bore tun-bo-attana (stramonium) fruits, the south-western yaki-náran (limonia monophylla), the eastern ela-balu (solanum xanthocarpum), the southern demata (gmelina asiatica). Ananda took these fruits, and the spell was cured. Some Buddhist stories are told, and then it is added that the exorcist must face the north-west while twining bangles of creeping plants for the rite, as it would be fatal if he should face the east, and that an ash-melon should be put under the patient's foot,etc. See Buddha, Gurulu, Hat Adiya, Valalu.
Boksäl. A name given sometimes to the demon Vața Kumâra (q. v.), sometimes to his father. One of the 4 Guardian Gods (q. v.), invoked in Satara-varan-mal-yahan, Kadavarakavi. See also Vala-kumâra. He was brought in procession to Kandy in Saka 1620. [Lankapuvata.]
Bolanda. Father of Pattini (q. v.) in a previous birth.
Bovala Alut Devi. A god, said in Dolaha-devi-kavi to be one of a group of seven, and to have a seat at Alut-vila.
Brahma. See Bamba, Maha-bamba.
Brahma-datta. See Sara Bamba.
Brahma-devi. Mother of Maha-sammata.
Brajita. The B.-sinduva announces that a Buddhist king named Brâjita, descended from Manu and the race of the sun, will come in the year 6754 to Ceylon from India, and establish his rule over the whole world.
Brhaspati. See Guru.
Budahu (Budha, Sisiput). The planet Mercury. He was born in Makada-desa; his father was Vetivu Rsi, his mother Ksa (?), according to some, but according to others his father was Surendra Rși and his mother Simha Devi. His colour is blue. [Nava-grahasântiya.] He blows on a conch. [Hora-sântiya.] His symbol is a conch, his colour grey, his vehicle a buffalo, his tree the wood-apple (feronia elephantum) or margosa tree, his offering milk-rice, or milk and palm sugar, his region the north, and he has 5 faces, a face on his belly, 4 hands, and a vajra (thunder-bolt) as weapon, according to Nava-graha-sivusantiya, N-.g.- mal-baliya, and Mal-bali-upata. Invoked in Tis-päyê kîma as regent of the 11th päya, as riding a buffalo, holding a conch, and dwelling in a nimba tree.
Buddha and the Buddhas. The merits, deeds, and qualities of the Buddha are invoked to exorcise disease and other evil influences in Amsa-pada-mangale (giving the 216 tokens on his soles), Asura-bandhané, Alavisi-mangale, At-bali-yâgaya, Bali-särasuma, Bi-maa-alaikâraya, Buddha-ratna-vidiya, Budu-guna-alankaraya, Budu-gura-mula-antiya, Däpana-s., Desiupata, Dolos-mas-santiya, Dos-haranê, Gini-jal-vina-käpima, Hamsa-rája-mangalê, Hat-aliyaprarambhaya, Hat-a-liya-vina-käpima, Hin-dos-pahakirima, Ina-male, Iri-panun-kavi, Isvaravidiya, Jaya-mangala-santiya, Jaya-siri-mangala, Jvara-vidiya, Kadaturâva-hurima, Kalavarakavi, Lanka-bandhanaya, Mahâ-purusa-lakunu-vina-kapima (invoking the 32 tokens on his body and deeds), Malvara-kima, Nava-graha-lântiya, N.-g.-sirasapáda, Nava-gura-santiya, Nava-natha-yantra-yagaya, Nayi-keli-santiya, Nayi-natavana-kavi, Otunu-vas-haranê, Pancapaksi hal-aliye, Panu.hatane, Paralê-kavi, Paramita-santiya, Pirittuva, Ratana-sutra-santiya, Sanni-yak-dapane, Sat-dina-mangalê, S.-d.-santiya, Sat-sati-sirasapâda, Set-ruvan-mal, Sirasapada-mangalê, Sirasapadaya, Suba-set-kavi, Suba-siri-mangale, Surya-mangalê, Suvisi-vivaranasirasapâdaya, Suvisi-yayaya, Thupa-vamsa-santiya, Tira-hata-mangalê, Tis-paye kima, Unasantiya, Una-vidiya-sirasapâdaya, Valalu-vidiya, Valalu-vina-käpîma, Vina-kapun-kavi, Vinasantiya-sirasapada, Vina-vidiya, Visal-pura-santiya, Yaku-elavima.