Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 52
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Stephen Meredyth Edwardes, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 98
________________ 86 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [ APRIL, 1923 In his short foreword Colonel Salmon seems nounce," and such annoying upsetters of indexing to be impressed by the "appalling cruelties in as Çiva. This last after all is not much of an im. the narratives." I am afraid that a very long provement on the Madras Manual of Adminis. course of study in Oriental, and I may say Occi- tration, which as late as 1893, just 100 years after dental, history at all periods, obliges me to say Sir William Jones, produced Caushy for a very that they are characteristic of armed coaquest well-known town-the reader may be left to guess on the part of most races in all parts of the world. which. Since that Committoo's day editors have There is indeed not much to choose between the never had peace, and really chaos is again threat. various accounts War has always been, and the lastening us : experto crede. Great War shows that it still is, a very horrible thing. The truth is that "experts" in meeting never One very instructive point for study is brought | settle anything. The Government of India found out by Professor Margoliouth. The Mamlak was this to be the case when it came to entering a foreign slave ard many of the class in all Orien- the names of Native Officers in the Army List. tal countries rose to high positions, when of suf Knowledgeable Staff Officers had to settle the cient capacity-not a few to be governors and writing of Native names in Roman characters, even kings : hance the so-called Slave Dynasties and the index-writer had peace and so had the in various parts of the Eastern world. But they index-reader. I have myself seen the same Native could only hold sway by personal ability and name written Ali Bakhsh, Ally Bax, Ully Bux prestige, which was not backed, as Professor and Olly Buccus by Adjutants who were good Margoliouth says, by any popular enthusiasm soldiers but indifferent scholars. The effect on or loyalty. Hence they usually went down at an alphabetical list is obvious! once before an organised nation when under a The same thing happened in Burma. Burmese capable sovereiga or commander. This was the orthography is as erratic almost as English. Incharacteristio fate of the Mamlak ruler of Egypt. genious lesser officials made travelling allowances I notice that Professor Margoliouth remarks by road "pay” by the spelling of place-names on the death of M. Van Bershom during the pub- in bills for travelling from say X to Hlaingdet lication of this book. I cordially agree that that vid Longtet, to Hlontak and back, say 30 miles : great scholar will not be easily replaced. the three names above being more or less legiti. The mention above of the Mamlak rulers brings mate spellings of one name and the actual distance up once again what is to me the burning question travelled being say 10 miles. Wo who had to of transliteration. In the book we have Mamlak, pase such bills about 1890 induced the GovernMameluke, Memlak, Memlook for the same ment to adopt and print an official spelling for Oriental word. Where are we? Again we have every place name in the country. It paid to do so. Zain al-din, quldd al-nds and so on. Pace Pre I have lately had to review several books fossor Margoliouth, I see no justification. In the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society involving Arabic seript surely all the vowels are marked, the transliteration of Indian, Persian, Turki and if not written out as separate letters, as in Roman, Arabic names. The chaotic state of "scholarly" and the above transcriptions show to me neither rendering of Oriental names in European form the sound nor the script. I know they are in has in consequence as prominently forced itself the modern fashion, but is that justified ? upon my mind as it did a generation ago. I do More than 30 years ago Dr. Fleet and I drew not therefore apologise for repeatedly bringing up tables of transliteration for this Journal out it to the notice of the Society and for suggesting of the custom then current, and all went well; the adoption of an outside authority which has .c., it was generally adhered to by all our contri- knowledge to settle for general recognition the butors and we know where we were, till there sat conflicting opinion of experts in meeting. I canan international committee, which produced such not see any other way out of the present impasse. abortions as Kers which "no fellah can pro. R. C. TEMPLE. NOTES AND QUERIES. NOTES FROM OLD FACTORY RECORDS. have ordered him to koop Contract friendship with 42. Sales in fortified places in Sumatra. you and to encourage your Port by making a 22 March 1693/4. Nathaniel Higginson, Paggorl and Sending people there to buy Pepper ; President of Fort St. George, to the Raja of Syllabarr Mr. Wilson hae given me an Account of your true 1Sumatral. I have received your Letter and friendship. I desire your acceptance of a Small understand the contents Concerning which I have token of my respect which he will deliver you. written to Mr. Wilson whom I have appointed (Letters from Fort St. George, vol. 22.) Govr. of York Fort [Bencoolen, Sumatra) and R. C. TEMPLE. i Malay pagd, an enclosure Can. dodra, fortided village. The meaning (probably due to both vernacular words) appears to be making strong enclosure ete.


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