Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 52
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Stephen Meredyth Edwardes, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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JUXE, 1033 ]
"I allso attest that when Mr. Chamberlaine desired a key to the Cash Chest, Mr. Arnold replyed, that hee did not think it fit for him to have a key thereto, since hee kept that money no better which hee was intrusted with already, and that hoe had no power to propose a new alteration being things were so appointed by Esqr. Streynsham Master."-JOHN SOATTERGOOD.
The altercation dragged on until February 1676/7 when, during Master's absence at Fort. St. George, Chamberlain tried to make it appear that Scattergood's journev to Gol. conda was detrimental to the Company's interest.91 He was promptly silenced by Christopher Hatton and Joseph Arnold, and there the matter ended. Chamberlain's credit was failing and he had fallen into disrepute with his employers and was dismissed the service at the end of the year.
After this affair John Scattergood's official life proceeded on the even tenour of its way. He still remained at Masulipatam under Christopher Hatton, and in November 1677 ranked eighth in the factory. In May 1678 he was one of the witnesses to " Mrs. [Robert] Fleetwoods Declaration and renunciation of her husband's Estate,"99 prior to her second marriage on the following day to John Heathfield, surgeon of Masulipatam factory. Scattergood's share in this matter is interesting, as his own family was connected with the Fleetwoods, his mother having been the granddaughter of Richard Fleetwood of Penwortham, Lancashire.93
- On the 23rd May, Margery Heathfield's goods were put up at "outcry's to satisfy her late husband's debt to the Company, and John Scattergood purchased -
pags. fan. 1 Little looking glass 2 Peices of silke . ..
.. .. 1 11 - 1 Cloth of gold coat ..
106 A parcell of Golcondah pictures 3 Quilts .. 4 Small Jarrs .. .. .. 5 Old Cushions 1 Brass Candlestick ..
3 Snake Stones . ..
In the following month, June 1678, John Scattergood, having served his five years as a writer, "attained to the degree of factor" at £20 per annum, and was required to " seale new Covenants with a Bond in the penalty of 2,000 li."92 The same securities as before, viz., his father and Robert Masters, were approved by the Court.96' A copy of the covenant, as given below, is entered in the Masulipatam Consultation Book.92
NOVERINT UNIVERSI per presentes nos Johannem Scattergood de Metchle. patam in Indiis Orientalibus Mercatorem et teneri et firmiter obligari Gubernatori et Societati Mercatorum Londinensium negotiantium ad Indias Orientales in Quingentis libris legalis Monetae Angliae solvendis eisdem Gubernatori et Societati aut suo certo Attornato vel Successoribus suis Ad quam quidem Solutionem bene et fideliter faciendam Obligamus Nos et utrumque nostrum per se pro toto et in solido haeredes Executores et Administratores nostros et utriumque nostrum firmiter per presentes Sigillis Nostris Sigillatas Datas tricessimo die Novembris anno Domini 1678 Annoque Regni Domini nostri Caroli Secundi Dei Gratia Angliae Scotiae Franciae et Hiberniae Regis fidei
Deffensoris Etca. tricesimo. 01 Factory Records, Masulipatam, vol. I.
03 Ibid., vol. II. 98 See ante, p. 6n.
84 Pagodas, faname, cash. 06 See ante, p. 16.