विधा । तस्याः संसर्गमात्रेण त्रैलोक्योच्चाटनक्षमः ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 806 ) Colophon : इति कालिकाप्रस्थे पुष्यिणास्त्रोत्रम् । Post-colophon Statement (in a different hand): रघनाथमालवीयस्येदं पुस्तकं। सं १८५६ आषाढ शुक्ल ६ चन्द्रवासरे। 6734. 10317. योनिस्तोत्रम् । Yonistotra. Substance, machine-made paper. 7x4 inches. Folia, 4. Lines, 6. Extent in ślokas, 30. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1956. Appearance, good. Complete. Beginning : श्रीशिव उवाच । फुटण देवि सुरश्रेष्ठे सुरासुरनमस्कृते । इदानौं श्रोतुमिच्छामि स्तोत्रं हि सर्वदुर्लभम् ॥ यस्यावबोधनाद्देही देही ब्रह्ममयो भवेत् । श्रीदेव्युवाच । ममैव प्राणसखं लतास्तोत्रं दिगम्बरम् । अस्य प्रपठनाद्देव जीवन्मुक्तोपि जायते ॥ भगरूपा जगन्माया सृरिस्थितिलयान्विता। दशविद्याखरूपात्मा योनिर्मां पातु सर्वदा ॥ कोणत्रययुता देवी स्तुतिनिन्दाविजिता । जगदानन्दसम्भूता योनिर्मां पातु सर्वदा ॥ Colophon : इति योनितन्त्र योनिस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 807 ) Post-colophon Statement (in a different hand): प० रघुनाथमालवीयस्येदं पुस्तकम्। सं १९५६ आषाढ शुक्ल ८ चन्द्रवासरे। ५० बालमुकुन्दकर्मकाण्डिमालवीयस्येदं पुस्तकम्। 6735. 4706G. योनिकवचम् । Yonikavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 13 X 44 inches. Folia, 43B-44B. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 10. Character, Bengali. Appearance, fair. Complete. The kavaca which is assigned to the Nīlatantra and is called Triloksavijayī [Trailokyavijaya] is preceded by a short Yonistava assigned to the Kulacūļāmaņitantra. Beginning : अस्य श्रीयोनिकवचस्य नारदऋषिरनुएयछन्दः......... ॐ ह्रौं योनिन्या सदा पातु खाहा। शत्रुनाशात्मिका योनिः सदा मां रक्ष सागरे ॥ Colophon : इति नौलतन्ते उमामहेश्वरसम्बादे त्रिलोक्षविजयोकवचं समाप्तम् । Post-colophon Statement : श्रीजगद्रामशम्मणः खाक्षरमिदं पुस्तके लिपिरेषा श्रावणस्य एकविंशतिदिनजेति। समाप्तश्चायं ग्रन्थः । 6736. 9499. विषयेश्वरीस्तोत्रम् । Visayesvaristotra. Substance, machine-made paper. 8X4} inches. Folium, 1. Lines 19 in all. Extent in slokas, 15. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #254 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 808 ) It has been published with the title Vişayeśvarastotra in the Stavakavacamālā (Basumati Sahitya Mandir, Calcutta, 1334 B.S., pp. 761-3). Post-colophon Statement : अलेखौदं लक्ष्मीनारायणेन कविना रन्ध्रा(व)वणग्रहचन्द्रमिते वर्षे वैक्रमे मासि पौषे खामितिथौ शुक्रे । 6737. 9495. वन्दौस्तोत्रम् । Vandistotra. Substance, machine-made paper. 8 x 4} inches. Folium, 1. Lines, 11 in all. Extent in slokas, 10. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete. Beginning : अथ वन्दौस्तोत्रम् । वन्दि देवि नमस्तुभ्यं वरदाभयशोभने । त्वदङ्घिशरणं गत्वा शीघ्रं मोक्षं ददातु मे ॥ १ ॥ वन्दि पवाजयत्राक्षि लोहससयभञ्जिनि । प्रसादं कुरु मे देवि शौघ्रं मोक्षं ददातु मे ॥ २ ॥ त्वं वन्दी त्वं महामाया त्वं दुर्गा त्वं सरखती। त्वं वौरा जननी चैव शौघ्रं मोक्षं ददातु मे ॥ ३ ॥ Colophon : इति रुद्रयामलतन्त्र वन्दीमोचनस्तोत्रम् । 6738. 10396. सङ्कटासहस्रनामाख्यानम् । Sankatāsahasra nāmākhyāna. Substance, country-made paper. 61x3 inches. Folia, 19. Lines, 8-9. Extent in slokas, 200. Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat 1891. Appearance, fair. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 809 ) A hymn containing eight names of the deity called Sankatānāmāstaka which is assigned to the Padmapurāņa is well known and has been published in the Brhatstotraratnākara (Bombay, 1932, pp. 189–91) etc. Beginning : मेगएछे सुखासीनं भैरवं परिएच्छति । बद्धाञ्जलियुटा देवी भैरवी भुवनेश्वरी ॥ श्रीभैरव्युवाच । यत् सूचितं त्वया नाथ नाम्नामएसहसकम् । तन्मे वद महाकाल यद्यहं तव वल्लभा । श्रीभैरव उवाच । पूटा देवि महेशानि नामामयसहस्रकम् । पुरा त्रिपुरनाशार्थं यन्मया लिखितं शुभे ॥ 3A. अथ सहस्रनामाख्यानम् । सङ्कटा विजया नित्या कामदा दुःखहारिणौ । सर्वगाव्याहतगतिः कात्यायनी मडेश्वरी ॥ Colophon :-- इति श्रीमहाकालसंहितायां चतुर्थोंकल्पपटले सजाटासहख नामाख्यानं समाप्तम् । Post-colophon Statement : संवत् १८६१। लिखितं विश्वेश्वर शर्मणा पौषमासे कृष्णे १० । 6739. 2852. अपराधभञ्जनस्तोत्रम् । Aparādhabhaijanastotra. Substance, machine-made paper. 124 x 4 inches. Folium, I with writ. ing on one side only. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 10. Character, Bengali. Appearance, discoloured. Complete in 5 verses. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Beginning : Other hymns of the type have been described in ASB. VII. 5275, 5609-14, 5640, 5643. The present hymn is also contained in another MS containing the Pratyangirāstotra 6712 above. Colophon : (810) न ध्यातं चरणाम्बुजं न च कृतं साष्टाङ्गपातं नमः श्रोत्रेणापि गुणानुवादचरितं नैव श्रुतं त्वद्दचः । स्पृष्टं नापि तवानुवृत्तिकुशलं त्वत्पादजं वा रजः क्षन्तव्यो जननि त्वयाहमसिते मूढोपराधाकुलः ॥ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir इति रुद्रयामले शिवविरचितम् अपराधभञ्जनस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् । Colophon : 6740. 2853. अपराधभञ्जनस्तोत्रम् | Aparādhabhañjanastotra. Substance, machine-made paper. 12 x 4 inches. Folium, 1. Lines, 16 in all. Character, Bengali. Appearance, discoloured. Complete in 12 verses. The stotra, complete in 17 verses and attributed to Šankarācārya, has been published under the title Kālyaparādhabhanjanastotra in the Stavakavacamālā (Basumati Sahitya Mandir edition, pp. 484-487). इति गुप्तसाधनतन्त्रे हरगौरीसंवादे अपराधभञ्जनस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #257 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra II. SIVA. 6741. 4706C. भगवच्छिवस्तोत्रम् | Bhagavacchivastotra. Substance, country-made yellow paper. 13x42 inches. Folium, 1 (marked 21). Lines, 5 in all. Extent in Ślokas, 5. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old. Complete. Beginning : The stotra consists of an enumeration of twelve names of Siva. प्रथमे च महादेवो द्वितीये च महेश्वरः । टतौये शङ्करः प्रोक्तञ्चतुर्थे वृषभध्वजः ॥ Colophon : इति रुद्रयामले भगवच्छिवस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् । Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 6742. 9491. नौलकण्ठस्तोत्रम् । Nilakanthastotra. Folium, 1. Lines, 17 Substance, machine-made paper. 8 x 3 inches. in all. Extent in slokas, 20. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complete. Beginning : The hymn which is assigned to the Damaresvara Tantra is of the type of a mālāmantra. ॐ अस्य श्रीनीलकण्ठस्तोत्रस्य ब्रह्मऋषिरनुष्टुप्छन्दः श्रीनीलकण्ठः सदाशिवो देवता ब्रह्मबीजं पार्व्वती शक्तिः ममाभीष्टसिद्ध्यर्थे कायजीवरक्षणार्थे श्रीनीलकण्ठस्तोत्रपाठे विनियोगः । ॐ नमो नीलकण्ठाय श्वेतशरीराय सर्पालङ्कारभूषिताय .. ...... For Private and Personal Use Only Page #258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Beginning : ( Colophon : 812 ) 2438. शिवसहस्रनामावलिः Šivasahasranamāvali. Substance, country-made paper. 52 x 3 inches. Folia, 1-23. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 150. Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat 1866. Appearance, discoloured and worm-eaten. Complete. 6743. This hymn, which is in prose, contains names in the dative case with the word namaḥ understood. ॐ हिरण्यवाहवे नमः सेनान्ये' दिक्पतये Beginning :देव्युवाच । इति श्रौरुद्रयामले शिवसहस्त्रनामावलिः सम्पूर्णास्तु । Post-colophon Statement : Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir संवत् १८६६ शाके १७३१ विक्रमनामसंवत्सरे दक्षिणायने कार्त्तिक कृष्ण सप्तम्यां पुनर्वसु नक्षत्रे साध्ययोगे तद्दिने पुस्तकं समाप्तमस्तु । शुभं भवतु । लेखक चिमणाजी लक्ष्मण औरङ्गाबाद दक्षिण दिशा हालिवास्तव्य श्रीविश्वेश्वरचरणे वत्पदमस्तु । 6744. 3930. परमशिवसहस्रनामस्तोत्रम् | Paramasivasahasra nāmastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 172 x 4 inches. Folia, 1-3 (of which Fol. 3 is of a smaller size). Lines, 10, 11. Extent in slokas, 100. Character, Bengali. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. ॐ देवदेव महादेव ज्ञानसिद्ध कृपामय । यत्ते नामानि गुह्यानि पवित्राणि शुभानि च ॥ तन्मे कथय मे देव यदि स्नेहोऽस्ति मां प्रति ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 813 ) श्रीशिव उवाच । तानि ते कौतयिष्यामि भुक्तिमुक्तिकराणि च । गोप्यानि सर्व्वतन्त्रेषु न देयानि एथक् जने ॥ अस्य श्रीशिवनामसहसस्य ब्रह्मऋषिर्गायत्रोच्छन्दः परमहंसशिवो देवता सर्वार्थसिद्धये शिवसहसनामपाठे विनियोगः । ॐ भवो विशेश्वरश्चैव विघ्नराजो विनायकः । शिवोत्तमो विघ्नकारौ विघ्नराड् गणनायकः ॥ एकदन्तो विदन्तश्च गजवक्त्रो निरञ्जनः । कयौं दीर्घवत्रश्च तथा सङ्कर्षणः प्रभुः ॥ Colophon : इति उमायामले हरगौरीसंवादे परमशिवसहस्रनामस्तोत्रं समाप्तम्। 6745. 1885. वटुकभैरवस्तोत्रम् । Vatukabhairavastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 9x4 inches. Folia, 8. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 60. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old and wormeaten. Complete. Colophon: इति श्रीरुद्रयामले हरगौरीसंवादे आपदुद्धारवटुकभैरवस्तवराजः सम्पूर्णः । This is a well-known hymn, printed in various collections of stotras, enumerating 108 names of Bhairava. Different MSS assign it to different works, e.g., Visvasāra, Viśvasāroddhāra, and Rudrayāmala which are represented sometimes as independent works while sometimes one is represented as a part of another. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 814 ) 6746. 5065. Vatukabhairavastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 131x21 inchos. Folia, 3. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 60. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old. Complete. Colophon:-- इति विश्वसारोद्धारे आपदुद्धारकल्पे भैरवस्तवराजः समाप्तः । 6747. 8957. Vatukabhairavastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 93x41 inches. Folia, 7. Lines, 10. Extent in slokas, 60. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1901. Appearance, fair. Complete. Colophon: इति श्रीरुद्रयामले तन्वे विश्वसारोद्वारे आपदुद्धार कवटुकभैरवस्तोत्रम् । Post-colophon Statement : सं १८०१ भाद्र वदि ५ सोमे । 6748. 10681. Vatukabhairavastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 17X41 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 9. Extent in Slokas, 60. Character, Bengali. Date, 1771 S.E. Appearance, fair. Complete. Colophon: इति विश्वसारतन्त्रे आपदुद्धारो नाम बटुकभैरवस्तवः समाप्तः । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 815 ) Post-colophon Statement (In Nagarī script ) : -- ग्रन्थाध्यक्ष श्रीमदुद्वेचारामहालदारस्य तनय श्रीराखालदासशम्मणेन लिखितं । खिदिरपुर, कलिकाता । (In Bengali script) शकाः १७७१ फाल्गुन २८ ॥ Colophon : 6749. 11222. Vatukabhairavastotra. Substance, machine-made modern paper. 8x42 inches. Folia, 11, Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 60. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complete. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir इति विश्वसारोद्धारे रुद्रयामले वटुकभैरवस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् । The stotra is followed by the first three verses of the Gurvastaka of Sankarācārya and three leaves containing a portion of a work in Hindi. Beginning : 6750. 7861. वटुकभैरववकारादिसहस्रनामस्तोत्रम् | Vatuka - bhairavavakarādisahasranamastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 102 x 42 inches. Folia, 1-10. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 120. Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat 1895. Appearance, fair. Complete. ईश्वर उवाच | कैलासे स्थितमाविष्टं सर्व्वदा तु प्रवासकम् । त्रैलोक्यव्यापकं देवं पार्व्वतौवरशङ्करम् ॥ १ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 816 ) पार्वत्युवाच। कैलासे सुखमासौनं देवदेवं जगद्गुरुम् । जगतामुपकाराय पार्वती पृच्छते शिवं ॥ २ ॥ Colophon : इति श्रीविश्वसारोद्धारे रुद्रयामले तन्ते देवौहरसंवादे बटुकभैरववकारादिसहस्रनामस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् । Post-colophon Statement : संवत् १८८५ आषाढ शुक्लतिथौ ८ शनौ सिधरौलीमध्ये राजाछत्रसाहिसन्निधौ विद्याधरदिवेदेन लिखितं खार्थं परार्थं च । 6751. 2441. शिवकवचम् । Sivakavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 3} x 24 inches. Folia, 1-15. Lines, 5-6. Extent in ślokas, 45. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Incom. plete. The Kavaca has been published in Stavakavacamālā (Basumati Press edition, pp. 1042-51) and Brhatstotraratnākara (Bombay, 1932, pp. 93–100). 6752. 5209. माहेश्वरकवचम् । Mahesvarakavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 13x31 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 35. Character, Bengali. Appearance, good. Complete. The Kavaca has been published in the Stavakavacamālā (Basumati Press edition, pp. 1054–7). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 817 ) 6753. 10983. शरभेश्वरकवचम् । Sarabhesvaraleavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 7x3 inches. Folia, 2-10. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 120. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Incomplete. The Kavaca agrees with that occurring in MSS described under Nos. 5895 and 6485 above. The deity is thus described in the beginning of the Kavaca : रक्ताभं सुप्रसन्नं त्रिनयनमम्तोन्मत्तभाषाभिरामं कारुण्याम्भोधिमीशं वरदमभयदं चन्द्ररेखावतंसम् । शङ्खध्वानाखिलाशाप्रतिहतविधिना भासयन्नात्मभावं सर्वेशं शालुवेशं प्रणतभयहरं पक्षिराजं नमामि ॥ 6754. 8665. अघोरकवचम् । Aghorakavaca. Substaneo, machine-made paper. ll]x51 inches. Folia, 4-5. Lines, 12. Extent in slokas, 15. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat, 1881. Appearance, good. Complete. The earlier portion of the MS gives mantras of the deity Aghora-Rudra. This Kavaca is not found in the MS of the Ākāśabhairavakalpa (5895 above). Beginning :--- श्रीदेव्युवाच । देवदेव महादेव सच्चिदानन्द शाश्वत । त्वत्तः श्रुतमशेषं तु सर्वेषां कवचं पुरा ॥ अघोरेशस्य कवचं वद मे करुणानिधे । 52 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Acharya Shrikan Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 818 ) Colophon: इति श्रीच्याकाशभैरवकल्पे अघोर कवचं सम्पूर्ण समाप्तम् । Sankarācārya. 