Vol. XXIII, 2000
* ०सम्पात०
This variant is accepted by N. S. edn. (p. 29), Kane edn. (p. T6) & G. K. B. edn. (p. 16) of the UC. The latter two editions have also mentioned the ft. note. This ०सज्जातo is seen in the all other editions of the U. C.
२. अस्मिन्नेव लतागृहे त्वमभवस्तन्मार्गदत्तेक्षणः
साहंसैः कृतकौतुका चिरमभूद्गोदावरीसैकते ।
See S. K. edn. (p. 8), S. R. edn. (p. 57-58), Kale edn. (p. 25) & U. J. edn. (p. 28) Kale edn (p. 25) of the U. C. has given ०सम्पातo in the ft. note.
Both the editions of KS. have ०संताप० for ०सम्पात०.
* परिमृदित०
All the editions of the UC. have this reading; while both the editions of the KS. have मृदुमुदितo for परिमृदित०.
This verse has only one variant - i.e. कृतकौतुका.
आयान्त्या परिदुर्मनायितमिव त्वां वीक्ष्य बद्धस्तया
कातर्यादरविन्दकुड्मलनिभो मुग्धः प्रणामाञ्जलिः ॥ - UC. - 3-37
In this verse the variants are as under -
All the editions of the UC. & both the editions of the KS. have accepted this reading. But Kale edn. (p. 86) of the UC. has mentioned स्थिरकौतुका for कृतकौतुका in the ft. note.
3. इयं गेहे लक्ष्मीरियममृतवर्तिर्नयनयो -
रसावस्याः स्पर्शो वपुषि बहुलश्चन्दनरसः । अयं
बाहुः कण्ठे शिशिरमसृणो मौक्तिकसरः
किमस्या न प्रेयो यदि परमसह्यस्तु विरहः ॥ U. C. - 1-38
* अमृतवर्तिः -
All the editions of the UC. have this reading.