for his commentary a work in which the Satras are small. It cannot prove that the Sutras are Trivikrama's own composition. The concluding verse
वक्तारस्सन्तु सर्वेपि स्वाभिप्रावप्रकाधने ।
स्वपराशयसंवादि कथास्वेकत्रिविक्रमः ॥ contrasts Trivikrama with other authors. The sense is that all speakers can easily express their own ideas, but Trivikrama alone is clever in expressing others' ideas faithfully. Here the second half of the couplet would be without any purport if Trivikrama be the author of the Sütras.
Moreover, if the Sůtras were Trivikrama's own composition, at the end of the pádas or the adhyayas we would have found words like स्वोपज्ञप्राकृतव्याकरणसूपवृनौ or विविक्रमविरचिते प्राकृतव्याकरणसूत्रे स्पोपज्ञवृत्तिनि as in Srutasagara's Audaryachintamani (श्रीश्रुतसागरविरचिते sára
utara ET ). But the words at the end are:. “दीत श्रीमदहनदिवियश्रुतिधरमुनिचन्द्रप्रसादासादितसमस्तविचाप्रभावत्रिविक्रमदेवविरचितप्राकृतष्याकरणनी TARTEZ TH: : : ' Similarly, we have either area or party ! or त्रिविक्रमवविरचितायां प्राकृतव्याकरणवृत्ती at the end of other padas of the first and the other adhyayas.
Bhattanatha Swamin 'states in the course of his paper that Lakshmidhara was the first to originate the tradition that the Sútras belonged to Valmiki. He was misled by Trurg a wrong reading for free
: This is not correct. It is surely too much to conceive that Lakshmidhara had the reading FTTA FITOT before him for the correct reading fr a : according to Bhattanatha Swamin. (The reading in the copy of a MS. at Mysore with me is
Trufa). What authority has he to think so? The conception seems to me to be quite unwarranted. Lakshmidhara does not entertain the least suspicion in his mind as to the authorship of the Sûtras, but positively mentions Valmiki as their author. This can be accounted for in either of the two ways only. He must have come across manuscripts of the Satras in which the name of Valmiki as author is clearly expressed or he must have learnt that the Sütras were traditionally ascribed to Valmiki in which case, however, it is reasonable to suppose that he might have said. Treffer: er 'instead of retaEVTG'. A manuscript of the Sutras is noticed in a Descriptive Catalogue by Râo Bahadur M. Raigâchârya.It is incomplete, containing two adhyâyas only. It begins on folio 178 of the MS. of Yohiprâptila kshanam. The Satras are the same as those commented upon by Trivikrama, Lakshmidhara, and Simharâja; since they are as under :
संज्ञा perfeitame अनुक्तमन्यशब्दानुशासनवत् । संज्ञा प्रत्याहारमयी वा । सुप्स्वादिरन्स्यहला।
The end arts: (the correct reading being
:) न्यसो जिमणुमो।
गृ (म) हनिरुवारमेराहवलहरपग्गास्पिषुभाः। Vide No. 1548, p. 1083 of the Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Man woripts in the Govt. Oriental MSS. Library, Madras, Vol. III. of 1906.
3 Vide No. 943, p. 680 of Rao Bahadur RaigáchArya's Catalogue Vol. II, of 1905.