6755. 9953. GhTCH Kālabhairavāştaka. Substance, country-made paper. 10 x 3} inches. Foliv n, l. Lines, 17 in all. Extent in slokas, 10. Character, Nāgara. Appearanco, old. Complete. The hymn is published in popular collections of stotras : Brhatstotraratnākara (Bombay, 1932, pp. 130-1), Stotraratnākara (Madras, 1927, I. pp. 143-4), etc. Post-colophon Statement in a later hand): शुभं भूयात् । सम्बत् १५५० १७५४ मासोत्तमे मासे पौधे । 6756. 2850. TETAA | Sivabhujangaprayāta. Substance, country-made paper. Folium, I. 14x3 inches. Lines, 10+ 11. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old and discoloured. Complete in 16 verses. Though stated to be complete it contains a selection of 15 verses from the latter half of the hymn as published in the Stotraratnākara (Madras, 1927, I. 127-131). It begins from verse 19 of the printed edition and ends in verse 39 and has an additional verse (No. 15 in the MS) not found in the printed edition. Along with the stotra is found a Bhavānyastaka attributed to Sankarācārya which agrees with the 52B For Private and Personal Use Only Page #265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 819 ) Durgāstavarāja (Stavakavacamālā, Basumati Press edition, pp. 610-2) assigned to the Viśvasāvāratantra. 6757. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 2150. [मृत्युञ्जयमानसिकपूजास्तोत्रम् | Mrtyunjayamānasikapūjāstotra.] Substance, machine-made paper. 6 x 4 inches. Folia, 1-6. Lines, 8. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. Incomplete. The present MS has been described in L. X. 4149 under the title Mṛtyunjayamanasapūjāvidhi. It runs up to the middle of verse 29 of the stotra which has been published in the Works of Sankaracharya (Vanivilas Press, Srirangam, Vol. 17, pp. 105-115). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra III. VISNU. 6758. 3931. विष्णुसहस्रनाम | Visnusahasranāma. Substance, country-made yellow paper (the first three folia being white paper of a slightly smaller size, probably written by a different hand). 16x3 inches. Folia, 1-6. Lines, 8-10. Extent in slokas, 210. Charactor, Bengali. Date, Saka 1778. Appearance, good. Complete. • Beginning : This is different from the well-known Visņusahasranāma belonging to the Mahabharata. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir श्रीदेव्युवाच । भगवन् सर्व्वमन्त्राश्च भवता मे प्रकाशिताः । चतुःषष्टिश्च तन्त्राणि मातृणामुत्तमानि च ॥ कलापदं कलासारं तथान्यत् कुब्जिकामतम् । नामान्तरञ्च बौजाख्यं तोतलं तोतलोत्तरम् ॥ पञ्चाम्टतं रूपभेदं सिद्धयोगेश्वरौमतम् । सुरूपिकामतं देव रूपिकामतमेव च ॥ सर्वबीजमतं देव विमलामतमेव च । करुणेशं मेदिनीशं विशुद्धेश्वरमेव च ॥ एवमेतानि गुह्यानि तन्त्राण्यपि च कोटिशः । भवतोक्तानि मे देव सर्वज्ञानमयानि च । विष्णोर्नामसहखञ्च मया पृष्टं मुजर्मुजः ॥ न कथ्यते कथं देव जगन्मोक्षप्रदायकम् | अस्य श्रीविष्णोर्नामसहस्रस्य निरञ्जनपरमपुरुष ऋषिर्गायत्री च्छन्दो भगवानाद्यो विष्णुर्देवता चतुर्वर्गसिद्धौ विनियोगः ॥ ॐकारः कामरूपश्च क्लींकारः कमलापतिः । ग्लौङ्कारः श्यामलाङ्गश्च कृष्णः कुवलमन्दविः ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (821) Colophon : इति कुलानन्दसंहितायां चत्वारिंशसाहसयां भैरवभैरवीसंवादे महाप्रकृतिनिरुक्तं श्रीविष्णोर्नामसहसं समाप्तम् । Post-colophon Statement : लिपिरियं श्रीरामतारणदेवशम्मणः। वीरभूमौ सिउडिग्रामे त्वरया यत्नेन लिखितमिति । शकाब्दाः १७७८ । ज्येष्ठस्य २२ gifafa feat I 6759. 10820. TYCHEETTAFITA I Gopālasahasra nāmastotra. Substance, country-made yellow paper. 13 X 44 inches. Folia, 1-11 (with folia 2-3 of a smaller size inserted later on). Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 300. Character, Bengali. Appearance, good. Complete. The stotra, which is assigned to the Sammohanatantra, agrees with the one published in the Stotraratnākara (Madras, 1927, Vol. I, pp. 508-528) and not with the one published in the Stavakavacamālā (Calcutta, B.S. 1334, pp. 1128–1143). The matter contained in Folia 2-3, constituting the beginning of the stotra proper in the present MS, is absent in the printed edition. 6760. 3948. Gopālasahasranāmastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 81 x 4 inches. Folia, 1-21. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 300. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complete. Though assigned to the same Tantra the stotra contained in the present MS has only partial agreement with For Private and Personal Use Only Page #268 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 822 ) that in the previous MS. Fol. 1-12A of the present MS generally agree with Fol. 1-7A of the preceding one. 6761. 4279B. नरसिंह सहस्रनामस्तोत्रम् | Narasimha sahasranamastotra. Substance, palm leaf. 13X1 inches. Folia, 84-97. Lines, 4, 5. Extent in slokas, 280. Character, Udiya. Appearance, fair. Complete. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir The stotra, assigned to the Nrsimhapurana, has been published in the Stotraratnākara (Madras, 1927, Vol. I, pp. 418-443). 6762. 8666C. नृसिंहकवचम् । Nrsimhakavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 12 x 7 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 13. Extent in slokas, 45. Character, Nagara. Appearance, old. Complete. Colophon : This does not agree with the Kavaca popular in Bengal and assigned to the Brahmasamhitā. Beginning: ॐ नमस्कृत्य गुणाधौशं सर्वविघ्ननिवारणम् । नृसिंहकवचम् वक्ष्ये प्रह्लादेनोदितं पुरा ॥ सर्वरक्षाकरं नृणां सर्वोपद्रवनाशनम् । सर्वसम्पत्करं चैव खर्गमोक्षप्रदायकम् ॥ इति श्रीब्रह्माण्डपुराणे प्रतादविरचितं नृसिंहकवचं समाप्तम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #269 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 823 ) Post-colophon Statement :--- श्रीनृसिंहकवचं लिखितं जयन्तीदासेन विप्रेण ज्येछे मासे शुक्ल पक्षे सप्तम्यां रविवासरे पठनार्थं नारायणदाससाधुवर्यस्य । 6763. 9654. Nrsimhakavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 13x5 inches. Folium, I. Lines, 7 in all. Extent in slokas, 10. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. Complete. This is in mixed Hindi and Sanskrit. This is followed by extracts in Hindi pertaining to Tantric rituals. Colophon : इति श्रीनृसिंहपुराणे ब्रह्मरुद्रनारदप्रलादसंवादे श्रीनृसिंह - जयति सम्पूर्णम् । 6764. 10187A. हयग्रीवसहस्रनामस्तोत्रम् । Hagagrira sahasranāmastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 7x3 inchos. Folia, 1-13. Lines, 10. Extent in Slokas, 175. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old. Complete. Another MS of the hymn is described in L. VIII. 2607. The hymn does not agree with the one of the same name published in the Stotraratnākara (Madras, 1927, Vol. I, pp. 305ff). The names are here arranged in alphabetical order from verse 34 (Fol. 5A). Colophon :-- इति श्रीमहादेवरहस्ये तन्त्रे हरपार्वतौसंवादे हयग्रोवसहस्रनामस्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 824 ) Post-colophon Statement: संवत् १८६० । 6765. 2456. रामसहस्रनामस्तोत्रम् | Rāmasahasranāmastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 94×4 inches. Folia, 11. Lines, 9-11. Extent in slokas, 250. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. Complete. The present MS has been described in L. X. 4225. The names of Rama are here arranged in alphabetical order. The hymn, which is assigned to the Rudrayāmala, has been published in the Stavakavacamālā (Calcutta, 1334 B.S., pp. 1110-1128). 6766. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 3933. Ramasahasranamastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 10x 4 inches. Folia, 15. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 250. Character, Bengali. Date, Saka 1760. Appearance, fair. Complete. Same as above. 6767. 9622. Ramasahasranamastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 94x4 inches. Folia, 1-17. Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat 1826. Extent in slokas, 250. ance, fair. Complete. Same as above. Post-colophon Statement: श्रीसंवत् १८२६ समय मार्गशीर्ष शुक्ल ३ शुक्रे । For Private and Personal Use Only Lines, 8. Appear Page #271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 825 ) 6768. 3934. Rāmasahasranāmastotra. Substance, machine-made modern paper. 12x31 inches. Folia, 9. Lines, 6-7. Extent in slokas, 200. Character, Bengali. Date, Saka 1759. Appearance, fair. Complete. The stotra proper, without the introductory or concluding portions, has been published in the Stotraratnākara (Madras, 1927, Vol. I, pp. 455-67) which does not refer to its source. MSS of the stotra described in Mad. (XVII. 8964ff) assign it to the Lingapurāņa. Beginning :-- अथ श्रीरामसहस्रनामस्तोत्रम् । एकदा सुखमासीनौ पार्वतोपरमेश्वरौ। अन्योन्यापिलरबाहू तो जगद्धेतू जगद्भवौ ॥ पार्वती परिपप्रच्छ तदा धर्माननुक्रमात् ॥ श्रीपार्वत्युवाच । मन्नाथ जगतां नाथ सर्वज्ञ परमेश्वर । त्वत्प्रसादान्मया ज्ञातं धर्मशास्त्रमनुत्तमम् ॥ प्रायश्चित्तन्तु पापानां निष्कृति वक्तुमईसि ॥ श्रीमहादेव उवाच । अथ वक्ष्यामि ते देवि रामनामसहस्रकम् । पूटणध्वेकमनाः स्तोत्रं गुह्यात् गुह्यतरं महत् ॥ Colophon : इति लिङ्गागमतन्त्र उमामहेश्वरसम्बादे श्रीरामसहस्रनामस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra लिपिरिथं Post-colophon Statement : ७ । १२ । Beginning : ( 826 ) ... श्रीरामतारादेवशर्मणः । शकाब्दाः 6769. 1719. रकारादिरामसहस्रनामस्तोत्रम् | Rakārādirāma sahasranamastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 9x4 inches. Folia, 1-11. Lines, 10. Extent in slokas, 210. Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat 1884. Appear. ance, good. Complete. A MS of the work is described in Oxf. No. 152. श्रीदेव्यवाच । देवदेव महादेव भक्तानुग्रहकारक | त्वत्तः श्रुतं मया पूर्व्वं मन्त्राणां शतकोटयः ॥ १ ॥ Colophon :-- ... रहस्यं रामचन्द्रस्य रकाराक्षरपूर्व्वकम् । नामसहस्रकं ब्रूहि यद्यहं तव वल्लभा ॥ ८ ॥ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Fol. 2B, ॐ रामो रमाकरो दौप्तो रक्तनेत्री रमापतिः । रणभूमिविहारी च रक्तपादोऽरुणच्छविः ॥ १४ ॥ १७५८ । For Private and Personal Use Only इति श्रीब्रह्मयामले सृष्टिप्रशंसायां उमामहेश्वरसंवादे रकारादिश्रीरामसहस्रनामस्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् । Page #273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 9. Post-colophon Statement : 3276. मौति वैशाखसुदौ ८ शुक्रवार स्वहस्ते लौक्षीतं जोसि सिबलाल । (827) 8-9. plete. Substance, country-made paper. 10-12. Extent in slokas, 210. coloured. Complete. 3928. 6770. Post-colophon Statement: Rakarādirāmasahasranamastotra. Appearance, fair. Complete. 10×4 inches. Folia, 1-10. Lines, Character, Nagara. Appearance, dis इदं पुस्तकं घारपुरे इत्युपनामकगणेशेन लिखितम् । खार्थं परार्थं वा । 6771. Substance, country-made paper. Extent in slokas, 210. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir संमत् १८८४ । पठनार्थं जजराम । Rakarādirāmasahasranāmastotra. Post-colophon Statement: 101x4 inches. Folia, 1-11. Lines, Character, Bengali. Date, Saka 1757. इदं पुस्तकं 6772. लिपिरियं श्रीरामवार देवशर्मणाः शकाब्दाः १७५७।५।१२ | 9817. Rakārādirāmasahasranamastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 8×5 inches. Folia, 1-14. Lines, Extent in slokas, 210. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. Com. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 828 ) 6773. 3234B. रामस्तवराजः । Rāmastavarāja. Substance, country-made paper. 101x41 inches. Folia, 3A-8B. Lines, 10-12. Extent in slokas, 100. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete. The hymn which is stated to belong to the Sanatkumārasamhitā has been printed in Brhatstotraratnākara (Nirnayasagar Press, pp. 236-244) and Stotraratnākara (V. Ramaswamy Sastrulu & Sons, Madras, Vol. II, pp. 510-20). Post-colophon Statement : इदं पुस्तकं घारपुरे इत्युपनामक काश्यां कृष्णोन लिखितम् । 6774. 3234A. रामकवचम् । Rāmakavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 104 x 44 inches. Folia, 1-3A. Lines, 9-12. Extent in slokas, 40. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. Complete. · Beginning : ॐ पार्वत्युवाच । भगवन् देवदेवेश सर्चदेवनमस्कृत । सब्द मे कथितं देव राममन्त्रं विशेषतः ॥ त्रैलोक्यमोहनं नाम कवचं पूर्वसूचितं । कथयख महादेव यद्यहं तव वल्लभा ॥ श्रीमहादेव उवाच । प्टण वक्ष्यामि देवि त्वं कवचं परमामृतम् । अत्यन्तगोपनं गुह्यं ब्रह्ममन्त्रौघविग्रहम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 829 ) ॐ अस्य श्रीरामत्रैलोक्यमोहनकवचस्य ब्रह्मा ऋषिः गायत्री च्छन्दः श्रीरामचन्द्रो देवता मम चतुर्वर्गसाधने जपे विनियोगः । Colophon : इति श्रीब्रह्मयामले गौरीतन्त्र उमामहेश्वरसंवादे त्रैलोक्यमोहन नाम कवचं समाप्तम् । सम्पूर्णम् ॥ Post-colophon Statement : संवत् १८८७ शके १७५२ । 6775. 9846. राधास्तवराजः। Radhāstavarāja. Substance, country-made paper. 71x4 inches. Folia, 5. Lines, 8. Extent in Slokas, 35. Character, Nagara. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. This is only a collection of names and epithets of Rādhā. Beginning : ध्यायेनौलाम्बरौ श्यामा गौरवर्णा वराङ्गना । वेदगुह्या गुणातीता राधा कृषासमन्विता ॥१॥ मोहिनी सुन्दरी बाला रसरूया हरिप्रिया । श्रीकृष्णवल्लभा राधा पुरुषोत्तमधीमता ॥२॥ End : पठिता कृषासंपुछा हसिता रषभानुजा । राधिका राधिता राधा राधिका कृयादेवता ॥ ३४ ॥ Colophon : इति श्रीगौतमौतन्त्रे श्रीकृयो नोक्तः श्रीराधास्तवराजः समाप्तः । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (830) 6776. 377. Yufattah Aparājitāstotra. Substance, country-made paper. 13 X 24 inches. Folia, 4. Lines, 4, 5. Extent in ślokas, 40. Character, Bongali. Appearance, good. Complete. The stotra which is assigned to the Visnudharmottara consists of mālāmantras addressed to Vaisnava as well as other deities. It has been published in the Stavakavacamālā (Calcutta, 1334 B.S., pp. 700-5). 6777. 9316. TENGHA: Sudarśanamantra. Substance, country-made paper. 9x3] inches. Folia, 3. Lines, 6. Extent in slokas, 20. