They are really the poets, whose languiga captures such ideas (attha) from the vast world (puhai -paritthiya) as are beyond the keo of ordinary poets, and which is thus comparable to the miraculous torch of a Master of Magic Charms, which halts and establishes itself on (the spots of) underground (puhai-paritthiya) riches (attha), invisible to the ordinary people.
(Index Verse 4) दाढाओ गयवइणो निज्जिय-कइ-कुंजराउ रेहति । 'सज्जावेसालोयण'-'कव्व-विसुद्धि' ति गाहाओ ॥ १८
'सद्य आवेशालोकनादिः, 'कान्यविशुद्विरिति च गाथे । गजपते. निर्जितकविकुञ्जरे दंष्ट्रे राजेते इति ॥
Gajapati's (i. e. Bappabhatti's) (two) Gathās, viz. (those with the key expressions) sajjāvesālo yana and kavva-visuddhi, shine forth like the (two) iusks of a lord of elephants which have conquered other elephants in the form of other illustrious poets. (18)
Censore of the wieked [6] सज्जावेसालोयण-महल्ल-कोऊहलेण जइ नडिओ । ___ पर-चसणं दाणि खलस्स किं पि ता दुक्कह कहेसु ॥ १९
सद्य आवेशस्यालोकनं तत्र महाकुतूहलं तेनानटितस्तरलीकृतो यदि त्व तदानीं है 'दुक्कह' अश्रद्धालो, खलस्य किमपि परव्यसनं कथय । अयमत्रार्थ: । खलो हि परव्यसनमाकर्पा परितोषरभसेन सद्य आविष्ट इव पुरुषो गात्रकम्पभ्रत्क्षेपकरचलननयनस्तम्भादिविकारभाग भवतीति ॥
If you are burning with intense curiosity to witness a fellow becoming suddenly possessed, then O skeptic, you tell to the wicked about the troubles of somebody. (19)
The good and the wicked contrasted [7] सुयणो दोसे वि गुणीकरेइ इयरो गुणे वि दूसेइ ।
कव्व-विसुद्धि-निमित्तं न्याणिमो के समुल्लीमो ॥ २०
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