Dr. Jagruti Pandya
H. K. Arts College, Ahmedabad.
The problem of text-criticism is the basic one especially with Sanskrit classical works. Hemacandra's Kāvyānusāsana (= KS.) with Viveka proves to be of great help in fixing original variants in case of important works. Dr. V. M. Kulkarni used it to reconstruct the Abhinavabhārati on the 7th chapter-H ET-of the Nātyasāstra. Dr. Gnoli also used it for preparing a critical text of the Abhinavabhārats on the 6th chapter of the Nātyasāstra. Dr. T. S. Nandi with the help of his guru Prof. R. C. Parikh also used the same source for fixing up variants in the Abhinavabhārati portion of the 6th chapter on the Nātyasāstra. Dr. Kulkarni & Dr. Nandi had also taken advantage of this text, i.e. KS., in preparing the fresh texts of the Abhinavabhārati on volume II, III & IV of the Nātyasāstra, G.O.S. edition, Vadodara. We also look into the KS. for the specific purpose because of its utility in problems concerning variants.
In this article an attempt is made to pick up some verses from the Uttararāmacarita (= UC.) as presented in Kāvyānusāsana of Hemacandra and compare the same with variants available in some important editions of the UC. It is very interesting to raise problems of text-criticism, if not possible to solve them, and it is hoped this effort will also succeed in that direction.
We have consulted the following editions of the UC. 1. Uttararāmacarita - Nirnayasagar (= N.S.) edition
Ed. - Shri T. R. Ratnam Aiyar & Shri W. L. Shastri Paņsikar, Revised
by-Shri K. M. Joglekar. Pub. - Nirnayasagar Press, Bombay, fifth edition, 1915. 2. Uttararāmacarita - (Kale edition). Ed. Shri M. R. Kale. Pub. - Messrs,
Gopal Narayen & Co., Bombay, Fourth edition (revised & enlarged), 1934 3. Uttararāmacarita - (Kane edition) Ed. Shri P. V. Kane. Pub. - Motilal
Banarasidas, Delhi, Fourth revised edition, 1962. 4. Uttararāmacarita - (G. K. B. edition) Ed. - Shri G. K. Bhatt. Pub. - The
Popular Book Store, Surat, 1953.