Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 45
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 303
________________ ALPHABETICAL GUIDE TO SINHALESE FOLKLORE 43 arch there, and holds a golden torch and a two-edged sword. He fights against the Asuras, and drinks their blood; he drove away the Yakas at Anuradhapura, and made a floggingpost for them. He watches over the kitchens and the boiling of milk (at Kataragama?) He paddled Ayyanâr's stone boat along the shore; when it was sunk by Kadavara, he made it float. He visits Uggal-pura, Alut-nuvara, Puliyan-duva (Batticaloa), and Virakkuliya, and ties up wild buffaloes. He collected crystal to make the boat of Ayyanâr, who gave him charge of four folds at Patti-eliya (see Ayyanâr); and accompanied Mala Raja (q. v.) to Ceylon. A Kalupra-Kambili, perhaps the same, is invoked in Mal-keli-yadinna. See also Visâlâ. K. K. is one of the Five Devatâs: see Devatâ. The Hat-raja-kavi (see Kaludäkaḍa Hat-raju) mentions a Pañca-varuna Kambili Yaka who caused the dam of the Minnêri tank to break in order to obtain a human sacrifice. Kana Yaka. A demon, connected with the legend of the plague of Visâlâ, q. v. Kanda (Kataragama Deva, Kadirapura Devi, Savatindu, Aru-mugam, Sura-rada Kumaru). A form of the Hindu god Skanda, worshipped at Kataragama in S. E. Ceylon. An Asura (demon) was taught by livara a spell of such power that the head of whomsoever he touched with his right hand was burnt to ashes. He assailed the gods. isvara fled from him; but by the counsel of Visnu Pârvâtî appeared to him, inflamed him with love of her, and in answer to his wooing bade him swear an oath, touching his head and the earth, never to desert her if she accepted his proposals. The Asura accordingly touched his head, and was destroyed (cf. the story of Bhasmâsura). Later Pârvatî bore 7 babes; Visņu made 6 of them into one, who hence had 6 heads and 12 hands. This was Kataragama Deva. The other child was Gana Devi. [Kadirapura-devi-upata]. For a variant of this legend see. Mangra Devi. The Kanda-sura-varunâ relates that he was born to Siva; Umâ went to see him, and embraced him, calling him Kanda Kumaru. He became supreme lord of Ceylon, and resides in Pälaniya. The story of Valli Amma (q.v.) is then narrated. after which it is said that Kanda defeated the hosts of Yakas and tarried at Kadiramola-kanda; after this he went to Kataragama and built a palace. According to the Satara-devatâ-devi-puvata he is one of the Guardian Gods (q. v.): he was born of an avatar of Pera Devi (Siva). He drives away the Demala and other Yakas. He holds a kâma-arrow, and in his right hand a golden mango and a lacquered cane. He has 6 faces and 12 hands. His companion is Vâsala Deva. He rides on a white or golden peacock, and is invoked to descend into a round pavilion with silken curtains and white canopy, surrounded by torches. He has two wives, the celestial Devi and the mortal Valli Amma; on the legend of the latter see Valli Amma. He gave the shaft of the arrow by which Malsarâ was healed (see Arrow); dwells in the rice-pestle used in the rite of Ata Magula (q. v.); was aided by Devatâr Baudara, who obtained for him the temple of Ämbäkké (see Devatâr Bandara); repressed Devel Devi, and gave a torch to Rîri (see Devel Devi); gave the frame or body of the drum and is present in it (see Drums); Kaludäkada Kumaru (q. v.) ravaged his folds. He gave authority to Kalu Kumâra; has Kambili Kadavara (q.v.) is in his service; gave authority to Kiri Amma; received Maralu Yaka, Nâ-mal Kumara, Avatara Devatâr Mini-maru D., and Sapu-mal; broke the ship of Gangê Bandara; is the friend of Guru; imprisoned and chastised Vaduru-kâli (see Kali); was worshipped by Nâ-mal with turmeric water; gave charge of the land to Panan Devi; is attended by Parakâsa Devi; took part in the healing of Mänikpâla (see Rose-water); set Senevi-ratna to fight against the Asuras; is present in the torch of the Pandan-pâliya (see Torch); drove away Tota Kadavara at Ruhuna; led the gods against Vira-munda; got his spear when Visnu churned the ocean; and protected


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