Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 52
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Stephen Meredyth Edwardes, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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MARCH, 1923)
Bhaoli: a unit of assessment ; 24 talxıs-1 bhaoli. SS., Mangal, 1; and fr. 12 to 20 lakhaos =1 bhaoli. Bilaspur, 21.
Bhar: a store of grass. Mandi, 33.
Bharbhât-wela : the false dawn, among Hindus. B. 191. Among Muhammadans the syns. are Subh-kâzib and Ashûr-wela. ib.
Bhari : see under Datha.
Bharaon (Haqq-): a cash oess levied to cover the cost of collecting revenue. SS., Båghal, 15.
Bharoli: n chupatti made of bhart, pulse,' Cajanus bicolor. Simla S.R.. xli. Bartoli : n bread made from bhårt, a pulse, Cajanus bicolor. SS., Bashahr, 418. Bhashil : see under Bhail. Bhârt, Bhart: a pulse, Cajanus bicolor. SS., Bashahr, 48, and Kumhârsain, 15.
Bhat: a common oven. Sirmûr, 65. Also a term applied to marriages celebrated in an emergency on certain days. Mandi, 24.
(To be continued.)
BOOK-NOTICE. L'BER DAS VERA LTNIS ZWISCHEN CARUDATTARámila are credited witi a Sadrakukathd, and the UND MROCHA KATIKA By Georg Morgenstierne.
former can hardly be distinguished from the Saupp. 80 and Ixii. Loipzig, Otto Harrassowitz, 1921.
milla, whose fame Kalidasa records along with that When T. Ganapati Sastri published tho first of
of Bhasa and kaviputrau. A more definite date for Bhâsa's cramas, lo expressed the assured opinion
Budraks is then achieved by finding in him Sivathat the Carudatta was the prototype of the M rccha- datta, the Abhira, whose son, Isvarasena, is creditkariki, and he adduced several parallel passages ed by Fleets with the founding of the Cedi era of from the two works in support of his view. There
248-249 A.D. on the overthrow of the Andhra domilationship has, on the whole, gono without serious
nion, a conjecture supported by the fact that in question, but, in viow of Bhattanatha Swamin's
the M rechakațild Palakn is dethroned by Aryako. attempti to throw doubt on the authenticity of
son of a cowhere (gopala). It is really impossible Bhâsa's drumas, the detailed investigation of the
to attach any weight to such contentions. The Odrudatta undertaken by Mr. Morgenstierne has
legendary character of Sûdraka was long ago pointed substantial interest and value, especially as it is
out by S. Lovi, whose argunents aro not dealt with accompanied by the text of the Carudatta with the
by Konow, while Windisch5 has pointed out that the parallel passages of the Mrochakatika. A careful
Pajak legend shows clear signs of derivation from study of the two can yield only one result; the the Krea myth, and there is not the slightest hint Mrechakafika, represents a working over of the any where that Sudraka hal any connection with the Oaru data, and the Canadatta is not, as from isolated decline of the Andhraz. Moreover there is good pausagor might be deduced, a shortened version of reason to believe that Kalidasa did not know the the Mechakagilea. The author, naturally enough, Mrcchakatikd. Both he and Bapa are silent as to sometimes presses unduly points in favour of the Sadraka, and the careful investigations of Mr. Mor. priority of the Carudatta, but the cumulative effect
genstierne have failed to produce a single instance of the evidence is overwhelming.
of borrowing: the fow cases, in which he think It is mere di Meult to follow Mr. Morgenstierne Kalidasa may in the Malavikdy imitra have borrowin the chronological conclusions into which he is ed from the Mrcchakagikd are equally open to explaled by acceptance of Professor Konow's ingenious nation as borrowings from or reminiscences of the speculations regarding the date of the Mrochakatika. Carudatta, and, it may be added, in none of them is The basis of these speculations is the acceptance of there any real sign of indebtedness. In fact Våmans the view that King Sadraka, who appears in the pro- still remains the earliest source of certain citation logue as the author and as having entered the fire from the Mechakatikd, and, though Lévi in his at the age of a hundred years and ten days, was in theory of the Saka development of the Indian fact the redactor of the Mrochakafiled. It becomes drama was inclined to reconsider his earlier judg. possible then to place the Mrochakatikd beforement of the date of the Mrochakafika, he adduced Kalidasa, on the ground that Somila and no arguments to counter his former conclusion. 1 1.A., XLV, 189 ff.
Kuhne Festschrift, pp. 107 ff 9 JRAS., 1903, p. 568.
Thiátre Indien, i. 196-208. 5 Berichte der Sache. Gesellschaft d. Wiss. 1888, pp. 439,440. . JA. sér. 9, xix, 123 ff.