Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 62
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications
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[ JANUARY, 1933
Tippa Raya.58 The reason why Teka! was made over by & special order of the king is not stated; but we assume that consequent on the marriage of Harima with Saļuva Tippa, Déva Raya may have thought it prudent to confer on Saļuva Gôpa the principality of Téka!. It may be that Saluva Gôpa had already become conspicuous in the Tuluva-nadu, where the Saļuvas had a firm footing at Sangitapura ; and that it was necessary to curtail their power by entrusting to the care of Saluva Gópa a province which was distant from Tuluva. These are, we admit, only suppositions for the present. While discussing the history of Saluva Gôpa, we come across certain difficulties both from the point of chronology and the several names which one and the same person bears. Nevertheless one may venture to make the suggestion that SAļuva Gôpa's son was Tirumala Dêva or Gopa Timma or Timma, the founder of the Tuļuva line of Vijayanagara.
This view, which goes against all opinion, which till now has taken the so-called Tuluva family of Vijayanagara to be a distinct branch of rulers, needs to be examined. Såļuva GOpa's inscriptions as Viceroy of Têkal range from about 1434 A.D. to about 1442 A.D.59 They are found in the Malûr Taluka of the Kolar district. The-birudas assumed by him are Kathari Saļuva, Médinimisaraganda, Establisher of Sambuvaraya, and Gandaragúli. These are evidently the same as those which his father Tippa assumed, except that of Panchaghantanináda, which may have been given to SAļuva Tippa for some act of personal bravery about which we are ignorant. Now, these are the same birudas which are given to Tirumalai Dêva, whose inscriptions date from about 1448 A.D. to about 1475-6 A.D. These are found in the Srinivasa PerumA! temple, På panåsam, 60 Gopinatha Perumal temple near Pattisam,61 Subramanya temple at Tiruvidaikkali,62 Agnisvara temple at Tiruk. kattuppalli,63 and Ramanandisvara temple at Tirukkannaparam.64 The ruler referred to in most of these inscriptions—which are all found in the Tanjore district-is Mallikarjuna Raya. Mr. Venkoba Rao, commenting on two of these inscriptions found at Pâpanåsam, writes thus :-"In one of them he (SAļuva Tirumalai Dêva Maharaja) is called 'the Establisher of Sambuvaraya.' He is evidently no other than Gôpa-Timma, who is mentioned as an independent king in an inscription at Tanjore (South Indian Inscriptions, vol. II, page 117 ff.)"65 Although it is not possible for one to agree with Mr. Veńkóba Rao in his conclusion regarding the independent position of the prince in question, yet it is not perhapa improbable that his identification of Gopa-Timma with Tirumalai Dêva is correct. In his Annual Report for 1925 Mr. Venkāba Rao goes one step further in his identification of Tiru. malai Dêva. Ho writes thus: “... ... the chief Tirumalayyadêva-maharaya was the son of Såļuva Gôpa and the brother of Saluva Gópa-Tippa...."66 The justification for this assertion is to be found in a record dated Saka 1375, Srimukha (1453 A.D.), which tells us that Tirumalai-raya was the son of Goppa-raya. This epigraph was found in the Vîrattånêsvara
58 Ep. Car., X, Mr. 1, p. 155, and n. (1). 59 Ep. Car., X., Mr. 1, 2, 3, pp. 155-8; Mys. Arch. Report for 1913-4, p. 47.
60 This is dated Saka 1370, Prajapati, expired. 448 of 1922. The cyclic year does not correspond. Saka 1370=Vibhava : Saka 1373=Prajapati. Swamikannu, Ind. Ephemeris, V, pp. 98, 104.
61 624 of 1920 (see also 527 of 1920); 452 of 1922 ; 456 of 1922. 69 270 of 1925.
63 65 of 1897. This is dated only in the cyclic year Vikrama, which may perhaps refer to šaka 1382 (1460 A.D.). 64 634 of 1922.
65 Ep. Rep. for 1923, p. 118. 68 Ep. Rep. for 1925, p. 89. On Saluva Tippa see 388 of 1911 dated only in the eyclic year Dundubhi (Baka 1364); 482 of 1922 dated Baka 1396 : 528 of 1920 undated : Ep. Rep. for 1923, p. 118. He has been identified by Mr. Venkoba Rao with the commentator of the Kavydlarikárasúlra and two other works, one on music and the other on dancing.