* daif - All the editions of the UC. have this reading. K. M. edn. (p. 106) of the KS. has also accepted this reading. While Bombay edn. of the KS. (p. 131) has given fall for path.
* # - This reading is accepted by all the editions of the UC. & those of the KS., but Kale edn. of the UC. (p. 93) has also noted other reading 4: for Å in the ft note.
8. हे हस्त दक्षिणमृतस्य शिशोर्द्विजस्य
जीवातवे विसृज शूद्रमुनौ कृपाणम्। रामस्य बाहुरसि निर्भरगर्भखिन्न -
ptaifaanhayet: AHUT Saat II - U. C. - 2.10 This verse has also many variants. such as -
This reading is given by N. S. edn. (p. 58-59), Kane edn. (p. 41), G. K. B. edn. (p. 48), S. K. edn. (p. 23) & U. J. edn. (p. 78) of the U. C., while Kale edn. (p. 55) & S. R. edn. (p. 37) of the UC. havet for
This t is also noted in the ft. note by Kane edn. (p. 41) & G. K. B. edn. (p. 48) of the UC., while Kale edn. (p. 55) has given in the ft. note. Both the editions of the KS. have only. * Hargh - This reading is seen in N. S. edn. (p. 58-59) & U. J. edn. (p. 78) of the UC. Kale edn. (p. 55), Kane edn. (p. 41) & G. K. B. edn. (p. 48) have THPT TEHÀ for T4FI LIETÀ. All these three editions have the other reading Ce: for 1514 in the ft. note. S. K. edn. (p. 23) & S. R. edn. (p. 37) of the UC. have TE È only. Bombay edn. of the KS. (p. 249) has quorfù for area. It has noted the other reading - H17491for in the ft. note, which is accepted by K. M. edn. of the KS. (p. 211).