Further, in the same poem, he propounds that, “Dharma is necessary to purify one's self. If the aspirant is interested zestfully in following spiritual path, then he should stick to moral rules. He should concentrate on Dharma and should not be deterred by the doubt." He says -
आत्मना उद्धारने, उमंगथी अनुसरो जो, निर्मल थवाने काजे, नमो नीति नेमथी; वदे रायचंद वीर, एवं धर्मरूप जाणी,
धर्मवृत्ति ध्यान धरो, विलखो न वे'मथी ॥3 Uptill here Srimad directs to where the destination is, after, leaving body consciousness. Still, main thing remains to be seen, i.e. what is this Dharma ? He explains it in the poem ‘सर्वमान्य धर्म' as follows -
(१) धर्मतत्त्व जो पुण्यं मने
तो संभळावू स्नेहे तने, जे सिद्धान्त सकळनो सार,
सर्वमान्य सहुने हितकार. i.e. "essence of Dharma is essence of all doctrines, accepted by one and all and beneficial for all.” Thus, Dharma according to Srimad is, that which is acceptable for all. In another stanza he says -
भाख्यु भाषणमां भगवान, धर्म न बीजो दयासमान.
i.e. there is no other 'Dharma' than kindness, compassion. Here, he seems to propound the same thought of the Prasamarati - that is
धर्मस्य दया मूलं न चाक्षमावान् दयां समाधत्ते । तस्याद्यः क्षान्तिपरः स साधयति उत्तमं धर्मम् ॥14
i.e. "Compassion is the root cause of religion. An impatient man never possess compassion. Thus one who is devoted to forgiveness accomplishes the highest Dharma." In the sixth stanza of this poem he actually says that 'compassion is the root of Dharma' - धर्म सकळमुंए शुभ मूळ.15 This thought is expanded further -