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Incomplete. This contains a mālāmantra (Fol. 1-2B) of Sudarsana, the disc of Nārāyaṇa, as also an incomplete mālāmantra (Fol. 2B-3B) of Nșsimha together with a description of the preliminary rites required for the repetition of the mantras. 6778. 11255. ETA forlatt | Hanūmacchāntikastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 9x31 inches. Folia, 1-3. Lines, 5. Extent in slokas, 12. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complete. Beginning :-- ॐ श्रीदेव्युवाच । भगवन् सर्वधर्मज्ञ सर्वशास्त्रविशारद। . हनुमच्छान्तिदं स्तोत्रं श्रोतुमिच्छामि साम्प्रतम् ॥१॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #277 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Colophon : शिव उवाच । पूटणु देवि प्रवच्यामि शान्तिस्तोत्रमनुत्तमम् | यस्य प्रसादमात्रेण भवेच्छान्तः कपौश्वरः ॥ २ ॥ केशरिनन्दनं वीरं शक्तिधर्मपरायणम् । कौलमार्गप्रदातारं त्वाञ्जनेयं नमाम्यहम् ॥ ३॥ 11. ( 831 ) इति श्रौत्कारिणौतन्त्रे हनुमच्छान्तिकं स्तोत्रं समाप्तम् । 6779. 3084. वडवानल स्तोत्रम् | Vadavānalastotra. Substance, machine-made paper. 8 x 4 inches. Folia, 1-4. Lines, 7a Extent in slokas, 40. Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat 1943. Appearance, good. Complete. Colophon : This stotra of Hanumat which is of the type of a mālāmantra is printed in Bṛhatstotraratnākara (Bombay, 1927, pp. 272-3 ) where it is attributed to Vibhisana. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir इति श्रौसुदर्शनसंहिता[यां] वडवानलस्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् । Post-colophon Statement : --- संवत् १९४३ मोः चइत वदी ९ शुक्रवार | 6780. 9220. हनुमत्कवचम् | Hanumatkavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 102 x 42 inches. Folia, 1-7. Lines, Extent in slokas, 150. Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat 1912. Appearance, fair. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 832 ) Beginning : श्रीयार्वत्यवाच । सदा शिवकर खामिन् ज्ञानद प्रियकारक । कवचादि मया सर्व देवानां संश्रुतं प्रिय ॥१॥ इदानौं श्रोतुमिच्छामि कवचं करुणानिधे । वायुसूनोरं येन नान्यदन्वेषितं भवेत् ॥ २॥ Colophon : इति श्रीरुद्रयामले ईश्वरपार्वतीसंवादे हनूमत्कवचं सम्पूर्णम् । Post-colophon Statement: संवत् १९१२। मार्ग शु १२ लि गौरीदत्तेन काश्याम् । Sankarācārya. 6781. 7569. चर्पटपञ्जरस्तोत्रम् । Carpatapanjarastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 101X41 inches. Folia, 1. Lines, 13+12. Extent in slokas, 20. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete. This is a well-known stotra printed in various collections of stotras like the Brhatstotraratnākara (pp. 341-3). Post-colophon Statement : सं १८३८ मि। ज्ये। सुद १३ पना वाचनार्थम् ॥ 6782. 5976B. मानसपूजा। Mānasapuja. Substance, country-made paper. 98x8 inches. Folium 1 (the last in the MS). Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat, 1831. Appearance, old. Complete in 4 verses. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #279 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 833 ) Beginning :-- रत्नैः कल्पितमासनं हिमजलैः स्नानञ्च दिव्याम्बरं नानारत्नविभूषितं म्रगमदामोदाक्षितं चन्दनम् । जातीचम्पककेतकीविरचितं पुष्पञ्च धयं तथा देयं देव दयानिधे तव विभो संसिद्धये तुष्यताम् । Colophon :--- इति शङ्कराचार्यविरचितमानसौपूजा समाप्ता । The colophon is followed by the following verse:-- या प्रोतिर्विदुरार्पिते मुररिपो कुन्त्यर्पिते यादृशौ या गोवर्धनमूर्धनि पृथकिके स्तन्ये यशोदार्पिते । भारद्वाजसमर्पिते + + + + दत्तेधरे योषितां या प्रीतिर्मुनिपत्नीभक्तिरचितां तत्रापि तां तां कुरु ॥ 6783. 6076B. Manasapuja. Substance, country-made paper. 81x6 inches. Folium, 1 (the last in the MS). Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old. Complete in 3 verses. Dasadasa. 6784. 7848. जानकौविरहसम्भवमन्त्रराजस्तोत्रम् । Janaki virahasambhavamantrarājastotra. Substance, country-mado paper. 11x41 inches. Folia, 1-11. In Tripatha. form. Character, Nagara. Date, Samvat 1919. Appearance, fair. Complete. The stotra is accompanied by a commentary by the author himself: The stotra which is complete in 20 verses is addressed to Janaki, consort of Rāma. 53 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 834 ) Beginning : श्रीरामचन्द्रहितवायुसुतं प्रणम्य श्रीजानकीचरणकञ्जरतिप्रदश्च । अत्यद्भूतं विरहसम्भवमन्त्रराज सौतापतेः शरणदं शिवदं प्रकुर्वे ॥ १ ॥ मातर्विश्वविभूषणं सुरवरं प्रत्याफणित्वेति वा स्तन्यं कामयतेऽर्भकोऽयममलः शान्तः क्षुवांश्चक्ष्व भोः । भूजे मामनुशासनं प्रभवतः प्राप्यैव देह्याशु रे प्राणा उत्कलयन्ति मे यदि पुनर्नायास्यसि त्वं च माम् ॥ ४ ॥ Beginning of the Commentary : - ... ... ... दासदासकृतं श्रीजानकौविरहामिनोद्भवमन्त्रराज तत्तिलकमहं दासदासजनः करिष्ये । End:-- मा रोदिषि त्वं हरविन्दनेत्र क्षिप्रं मदीयं पिब वत्स दुग्धम् । कुर्वन् खकार्य विहरख तावन् मत्वा वचो मे पुनरेहि मा त्वम् ॥ १६ ॥ श्रीजानकौविरहसम्भवमन्त्रराजम् अज्ञाननाशनमहरिरूपरूपम् । श्रीदासदासरचितं परिभावयन्तु हृद्यं विचार्य च मनः खलु भावुका हे ॥ २० ॥ Colophon : इति [श्रीमदासदासविरचितं श्रीजानकीविरहसम्भवमन्त्रराजस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् । 53B For Private and Personal Use Only Page #281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 835 ) Colophon of the Commentary :-- इति श्रीमदासदासजनकृतं श्रीजानकौविरहसम्भवमन्त्रराज तिलकं समाप्तम् । Post-colophon Statement :---- सम्बत् १८१६ । अाश्विनकृष्णतिथौ घयां ६ रवौ विद्याधरेण लिखितं काश्याम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir IV. KĀRTAVĪRYA. 6785. 9947. gratiara | Kārtavīryakavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 121 x 5 inches. Folia, 1-6. Lines, 14. Extent in slokas, 200. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete. The kavaca which is assigned to the Uddamaratantra is printed in Stavakavacamālā (Calcutta, 1334 B.S., pp. 884 98). A few lines, found after the conclusion of the kavaca, describe the procedure of muttering the mantra of Kārtavīrya. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #283 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir V. PLANETS. 6786. 9151. वजपचरसूर्यकवचम् । Vajraparijarasuryakavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 12x51 inches. Folia, 1-3. Extent in ślokas, 75. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1869. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. This constitutes chapter 33 of the Devirahasya section of the Rudrayāmala and agrees with Fol. 117A-120A of a complete MS of the latter described under No. 5880 above. Beginning : श्रीश्वर उवाच । यो देवदेवो भगवान् भास्करो महसां निधिः । गायत्रीनायको भाखान् सवितेति प्रगीयते ॥ १ ॥ तस्याहं कवचं दिव्यं वचपञ्जरकाभिधम् । सर्वमन्त्रमयं दिव्यं मूल विद्यारहस्यकम् ॥ २ ॥ सर्वपापहरं देवि दुःखदारिद्रानाशनम् । महाकुठहरं पुण्यं सर्वरोगनिवर्हगम् ॥ ३ ॥ सर्वशस्त्रसमूहघ्नं संग्रामे विजयप्रदम् । सर्वतेजोमयं सर्चदेवदानवपूजितम् ॥ ४ ॥ End: लक्ष्मौवान् जायते देवि सद्यः सूर्यप्रसादतः । भक्त्या य[श्च] पठेद्देवि कवचं वचपञ्जरम् ॥ ४२ ॥ इह लोके श्रियं भुक्का देहान्ते मुक्तिमानयात् । Colophon: - इति श्रीरुद्रयामले तन्ने देवीरहस्ये वचपञ्जरसूर्यकवचं सम्पूर्णम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (838) Post-colophon Statement : शुभमस्तु । संवत् १८६८ पौष १४ शुक्रदिने लिपिकृतमिदम् । 6787. 9438. Eva AI Suryakavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 9X4 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 25. Character, Nāgara. Date, Samvat 1887, Saka, 1752. Appearance, fair. Complete. This stotra, known as Trailokyamangala, is very popular and is found printed in many a collection of stotras. Post-colophon statement : संवत् १८८७ शाके १७५२ शुक्रमासे कृयापक्षे लिखितं वन्दौsta etfara 6788. 2010. gam | Sanaiścarastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 8x44 inches. Folia, 6. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 60. Character, Nāgara. Date, Saka 1774. Appearance, discoloured. Complete. The stotra which is in the form of an interlocution between Sani and Daśaratha does not agree with the one printed in Stotraratnākara (Madras, 1927, Vol. II, pp. 551-2), Bịhatstotraratnākara (Bombay, 1932, pp. 364-5) and Stavakavacamālā (Calcutta, 1330 B.S., pp. 668-9) the last of which attributes it to Dasaratha. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 839 ) Beginning : ___ व्यस्य श्रौशनैश्चरस्तोत्रमन्त्रस्य ईश्वर ऋषिः अनुष्टुप् छन्दः शनिदेवता हं बीजं खाहा शक्तिः मं कोलकं मम सकलपीडानिरसनार्थं शनैश्चरस्तोत्रजपे विनियोगः ।। Colophon:-. इति श्रीविधानमालायां दशरथप्रोक्तं शनैश्चरस्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् । Post-colophon Statement: शके १७७४ परिधावीनां संवत्सरे मार्गशीर्षे वद्य प्रतिपद्यां सोमवासरे इदं पुस्तकं ज्योतिधिवरवडेकरोपनाम्ना सखारामात्मजबालदेवज्ञेन लिखितम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra VI. MISCELLANEOUS. 6789. 1957. a ugia: | Bālagrahastava. Substance, country-made paper. 10 x 5 inches (2.fol.) and 91 x 4 inches (1 fol.). Folia, 3. Lines, 12, 8. Extent in slokas, 50. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete. The present MS was described in L. X. 4045. The hymn invokes various gods and demi-gods for the protection of children. 6790. 8781. Tritat i Gurugītā. Substance, country-made paper. 9 X 44 inches. Folia, 1-35 of which Fol. 2 is missing. Lines, 5. Extent in ślokas, 200. Character, Nägara. Date, Samvat 1913. Appearance, good. Complete. The stotra proper begins on Fol. 7B, the previous portion being occupied by a description of the worship of the guru. It is assigned to the Skandapurāņa in the present MS as also in the MSS described in ASB. V. 3935–7, while according to MSS described under No. 6792 below and in CS. V. 18 it belongs either to the Rudrayāmala or the Brahmayāmala. Though introduced as a mālāmantra it is of the type of an ordinary hymn, speaking of the greatness of a guru. Post-colophon Statement : संवत् १९१३ वैशाख शुक्ल १० । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (841) 6791. 5621F. Gurugītā. Substance, palm-leaf. 14x1} inches. Folia, 109–114. Lines, 5. Extent in slokas, 200. Character, Udiya. Appearance, good. Complete. The phalasruti portion (found on Fol. 27ff in the preceding MS) is not found in the present MS. 6792. 156. Tetat i Gurugītā. Substance, country-made yellow paper. 184x3 inchos. Folia, 6. Lines, 7-10 on a page. Extent in ślokas, 200. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old. Complete. The present manuscript has been noticed in L.I. 445. 6793. 2746B. Gurugītā. Substance, machine-made paper. 16 X 34 inches. Folia, 3B-4A. Lines, 5 in all. Extent in ślokas, 9. Character, Bengali. Appearance, good. Complete. This speaks of the greatness of the Divine Mother, the supreme Guru. अथ गुरुगौता। श्रीपार्वत्युवाच । लोकश कथ्यतां देव गुरुगीता मयि प्रभो। gani पूटण तारिणि वक्ष्यामि गीतां ब्रह्ममयौं पराम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #288 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 842 ) Colophon :--- इति कसालमालिनौतन्त्रे साईलक्षग्रन्थे श्रीस्त्रीगुरुगौता सम्पूर्ण। 6794. 217. गुरुसहस्रनामस्तोत्रम्। Gurusahasranamastotra. Substance, country-made paper. 13 x 5 inches. Folia, 1-8. Lines, 8-9. Extent in slokas, 130. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old, Complete. The hymn which is in the form of an interlocution between Siva and Pārvati is assigned to the Sammohana. tantra. The present MS has been described in L. I. 410. Two lines of a Durgāsahasranāmastotra are given after the conclusion of the present hymn. Beginning : सूत उवाच । कैलासशिखरासौनं चन्द्रखण्डविराजितम् । पप्रच्छ विनयाद] भक्त्या गौरी नत्वा दृषध्वजम् ॥ श्रीदेव्यवाच । भगवन् सर्वधर्मज्ञ सर्वशास्त्रविशारद । केनोपायेन च कलौ लोकात्ता यान्ति सद्भुतिम् ॥ 6795. 2788. Gurusahasranāmastotra. Substance, machine-made paper. 124 x 4 inches. Folia, 1-6. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 130. Character, Bengali. Appearance, fair. Com. plete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra (843) Same as above. The present MS has been described in L. X. 4077. Post-colophon Statement :-- श्री हरिनारायणदेवशर्मणः स्वाक्षरमिदं पुस्तकञ्च । -- Beginning : 2780. Gurusahasranamastotra. Substanco, country-made yellow paper. 13 x 3 inches. Folia, 1-9, of which Nos. 3-6 are missing. Lines, 8. Character, Bengali. Appearance, good. Incompleto. This is different from the hymn described above. 6796. श्रीमहादेव उवाच । परं श्रोतुमिच्छामि कान्ते मत्प्राणवल्लभे । स्तोत्रं सहस्रनामाख्यं श्रीगुरोः कुलभैरवि ॥ कृपया कथयेशानि स्तोत्रं परमदुर्लभम् । Colophon : ॐ नमामि श्रीगुरुब्रह्मा ब्रह्मज्ञानप्रदायकः । ब्रह्मजो ब्रह्मदो ब्रह्मा ब्रह्मपद्मोपरिस्थितः ॥ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 8963. ... इति श्रीनिगमयोगसारे सर्वागमोत्तमोत्तमे शतसाहस संहितायां निगमशास्त्रे सहसारे सहस्रनामकथनं एकादशः परिच्छेदः । 6797. गुरुस्तवराजः [ | Gurustavarāja. Substance, country-made paper. 7x4 inches. Folia, 3. Lines, 7. Extent in Ślokas, 25. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 844 ) Beginning :-- ॐ ब्रह्मस्थानसरोजमध्यविलसच्छीतांशुपीठस्थितं स्फूर्जत्सूर्यरुचिं वराभयकरं कर्पूरकुन्दोज्ज्वलम् । श्वेतसम्वसनानुलेपनयुतं विद्युदरचा कान्तया । संपिलटार्धतनुं प्रसन्नवदनं वन्दे गुरु सादरम् ॥ End : पूर्वाशाभिमुखः कृताञ्जलिपुटः 'लोकाटकं यः पठेत् पौरश्चर्यविधिं विनापि लभते मन्त्रस्य सिद्धिं पराम् । नो विजैः परिभूयते प्रतिदिनं प्राप्नोति पूजाफलं देहान्ते परमं पदं निविशते यद् योगिनां दुर्लभम् ॥ Colophom : इति श्रीवामकेश्वरतन्त्रे हरगौरौसंवादे गुरुस्तवराजः समाप्तः ॥ 6797A. 9946. गुरुप्रशंसा। Guruprasamsā. Substance, country-made paper. 81x5] inches. Folia, 3. Lines, 8 in a page. Extent in slokas, 40. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old. Complete. The name is written in red ink, possibly in a later hand, at the end. It speaks of the greatness of a guru by way of describing the results of showing respect or disrespect to him. Beginning : शान्तिदान्त्यादिहीनाय विषयासक्तचेतसे । अर्थिनेऽपि न दातव्यं गुरुणापि कृपालु ना । अपुत्रायाप्यशिष्याय वक्तव्यं नाधिकारिणे ॥ १ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 845 ) उक्ते सत्यपि तत्मारो वक्तव्यः सर्वथा न हि । गुरुभक्त्या विहौनाय सर्वदाप्यधिकारिणे ॥२॥ देववद् यो गुरुं पश्येदप्रमत्तोऽधिकारभाक् । स एव ब्रह्मविज्ञानं फलवत्प्राप्नयानरः ॥ ३॥ End : इति ते कथितं ज्ञानं यत् श्वेताश्वतरोवदत् । कारणानां विचारेण मायाशक्तेश्च दर्शनात् ॥ ३४ ॥ मुनीनां ब्रह्मविज्ञानसम्पन्नानां महात्मनाम् । इतः परं किमन्यत्त्वं श्रीतुमर्हसि सुव्रत ॥ ३५ ॥ 6798. 3401. गुरुपादुकास्तोत्रम् । Gurupādukāstotra. Substance, country-made paper. 121x41 inches. Folia, 3. Lines, 10. Extent in ślokas, 90. Character, Bengali. Date, Saka 1769. Appearance, fair. Complete. The text is accompanied by an anonymous commentary which generally agrees with the commentary attributed to Durgādāsa, MSS of which are described below. The present MS, however, does not contain the text of and commentary on the phalasruti verse found in all the MSS described below. The introductory verse of the commentary is found only in the present MS. Beginning of the Stotra : ब्रह्मरन्ध्रसरसौरहोदरे नित्यलग्नमवदातममृतम् । कुण्डली विवरकाण्डम गिडतं द्वादशार्णसरसौरहं भजे ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 846 ) Beginning of the Commentary :-- नमामि परमात्मानं गुरुरूयं सनातनम । पादुकापञ्चपद्यानां वक्ष्यामि गुरुदेशनात् ॥ 6799. 5118. Gurupādukāstotra. Substance, country-made paper. 18x31 inches. Folia, 3. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 90. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old. Complete. In the colophon of the text portion in the present as well as the following MS the hymn is assigned to the Urddhvāmnāyatantra : इत्यूद्धम्नायतन्ते शिवपञ्चवक्त्रविनिर्गतं गुरुपादुकापच्चकस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् । It is also assigned to the Rudrayāmala (Cat. Cat. I, 156) and the Visvasāra (AS., p. 56). The text is accompanied by the commentary of Durgādāsa Vidyāvāgiša Bhattācārya, who is here and in the following MS simply called Durgā Vidyāvāgūša. Another MS of the commentary is described in L. I. 329. The last line of the commentary agrees with that of the commentary attributed to Raghunandana Nyāyālankāra (HPR. I. 977). Beginning of the Commentary : गुरुपादुकास्तोत्रस्य टौका लिख्यते । तद्यथा। हादशार्ण सरसौराहं भजे सेवा करोमौत्यर्थः । Post-colophon Statement : लिखितं श्रीरामप्रसादशर्मणा । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #293 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (847) 6800. 5289. Gurupādukāstotra. Substance, country-made paper. 17x3] inches. Folia, 3. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 90. Character, Bengali. Appearance, fair. Complete. The text is here accompanied by the commentary of Durgādāsa. 6801. 3917A. Gurupādukāstotra. Substance, country-made paper. 141 x 44 inches. Folia, 2 (marked 21 and 22). In Tripātha form. Character, Bengali.. Appearance, old and dilapidated. Incomplete. The present MS contains portions of the text (from middle of verse 5) and the commentary (from verse 3) of Durgādāsa. 6802. 164. Gurupādukāstotrațākā. Substance, country-made paper. 171 x 34 inches. Folia, 3. Lines, 7. Extent in slokas, 90. Character, Bengali. Appearance old. Complete. The MS contains the commentary of Durgādāsa, who is called here Vidyāvācaspati. 6803. 3917B. 77999 H | Gurukavaca. Substance, country-made paper. 141 x 41 inches. Folia, 23A-25A, Lines, 11. Extent in slokas, 50. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old and dilapidated. Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 848 ) Beginning : श्रीपार्वत्युवाच । देवेश घरमशान भक्तानुग्रहकारक । कुलधर्मरतान् वीरान् तेषां सुसिद्धिकारणम् ॥ ब्रूहि मे कृपया शम्भो यदि प्रौतिर्ममोपरि। साधकानां हितार्थाय भक्तिमुक्तिप्रदायक(ः) । Colophon :-- इति श्रीमहागमसारे विश्वसारोद्धारे श्रीगुरुकवचम् समाप्तम् । 6804. 2848. [गुरुस्तोत्रकवचसंग्रहः। A collection of hymns to Guru]. Substance, country-made yellow paper. 13x3 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 10, 11. Character, Bengali. Appearance, good. Complete. This contains (1) गुरुपरब्रह्मस्तोत्र (Fol. 1) assigned to the Ni[ga]mayogasāra, (2) गुरुपरब्रह्मस्तोत्रकवच (Fol. IB-2A) assigned to the Nigamayogasāra, (3) गुरुकवच (Fol. 2A-2B) assigned to the Samayātantra, and (4) गुरुपंक्तिकवच (Fol. 2B) assigned to the Gurutantra. The present MS has been described in L. X. 4078-81. 6805. 9640. परमहंसकवचम् । Paramahamsalkuvaca. Substance, country-made paper. 101x5 inches. Folia, 3. Lines, 9. Extent in slokas, 59. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. Complete. Different deities are invoked here for the protection of different parts of the body. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #295 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 849 ) Beginning :-- पार्वत्युवाच । भगवन् सर्वधर्मज्ञ सर्वधम्मविशारद । कवचं श्रोतुमिच्छामि हंसस्य परमस्य च ॥१॥ त्वत्प्रसादान्महादेव श्रुताश्च विविधा विभो। तन्मे कथय देवेश यदि स्नेहोऽस्ति] मां प्रति ॥२॥ Colophon : इति श्रीरुद्रयामले हरगौरौसंवादे परा? परमहंसकवचं सम्पूर्णमस्तु । Samkarācārya. 6806. 2299. अव्यक्तमूर्त्तिमानसपूजनम् । Avyaktamārtimānasa pājana. Substance, country-made paper. 71x3 inches. Folium, 1. Lines, 12 (in all). Extent in slokas, 10. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. Complete. The present MS has been described in L. X. 4040. The introductory portion agrees partially with that of the hymn called nirguņamānasapūjā (The works of Sri Sankaracharya, Srirangam, Vol. 18, pp. 107ff). . 6807. 5538B. योगतारावली। Yogatārāvali. Substance, machino-made paper. 8x8 inches. Folia, 2. Lines, 26 in all. Complete in 29 verses. This refers to the efficacy of different yogic practices. It has been published in the Works of Sankaracharya (Sri Vani Vilas Press, Vol. 16, pp. 115ff). 54 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #296 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 850 ) 6808. 9899. आनन्दबोधलहरी। Anandabodhalahari. Substance, country-made paper. One long sheet of paper 21x98 inches in size. Lines, 66. Extent in slokas, 30. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complete in 18 stanzas. The hymn under the name Jūvanmuktānandalahari complete in 17 stanzas has been published in the Works of Sri Sankaracharya (Sri Vani Vilas Press, Srirangam, Vol. 16, p. 137-41). Concluding verse not found in the printed edition :--- मौने मौनी गुणिनि गुणवान् पण्डिते पण्डितश्च दौने दोनः सुखिनि मुखवान् भोगिनि प्राप्तभोगः । मूर्खे मूर्को युवतिषु युवा वाग्मिनि प्रौठवाग्मी धन्यः कोऽपि त्रिभुवन(वि)जयो योऽवधतेऽवधूतः ॥ Colophon : इति श्रीमत्परमहंसपरिव्राजकाचार्य-श्रीमत्काराचार्यविरचितं ब्यानन्दबोधलहरौस्तोत्र["] समाप्तम् । 6809. 10906. Anandabodhalahari. Substance, country-made paper. 61x3 inches. Folia, 7. Lines, 6. Extent in slokas, 29. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete in 17 verses. The colophon of the present MS refers to the hymn as Anandalaharī. 54B For Private and Personal Use Only Page #297 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir VII. COLLECTIONS OF HYMNS. 6810. 2019. (F1999HTE: 1 Collection of hymns.] Substance, country-made paper. 11 x 54 inches. Folia, 1-16. Lines 14. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old. Complete. It professes to contain the Stavakavaca section of the Tantrasāra and it begins with the line: अथ तन्त्रसारटतीयपरिच्छेदः लिख्यते स्तोत्रसंपु + लिख्यते । As a matter of fact, it contains a number of hymns occurring in the Tantrasāra though not of course always in the order followed in the latter. Portions from the section on Dīkşā dealing with the proper time for the ceremony are also found in Fol. 12A-13B. The following is the list of hymns found in the Tantrasāra: TTUATI (Fol. 2A-2B), RESTITŪTA9+ (2B-3A), #reatFita (3A-4A), fagtiena (4B-5B), Hafdata[fayet]47 (5B6B), gufugatha (6B-7A), gafaa (7A-7B), Afratetea (7B-8B), #funffaaa (8B-10A), min97 (11A-12A). The following is the list of hymns not found in the Tantrasāra: गणेशरक्षाकरस्तोत्र (Fol. 1), गुर्वरकस्तोत्र attributed to Samkarācārya (4A-4B), wartea assigned to the Prapañcasāra. (10A-11A), Twiteite assigned to the Garudapurānasāra (14A-14B), quatre assigned to the Brahmāndapurāna (14B-15A), afhaifai tanta (15A-15B), Halena (15B16A), THE (16A-16B), atme (16B). The last three are attributed to Šamkarācārya. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #298 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 852 ) Of these the गुर्वरक and the भैरवायक have been published in The Works of Sankaracharya (Vol. 18, pp. 89-91, 140-2), खामिकार्तिकेयस्तोत्र and the तुलसीकवच have been printed in the Stavakavacamālā (p. 748, 863) and the materia and तुलसौकवच are published in Brhatstotraratnākara (p. 173, 366). The beginnings of the remaining hymns are quoted below: गणेशरक्षाकरस्तोत्र begins मौलिं महेशपुत्रोऽव्याझालं पातु विनायकः । त्रिनेत्रः पातु मे नेत्रे सूर्यकर्णावतु श्रुतौ ॥ तुलसौस्तोत्र begins त्वन्मले सर्वतीर्थानि त्वन्मध्ये सर्वदैवतम् । त्वदये सर्वदेवेषु तुलसि त्वां नमाम्यहम् ॥ रामपञ्जरस्तोत्र begins रमख चित्त राघवे विदेहकन्यकाधये । महेशचित्तगौरवे मुनीन्द्रगौतवैभवे ॥ बालाएक begins वरदाभये पुस्तकाक्षमालां विलसत्याणिसरोजभासमानाम् । शरदिन्दुसहस्रकोटिसदृशां परमानन्दमयौं प्रणौमि बालाम् ॥ १॥ 6811. 9147. [Stavakavacasamgraha.] Folia, 1-4. Lines, Substance, country-made paper. 111x51 inches, 14. Character, Nagara. Appearance, old. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #299 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Beginning : This contains six hymns: I. Hymn of Radha and Kṛṣṇa containing their various names (Fol. 1-3A): श्रीभगवानुवाच । जयति श्रीपरमानन्दकृष्णपादपवल्लरी | Colophon : श्रीकृष्णवदनाम्भोजमधुपानमधुव्रता ॥ १ ॥ श्रीकृष्णनयनानन्दसदाकर्पूरवर्त्तिका । श्रीकृष्णानन पूर्णेन्दुराधिका चारुचन्द्रिका ॥ २ ॥ श्रीकृष्णरूपपाथोधिलहरी हेमवैभवा । श्रीकृष्ण मालतीहारसुगन्धवरभूषणा ॥ ३ ॥ श्रीकृष्णपरमानन्दसरःपङ्कजकुमला । श्रीकृष्णयामिनीरम्यचन्द्रोदयसुखोत्सवा ॥ ४ ॥ (853) Beginning :-. इति श्रीद्ब्रह्मसंहितायां द्वितीयपादे भूलोकवर्णने श्रीवृन्दावनचरित्रे मन्त्रदयाराधन निरूपणे नामाषष्टात्त्रध्यायः । II. निवेदनाटक ( Fol. 3A ) : Beginning : Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir हंसखरूपं रुचिरं विधाय यः सम्प्रदायस्य प्रवर्तनार्थम् । खतत्त्वसाक्षासनकादिकेभ्यो नारायणं तं शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥ —— Colophon :-- इति श्रीभगवत्प्रणिपातपूर्वकं निवेदनाटकं सम्पूर्णम् । III. सनकादिप्रणिपत्यष्टक ( 3A - 3B): कुमारभावेन विधाय वेशं यो ब्रह्मचर्यं सुदृढं वि + ध्यत । परिस्फुरद्गौरिममहिताङ्गं नमाम्यहं श्रौसनकादिकं तम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Colophon : IV. Beginning : इति श्रीसनकादिप्रणिपत्यष्टकं समाप्तम् । नारदशरणागतचतुष्टक (3B ) : Colophon : Beginning : VI. यः सर्वलोकस्य हितं विधातुं समुद्य+++ दव्याञ्जदयातिरेकात् । सत्यच्च रात्रागमकृद्बभूव श्रीनारदं तं शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥ इति श्रीनारदशरणागत चतुष्टकम् । V. निम्बार्कशरणागतिचतुष्टक (3B-4A) : Colophon : ( 854 ) महानुभावेषु पुरस्कृतो + बभार दीक्षां किल नारदाद्याः । कृपाम्ट + + + दधानं तं श्रीलनिम्बार्कमहं नमामि ॥ Beginning : इति श्रीनिम्बार्कशरणागतिचतुष्टकं डेयः । राधाकवच ( 4A - B ) : Colophon : —— श्रीपार्वत्युवाच । देवदेव महादेव प्रेमप्रीतिप्रदायकम् । राधायाः कवचं देव कथय प्राणवल्लभ ॥ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir इति श्रीब्रह्मयामले गौरीशङ्करसंवादे राधाकवचं समाप्तम् । This kavaca does not agree with the one assigned to the Naradapañcaratra and printed in the Bṛhatstotraratnākara (Bombay, 1932, pp. 185–8). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 855 ) 6812. 9642. [Stavakavacasamgraha.] Substance, country-made paper. 5x 31 inches. Folia, 1-20 +1-6+ 1-14 stitched in book-form. Character, Nāgara. Date, 1613 Samvat (?). Appearance, old. This MS contains (1) Fildateina (Fol. 1-20B) agreeing with the one described under No. 6785 above, (2) 1937 (Fol. 1-6A) which agrees with the hymn of the same name described under No. 6720 above, (3) FERIETE (Fol. 1-14B) which agrees with the famous hymn of the same name (Stavakavacamālā, Vasumati Press, pp. 128–148) but is incomplete here, running up to a portion of p. 145 of the printed edition. Post-colophon Statement of the portion containing the Gāyatrīhrdaya : यद्येह श्रोतलोदावास्तव्य त्रै(यौ)विद्यमोठज्ञातौयगोपालानुचरेण गोपीनाथेन हरिकृष्णपठनार्थं परार्थञ्च लिखितमिदम्। शुभमस्तु । संवत् १६१३ वर्षे शाके १४७८ । 6813. [2444. Stavakavacasamgraha.] Substance, country-made paper. 81x5 inches. Lines, 11. Folia, 1-230 (bound in book-form). Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Complete. This contains the following 43 items: 1. JHETHET from the Kāśīkhanda (I. 29) of the Skandapurāņa (Fol. 1-11A). 2. ELEUTHEfait from the Kāśīkhanda (I. 8. 99– 112) of the Skandapurāņa (Fol. 11B-12B): For Private and Personal Use Only Page #302 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (856 ) 3. guferta from the Kāśikhanda (II. 72. 37–80) of the Skandapurāņa (Fol. 12B-15A). 4. fafefaentity in 19 verses from the Nșsimhapurāņa (Fol. 15B-16B). Beginning : इक्ष्वाकुरुवाच । नमस्कृत्वा महादेवं स्तोध्येऽहं तं विनायकम् । अभिषेके सदा तेन स्तुतः स्कन्देन यः पुरा ॥ 5. H astat (Fol. 17A-52B). 6. वासुदेवसहसनामस्तोत्र from the Anusāsanaparvan (Ch. 149 of the Chitrasala Press edition, Poona, 1933) of the Mahābhārata (Fol. 53A-59B). 7. faalgata in 140 verses from the śāntiparvan (Ch. 47 of Chitrasala Press edition, Poona, 1932) of the Mahābhārata (Fol. 60A-66B). 8. facut gefa: from the śāntiparvan (Ch. 195 of the Southern Recension, Madras, 1936) of the Mahābhārata (Fol. 66B-71A). 