Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 45
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 134
________________ 126 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [AUGUST, 1918. (B) Mana is not the only authority referred to by Châņakya. He quotes also Dhanas (i. e. Sukra), Brihaspati and Parasara, the works of two of whom are found to be in metrical form. No scholar has maintained that they were ever written in sútras. The Sukraniti is all in verses. The quotations from Bțihaspati seem to be made from his Arthaba stra (which is not extant), and not from his Dharmasastra. Analogy, therefore, favours the existence of the metrical Code of Manu in the time of Chandragupta (C) Turning back to the verse of the Buddha' (I 47) which asserts the priority of Bhrigu to Sukra, we may safely say that Bhrigu's recension must have been in existence when Chanakya was quoting from the Sukra'. (D) We come across quotations in the को अर्थ, which resemble closely enough the verses of the Manusmriti. Cf. को अर्थ p. 274. ch. 108-10 “अदण्डनैश्च दण्डयानां वख्यानां चण्डवण्डनैः ।" with Manesmriti VIII 128 a “ अदण्ज्यान्दण्डयवाजा दण्ड्यांश्चैवाप्यदण्डयन् ।" को अर्थ° p. 217. ch. 82 “संवत्सरेण पतति पतितेन समाचरन् । याजनाध्यापनाचौनाश्चान्योऽपि समाचरन् |" with Manusmriti xI 180 “संवत्सरेण पतति प्रतितेन सहाचरन् याजनाध्यापनाचौनान तु यानासनाशनात् ||" Cf को अर्थ p. 151-2 ch. 59. "कन्यादानं कन्यामलंकृस्य नामो विवाहः | सहधर्मचर्या प्राजापत्यः । गं.मिथुनादानाबार्ष: । अन्तर्वेधामाविजे दानात् देव: | मिथस्समवायासू गान्धर्वः । शुल्कवानादापुर। प्रसह्यादानाद्राक्षसः। सुप्तादानास्पैशाचः। पिलप्रमाणाश्चत्वारः पूर्वे धाः | माहापितप्रमाणाः शेषाः | etc." with Manuemrit III 24 ; 27-34. Here, we see at once the difference between a Dharmajlstra and an Arthasastra. It is further illustrated by the way in which Chanakya mutilates the Vers of Manu (Manusmriti IV 138)" सत्यं ब्रूयात् प्रियं यात्, etc." which becomes (को अर्थ p.249. ch. 92)"पृष्टः प्रियहित सूर्यास यावाहित प्रियम् | अप्रियं वा हित याच्ण्व तोऽनुमती मिथः।।" It is readily admitted that there are differences besides resemblances between the two texts. This is also true of the का नी (which follows the का अर्थ); of. XXI 63 "अदण्डनमदण्ज्यानां दण्डयानां चापि दण्डनम् ।" 6 That there is an Arthadastra of Brihaspati can be seen from the following references : (a) Buddha° I. 47. (Cr. p. 115.) (8) Maha° Drona° V. 161 (V. 18): “सेनापतिः स्यादन्योऽस्मात् शुक्रानिरसदर्शनात् ।" (e) Dr. Hertel's edition of Paichatantra by Parnabhadra, Vol. III. Specimens from the Mss. in Sarada characters : "बृहस्पति प्रमाणीकृत्य" (d) * ft 11. 3-4; V. 8. 88; VIII. 12. 5 etc. and to suo pp. 8; 29 etc. (0) BhAsa, Pratimd° (T.S. S. No. 42.) "बार्हस्पत्यमर्थशास्त्रम् ।" P.79. Act. v. 0 Commentary of Kullaka on Mantuampiti IV. 19 “हितान्बर्थशास्त्राणि बार्हस्पत्योशनसादीनि ।" (0) Introductory verses of Yajfia and Sukrao. th) Pafichatantra. (Bombay, 8. Series, 2.) “सुकत्वं विष्णुगुप्तस्य मित्राभिर्भार्गवस्य च । बृहस्पतेरविचासो नीतिसन्धिस्थिधा स्थितः ॥" also in का नी° v. 88-8. "बृहस्पतेरविश्वास इति शास्त्रार्थनिश्चयः ।"


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