Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 174
________________ 158 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JUNE, 1908. Magdelen,28 neare woh is a stone in the ground in the forme of Dolphim, woh of Savior sat on when they told him Lazaras was deade. The howse of Martha noare it. From thence we went vp to Mount Calverey, from woh Mount we see pfectly yo Dead sia & river of Jordan. Thence we went to Bethage (Bethphage] wheer or Savior sent for the Asse. Theirs a Church, & in it they show yo print of or Saviors foote he left when he agsended.26 Great devotions we pay theire. Neare this, a bow slot of, is the place of Savior made yo Ld prayer, & the place of Savior wept over Jerusalem. A groate hewne out of a rock wth a Church & 12 Arches, in weh Jo Appostles made yo Creede.26 By this in [? is] a rock, in woh is the Tombs of 47 Proffetts.26 We returned by the gate Sturkelena, neare ich is the howse of 8! Jn. y. Evengelist now a Convent. The Citty we Compassed; they say its 3 Engl miles round, but I iudge them not aboue two.37 The wall was built about 100 yeares since by a Genoa Runagado, And hath 7 gates. 1. The golden gate was wald up. 2. The gate Starkelena.29 S. Mount Sion gate. 4. Bethlem gate, 3. Damaskus gate. 6. Herrods gate. 7. S: Stephens gate. 5th day. We enterred the Temple, being ye 13 day July 1669, every Pson Payinge 17} Lyon Dollers.20 1st place we see is on Mount Calverey, on yeh Abram offerd his sonn Jsaac, but this is wthout ye temple gate & a Chappell to it. 2. The stone of ynction, wheere they annoynted or Saviors boddey when taken from the Crosse. On this stone is spent abondance Kisses & prayers and much Merchandize hallowed, as Lynnen webbs, beads & many other things, & all reliques. 20 Lamps burne Over it, & are verry large & rich, being all of Silver, & some set out wth rubies & other Jewells. 3. The lolly Sepulchre, in weh burne Continewally 42 great Lamps, all Silver, & set wth Jems & verry ligg. 4. The stone, Noli me tangere for or Savior had not then aseended. 5. The Chappell of the Apperition. 6. The Alter of Scorgeinge. 7. The Alter of the holly Crosso. 8. The preson where or Savior was putt. 9. The Chappell where they devided or savion garm!!. 10. The Cheppell of St Hellen where yo 3 Crosses were found. 11. The Chappell of yo inuention of the holly Crosse. 12. The assent to Mount Calverey.30 18. The Chamber where Christ was naled to yo Crosse. 14. The place where he was Cruselyed. 15. The rent in the rock impossible to be don by art. 16. The Navell of yo world. 17. The Stone where the Angell sat. 18. The Chappell of y Lattins. 19. The quire of the Church. 20. The Sepulchre of yo Kings Died in yo Holly band. 21. The Chappell of ye Abbisseens [Abyssinians]. 22. The Chappell of ye Arminyong. 23. The Chap: of y Greeques. 24. The Chap: of ye Copties (Copts]. 25. - The Chap: of y Jacobites. 20. The Chap: of yo Gregorians. 27. The Cha: of yo Nestorians. 28. The Chappell of yo Marrionites [Maronites]. 29. The Sepulchre of Joseph of Aremathea & Nocodemus. 30. The Rock where they say ye head of Adam was found; they show yo heade. July the 14th 1669. 1. We went ont at Bethlem gate for Bethlem, formerly cald the gate of Hebron. On y left hand is the village wheere the Jewes tooke Counsell against of Savio!. 2. In the way is yo place where the Turpentine (terebinth] tree grew.31 8. The Cisterne of the 26 An mentioned by Maundrell. Maundrell gives the dimensions as 21 miles. A Journey from Aleppo to Jerwalom, p. 148. * U lly onlled the Dung Gato. See Maundrell, Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, p. 148. Compare Della Vallo, Voyagra, Vol. I, p. 819,"Nous arrivames A la porte de la ville Appello Storquilino, parce que de oo Coste-18 elle est purgée de toutes ces immondioes par un oonduit ou esgout qui y est." 20 Maundrell say, "None enter in but such as have first paid their appointed caphar ....For Franks it is ordinary 14 dollars per head." 1 Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalon, p. 90. 30 These and the following places are mentioned by Maundrell and Pocooke. 31 "In the road (from Jerusalem to Bethlehem) you meet .... the famous turpentine tree, in the shado of which the Blessed Virgin is said to have reposed, when she was carrying Christ in her arms, to present him to the Lord at Jerusalem. Maundrell, 4 Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, p. 116 ,


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