Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 45
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 52
________________ DATES OF BURMESE HISTORY Indian Awiquary PLATE II. EXPIRES AND DYNASTIES. BURMESE TRADITION DATE. CHTRY EVENTS B.O. 850 825 543 382 A.D. 90-230 109 Successive Occupation by trihes from Chipa: Mons (Talaings), Shane And Burmans. ARHIRAJA from Northern India conquers the Burmese Pyu (Plao) Tribes founds Hindu Kingdom on the Irrawaddy at TagAung Kyauk padaung (Arakan) added later. KANRAJA fouine Magh (Burmese) Hindu. Kingdom At Dhangrivati (Arakan). Arakanese claim a previous Hindu Dynasty from B.C. 2006. SINHARAJA founds Hindu Talaing Kingdom at Thaton (Bc. 543-A.D. 578). MAHABAMBWAYA (483-477): destroy Taganing, founds Hindu Kingdom of Prome (B.C. 483-A.D. 379) DET. TABAUNG (hero.king), B.C. 442-372 Buddhisin brought to Burma from India. Allao (afterwards Nanchao, Pons) Kingdom of the Shana in Yunnan and Burma THANOQDARIT (SAMUDRARAJA, 108-159) jounds Pagan. CHANDRARAJA, traditional Arnt Buddhist King of Arakan. BUDDHAGHOSHA (C.890-450) said to introduce southern Buddhism (HINA YADA) at Thaton (also a Cambodian tradition) Centaries of struggle commence between Animiam (Nats and Naga), Hinduism (Arl), South and North Buddhism (Mahayana). Foundation of Pegu (HANNAVALI) AS CRpital (673-1030). 573 038 DATED HISTORY PAGAN DYNASTY (BURMEES), A.D. 687-1010. 832 84 882 BURMESE EMPIRE: 1010-1298 1010-1052 1057-1085 1085-1160 1167-1204 THENGA YAEA (SINGHARAJA, 637-864) found the Burmese Era. Shan (Nanchao) incursions. NYAUNGUZAW YAHAN. General monastie education commences. NYA ANAWRATA (ANURUDDHA) of Pagan : defeats the Shans. 1030. Destroys Pege, captures the Talaing King MANUHA. KTANBITTHU. Talaing priests paramount in Pagain. 1057-1297. Building of Papen. ALAUNGGITHU. 1103. Arakan tributary. 1106. Tribute sent to China NARABADESITUU (NARAPATI SINHASURA). 1170-1181. Expeditions to Ceylon. Southern Buddhism supreme. TAROKPYR MIN (NARARINHAPATI) Empire weakens. Rise of Shan (Talaing) Dynasties at Martaban and Peru (1248-1287). Chinese (Shan) Incursions KYAWEWA. 1288. KUBLAI KHAN of China (1280-1994) seserin. 1298. collape of the Empire. 1248-1279 1279-1298 MINOR DYNASTIER TALAING' 1287 OF PEOU. 1987-15 40F SHANS 1298 OF PINYA AND MYINEANG, 1300-1350 1299-1364: OP SAGAING, 1315 1315-1384 OF AVA, 1364 1384 1554: MAGHS OF MYAUKU 1406-1422 (MYOHAUNG). ARAKAN. 1428 1428 -1784 : BURMAN-SRANS Or 1450-1 A2 TAUNGU. 1470-1580. 1470 1481 WARERU OF MARTABAN (1287-1306), a Shan Sawbwa (chief), founde Talning Dynasty of Pegu TRIRATHU (SINHASURA) TAZISHIN (1298-1822) founds Shan Dynasty of Pinya and Myinzair. 1 Slanese incursions and partial conquests. ATHINQAYA (ABANKHARA) SAWYER (1815-1922) founds Shan Dynasty of Spring THADOMINBYA (1364-1367) founds Shan Dynasty of AVAconquers tehu Burma MINGAUNG-GYı. Arakan subject to Av. Rise of the Burman hans of Taungu. MIN SAWNUN (1426-1434) founda Arakanese Kingdom at Myauku (Myohaung). BAZAWBYU OY ARAKAN Conquers Chittagong. SITHU KYAWDIN, Burnamed the BILU (Ogre), founds Kingdom of Taungu. 1485-1530. MIN KYISYO DHAMMACHETE (RAMADRIPATI) OT PEGU (1458-1480) introduces modern southern Buddhism from Ceylon. BINYA RAN OP PEGU (1481-1528). Portuguese in Martaban under Antonio Correa. 1510 1530-1548 TALAING EXPIRE (BURMAN. SHANB OY TAUNGU): 15441599. 1518-1381 1500-1586 1581-1590 TABIN SHWEDI OY TAUNGU. 1510. Takes Prou, defended by Ferdinando de Mortales, the Arst European to take service in Burinese dynastle wars. 1542. Teken Proine. 