9. Togalau in 178 verses from the Sāntiparvan of the Mahābhārata (Fol. 72A-81A). This contains a version of the story of the greatness of Nārāyaṇa as related in the Bhāgavatapurāņa (VIII. 2-3). 10. FLETTET from the Kāšīkhanda (I. 27. 157–184) of the Skandapurāņa (Fol. 81B-82B). 11. Margit from the Mahābhārata (Fol. 83A-86B). This is published in the Gītāgranthāvalī (Basumati Press, Calcutta, pp. 244-62). It principally deals with the mystic significance of the syllable Om. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #303 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 857 ) 12. गौतास्तुति (Fol. 86B-88B). This hymn is usually recited before a recitation of the Bhagavadgitā. 13. गर्भगौता (Fol. 88B-89B). This speaks of the superiority of self-realisation over everything else. It has been printed in the Gītāgranthāvali (Basumati Press, Calcutta, pp. 720-4). 14. ऋणहर्टमहागणपतिस्तोत्र from the Lingapurana (Fol. 90B). Beginning : नमामि देवदेवेशं वक्रतुण्डमहाबलम् । षडक्षरगणोपेतं नमामि ऋणमुक्तये ॥ 16. गणेशसहस्रनामस्तोत्र from the Ganesapurana (Fol. 91A100B). Beginning : मुनिरुवाच । कथं नानां सहसं तु गणेश उपदिएवान् । शिवदं तन्ममाचक्ष्व लोकानुग्रहतत्पर । 16. सदाशिवसहस्रनामस्तोत्र from the Padmapurana (Fol. 101A-112B). Beginning : एकदा मुनयः सर्वे द्वारका एमागताः । वासुदेवं च सोत्कण्ठाः कृष्णादर्शनलालसाः ॥ मार्कण्डेय उ। त्वं विष्णुः कमलाकान्तः परमात्मा जगदुराः । तव पूज्यः कथं शम्भुरेतत् सर्वं वदख मे ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #304 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 858 ) 17. हरि(हर)स्तोत्र from the Bhavisyottarapurana (Fol. 113A-114B). अर्जुन उवाच । भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदो देवः सर्वकामफलप्रदः । सर्वसिद्धिकरो देव नमस्तुभ्यं जनार्दन । येन भक्त्या जगन्नाथ मानवो याति सदतिम् । ममोपरि दयां कृत्वा मयि ब्रूहि सुखावहम् ॥ 18. परशुरामसहस्रनामस्तोत्र from the Agnipurana (Fol. 115A-121B). औराघव उवाच । अहं तत्त्वपरनाम विचरन्ति खलीलया। इत्यक्तं वः समभ्यर्च प्रणिपत्य कृताञ्जलिः । यस्य पादार्चनात् सिद्धिः खेप्सितं नौमि भार्गवम् । 19. दत्तात्रेयस्तोत्र from the Mahabharata (Fol. 122A122B). Beginning : नारद उवाच । अत्रिपुत्रो महातेजा दत्तात्रेयो महामुनिः । तस्य स्मरणमात्रेण सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते ॥ 20. रामसहस्रनामस्तोत्र from the Lingapurana (Fol. 123A-- 130B). Another MS of the hymn has been described under No. 6768 above. 21. सूर्यसहस्रनामस्तोत्र from the Bhavisyottarapurana (Fol. 131A-137A). Printed in the Stavakavacamālā (pp. 154–166). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #305 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 859 ) 22. सूर्यस्तवराज from the Sambapurāna (Fol. 138A138B). Well-known in Bengal and printed in various stotra collections (Stavakavacamālā, p. 151-2). 23. रेणकासहसनामस्तोत्र from the Padmapurāna (Fol. 139A-148B). Beginning: गिरिएछे सुखासीनं शबरं लोकशवरम् । प्रणतः परियप्रच्छ संशयंस्तु षडानन[:] । श्रोस्कन्दोवाच । तात सर्वेश्वरस्त्वं हि सर्वतः सर्वभावन[:] । कथयख प्रसादेन रहस्यं सकलार्थदम् ॥ 24. भवानीसहस्रनामस्तोत्र from the Rudrayāmala (Fol. 149A-158B). Other MSS of the hymn have been described under Nos. 6700-1 above. 25. महालक्ष्मीसहसनामस्तोत्र from the Skandapurana (Fol. 159A-169A). Beginning : कदाचिन्मुद्गलो नाम वाराणस्यां महामुनिः । विश्वनाथं समालोक्य नियमो मुक्तिमण्डपे । 26. महालक्ष्मीस्तोत्र from the Skandapurana (Fol. 169B170A). Beginning : अगस्त्य उवाच । __ मातर्नमामि कमले कमलायताक्षि श्रीविष्णहत्कमलवासिनि विश्वमातः । क्षीरोदजे कमलकोमलगर्भगौरि लक्ष्मि प्रसौद सततं नमतां शरण्ये । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (860) 27. H A FETTATE from the Kālikākulasarvasva (Fol. 171A-180B). Another MS of the hymn has been described under No. 6638 above. 28. ACEATAFITE from the Vişnuyāmala (Fol. 181A-188A). Another MS of the hymn is described under No. 6725 above. 29. rcant from the Bhavişyottarapurāņa (Fol. 189A-196B). Another MS of the hymn is described under No. 6812(3) above. 30. rufat in 109 verses by Mahāmudgalabhatta Sūri (Fol. 1974-202B). This is the same as the Rāmāryāśataka several MSS of which have been described in VII. 5690-2 above. 31. turen in 102 verses by Sankarācārya (Fol. 203A-211B). Other MSS of the work have been described under Nos. 6679ff above. 32. Tyler by Samkarācārya (Fol. 212A-212B). This agrees with the Gangāstaka as published in The Works of Sri Sankaracharya (Sri Vani Vilas Press Edition, Vol. 18, pp. 101–3). 33. fuqhat from the Skandapurāņa (Fol. 213A215B). Another MS of the hymn has been described under No. 6751 above. 34. my from the Brahmāndapurāņa (Fol. 216A219A). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 861 ) Beginning :--- Fol. 217B, श्रीराम उवाच । हनूमान् पर्वतः पातु दक्षिणे पवनात्मजः । पातु प्रतीच्या रक्षोघ्रः पातु सागरपारगः ॥ 35. भगवद्ध्यान (Fol. 219B-220B). Beginning : अथ स्तोत्रं प्रवक्ष्यामि देवि तत्र विशेषतः । यच्छ्रत्वा च दिवारात्रौ सर्वबन्धैर्विमुच्यते । 36. महिम्नः स्तोत्र (Fol. 221A-223A). For other MSS of the hymn cf. ASB. VII. 5579ff. 37. 'चर्पटपञ्जरिकास्तोत्र of Samkarācārya (Fol. 224B-225A). For another MS cf. No. 6781 above. 38. कालनाथायक (Fol. 225B). Beginning :-- परेतभूतवेतालकरतालसमन्वितम् । प्रवर्तितं महान्त्यं कलये कालभैरवम् । 39. उपमन्यस्तोत्र of उपमन्य (Fol. 226A-227A). This is a hymn to Śiva, which has been published in various stotra collections (e.g., Brhatstotraratnākara, pp. 110-2). 40. नवग्रहस्तोत्र (Fol. 227A-B). This consists of nine verses, each intended for one of the nine planets. It is published in Stavakavacamālā (pp. 670-2). 41. गायक of Samkarācārya (Fol. 228A). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #308 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 862 ) Beginning : विधेरज्ञानेन द्रविणविरहेणालसतया विधेयाशक्यत्वात्तव चरणयोर्यार्चितरभूत् । त्वयैतत् क्षन्तव्यं मम जननि निःसीमकरणो कुपुत्रो जायते क्वचिदपि कुमाता न भवति । 42. सूर्याटोत्तरशतनामस्तोत्र from the Vanaparvan (Ch. 3, v. 16–28 of the Chitrasala Press Edition, Poona, 1930) of the Mahābhārata (Fol. 228B). 43. रामरक्षास्तोत्र in 32 verses (Fol. 229A-230B). Other MSS of the hymn have been described in ASB. VII. 5695-8. 6814. 4784. [Stavakavacasamgraha.] Substance, palm-leaf. 12x21 inches. Folia, 1-14+2 (without any mark). Lines, 5 on a page. Character, Bengali. Appearance, old. This contains the following six hymns : (1) भगवतीस्तोत्र (Fol. 1-2B). Beginning : अथातः सम्प्रवक्ष्यामि सन्निधानाय मन्त्रिणाम् । + + + + + + + सर्वकामप्रदं दिव्यं स्मृत्या चार्त्तिविनाशनम् ॥ येन संस्मतमात्रेण + + विनश्यति । + + + + + + + ॐ नमस्ते श्रिये नित्ये + + + ॥ Colophon : इति श्रीरुद्रयामले नित्यायोडशिकार्णवे भगवतीस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् । (2) दण्डकस्तवः (Fol. 3A-6B). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #309 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir . ( 863 ) Beginning : हरिहरकमलासनस्थां वन्दचन्द्रोरगेन्द्रेन्द्रवहि+ + + + कौनाशवित्तेशवागीश्वराद्यस्थताम् । भक्तिभावानतो भक्तिमात्रादहं भक्तिमुक्तिप्रदा देवौं शिवां शर्चवक्त्रोद्भवां विश्ववन्द्योद्भवां भूर्भुवःखर्भवाम् ॥ Colophon :-- इति श्रीशङ्कराचार्यविरचितसिहदण्डकस्तवः समाप्तः । (3) हल्लेखास्तव (Fol. 6B-8B). The hymn agrees with the one occurring in the Prapañcasāra (XI. 49–70). (4) महामायास्तव (Fol. 8B-10A) Beginning : भैरव उवाच । आज्ञाचक्रस्थितां देवौं सघुम्नाधारमध्यगाम् । भूर्भुवाखर्गतां नित्यां सर्बदेहे व्यवस्थिताम् ॥ नमामि सर्व्वदेवीनामालयं सर्वकामदाम् । नमोऽस्तु ते महामाये सिद्धसूत्रावतारिणि । नाडीत्रितयमध्यस्थे षट्चक्राधारवासिनि । सदाकाशचरे देवि मरुदमिसमन्विते ॥ आदिषोडशचक्रस्थे भैरवानन्दकारिणि । अकचटतपयसैमन्तैः सदातकलेवरे॥ Colophon :---- इति षोडशसाहसिके चण्डभैरवतन्त्रे अष्टादशपटलोद्भुतमहा मायास्तवः समाप्तः। (5) अपराजितास्तव (10B-13A). Another MS of the hymn has been described under No. 6766 above. In the present MS however it is assigned to the Bhagavatīpurāņa. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #310 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Colophon : ( 864 ) भगवतीपुराणे महाविद्या व्यपराजितास्तोत्रं समाप्तम् । (6) प्रत्यङ्गिरास्तोत्र ( Fol. 13B-14B, and two unmarked folia). Though referred to in the colophon as प्रत्याङ्गिरामन्त्रोit is nothing but an incomplete copy of the Pratyangirastotra, another MS of which has been described under No. 6712 above. One Fol. after Fol. No. 14 appears to be missing in the present MS. 6815. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 6086. [Stavakavacasamgraha.] Substance, country-made paper. 62 x 42 inches. Folia, 18+7+17+ 7+14+5+9 (bound in 8 book-form). Lines, 9. Character, Nagara. Appearance, good. Drawings of three Tantric deities on three small sheets of paper are found along with this MS. First Batch of leaves: (1) त्रिपुरसुन्दरीकवच ( Fol. 1-12A). Beginning : —— श्रीदेव्युवाच । देवदेव महादेव भक्तानां प्रीतिवर्द्धन । यत्सूचितं पुरा नाथ किमर्थे न प्रकाश्यते ॥ राजराजेश्वरीदेव्यास्त्रिपुरायाः स्वभावकम् | कवचं यदि मे प्रीतिः कथयख वृषध्वज ॥ Colophon : : इति श्रीवामकेश्वरीतन्त्रे श्रीमहाचक्रपीठे श्रीमद्राजराजेश्वरीश्रौमहात्रिपुरसुन्दर्य्याः कवचं सम्पूर्णम् । (2) त्रिविक्रमकवच ( Fol. 12B-13B). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #311 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 865 ) Beginning : श्रीभैरव उवाच । ॐ अधुना कथयिष्यामि रहस्यं मम पार्वति । त्रिविक्रमाख्यं कवचं मन्त्रगर्भ महेश्वरि ॥ Colophon : इति श्रीरुद्रयामले तन्ले त्रिकूटारहस्ये चतुर्विंशः पटलः सम्पूर्णः । (3) सौभाग्यकवच (Fol. 13B-19B). Another MS of the hymn is described under No. 6671 above. Second Batch of leaves: (1) त्रैलोक्यमोहनकवच (Fol. 1-7A). Another MS of the Kavaca has been described under No. 5815 above. Third Bateh of leaves:त्रिपुरसुन्दरौसहस्रनामस्तोत्र (Fol. 1-17). Beginning : कैलासशिखरे रम्ये नानारत्नोपशोभिते । कल्पपादपमध्यस्थे नानापुष्योपशोभिते ॥ तं कदाचित् सुखासीनं भगवन्तं जगद्गुरुम् । प्रणम्य शिरसा नाथं कारणं विश्वरूपिणम् । कृताञ्जलिपुटो भूत्वा प्राह तं शिखिवाहनः ॥ ॐ स्कन्द उवाच । देवदेव महादेव सृष्टिस्थित्यन्तकारक । ... ... ... For Private and Personal Use Only Page #312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra (866) किं गुह्यं परमं लोके किमेकं सर्व्वसिद्धिदम् । किमेकं परमं श्रेष्ठं किं लोके स्वर्गमोक्षदम् ॥ 55B ... ... ... ... श्रीमहादेव उवाच । साधु साधु त्वया पृष्टोऽस्माक्षं पार्व्वतीनन्दन । गुह्यतमं विप्र कथयिष्याम्यसंशयम् ॥ Colophon : ... यस्या योनौ जगत्सर्व्वमद्यापि वर्त्ततेऽखिलम् । यस्यां प्रलीयते चान्ते यस्याश्च जायते पुनः ॥ Beginning : : ... तस्या नामसहस्रन्ते कथयामि पूटणुष्व तत् ॥ ... ... Fourth Batch of leaves:-- (1) महात्रिपुरसुन्दरीस्तोत्र ( Fol. 1-3B ). ... ॐ कल्याणी कमला काली करालौ कामरूपिणी । कामाख्या कामदा काम्या कामिनी कामचारिणी ॥ इति श्रीवामकेश्वरतन्त्रे हरकुमारसंवादे श्रीराजराजेश्वरौमहात्रिपुरसुन्दरौसहस्रनामस्तोत्रम् | ... ... ॐ अस्य श्रीत्रिपुरसुन्दरी तत्त्व विद्यास्तोत्रमन्त्रस्य श्रीदक्षिणामूर्त्तिः ऋषिः पंक्तिञ्छन्दः श्रौमहात्रिपुरसुन्दरी देवता... For Private and Personal Use Only Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir लक्ष्मौबोजं बौजवर्णैक मौलिं मन्त्रौ नित्यं यो जपेद्भक्तिपूर्व्वम् । जित्वा शत्रून् निर्भयः साधकेन्द्रः कुर्य्याद्राज्यं देवि + + + + + Page #313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 867 ) End : इति श्रोत्रिपुरसुन्दयाः स्तोत्रं श्रीमन्त्रविग्रहम् । रहस्यमेव सर्वखं गोपनौयं महेश्वरि । Colophon : इति श्रीमहात्रिपुरसुन्दरीस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् । (2) महात्रिपुरसुन्दरौपञ्चाङ्गभूतस्तवराज (Fol. 3B-7A). Beginning : श्रौईश्वरउवाच । अधुना पूटण देवेशि स्तोत्रं तत्त्वनिरूपितम् । महात्रिपुरसुन्याः सर्वखं सारमुत्तमम् ॥ Colophon : इति श्रीरुद्रयामले तन्ने महात्रिपुरसुन्दरीपञ्चाङ्गभूतस्तवराजः समाप्तः। Fifth Batch of leaves:(1) कामेश्वरकवच (Fol. 1-7A). . ॐ श्रीदेव्यवाच । ॐ भगवन् करुणाम्भोधे शास्त्राम्भोनिधिपारग । दासौ परमभक्तास्मि वरं दातुमिहाईसि ॥ श्रीभैरवः। ॐ कथयख महेशानि कमितो वरमिच्छसि । यत् किञ्चिन्मनसौर स्यात्तद्दातुं ते क्षमोऽस्माहम् ॥ श्रीदेव्यवाच । कामेश्वरस्य देवेश कवचं देवदुर्लभम् । शौघं मे दयया हि यद्यहं प्रेयसी तव ॥ Colophon:-- इति श्रीविश्वसारतन्त्र पार्वतीयरमहेश्वरसंवादे श्रीकामेश्वरकवचं समाप्तम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #314 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 868 ) (2) शिवकवच (Fol. 7B-12B). Another MS of the Kavaca is described under No. 6751 above. (3) शिवस्तोत्र (Fol. 13A-14A). The hymn agrees with the one occurring in the Tantrasāra (Bangavasi Press edition, pp. 776-7). Sixth Batch of leaves :(1) गुरुस्तोत्र of Jyotisprakāsa (Fol. 1-4A). Beginning : विश्वोत्तौण विश्वमयं नाथमनन्तं सच्चित्मौख्यात्मानमखण्डं निखिलाद्यम् । वेद्यं वेदैः कोविदवयैः सुरवन्धं __ कौलाधीशं साहिवमीडे गुरुमौशम् ॥ The last line quoted above occurs at the end of each verge of the hymn proper. End : एतत्सद्दरवन्दनं प्रविदधौ कौलेश्वरः कौलिकः पद्यैर्मत्तमयूररत्तरचितैर्कोतिष्यकाशाभिधः । श्रीमत्साहिबपादभक्तिसुधया मत्तो मयूरो यथा नृत्यन् वाघुकमेघगं सुरगुरुं केकाभिरावन्दते ॥ श्रीमदरास्तोत्रमिदं सुपुण्यं ___ यो भक्तलोकः प्रपठेन्निशीथे। ब्राह्म मुहूर्तेहनि वा स भूयात् सद्देशिका कृपया कृतार्थः ॥ Colophon : इति श्रीगुरुस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 869 ) The text of the hymn is followed by what would appear to be the concluding verses of a commentary on the hymn by Govinda Kaula, disciple of Jyotişprakāśa. These verses run: शाकेम्बरानलतिप्रमिते तपस्ये श्यामारमौगुरुमहेहि कवेः सुपूर्णा । कौलेशसाहिबपदस्तवदीपिकासौ गोविन्दकौलविहिता विभवाय भूयात् ॥ एघा श्रीगुरुसच्चिदद्वयमहेशस्यात्मनः संस्तुतिः कौलानां कुलबोधभास्करकरखान्ताम्बुजाभासिका। शिष्याणां सुविमर्शनात् कुलकलाकौलाकुलानां दृढदैतध्वान्तविदारिणी प्रभवतात् प्राक् सम्प्रदायोत्तमा ॥ सम्पूर्णेयं महाविद्याविमर्षानन्दवर्धिनी । विवृतिः श्रीगुरुस्तोत्रे नाम्ना कुलप्रबोधिनी ॥ रचिता खविनोदार्थ ह्येषाद्वैतार्थहर्षदा । नामूयितव्यं विद्भिर्मतान्तरसमुत्सुकैः ॥ The verses are followed by a colophon which runs: इति श्रीमहामहेश्वराचार्यवर्यश्रीज्योतिष्यकाशकौलानन्दनाथपादपद्मोपजीविश्रौगोविन्दकौलविरचितं श्रीगुरुस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्ण समाप्त चेति शिवम् । (2) गुरुभक्तिस्तोत्र of Cidrāpa Kaula (Fol. 4B-5B). Beginning :-- ॐ ध्येयं भक्तैर्भक्तिवरेण्यं शिवरूपं रूप्यं रूपै रूपकलाभिः परिपूर्णम् । खच्छे खच्छर्गम्यमगम्यं भवमग्नै नित्यं वन्दे कौलकुलेशं गुरुमौयम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #316 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 870 ) The last line quoted above occurs at the end of every verse of the hymn. Colophon : इति श्रीमहामाहेश्वराचार्य्यवर्यश्रीसाहिबकौलानन्दनाथपाद पद्मोपजीविचिद्रूपकौलविरचितं गुरुभक्तिस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्ण समाप्तम् । Seventh Batch of leaves:(1) गुरुवरपादुकास्मृति (Fol. 1-4A). Beginning :-- ॐ हेरम्ब क्षेत्रपालच्च वागौशं वटुकं तथा । श्रीगुरुं नाथमानन्दभैरवं भैरवौं पराम् । प्रगाम्य संविन्मार्गस्थानागमज्ञाननुत्तमान् । प्रायश्चित्तं प्रवक्ष्यामि सर्चतन्त्राविरोधतः ॥ ... ... ... ... प्रामादिकमहादोषप्रविलापनकारणम् । प्रायश्चित्तं परं सत्यं श्रीगुरोः पादुकास्मृतिः। Colophon : इति श्रीगुरुवरपादुकास्कृतिः समाप्ता । (2) महागणपतिकवच (Fol. 4B-7A). This agrees with the Kavaca contained in the Devirahasyatantra (Ch. 28, Fol. 88A-89B of the MS described under No. 5880 above). (3) गणपतिस्तोत्र (Fol. 7A-9B). The Kavaca agrees with the one occurring at the end of Chapter XIII (verses 131–51) of the Sāradātilaka. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 871 ) APPENDIX. 6816. 5536. TTATGIOCATORI Paramānandatantra. Substance, country-made paper. 10 x 44 inches. Folia, 1-215 of which Fol. 90 is missing. Lines, 8-9. Extent in blokas, 3,600. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complete (but for one fol.) in 25 ullāsas. This is identical with the work described under No. 5998 above. 6817. 11336. fuqarisan | Sivatāndava. Substance, country-made yellow paper. 13 x 5} inches. Folia, 1–76. Lines, 10-11. Extent in slokas, 3,000. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, old. Incomplete. The present MS contains Chapters 12–14 of the first part accompanied by the commentary, Mallādarsa, of Premanidhi. Fol. 77–89 of the MS, also marked Mallādarśa in the left upper corner of each Fol., deal with Yantras described in other portions of the Tantra as well as elsewhere. Another MS of a bigger but anonymous commentary of the same name having slight occasional agreements with the present commentary has been described under No. 5971 above. The name of the commentator is thus indicated in the present MS: श्रीमन्मलैवम्मधरासुरेन्द्रा___ज्ञया दिजः प्रेमनिधिस्तु कश्चित् । यन्त्रावलौं श्रीशिवताण्डवीयां करोति बालेरपि लभ्यसाराम् ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #318 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 872) [This is introductory verse No. 8, which follows the first seven verses quoted under No. 5971 above.] Fol. 2A, A JEETHYEtfa #faga qafa feat7116प्रतिसूरिभिर्याख्यातान्येव तथापि तावता दुर्बोधतरयन्त्रावलीसारं नाल्पज्ञानां afUARTEHNA TAETIFIEthama Tył: 019पुरनिवासौ कूर्माचलाधिछितकुल परम्पराकः पन्थोपनामकः प्रेमनिधिनामा #fefes: yalulaat fauetanetfail Though the name of the author is not indicated in this way in the other MS, it refers to other works of the author in terms that clearly point to Premanidhi as its author as well (अस्मत्कृतभक्तितरङ्गिण्यादिग्रन्थादवसेयम्-end of the commentary on Chapter 12, Fol. 104A). The chief interest of the commentary is historical and not ritualistic. It contains a unique panegyric of 84 verses of the royal patron of the author. The description in it of each Yantra is concluded by a verse describing the author's patron or one of his ancestors, children or relatives referred to as having obtained success through the worship of the Yantra under description. Only the first one of these verses is found in the portions preserved in the other MS (Fol. 123A). The text of the panegyric together with an account of the author is under publication in the JRASB. Of the works and authors mentioned in the commentary mention may be made of the following: - Hetstetfaa (2B), Hatfot (2B, 3B), CE (3A, 7B, 8A, 9B, 13A, 19B, 22A, 23A, 36A, 45A, 47A, 48A, 56B, 60B), P (19B). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #319 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ( 873 ) 6818. 11353. महाकालसंहिता | Mahakalasamhitā. Substance, country-made yellow paper. 9 x 4 inches. Folia, 69-302. Linos, 7. Extent in slokas, 2,000. Character, Nagara. Appearance, good. Incomplete. MSS containing stotras and mantras assigned to the work are noticed in Cat. Cat. I. 434, II. 99, 216, III. 93, ASB VIII. 6058. Colophon: 302A, इति श्रीमहाकालसंहितायां नैमित्तिकपूजाविधानकथनं नाम दादशतमः पटलः । Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 6819. 5720D. [तन्त्रराजतन्त्रटीका | Commentary on the Tantrarāja-Tantra.] Substance, country-made paper. 9×4 9-12. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. This contains a fragment of a small portion of the work (I. 64-88). of Manorama (Fol. 31A) and Nidhi (Fol. 32A). 6820. inches. Folia, 25-39. Lines, Incomplete. commentary on a very It refers to the author 11305. कुब्जिकामतम् | Kubjikāmata. Substance, country-made paper. 12×5 inches. Folia, 1-208 of which two are marked 73. Lines, 12. Extent in slokas, 3,000. Character, Nagara. Appearance, fair. Complete in 50 chapters. Another incomplete MS has been described under No. 5804 above. It refers to an original and earlier text For Private and Personal Use Only Page #320 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 874 ) of the cult (मूलग्रन्थे त्वया देव गूढमार्गेण चोद्धृतः---Fol. 113A, एतत् maua: era fairy gra-Fol. 137B), as also to works belonging to different branches of Sanskrit literature (azetar Farya mtaatio sutfalà-Fol. 114B, Labdhvinītantra. Fol. 147B, Aghorīdāmaratantra--Fol. 149A). For an account of the society's collection of manuscripts of works on the cult of Kubjikā cf. YRASB, 1937, pp. 158-9. 6821. 11358. 11358. GUTA FAT FRA I Trikūtārahasya from the Rudrayāmala. Substance, country-made paper. 85 x 4 inches. Folia, 1-22. Lines, 7. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Incomplete. The present manuscript covers chapters 17–32 of the work and contains 16 kavacas of Trikūtā or Tripurā. A MS containing a portion of the earlier part of the work has been described under No. 5882 above. The kavaca contained in chapter 24 of the work is described on p. 865 above. 6822. 11296. TAPI Parātantra. Substance, country-made paper. 10 x 3} inches. Folia, 1-42. Lines, 6. Extent in slokas, 670. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Incomplete. Same as the work described under No. 5953 above. Only the last folium seems to be missing in the present MS. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 875 ) 6823. 11352. सांख्यायनतन्त्रम् । Sāmkhyāyanatantra. Substance, country-made paper. 91x4 inches. Folia, 1-65. Lines, 8. Extent in slokas, 1,200. Character, Nāgara. Date, N.S. 983. Appearance, good. Complete in 34 chapters. Same as the work described under No. 6084 above. Post-colophon Statement : नेपालिके वाहिरन्धकेब्दे दले सुशुक्ल खलु कार्तिकेस्मिन् । सांख्यायनं तन्वतिथौ रवौ वै बुधे रमानन्दहिजस्य सूनुः ॥ कमलानन्दरामोसौ भूदेवो द्विजपालकः । वगलायाः प्रयोगादि ह्यलिखत् पुस्तकं मुदा ॥ संवत् ६३। मिति कार्तिक शुदि ७ बुधवारश्च......... रमानन्दरामोपाध्यायस्यात्मजौकमलानन्दरामोपाध्यायेन सांख्यायनतन्त्र .............. । 6824. 11356. स्वर्णतन्त्रम् । Svarnatantra. Substance, country-made paper. 8x4 inches. Folia, 2-48. Lines, 7. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, fair. Incomplete. The work is similar in nature to, if not identical with, the work described under No. 6101 above. Beginning धातुयोगाख्यकल्पस्तु पूर्वमेव प्रकाशितः । रत्नानां करणे तन्वं पूर्वमेव प्रकाशितम् ॥ ५ ॥ श्रीधातुकरणे तन्वं पूर्वमेव प्रकाशितम् । हरितालख कथितः स तु सप्त प्रभेदतः ॥ ६ ॥ किन्तु खाख्यतन्त्रन्तु न म[म] कथितं प्रभो । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #322 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 876 ) 6825. 11314. सौभाग्यतन्त्रम् । Saubhagyatantra. Substance, country-made paper. 11 x64 inches. Folia, 1-10. Linos, 11. Character, Nāgara. Appearance, good. Complete in 11 chapters. The work deals with the rules of muttering mantras. A MS of the work is described in L. II. 909. Beginning : ॐ व्यखण्डैकरसानन्दनिष्यन्दामतविग्रहम् । चिन्मात्ररूपिणौं विद्यां वन्दे खानन्दसुन्दरीम् । अथ वक्ष्ये विस्तरेण पारायणविधिं परम् । य[स्य] विज्ञानमात्रेण साक्षात् परशिवो भवेत् ॥ Colophons : Fol. IB, इति श्री(पाराय)सौभाग्यतन्त्र पारायणविधावहर्गणादिनिरूपणं नाम प्रथमपटलः ; 2A, • पञ्चाङ्गक्रमनिरूपणं नाम द्वितीयपटलः ; 3A, घोडशाङ्गबीजसन्तत्यादिनिरूपणं [नाम] टतीयपटलः ; 3B, पारायणसंख्यानिरूपणं चतुर्थपटलः ; 6A, मन्त्रपारायणनिरूपणं नाम षष्ठ(म)पटलः ; 7B, भूतिपारायणान्तनिरूपणं सप्तमपटलः ; 8A, • मुद्रापारायणान्तनिरूपणमलमपटलः; 9B, चित्रानित्यापारायणान्तनिरूपणं नवमः पटलः; 10A, रमामायाकामाख्यापारायणत्रयनिरूपणं दशमपटलः; 10B, आम्नायपारायणनिरूपणं नामैकादशः पटलः । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #323 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA (The additions and alterations indicated below are meant for the descriptive portions of the manuscripts the catalogue numbers of which are indicated on the lefthand side.) 5805. Substitute complete in 25 chapters' for complete'. 5807. Add 'It may be of the nature of a short commentary on the Matasāra described in Nep. I, p. 222'. 5819. Add It does not seem to agree with the MSS of the work described in Nep. I, p. 22, 224'. 5866. Substitute 'deals with general topics like different modes of worship and the different castes' for 'treats of Vaişņava worship’. Add 'The old collection of the Society possesses a MS of the work containing four sections, each complete in several chapters, accompanied by the commentary of Rāmānanda or Rāmacandra'. 5867. Add 'The legend of the deity as narrated in the work is summarized in English in D. R. Bhandarkar Volume (pp. 77-81). A MS of the work which may be identical with the present one is described in HPR. I. 250. 5888. Omit 'according to the Kaula form'. 5892. Add “This generally agrees with the Narapatijayacyarā'. 5893. Substitute 'second part' for 'last part'. 5898. Substitute character, Newari' for character, Kutila'. 5913. Add 'Character, Bengali'. 5920. Add ‘HPR. II. 241 is a different work with the same name'. 5924. Add 'Same as Samayācāra-tantra incomplete with nine chapters (HPR. I. 241). It deals with left-handed form of worship in connection with the Srividyā '. 5925. Substitute 'incomplete' for complete in 14 chapters'. 5928. Add 'Published in the Tantrik Texts Series (Calcutta, 1917) in 35 chapters'. ( 877 ) For Private and Personal Use Only Page #324 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 878 ) ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA 5971. Substitute 'by Premanidhi (?)' for 'by Ghanaśyāma'. 5975. Substitute character, Newari' for 'character, Kuțila'. 5982. Substitute 'incomplete' for 'complete and add 'The work has been edited with a running summary, on the basis of the only known MS described here, in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, Vol. 4, 1938, pp. 467-77)'. 5985. Substitute 'describes a MS complete in 17 chapters, the beginning of which agrees with that of chapter 12 in the present MS' for 'which also ........ different work'. 6001. Add 'AMS containing chapters 31 and 32 has already been described under 5888'. 6002. Add 'For a comparison of the MSS of the society with the printed editions of the work and a summary of the legend of Krşņa as narrated in the work, see Sāhitya Parişat Patrikā, Vol. 46, pp. 296-300. The old collection of the Society possesses two MSS of the work completo in 37 chapters which agree with the wrongly numbered chapters of the MSS described here.' 6054. Add 'An edition of the work complete in 65 chapters has been published in the Princess of Wales Sarasvati Bhavan Texts Series No. 61 (Benares, 1937)'. 6104. Add in the beginning 'It deals with what may be called the science of breath'. 6131. Add character, Nāgara'. 6146. Add On the obverse of the last leaf occurs the name of the owner :- hot fuartheid 6185. Add 'An edition of the work has been published in Sarvamūla or Collected Works of Anandatirtha (pp. 768-785, Kumbhakonam, Saka, 1833)'. 6204. Add Another complete MS of the work is found in the Vidyāsāgar collection belonging to the Bangīya Sahitya Parisat. The work deals principally with the details of Kaula rites. An edition of the work is being published at Comilla. 6264. Add ' Another edition of the work with introduction, appendices and exegetical notes has been published in the Sarasvati Vihar Series, No. 4, (Lahore, 1938)'. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #325 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (879) ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA 6275. Substitute the following description in place of the one given: This appears to be a part of a Nyāya work which deals with Mahavidyā. It refers to a sīka in 1.14. A number of works dealing with the same topic have been published in G.O.S. (No. XII) under the title Mahavidyānumāna (Baroda, 1920) to which my attention was drawn by my friend and colleague Mr. D, C. Chatterji'. 6304. Add A work called the Kālābhaktisudhārnava (which may or may not be identical with the present work), is referred to by Kāšīnātha in his commentary on the Karpūrastava (No. 6627 above, Fol. 26B) as a work by himself'. 6324. Add 'An edition of the work, complete in ll chapters, has been published in the Tantrik Texts Series, Vol. XXI (Calcutta, 1940)'. 