Śivabhadra's Sivabhadrakarya
The Story of the poem runs as follows: The Rainy Season is almost over. Rāma has been staying on the Malyavān mountain after Ravana kidnapped Sita. Toc Sarad Seasoa bas set in. The beauty of the Season adds to the torture of Rāına. He is worried as to how would his beloved also be able to stand the effect of the Nature. The beauty of the Moon, the Crystal-clear lakes, the Krauộca birds enjoying the water-a]] these add to tb2 pangs of separatın. Lakşmaņa tries to pacify Rāma, urging him to cast away tumidity and set out for the task in band. Rama complains that Sugriva who had pledged help in searching out Sila has forgotten the pledge, duc to his being engrossed in pleasures. He has wasted five months and needs to be barbly reminded. Lakşmaņa takes the message to Sugriva. But the latter is so lost in pleasures that he has forgotten the pledge. The monkeys come out to face Lakşınana, but they get frightened at the sight of Lakşina01. Tāra advises Sugriva to under. stand the situation, vot to underestinate the capacity of Lakşmaņa, to resort to reconciliation and Sugriva comes found at last,
Thus Štābhadrakavya, a sustained Yamakakāvya, is an embellished presentation in two Aśvāsas, of the simple Sugriva Episode of the Ramayana. He employs the same order of syllables uver Icarly bali the foot in two consecutive feet of ach staza There is nuthing strikiug in the narrative itself, but the work has the distinction of employing yamakas which not only add to the beauty of the poem, but also enhance the meaning. The description of the autumn is worth no icing, Besides Yamakas, the poet has successfully employed drlhalamkaras, like U pamā, Rūpaka, Tulyayogiia, Paryāyokta, Atiśayokti, Utprekša etc.