1644. King of Pegu. Kise ul his general Bayin Naung BAYIN NAUNG (BRANGINUCO). 1555. Takes Ave. 1558. Rules all Burma. 1661-1369. Taken Ayuthia, conguers Slam. 1667. Becures the Holy Tooth from Colombo. Lirent buildings in Pegu. Burman travellers in Pe . 1560. Ar Frederick (Venetian). 1684. Caspar Balbl (Venetian). 1386 Ralph Fitch (English) NANDA BAYIN. sudden collapse of Empire. 1500. Min Khaung (Arakanese) takes Myriam BURMESE RULE : 1599-1746. 1500-1605 1000-1013 1805-1828 1612-1622 1650-1662 Chus NYAUNG-YAN MIN, son u Bayin Naug. relo ALAVA. PBILIP DE BRITO, Portuguese adventurer. 1603. King of logu. 1613. Dclealed and impalcu ly Naha dhamma of Ave. MAHADHANKARAJA OF AYA. 1618. King of all Burnia: suppression of the Portugueso pirates. MIN KHAMAUNG OY ARAKAN. 1619. Defeat of Bebastian Gonzales, pirate ruler of Chittagong (1612 1619). Chinose Incursions. English established in Negrais, Baswein and Syriam. French in Syriam. MINTARA BUDDHAKETTI (1740-1746), a Gwe Shan of Pegu, re-establishes Talaing Rule. 1715. Beconies monk. BINYA DALA, Shan, elected King of Pegu. 1759. Takes Ava; rules all Burm. 1757. Defeated by Alompra. 1775. Kecuted after Imprisonment. 1709 TALAING BULE : 1740-1757. 1740-1746 1746-1757 (BUR 1755-1780 ALONPRA DYNASTY a ): 1753-1885 1763-1776 1781-1819 ALONPRA (ALAUNGPHATA) OP SHWBO. 1753. Takes Ava. 1755. Takes Prome: founds Kangoo (Yangong) near the Shwe Dagon Pagola. 1757. Katera Pogu: destroys the Talaing power. 1759 MARSacre of Europeans at Negrals. 1760. Ex edition to Ayuthis and death. SINBYUSBIN. 1764. Conquers Manipur. 1765-1789. Chinese Incursions. 1767. Conquers Sini : in cependent again in 1771. BODAWPHAYA. 1783. Founds Amarapura. 1784 Overruns Arakan 1787 1703 War with Siam. BAGYIDAW. 1824-18:26. Finst Burmese War, British Annexation of Arakan and Tensherim. PAGAN MIN. 1852. Second Burmese War. Annexation of Pegu. MIN DON-MIN. 1863. Younds Mandalay. THIBAW. 1885. Third Burinese War. 1886. Annexation of Upper Burma. 853-1878 878-1885 BRITIAS RULE TROM 1886. 1880-1889 Pacification of Upper Burma. DATES OF SIAMESE HISTORY DATH. CHEBV EVENTS EMPIR.RS AND DYNASTIES. TRADITION 1.6. 1 100 450 A.D. 60-80 Occupation by kindred tribes from China: Mona, Cham, Khmers, Shans (Samese) and Lacs. First mention by Chinese of Tunan (Cambodia): tributary to China Indian Hindu emigranta into Central Blam. 250. Introduction of Buddhism. Swankhalok-Sukhotal (Hindu Bhan Btates) founded, lasting eight centuries. Kambu, Hindu eponymous hero of Cambodia (Kabujan of Kamu) Ailno (Shan) kingdom in Yunnan and Northern Shan States with Chinese tendencies FAN MAN (PANSENAN), the "Great King." rounds A kingdom in Funan, and Chinese influences cease. Buddhaghosha (c.890-450) introduces Southern Buddhism. 220-230 439 435-193 DATED HISTORY TEE EARLY KAMBOJAS (HINDU CAMBODLAX DYNASTY): 485705. 327 560-500 404 610-650 IKALADINYA (KOXDANXO, KIAO-KIN-JU) foundu Hindu kingdom in Cambodia 8 SRUTAVARKAN KAN BUJA. 484. Embassy to Chle 403. Shan State of Lopburi (LAVO) founded: capital ano (Sorbau Shahr-j.Dan). Lampun (Labong) first LAO-Shan State founded BRAVABNAN. Earliest known Cambodian inscriptions. MARENDRAVANKAN (590-610). First dated Cambodian Inscription in a krit. ISANAVARAS . Great extension of Idngdom, now called Chinla by the Chinese. Foundation of Angker Baural (Vyadhapura). Higen Talan Chinese traveller (629-645.) in Cambodia.


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