6344. Add 'Another edition af the work with English Translation and Introduction has also been published (Adyar, 1934)'. 6435. Add "The present MS contains chapters 3–8 and portions of chapters 1, 2, 3, 9 and 14'. 6555. Add 'A MS of a small Bengali work called Haramekhalā containing prescriptions for various ailments and subjugation of women is found in the Bangiya Sāhitya Parisat, Calcutta'. 6576 Add 'Krşņānanda' in bold types as heading above 6576 and 6578S Anonymous' above 6578. 6607. Add · This may be identical with a Jain work of the same name and of the same author (Winternitz, History of Indian Literature, Calcutta University, Vol. II., p. 583). 6666. Add 'An English translation of the hymn and the commentary was published by R. Ananthakrishna Shastry (Ootacamund, 1925). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra For Private and Personal Use Only Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra I. INDEX References are to catalogue numbers. Catalogus Catalogorum. चकुलागमतन्त्र (योगसारसमुच्चय ) 6113. अघोरकवच 6754. यन्त्रविधि 6584. मिराकल्प 6061. अजपाजपक्रम 6520. अजपापद्धति 6521-22. जरादिद्विपञ्चाशद्भैरव प्रयोग 6483. अज्ञानध्वान्तदौपिका 6241. * अथर्व्वतत्त्वनिरूपण 6135. अन्नपूर्णास्तोत्र 6707. अपराजितास्तोत्र 6776. अपराधभञ्जनम्लोच 6739-40. अभिषेकपद्धति 6529. अभिज्ञानरत्नावलौ 6211. अमनस्क योगशास्त्र 6124-26. * नसंग्रह 6212. अर्जुनपारिजातव्याख्या 6512. अवतारभेदप्रकाशिका 6221. अव्यक्तमूर्त्तिमानमपूजन 6806. आगमकल्पवली 6219. श्रागमकौमुदी 6213. आगमचन्द्रिका 6209. मागममत्त्व विलास 6214. वागमतत्त्व संग्रह 6215. आगमसारसंग्रह 6220. च्वागमोत्पत्त्यादिवैदिकतान्त्रिक निर्णय 6226. आचारसारतन्त्र 5993-96. *k मरस्य 6201. मरस्यौका 6202. चानन्दबोधलदरी 6808-9. नन्दमयौ पूजा 6450. TITLES. ( 881 Asterisks refer to titles not found in the Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir आनन्दलहरी 6679-89, 6696-97, 6699. आनन्दलहरौटोका 6688-98. * चानन्दार्णवतन्त्र 6017. आम्नाय 6285-86. आसुरीकल्प 6070-71, 6156. * किचन्द्रिका 6465. इन्द्राक्षी पञ्चाङ्ग 6432. इन्द्रा चौस्तोच 6716-17. उग्रतारापञ्चाङ्ग 6332. गणेशपञ्चाङ्ग 6509. उच्छिष्टचाण्डालौकल्प 6389. उड्डामरतन्त्र 5848. उड्डौ शतन्त्र 5830-32. शोत्तरखण्ड 5833-36. उत्तरतन्त्र (अभिषेक विधि) 6147. उत्तरतन्त्र ( पुरश्वर विवेक) 5987. उत्तरतन्त्र ( स्वाध्याय) 5896. उद्दारकोष 6264-65. उन्मत्तभैरवपञ्चाङ्ग 6482. उपाङ्गललितापूजन 6381. उमामहेश्वरपूजा 6476. उल्लूककल्प 6157. ऊर्द्धानायतन्त्र 5962. ऊर्द्धाम्नायमंहिता 5959-61. एकाक्षरगणपतिकल्प 6507. कक्षपुटतन्त्र 6073-78. कनककल्प 6069. करणिौमततन्त्र ( यक्षिण कल्प) 6028. कर्पूरस्तोत्र 6624–3(). कर्पूरस्तोचौका 6627-33. ) For Private and Personal Use Only Page #328 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 882 ) कल्पसूच 6166-69. कापालिकमतव्यवस्था 6444-45. कामकलाकालीस्तोत्र 6634. कामधेनुतन्त्र 6032. कामरत्न 6540-45. कामराजकौलितोद्धारोपनिषत 6136. कामरतन्त्र 6158. कामाख्यातन्त्र 6026-27. कामेशार्चनचन्द्रिका 6459. कार्तवीर्यकवच 6785. कार्तवीर्यपूजापद्दति 6513. कार्तवीर्यमन्त्र 6514. कालभैरवाष्टक 6755. कालरात्रिकल्प 6063-64. * कालरुद्रतन्त्र 6090. कालाग्निरुद्रोपनिषत् 6165. कालिकाकवच 6651-52. कालिकापूजाप्रयोग 6314. कालिकोपनिषत् 6134. * कालौकल्पस्तुति 6662. कालौकवच 6653-54. कालौकुल्लामततन्त्र 6016. कालौतत्त्व 6306-7. कालौतन्त्र 5930-33. कालौभक्तिरसायन 6304. कालौविस्तासतन्त्र 5928. कालौशाबर 6095-96. कालीसहस्रनामस्तोत्र 6638-42. कालीसहस्रनामटका 6643-46. कालौस्तोत्र 6655-56. कालौहृदय 6647. कालोत्तर (मुद्रा पटल) 5898. काल्यूाम्नायतन्त्र 5963. कुण्डकल्पद्रुमटौका 6538. कुञ्जिकापूजन 6436-37. कुजिकातन्त्र 6806. कुनिकामत 5804,682). कुनिकामनतन्त्र 5805. कुमारसंहिता 6056. कुमारीतन्त्र 6011-14. कुल्लघडामणितन्त्र 5827-28. कुल्लचूडामणितन्त्र (थोनिस्तव) 5829. * कुलदीपिका 6442. कुलपूजाविधि 6451. कुलप्रकाशतन्त्र 6015. कुलप्रदौप 6443. कलमुक्तिकल्लोलिनौ 6308. कुल्लाणवतन्त्र 5904-12. कुलार्णव (ईशानसंहिता) 5913. कुलार्णव (षटकर्मविधि) 5914. कुलोड्डीशमहातन्त्र 5845. कृष्णयामल्ल (त्रिभङ्गचरिच) 5891. कैवल्यकलिकातन्त्रटीका 6368. कैवल्यनन्त्र 6009-10. कौतुकचिन्तामणि 6564. कौलगजमईन 6447. कौलतन्त्र 5934. कौलाबल्लौ 6438. कौलिकाञ्चनदौपिका 6439-41. * क्रमदीक्षा 6526. क्रमदौपिका 6487-9). क्रमदीपिकाटोका 6491-92. * क्रमपर्णदीक्षापद्धति 6526. क्रमोत्तम 6351-52. गङ्गाकवच 6728. गणेशपञ्चाङ्ग 6508. गन्धर्वराजमन्त्रविधि 6524. गर्भरक्षायन्त्र 6586. गायबौकल्प 6066. गायत्रीकवच 6721-3. गायत्रौपद्दति 6423. गायत्रीपुरश्चरणपति 6422. गायत्रीपुरश्चरण प्रयोग 6421. गायत्रीपुरश्चरणविधि 6425. गायबीब्रह्मकल्प 6426, गायत्रीब्राह्मणोझासतन्त्र 6029-30. गायबौमाला 6281. गायत्रौव्याख्या 6427-28. गायचौमहसनामस्तोत्र 6725. गायचौस्तवराजस्तोत्र 6724. गायत्रौपदय 6718-20. गायत्र्यचनदीपिका 6420. 56B For Private and Personal Use Only Page #329 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 883 ) गायचर्चनरत्नमाला 6424. गायचष्टोत्तरशतदिव्यनामस्तोत्र 6723. गायथा चक्षरफलम् 6429. गौर्वाण वामनरौ 6318. गतमाधनतन्त्र 5915-17. गुरुकवच 6803. गुरुकौन्तकविवरण 6417. गुरुगीता 6790-93. गुरुतन्त्र 5918. गुरुपञ्चाङ्ग 6518. गुरुपादुकास्तोत्र 6798-6801. गुरुपादुकास्तोत्रटौका 6798-6802. गुरुप्रशंमा 6797 A. गुरुमहसनामस्तोत्र 6794-96. गुरुसवराज 6797. गुरुस्तोत्रकवचमंग्रह 6804. गुह्यकालौ पूजा 6318. गुह्यकालौसहस्रनाम 6650. गुह्यकाल्य युनाक्षरमालामन्च 6316-17. गुह्यानिगुह्यतन्त्र (विद्योत्पत्ति) 6005. गोपालगायत्रौ 6499. गोपालसहस्रनामस्तोत्र 6759-60. गोरक्षयोगशास्त्र 6613. गोरक्षश तक 6609-18. गोरक्ष शतकव्याख्या 6616-17. गौतमौयतन्त्र 6004, 6148. गौरौकञ्चलिका 6149-54. * गौरौडामर 5859. घेरण्डसंहिता 6129-32. चक्रदौपिका 6622. चण्डिकाचनदौपिका 6405-6. चण्डौ पूजाविधि 6415-16. चण्डौमप-क्रमकल्पवली 6404. चन्द्रहाससंहिता (चन्द्रज्ञान) 6057. चर्पटपञ्जर स्तोत्र 6781. चिदानन्दमन्दाकिनौ 6229. छायाकाल ज्ञान 6309. छिन्नमस्तापञ्चाङ्ग 6387-88. छिन्नमस्तामन्त्र 6400. जगडात्रौदुर्गायन्त्र 6687. जयद्रथयामल5893. जानकौविरहमन्त्रराजस्लोच 6784. जानतन्त्र 6018. ज्ञानतिलक 5975-76. * ज्ञानार्णव 6607. ज्ञानार्यवतन्त्र 5809-14. ज्ञानार्णव नन्त्रटोका 5816. ज्ञानावे त्रैलोक्यमोइन कवचं दौसा विधानच 5815. * तत्त्वयोगविन्द 6605-6. तत्त्वानन्दतरङ्गिणी 6200. * तन्त्रचन्द्रिका 6274. * तन्त्रचिन्तामणि 6217-18. मणिमार 5958. तन्त्रचूडामणि (महापौठनिरूपण or पौठ. निर्णय) 5956-57, 6141. तन्त्रदौपिका 6230. [तन्त्रनिबन्ध] 6266-67. * तन्त्रप्रकाश 6207. तन्त्रभूषा 6227. तन्त्ररत्न 6203, 6210. तन्त्रराजतन्त्र टीका 6819. तन्त्रसार 6187-91. तन्त्रसार (मुद्राप्रकरण) 6576-77. तन्त्रसार पूजापद्दति 6495. तन्त्रमारसंग्रह 6185-86. नन्त्रसारसंग्रहटौका 6186. नन्वसिद्धान्तकौमुदी 6222-23. तन्त्रसंग्रह 6269. तले शौम्तव 6309. तान्त्रिककृत्यविशेषपद्धति 6570-2. नारातन्त्र 5929. तारापञ्चाङ्ग 6331. तारापद्धति 6333. तारापूजाप्रयोग 6334. तारापूजारसायन 6330. ताराप्रदीप 6322-23. ताराभक्तिसुधार्णव 6324-25. सारारहस्यक्तिका 6320-21. तारार्चनचन्द्रिका 6326. * ताराचनतरङ्गिणी 6329. ताराविलासोदय 6327-28. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #330 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 884 ) तारासहस्रनामस्तोत्र 6663-5. तिमिरचन्द्रिका 6208. तिरस्करिणौविधि 6319. टचभास्कर 6575. नोडलतन्त्र 5938. त्रिदशडामर (प्रत्यगिराविधि) 5861. विपुरतापिन्य पनिषत् 6164. त्रिपुरापटल 6400. विपुरापूजापति 6372. त्रिपुरासहस्रनामस्तोत्र 6667. त्रिपुरामारसमुच्चय 6335-36. त्रिपुरामारममुक्षयटौका 6335-37. * त्रिपुरसुन्दर्यनक्रम 6365. त्रिशतीस्तोत्र 6668. त्रिशतीस्तोत्रटौका 6669. बैलोक्यमोहनकवचटौका 6672. त्वरित स्ट्रविधि 6464. दक्षिणाकालिकाचनपद्धति 6310. दक्षिणकालिकास्तोत्र 6637. दक्षिणा कालौविधि 6312. दक्षिणकालिकापूजापति 6315. * दक्षिणाचारतन्त्र जौका 6140. दक्षिणामूर्तिकौस्तुभ 6452. दक्षिणामूर्तिदीपिका 6453. दक्षिणामूर्तिसंहिता 6054-55. दत्तार्चनचन्द्रिका 6353. दत्तात्रेयतन्त्र 6079-83. दत्तात्रेयसंहिता 6102-03. दिव्यशाबरतन्त्र 6091-94. दौक्षाप्रयोग 6528. दौक्षाविधि 6527. दौपदानपद्धति 6481. दौपप्रकाश 6511. दौपप्रकाशटौका 6511A. दुर्गादादिनामस्तोत्र 6705. देवौकवच 6411-14. देवानामविलास 6703. देवौ पूजा 6399. देवमहिम्नस्तोत्र 6676-78. देवौरहस्य 6001. धनदायक्षिणौप्रयोग 6402. * धर्मवितान 6228. नरसिंहमहसनामस्तोत्र 6761. * नवार्णचन्द्रिका 6403. नादकारिका 6598. नाभिविद्या 6378. नारसिंहकल्प 6000. निगमकल्पद्रम 6052-53. निगमतत्त्वसार 6049-51. निगमलतातन्त्र 6047-48. नितान्त तन्त्र (पुरश्चर्याविधि) 6036. नित्यनैमित्तिकतान्त्रिकहोम 6536. नित्याहिकतिलक 6434. नित्योत्सव 6170-71. निधिदर्शन 6552. निबन्धमहातन्त्र 5992. निरुत्तरतन्त्र 5935-36. निरुत्तरभट्टारक 5937. . निर्वाणतन्त्र 5919. निर्वाणमन्त्र 6288. नौलकण्ठस्तोत्र 6742. नौलतन्त्र 5949-50. बसिंहकवच 6762-63. नेत्रज्ञानार्णव 5818. पञ्चदशौविधान 6139. पञ्चरत्नमालिका 6319. पञ्चरत्नमालिकाटौका 6319. पञ्चाक्षरौमुक्तावलौ 6462. परमशिवमहस्रनामस्तोत्र 6744. परमहंसकवच 6805. परमहंसपञ्चाङ्ग 6516. परमहंमपद्धति 6515. परमहंमविधि 6517. परमानन्दतन्त्र 5998, 6816. परातन्त्र 5953-55, 6822. * परानन्दमत 5982. पराशरसंहिता (हयग्रोवांका रकल्प) 6059-60. पवनविजयखरोदय 6104-08. पारमेश्वरतन्त्र 5808. पारायणस्तोत्र 6671. पिच्छिलानन्त्र 5991. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 885 ) पौतासपविधि 6396. न्तमहोदधि 6619. पुरचरणचन्द्रिका 6531-32. पुरश्चरणदौपिका 6533. पुरश्चरणर मोल्लासातन्त्र 5978-80. पुरश्चरणविधि 6530,6535. पुरश्चरणबोधिनी 6534. पुष्यिणौस्तोत्र 6733. पूजनप्रयोगसंग्रह 6311. पूजापद्दति 6496-97. पूजापुष्करिणी 6205. पूजाविधि 6319. पूतनाविधान 6563. प्रणवकल्प 6519. प्रत्यङ्गिराकवच 6715. प्रत्यङ्गिरापञ्चाङ्ग 6430-31. प्रत्यङ्गिरास्तोत्र 6712-4. प्रपञ्चमार 6172. प्रपञ्चसारटौका 6173-75. प्रपञ्चसारसंग्रह 6176. प्रयोगरत्नाकर 6510. फत्कारिणौतन्त्र 5981. बालग्रहस्तव 6789. बालादित्य 6369. बालार्चनपद्धति 6370. बीजकोष 6145, 6296-98. बौजवर्णसंकेत 6295. हन्निधिदर्शन 6565. वृहद्भुतडामरतन्त्र 5860. वृहद्रयामल 5866-67. ब्रह्मज्ञानमहातन्त्रराज 5988-89, *ब्रह्मज्ञानशास्त्र 6127-28. ब्रह्मनिरूपणा 6276. ब्रह्मयामल 5892. ब्रह्मसन्धान 5990. ब्रह्मास्त्रविद्या 6393. ब्रह्मास्त्रविद्यानित्यपूजा 6394. भगवच्छिवस्तोत्र 6741. भद्रतन्त्र 6089. भवानौकररत्न 6340. भवानौमहसनामस्तोत्र 6700-1. भवानौस्तवराज 6702. भावचिन्तामणि 6037. भावचूडामणि 6272-73. भावनिरूपण 6274. भावनोपनिषतप्रयोगविधि 6133. * भुवने शौकल्पलता 6383. भवने शौपद्धति 6385. * भुवने शौप्रकाश 6382. भुवनेश्वरौपञ्चाङ्ग 6384. भवनेश्वरीस्तोत्रकवच 6704. भूतडामरतन्त्र 5849-56. भूतडामर (योगिनौसाधन) 5866. भूतभैरवतन्त्र 5857. भूतभैरवतन्त्र (बौजकोष) 6145. भूतशुद्धि 6309. भूतशुद्वितन्त्र 5983-84. भूतशुद्धिप्राणप्रतिष्ठा 6667. भूतिरुद्राक्षमाहात्म्य 6563. भैरवतन्त्र 6041. भैरवनाथस्तोत्र 6400. भैरवपूजापद्धति 6467. भैरवाचीपारिजात 6468. भैरवौतन्त्र (भैरवदीपदानविधि) 6042. मकरन्दस्तोत्र 6673. मन्त्रकमलाकर 6238. * मन्त्र गणेशचन्द्रिका 6506. मन्त्र देवप्रकाशिका 6234-35. मन्त्रचन्द्रिका 6232,6240. मन्त्र पद्धति 6279. मन्त्र पारायण क्रम 6280. मन्त्रमहोदधि 6242-50. मन्त्रमहोदधिटौका 6250-56. मन्त्रमाला 6278. मन्त्रमुक्तावली 6239,6277. मन्त्र रत्नाकर * 6192,6236-37. मन्त्रशुद्धिप्रकरण 6284. मन्त्रसंग्रह 6289-92,6559. मन्त्र सिद्धान्तमञ्जरी 6224. मन्त्राराधनदौपिका 6233. मन्त्रार्थनिर्णय 6494. मन्थानभैरव 5819. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #332 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 886 ) मत्स्यरक्त 5997. मयूरचित्रक 5878. महाकाल पञ्चाङ्ग 6477. महाकालयोगशास्त्र (खेचरौविद्या) 6120-22. महाकालसंहिता 6058,6818. * महाक्रमार्चन 6435. * महागणपतिक्रम 6506. महात्रिपुरसुन्दरौपूजापद्धति 6371. महात्रिपुरसुन्दरौसिद्धिविद्यायुताक्षरौ मन्त्र 6376. महानिर्वाणतन्त्र 6039. महामृत्युञ्जयविधि 6472. महालक्ष्मौ हृदयस्तोत्र 6727. महावाक्यविधि 6523. महाविद्यानुमान 6276. महाश्वतन्त्र (आकाशभैरवकल्प) 5895. महाषोढान्यास 6377. महिषमर्दिनौपञ्चाङ्ग 6433. महिषमर्दिनौसहसनामस्तव 6706. * मातगोडामर 5858. माटकाकवच 6731. माटकाकोष 6294. माटकानिघण्ट 6257-61, माटकान्यास 6309. माटकाभेदतन्त्र 5823-26. मानसपूजन 6674. मानसपूजा 6782-83. मानसनानविधि 6569. मायातन्त्र 5985-86. माारीतन्त्र 6897. मालिनौविजयोत्तरतन्त्र 5821. माहेश्वरकवच 6752. * माहेश्वरतन्त्र 6033. माहेश्वरी विद्या 6287. मुक्तिसोपान 6386. मुण्डमालातन्त्र 5972-74. मुद्राप्रकाश 6573-74. मुद्राविवरण 6578. मृत्युञ्जयजपविधान 6474. मृत्यश्चयतन्त्र 5977. मृत्युञ्जयमन्त्रजप 6473. मृत्युञ्जयमानसिकपूजास्तोत्र 6757. मृत्युञ्जययन्त्र 6588. मृत्यञ्जययन्त्रटीका 6589. मृत्यञ्जयविधि 6475. मेधमाला (मयूरचित्रक) 5878. मेरुतन्त्र 6043-45, 6156. मोटनविधि 6662. यतिपञ्चक 6612. यन्त्रचिन्तामणि 6579-83. यन्त्र शोधनविधि 6591. यन्त्रसंग्रह 6585. यन्त्रसंस्कार 6590. यामल (कालपुरुषदानविधि) 5894. युद्धजयार्णवतन्त्र 6109-12. *योगकल्पलतिका 6603. योगतारावलौ 6807. *योगबौज 6116-19. योगरत्नावली 6601-2. योगसागर 6114. *योगसार 6115-19, 6599, 6621. *योगसिद्धान्त 6123. योगसिद्धान्तमञ्जरी 6608. *योगार्णव 6600. योगिनौसन्त्र 6019-21. योगिनौपूजा 6448-49. योगिनौविजयस्लव 6729. योनिकवच 6735. *योनिगकरतन्त्र 5903. योनितन्त्र 5899.02. योनिमन्त्रचिन्तामणिमन्त्र 6046. योनिस्तोत्र 6734. रकारादिरामसहस्रनामस्तोत्र 6769-72. रजस्वलास्तोत्र 6732. रसरत्नाकर 6646-50. राजराजेश्वरीमन्त्र (भानाभिषेक) 6034. राजौसाधन 6666. राज्ञौ नित्यपूजापद्धति 6401. राधातन्त्र 6002-03. राधास्तवराज 6775. रामकवच 6774. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #333 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 887 ) रामसहस्रनामस्तोत्र 6766-72. रामस्तवराज 6773. रावणउड्डोश 5846. रावणोड्डौशडामरतन्त्रसार 5847. रुद्रयामलतन्त्र 5862-64. रुद्रयामल (अयोध्यामाहात्मा) 5887. 