Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 414
________________ 892 INDEX ... 281 Bhatinda, Batbindah, q. v. ... ... 139, 140 n. Bindusara, Maurya k., and the Greeks in Bhattiprolu, inscripe.... .. .. India, 25, date of ... ... ... ... 343 Bhattotpala, writer .. ... 28 | biet, ta:ir . . ... . ... ... 77 n. Bhauttas, Bhotas, q. v. 181 ff. blair, halnandi, an inferior kurdur ... ... 77 Bhavisya Purina, and the Nicchibi ... ... 79 Blessed Virgin, fountain of ... 156 n., 158 n. Bhavya and the Great Schism .. ... 90 n. Bloch, Dr., on inscrips. 33 n., 39, 50 n., 55, 64, 65 Bhawâni, goddess ... ... ... ... 149 Blunt, Mr., a traveller, with R. Bell ... ... 162 Thind is, granary officer . .. 77 and n. Bodh Gayâ image inscrip, 38; 51 n.; of the Bhêra Ghat, temple, near Jabalpur ... 132 n. Gupta year 57, 75; temple, 60 and n.; Bhikshu Bala, of the Sarnath insciip. ... 63 and Buddha ... ... ... . *** ... 277, f. bhikshus, Buddhist monks ... 101 ani n., 103 | Bodhisattva, in the Gandhára ingerine. 179. Bhil= Villavar ... ... ... .. .. 180 statue ... ... ... ... ... ... 180 Bhilso. Blelsh or Bbäsvat, tn. on the Betwa. 111 | Bodo Masjid in Srinagar, formerly a Buddhist Bhima, Pandava hero ... ... ... 208 n., 333 temple ... ... ... ... ... ... 192 Bhima I., Chalukya k. ... ... . .. 353 | Buklura and Samarkand, ancient Sogdinna...78 n. Bhima II, E. Chålukya k. ... ... ... 353 Bon religion, said to have originated in Tajik Bhima III., E. Chalukya k.... ... ... 353 Persia ... ... ... ... ... 80 and n. Bhimata, k. of KAlasijar, a reputed author. 143 n. Booteshallah, vil. in Palestine ... 160 n. Bhishma, son of 'Santanu ... S7+ 376, 378 Bowrey, Capt., and Am. Salisbury ... ... 268 Bhoja I., k. of Kananj ... ... . .. 138 Boyer, Mr., and Kanishka's dates, 28; and Bhoja, a pretender ... . ... ... 131 the Yae-chi, 32; and the Sakas, 250; and Bhojadeva, Paramira k. of MÁlava, and k. the Brabmagiri inscrip. ... ... ... 346 Vidhyâdhara ... ... ... ... . 143 Brahma, g., 252 n., 254 n., 207 1., 260 f.; 373 Bhojadeva I., the Gurjara-Pratiháru k. of and n., 375, 377 and n., 378 n. ; his seven Kanauj, coins of ... ... ... ... 147 mind-born sons,-Sana, Sunatsujata, Sanabhojaniya, soft foods ...90, 92 f., 93, 94n., 102 n. ka, Sanandano, Sanatkumara, Kapila, and Bhöjavarman, Chandella Prince, 125 f. 130, San&tana ... 379 and n. ; 380 ff., 38+ ff 135, 146 Brahmadêva, Haibayaramsi k., inscrip. of. 204 Bhonsld rule in Nagpur ... .. 333 1. Brahmagiri, Rock Edict of ... Bhopal, S. boundary of V Asudeva's kingdom. 61 Brahmaism in the old Madhyadesa co., 251, Bhota, co.... ... ... ... ... 116 254; and the Aryans, 253; 255 and n.; its Bhottas or Bhauttas, references to, in the effects on the Bhågavata creed, 257, f.; and Rajaturungini of Kashmir ... ... 131 ff. prasáda, 260; and the Yoga system ... 386 n. Bhrigu, a Rishi ... ... ... ... 252; 373 Brahman, from Malainadu ... ... 232; 236 Budlagupta's inscrips.... ... ... ... 131 Brahman orthodoxy, before Buddha's birth... 341 Ehumaka, Khaluarta Satrap of W. Iudia ... 70 Brahmanas ... ... ... ... 251 f. Bhumipala, alternative for Kirtivarnan or Brahmanical record of Sodasa ... ... 55 Dévavarman ... ... .. ... ... 129 Brahmanism, opposed by Buddhism and Bhuta Pandyan, whose wife was a Sati ... 238 Jainism, 201 n.; in S. India ... ... 242 Bhuta, co. or Bhotta, and Adam Khan, 189; Brahmanpål, k, defeated by Mabmad of Little and Great= Baltistan (Skardo) and Ghazni ... ... ... ... ...140 n., 141 Ladakh... ... ... ... ... ... 191 Brahmanya-deva, g. ... ... ... ... 376 Bhuvanadevi, Chandella Queen ... 126; 128 Brahmaputra, the Lauhitya, riv. ... ... 80 Bichus, in Sirmûr ... ... ... 303 and n. Brahmans, 9; or Magas, 42; used lunar dates, Bigandet, Bishop, on the date of Buddha's 47; in the Punjab, 79; and the Bhagavata death ... ... ... ... ... 349 Creed, 254 f.,-257; lust caste, 334 ff.; and Bihar, under Takamala... ... ... ... 75 Asuka ... ... .. ... ... 346 f. Bijapur, and tobacco ... ... ... ... 210 Brahmany, the and Amb. Salisbury, 266, Bijaygarh, old Bhar settlement ... 286 f., 290, 295, 298, 310 fr. 130 n. Braumi, script in inscriptions, 25, 27, 29, 31; Bijja, a hero ... ... . Kusana inscrips., showing archaic forms Bilhari, in Bundelkland, 130; or Balibri, occurring in them, list of, 35 ff.; 42; 46 ; foundation of ... ... ... ... 143 f. in Scythian inscrips., 55; in those of Bimaran inscrip. ... ... ... ... 31 Kanishka, 59; on Castana's coins, etc., CO Bimbisara, Saisunaga k., and Buddha ... 342 ff., 247; 249 Binge-ud-din, a Muhaminadan, fought against Brahminis or Pushpinis, the Pushpakan Samurjit, 135, 145; or Buhi-ud-din. 145 n. women ... . .. . .. .. 336 ... 353


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