Vol. XXIII, 2000
SHRIMAD RAJACHANDRA'S.... खाण मूत्र ने मलनी, रोग जरानुं निवासर्नु धाम,
काया एवी गणीने, मान त्यजीने कर सार्थक आम ||10 which means, 'the body is mine of excreta and urine, it is house of old age and various diseases. Therefore, disregarding the body one should seek spiritual goals'. Thus, Srimad Rājachandra prepares ground to sow seeds of righteous path of Dharma.
(2) Defining the principles of Dharma in the light of Agamas . Now when the worldly goals are disregarded, what next ? When the traveller has left the earlier town, he must know the way towards next halt, or somebody should guide him. Here, Srimad has become guide and explains the nature of Dharma - as taught by, Agamas in very lucid poetic manner. Srimad defines 'Dharma' as the means to obtain 'birthless' condition of Jīva. It is the means to know Jagadisa' = Lord of Universe. He says -
मोहमान मोडवाने, फेलपणुं फोडवाने, जालफंद तोडवाने, हेते निज हाथथी; कुमतिने कापवाने, सुमतिने स्थापवाने, ममत्वने मापवाने, सकल सिद्धान्तथी; महामोक्ष माणवाने, जगदीश जाणवाने, अजन्मता आणवाने वळी भली भातथी; अलौकिक अनुपम, सुख अनुभववाने
धर्म धारणाने धारो, खरे खरी खंतथी ॥1 i.e., "One should resort to Dharma to escape from delusion, break the shackles of this world, to cut the wrong thoughts and establish good ones, to know the strength of your attachment, to attain moksa, to know the Lord, to achieve birthless state and enjoy supreme bliss." In this same poem 'धर्म', he says - "without taking resort to the Dharma, one does not know difference between a good person and a sinner."
वदे रायचंद वीर, सद्धर्मने धार्या विना, मानवी महान तेम, कुकर्मी कळाय छे ॥12