'रुद्रयामल (कालोपश्चबाणा) 5884. रुद्रयामल (कालोपुराण) 5874. रुद्रयामल (कौलावलौतन्त्र) 5865. रुद्रयामल (चण्डौनवार्णपटल) 5869. रुद्रयामल (बिकटारहस्य) 5882,6821. रुद्रयामल (चिपुरसुन्दरौपटल) 5881. रुद्रयामल (देवौचरित्र) 5879. रुद्रयामल (देवौरहस्य) 5880. रुद्रयामल (नवग्रहमिहयन्त्रपूजाविस्तार) 5889. रुद्रयामल (नवदुर्गापूजारहस्य) 5885. रुद्रयामल (भुवनेश्वरौरहस्य) 5883. रुद्रयामल (मङ्गलविधि) 5890. रुद्रयामल (मतोत्सवतन्त्र) 5868. रद्रयामल (मेघमाला) 5875-77. रुद्रयामल (रसकल्प) 5871. रुद्रयामल (रसावकल्प) 6870. रुद्रयामल (रामनामलिखनविधि) 5886. रुद्रयामल (रुट्रचण्डौ) 6872-73. रुद्रयामल (सूर्यपटल) 5888. रुद्रविधि 6486. रुद्राक्षमाहात्मय 6309. रोगहरणचिन्तामणिमन्त्र 6560. रोगहरणमन्त्र 6561. लघचन्द्रिका 6343. लघस्तव 6670. लब्बासुरीकल्प 6072. *ललितापरिशि 6380. ललितार्जनपद्धति 6379. ललितामहस्रनामस्तोत्र 6666. ललितास्तवरत्न 6675. लिङ्गार्चनतन्त्र 6022-25. * वगलाक्रमकल्पवल्ली 6390. वगतापटल 6397. बगलामुखौपञ्चाङ्ग 6391-92. बगलामुखौपद्धति 6395. वगलामुखीस्तोत्र 6708-11. वज्रपञ्जरसूर्यकवच 6786. वटकभैरवतरङ्ग 6478. वटकभैरव स्तोत्र 6745-49. वटकभैरववकारादिसहस्रनामस्तोत्र 6760 वटकमालामन्त्र 6479. वटकाचन 6480. * वटकाचनसंग्रह 6466. वडवानल स्तोत्र 6779. वनदुर्गाकल्प 6067. बन्दौस्तोत्र 6737. वरिवस्थारहस्य 6344. वरिवस्थारहस्यटीका 6344. वर्णकोष 6293. वर्णाभिधान 6262-63. वलिदानमन्त्र 6282. वशकार्यमञ्जरौ 6651. वशीकरणप्रयोग 6556. वशीकरणास्तीच 6730. वामकेश्वरतन्त्र 5939-41. वामकेश्वरतन्त्र (नित्याषोडशिकार्याव) 6142-43. वामकेश्वरतन्त्र (नित्याषोडशिकावठौका) 6142-43. वामकेश्वरतन्त्र (योगिनौहृदय) 5942-45, 6144. (वामकेश्वरतन्त्र योगिनौ हृदयटौका) चक्र - सङ्केतचन्द्रिका 6144. बामकेश्वरतन्त्र (योगिनौहृदयदौपिका) 5945-46. वामाचारमतखण्डन 6446. विद्यार्णव 6206. विनायकसंहिता 6088. विन्ध्यवासिनौ पूजाप्रयोग 6398. विश्वसारतन्त्र (गढावतार) 6038. विश्वामित्रकल्प 6062. विषयेश्वरीस्तोत्र 6736. विवासहस्रनाम 6758. बौरतन्त्र 5925-27,6146. वीरभद्रतन्त्र 6836-44. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #334 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 888 ) वीरभद्रतन्त्रोक्त प्रयोग 6283. वैदिकतान्त्रिकाधिकारनिर्णय 6225. वैश्यसन्ध्या 6498. शतिरत्नाकर 6216,6469. शक्तिसंगमतन्त्र 5951-52, 6159-60. शतचण्डौप्रयोग 6408. * शतचण्डग्रादिप्रदीप 6407. शनैश्चरस्तोत्र 6788. शरभपञ्चाङ्ग 6485. शरभेश्वरकवच 6753. शरभेश्वर पूजा 6484. शाक्त क्रम 6197-99. शाक्तानन्दतरङ्गिणौ 6194-96. शाबरतन्त्र 6099,6558. शाबरमन्त्रचिन्तामणि 6100. शाम्भवाचारकौमुदी 6461. शाम्भवौतन्त्र (ज्ञानसंकुल्लो) 6035. शारदातिलक 6177-82. * शारदातिलकटौका 6182-84. शारिकानित्यपूजापद्धति 6400. शारिकास्तव 6400. शिवकवच 6751. शिवताण्डव 5966-71, 6817. शिवताण्डवटोका 5968-71,6817. * शिवदत्यतन्त्र 5965. शिवपञ्चाक्षरौपद्धति 6471. शिवभक्तिरसायन 6458. शिवभुजङ्गप्रयात 6756. शिवमुक्तिप्रबोधिनी 6460. शिवसहस्रनामावलि 6743. शिवसिद्धान्तमञ्जरौ 6457. शिवातप्रकाशिका 6454-55. शिवाम्बकल्प 6065. शिवार्चनचन्द्रिका 6231. शिवोपनिषत् 6162-63. शकाष्टक 6400. शैवकल्पम 6463. * शवचिन्तामणि 6470. भवसिद्धान्तमण्डन 6456. श्यामाकल्पलता 6305. श्यामाकल्प लतिका 6667-59. श्यामाकल्पल्लतिकाटौका 6660. श्यामापद्दतिरत्नाकर 6309. श्यामा पूजापति 6309,6313. श्यामामोदतरङ्गिणी 5964. श्यामारहस्य 6299-02. श्यामासन्तोषास्तोत्र 6661. श्यामासपर्याविधि 6303. श्यामास्तोत्र 6635-36. औतन्त्र 5820. औमतमारटिप्पन 5807. * श्रीविद्यागोपालचरणाचनपद्धति (63415. * श्रीविद्यानित्यपूजापद्धति 6354. * श्रीविद्यामन्त्रदौपिका 6345. औसूक्तविधान 6500-01. श्वेतकालौस्तोत्र 6648. श्वेतकालीसहस्रनामस्तोत्र 6164). षटकर्मदौपिका 6539. षटकर्मविधि 6554. षट्चक्रनिरूपण 6356-61. षटचक्रनिरूपणटोका 6362-67. षटचक्रविवेचन 6623. षोडशनित्यातन्त्र 5817. सङ्कटासहस्रनामाख्यान 6738, मौवनौविद्या 6138. मनत्कुमारसहिता 6031. सन्ध्याप्रयोग 6568. सप्तशतौविधान 6417-19. सप्तशत्यङ्गषटक 6409.10. * सप्तशत्यङ्गषटकव्याख्यान 6409-11). समयाचारतन्त्र 5920-23. समयातन्त्र 5924. * सम्पदविमशिनौ 6347. मरस्वतौतन्त्रम् 6006-08. संक्षेपाचर्चा 6268. संवित्कल्प 6068. सागममार 6271. सोल्लास 6204. माधनदौपिका 6493. सारसमुच्चय 6604. सारसंग्रह 6620. सारावली 6270. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #335 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 889 ) 6161, 1 साङ्ख्यायनतन्त्र 6084-87, 6823. * सिद्धयोगेश्वरौतन्त्र 5948. * सिहलहरौतन्त्र 5999. सिद्धशाबरतन्त्र 6097-98. सिद्धसरस्वतीस्तोत्र 6726. * सिद्धिवौरेश्वरीतन्त्र 5947. सिंहसिद्धान्तसिन्ध 6193. सुग्रौववशंकरणौविद्या 6557. सुदर्शनमन्त्र 6777. सुन्दरौचरणपूजनपद्धति 6374. सुन्दरौ पूजाप्रक्रम 6373. सुन्दरीमहोदय 6348. * सुन्दरौरहस्यत्ति 6350. * सुन्दरौसप- 6349. सुभगाचीरत्न 6342. सुमुखोपटल 6309. सुवर्णतन्त्र 6101. सूर्यकवच 6787. सौभाग्यकवच 6671. सौभाग्यकल्पद्रम 6338. सौभाग्यकल्पलतिका 6339. सौभाग्यतन्त्र 6825. सौभाग्यरत्नाकर 6340-41. [स्तवकवचसंग्रह] 6810-15. स्वच्छन्दतन्त्र 5822. स्वर्णतन्त्र 6824. हठप्रदौपिका 6592-96. हठसंकेतचन्द्रिका 6597. हनुमत्कवच 6780. हनुमच्छान्तिकस्तोत्र 6778. हनुमदुर्ग 6503-04. हयग्रीवसंहिता 6502. हयग्रोवसहस्रनामस्तोत्र 6764. हरमेखला 6555. हारकतन्त्र 6040. हारौतस्मति 6137. होमविधि 6537. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #336 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra II AUTHORS. References are to catalogue numbers, चकुलेन्द्रनाथ 6619-20. केशवाचार्य 6487-90. चखण्डानन्दनाथ 6386. कैवल्याश्रम 6688. चजितानन्दनाथ (अनन्तानन्ददेवशिष्य) क्षेमानन्दनाथ (माधवानन्दनाथशिष्य) 6436. 6339. अनन्तदेव (रेणकापुरस्थित ) 6390. गङ्गानन्द 6621. अनन्तदेव(माटपुरस्थित दाईदेवसम्प्रदायौ) गङ्गासुत 6464. 6505. गङ्गाहरि 6691. अभिनवगुप्त 6400. गौवाणेन्द्र 6176. अमृतानन्द नाथ 5945-46. गोपाल पञ्चानन 6230. चाद्यानन्दन (alias नवमौसिंह)6217-8, गोपीनाथ पाठक (शवमाधवपाठकाग्नि6308. होत्रिसुत) 6530. वानन्दतीर्थ 6185-86. गोरक्षनाथ 6609-18. उतपलाचार्य 6400. गोविन्द कौल(ज्योतिष्पकाशशिष्य) 6815 उमानन्दनाथ 6170-71. (p. 869). कमलाकरभट्ट 6238,6469. गोविन्द तर्कवागीश 6689-90. कविराज 6697. गोविन्द विद्याविनोद 6491. कालीचरण (कामदेवपण्डितवंशसम्भव) गोविन्द शर्ममा (जगन्नाथसुत) 6492. 6630. गोविन्द शम्मी 6335-37. काशीनाथतर्कपञ्चानन 6661. गोविन्द सार्वभौम 6207. काशीनाथतालङ्कार 6303. चक्रवर्ती 6309. काशीनाथ(भष्ट भड) 5816, 6140, चतुर्भजाचार्य (हरिहराचायाभिषिक्त 6144,6221-27,6240,6254-56, नागरान्चयावतीर्ण) 6536. 6304,6330, 6345, 6355, 6405- चन्द्रशेखर (विश्वेशानुग्रहौत) 6205. 6, 6420, 6444-46, 6452-61, चन्द्रशेखर 6533. 6608, 6627. चित्रविल्लासभट्टाचार्य 6309. कृष्णदेव(गण) 6229. चिद्रपकौल(माहिबकौलशिष्य) 6815 कृष्णदेव 6603. ___ (p. 869). कृष्णपण्डित 6633. चिदानन्दनाथ (लक्ष्मीनाथभट्टापरनामधेय कृष्णभट्ट 6467. गगनानन्दनाथशिष्य) 6346. कृष्णमोहन 6209. जगदानन्द 6439-41. कृष्ण विद्यावागौश 6203. जगन्नाथ भट्टाचार्य 6326. कृष्णानन्द 6187-91. जगन्नाथ (कालिकानन्दशिष्य) 6525. कृष्णानन्द (कैलामाचलयतिशिष्य) 6447. जनार्दन गोस्वामौ 6232. केशवविश्वरूप (क्षेमानन्दशिष्य तुगभद्रोप- जैत्रसिंह (वघेलकुलकमलप्रद्योतप्रचण्ड. कूलवसति) 6215. मार्तण्डमहाराजकुमार) 6468. ( 890 ) 57B For Private and Personal Use Only Page #337 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 891 ) ज्ञामस्वरूप 6173-74. जानानन्दपरमहंस 6438. ज्योतिष्पकाश 6815 (p. 868). डम्रबोध (उमरप्रकाशशिष्य) 6175. दण्डिराज कवि 6318. दक्षिणामूर्तिमुनि 6264-65. दामोदर 6579-83. दासदास 6784. दिवाकर (भारद्वाज महादेवस्टूरिसूनु) 6407. दर्गादास विद्यावागौश 6798-6802. दर्गाराम सिद्धान्तवागौश 6628-29. दुवामा 6675-78. देवेन्द्राश्रम (विबधेन्द्राश्रमशिष्य) 6531. 32. धनराज (के शवपुत्र) 6465. नन्दराम 6367. नरसिंह 6324.25. नवमौमिंह (भूपालेन्द्रामात्य याद्यानन्दन इति ख्यातनामा) 6217-18, 6308. नागभट्ट 6335-36. नारायणभट्ट 6493. निजानन्दनाथ (निजात्मानन्दनाथ, निज प्रकाशानन्दनाथ, निजात्मप्रकाशानन्द or मल्लिकार्जन) 6351-52. नित्यनाथसिद्ध (पार्वतौ पुत्र) 6546-50. नित्यानन्द 6677-8. निरञ्जन 6698. नौलकण्ठचौधरौ 5968-70. नौलकण्ठ (शेव) 6409-10. परमशिवेन्द्रसरखतौ (अभिनवनारायणेन्द्र सरस्वतौशिष्य) 6553. परमानन्दनाथ 6403. परशुराम 6166-69. पूर्णप्रकाश 6239. पूर्णानन्द 6197-6200, 6299-6302 6356-59,636I. पूर्णानन्दाम 6183. प्रगल्भाचार्याशिष्य 6206. प्राणपति 6212. प्रेमनिधिपन्य 6510-11A, 6817. बालम्भट्ट (भारद्वाजरामभद्रसुत) 6466. ब्रह्मानन्द 6194-96,6360. ब्रह्मानन्द 6592-93. भास्कर राय 6142-43,6344,6576. भैरव त्रिपाठी 6490. मथरानाथ 6657-60. मल्लिकार्जुन (alias निजानन्दनाथ) 6351-52. महादेव विद्यावागौर 6694. महामुगलभट्ट 6813 (30). महौदास 6257-61. महौधर 6242-53. माधवानन्द नाथ 6338. मुक्तक (ौकण्ठसूनु) 6434. यदुनन्दन भट्टाचार्य 6262. यदुनाथ चक्रवर्ती (महामहोपाध्याय विद्याभूषणभट्टाचार्यात्मज) 6192. यदुनाथ शर्मा 6219. यशोधर 6233. यादवाचार्य 6323. योगेन्द्र 6220. रघनन्दन (कविचक्रवर्ती चन्द्रमौलितनय) 6695. रघनाथ तर्कवागौश 6214. रत्ननाभागमाचार्य 6350. राघवभट्ट 6306-07. राजकिशोर 6216. राजनारायण 6662. राजाराम 6551. रामकण्ठ 6598. रामकिशोर (रुद्रनारायण पुत्र) 6573-74. रामकृती 6329. रामकृयण 6213. रामगति सेन 6274. रामचन्द्र 6342. रामचन्द्र 6467. रामचन्द्र 6605-6. रामचन्द्र कवि 6512. रामचन्द्र कविचन्द्रचक्रवर्ती (माधवकवि कण्ठाभरणचक्रवर्तिसुत) 6305. रामभट्ट (कृयाभट्टानलेवासौ) 6349. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #338 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ( 892 ) रामभद्र (सार्वभौम) 6622. रामभद्र मिश्र (विश्वनाथतनय) 6696. रामरत्न 6208. रामबल्लभ 6362-64. राम बाजपेयौ 6552. रामशङ्कराचार्य 6442. रामानन्द तर्कालङ्कार (विष्ण्वानन्दपुत्र) 6211. रामानन्द (कृष्णानन्दसरस्वतौशिष्य) 6353. लक्ष्मण देशिक 6177-82, 6322. लक्ष्मीधर 6463. लक्ष्मीनारायण 6617. बासुदेव (काशीनाथरथपुत्र) 6382. बासुदेव कविककणचक्रवर्ती 6327-28. विजयरामाचार्य (चतुर्भुजाचार्यशिष्य) 6236-37. विद्यानन्दनाथ (alias श्रीनिवास) 6231, 6340-41,6404. विनायकशा 6263. विश्वनाथ 6368. विश्वनाथसिंह (महाराजाधिराज, प्रिया__ दासशिष्य) 6494. विष्णदेव (परमाराध्यपौत्र लक्ष्मीष्टकस्तूरि पुत्र) 6234-35. वेणुधर 6626. वेदव्यास 6186. वैद्यनाथ (राघवभट्टसूरिसूनुमहादेवभट्ट सुत) 6383. शङ्कर 6365. शङ्करधार (वल्लालशिष्य) 6422. शङ्कराचार्य (गौडभूमिवासौ) 6320-21. शङ्कराचार्य 6172, 6319, 6632, 6669, 6674, 6679-89, 6696. 97, 6699, 6781-83, 6806-9, 6813 (31, 32, 37, 41), 6814(2). शम्भदेवानन्दनाथ (प्रसन्नविश्वात्मकदेशि केन्द्रशिष्य) 6347. शम्भुभट्ट (रामानन्दनाथसरखतौशिष्य) 6348. शाम्बभट्ट (भदृशङ्करात्मज) 6421. शिवराम 6210. शिवरामस्वामौ 6319. शिवानन्दगोस्वामौ (ौनिवासपौत्र जग निवासपुत्र) 6193, 6443. पौरपाणि 6182. शुकदेव 6526. शुभचन्द्र 6607. औकण्ठ 6601-02. श्रीकृष्ण (चित्पावनकरोपनामकन्टसिंह__ भट्टात्मजनारायणभट्टसूनु) 6408. श्रीकृष्ण तालङ्कारभट्टाचार्य 6692. श्रीकृष्ण विद्यावागौश 6539. औनाथ 6201. औनाथ 6540-45. श्रीनिवासभट्ट (alias विद्यानन्दनाथ) 6231, 6340-41, 6404. औहर्ष 6584. सचिदानन्दनाथ 6343. सानन्दनाथ 6204. साहिबकौल 6354,6400, 6703. सिद्धेश्वर 6462. सुन्दरदेव (विश्वरूपतौर्थशिष्य गोविन्ददेव- सुत) 6597. सोमनाथ (महेशनाथसुत) 6241. खात्माराम 6592-96. हरकुमारठाकुर 6534. हरिनारायण 6693. हरिलाल (भवानौदासपुत्र) 6228. हरिशङ्कर (लक्ष्मणज्योतिर्वित्त) 6599, 6600. हरिसेवक 6604. CALCUTTA:-Published by the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1, Park Street, and Printed by P. Knight, Baptist Mission Press, 41A, Lower Circular Road. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #339 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra SHORT LIST OF BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WORKS RELATING TO SANSKRIT AND ALLIED LITERATURES PUBLISHED BY THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. 1. A Catalogue of Palm-Leaf and Selected Paper Manuscripts belonging to the Durbar Library, Nepal, Vol. 1. By H. P. Shāstrī. With a Historical Intro duction by C. Bendall, 1905. (Issued as an extra No. to the Notices of Sans. MSS.) Rs. 3-0-0 Vol. 2. By H. P. Shāstri, 1915 .. Rs. 3-0-0 2. Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS. in the Library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Part . Grammar. By R. L. Mitra, 1877. X, 172, 58. Boards .. Rs. 4-0-0 3. The Sanskrit Buddhist Literature of Nepal. By R. L. Mitra, 1882 Rs. 5-0-0 4. Report on the Search of Sanskrit Manuscripts. By H. P. Shāstri. fol. Report for 1895 to 1900, 1901 Rs. 0-8-0 Report for 1901/2 to 1905/6, 1905 Rs. 0-8-0 Report for 1906/7 to 1910/11, 1911 Rs. 0-8-0 5. Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts. By R. L. Mitra and H. P. Shāstrī. [First Series) Vols. I-XI, 1870-1895. [Second Series] Vols. I-IV, 1898-1911. Issued in 34 parts at varying prices. 6. An Alphabetical List of Manuscripts noticed by the late Rāja Rajendralala Mitra By H. P. Shāstri, 1895. (Issued as Vol. XI of the Notices of Sans. MSS.) (Available only in complete sets of Notices of Sans. MSS.) 7. Catalogue of Inscriptions and Copper-plates in the collection of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. By Rakhal Das Banerjee, 1910. (Reprinted from J.P.A.S.B., VI, 9, 1910) Rs. 0-6-0 8. An Alphabetical List of Jaina Manuscripts belong ing to Government in the Oriental Library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Compiled by Kunja vihari Nyāya bhūşaņa, 1908. J.P.A.S.B., IV, 8, 1908 . Rs. 1-8-0 Catalogue of Printed Books and Manuscripts in Sanskrit belonging to the Oriental Library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Fasc. 1-4, 1904 .. Rs. 8-0-0 10. Preliminary Report on the Operation in Search of MSS. of Bardic Chronicles. By H. P. Shāstri. fol., pp. 52, 1913 .. Rs. 1-8-0 11. Bardic and Historical Survey of Rajputana. A Descriptive Catalogue of Bardic and Historical Manuscripts. By L. P. Tessitori. Seo. I. Prose Chronicles, pt. 1 (Jodhpur State), 1917 Rs. 1-4-0 Do. pt. 2 (Bikaner State), 1918 Rs. 1-4-0 Sec. II. Bardic Poetry, pt. 1 (Bikaner State), 1918 Rs. 1-4-0 12. A List of Kharoșthi Inscriptions. By N. G. Majumdar Rs. 1-2-0 (From Journal and Proceedings, A.S.B., Vol. XX, No. 1, 1924.) do. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #340 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS IN THE COLLECTIONS OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL BY MAHAMAHOPADHYAYA HARAPRASADA SHASTRI, C.I.E., M.A., D.Litt., F.A.S.B. VOLUME I. BUDDHIST MANUSCRIPTS. Pp. x, 200. Nos. 1-119. (Published 1917) Price Rs. 3-0-0 VOLUME II. VEDA. Pp. xii, 201-1455. Nos. 120-1845A. (Published 1923) Price Rs. 17-8-0 VOLUME III. SMRTI. Pp. lxxvi, 1-1066. Nos. 1846-3077. (Published 1925) Price Rs. 15-0-0 VOLUME IV. HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY. Pp. xiii, 1-126. Nos. 3078-3132. (Published 1923) Price Rs. 2-8-0 VOLUME V. PURANA. Pp. ccxxx, 1-898. Nos. 3133-4212. (Published 1928) .. Price Rs. 15-0-0 VOLUME VI. VYAKARANA. Pp. cccxl, x, 1-522. Nos. 4213-4944. (Published 1931) Price Rs. 12-8-0 VOLUME VII. KAVYA. Pp. XX, 1-653. Nos. 4945-5803. (Published 1934) Price Rs. 10-0-0 VOLUME VIII. TANTRA. Pp. iv, 1-608. Nos. 5804-6451. Part I. (Published 1939) Price Rs. 8-12-0 Pp. 609-892. Nos. 6452-6825. Part II. (Published 1940) Price Rs. 7-8-0 THE MS. OF THE FOLLOWING VOLUMES HAS BEEN PREPARED AND IS TO BE PRINTED AS PREVIOUS VOLUMES ARE ISSUED. Volume IX. Philosophy. Volume X. Jyotisa. Volume XI. Jaina. Volume XII. Vernacular. Volume XIII. Vaidyaka. Volume XIV. Miscellaneous. Volume XV. Addenda, Supplement. For Private and Personal Use Only