illustrative tales are not given in full instead, we find a verse or two, containing in a short-hand style some key-words indicating some important characters or incidents of the tale. Or if a group of related tales are to be referred to, the verse is made up of the names of the characters. Such dvara-gāthās or samgrahanigathas had a mnemonic function.
In some anthologies of stray verses (muktaka) of different authors, e. g. the Anyoktyaṣṭaka samgraha, each group of verses on a particular snbject (e.g. gaja, bhramara, hamsa, etc.) is prefaced by a pratika-verse or dvāra, which gives the first word of each verse in the group.
In the
Satavahana-prabandha given in the Prabandha-cintamani and the Purätanaprabandha-saṁgraha, we find two dvara-gâthās, each of which gives the key-words of the four Gathas which follow it. Those dvara-gathās are as follows :
हारेरा' वेणीदंडे।' खट्टुग्गलियाइ तह य तालु ति volg'aaft Alsizda z-ifs-fgang' || कयलीतरु | विंझगिरी' नेहाहारा 3 यच दणदुमय । याओ नवरि सालाहणेण नव-कोडि-गहियाओ ||
Earlier we have noted and quoted seven Gathas which the Prabandhas ascribe to Bappabhatti and which are prefaced with an Apabhraṁśa verse giving the key-words of these Gathas and the name of their author.
Similarly a verse (Doha) giving the key-words of the five Dohas composed by the Paramāra king Muñja of Malwa is recorded in Hemacandra's Chandonusasana. It is as follows:
चूडुल्लुर 1 बाहेाह-जलु', नथणा कंचुअ + वितम-थण |
इय मुजे रइया दोहडा, पंच वि कामहु पंच सर || ( VI 22.1)
Jain Education International
The five Dohās referred to in this verse are actually found cited in different contexts as illustrations Siddhahema grammar (Apabhramsa section).
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