Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 420
________________ 399 INDEX. . 162 El-Amarna, the Arznra tablets from ... ... 111 Fframpton, Mr., parson, and R. Bell... 162 ff. Elasatti, vil., N. of Kolchukonra, Vikrami Firanks and Turks .. . ... . 164 litya's (I.) grant of ... ... .. Field, Mr, E. I. Co.'s servant...263, 270, 325, 328 Elba, isl. ... ... ... .. .. .. 167 Fish god, in Gandhåra sculpture ... 179; 236 Elins, Prophet ... ... ... 159 f. Fleet, Dr., and the Vikrama era, 27; on inElizabeth, St , house of ... 160 and n. scrips., 29, 42, 44 and n.; 15 ff.; 53, 55 f.. Elliot, on Mahmud of Ghazni, 140 n., 141, 61; 75; 107 and n.; 109; 179; 245 ff. ; 232 142 n., 146 n. n.; 284 n.; on the Nirvana, 342; 346; 319 Elliot's, Sir W., Coins of Southern India, and n.; 350 n.; and Vêngi ... ... 351, 352 n. 281 n; his mention of Virabhadra, the Fleetwood, Mr. R., E. I. Co.'s Resident at Kakatiya ... ... ... ... 357 and n. Pettepolee ... 217 ff. ; 223 ff. ; 272; 311, ff. Elliott. Capt., on the Haklås ... ... 210 Flinders Petrie, Prof., and the Sárnáth Lion ... ... Enangars, a caste ... ... 338 capital ... ... ... .. ... ... 278 Endere inscrip. .... ... . ... ... 181 Florio, mentioned the hubble bubble ... ... 210 England and tobacco 210; 216; 218; 226; 270 forbearance, in the Mazdayasnian creed ... 359 English, and French, in E. I. Co's. Fort St. George and Amb. Salisbury, 214 f.; time . ... ... ... ... 315; 317 Factory, Records of, 215 ff., 218 f., 224 ff., Epander, coins of ... ... 58 266, 267, 269 ff, 288, 280 ff., 309 ff. Ephraim, riv. ... ... Foxcroft, Gen., E. I. Co.'s Agent ... 220, ff. Ephthalites, or White Hans ... ... ... 148 Francke, Dr., and tbe dates of Kanishka, 28; Epic of the Anklet, or silappadhikaram, 230; 50; on Zangakar ... ... ... ... 332 story of, 231; 233; and Karikala Chola, Frashaoshtra, Saint ... ... ... 259 and n. 23t; and Senguttuvan Sera ... 235 ff, 240 f. French, traded in Beyroute, 161 and n., 163, 315 Eradi, a Samanthar caste ... ... ... 338 Führer, Dr., and Jaina inscrips., 33; his Eran, Erakana, suggested cap. of Jijhoti, Progress Report ... ... .. 38; 61 131 and n. Eruunanattu Nalliyakkón, a Vellore chief ...229; Gadshova, Chandella mir.ister, built a ten ple ... ... .. .. .. . 120 Tean, Easnu, as the ancestor of the Arubs ... 10+ Gahadlavila, ilyn. of Kanau ... ... 201 n. Endam , pof the Pañjib .. ... 23 Gahrswârs, 1 Rajput clan, and the Chandels, Eukratius and nutrius .. 28; 32: 83 .; 130 and n., 137 69 Gujababu I, k. of Ceylon, and Senguttuvan Eunes, rretary t. Alle ander the Gras. 135 213; 238 f., invaded the Chôļa co. ...240 f. E ach, iaptiz by St. Faili, 160; calied Gejalahu II. ... ... 240 f. .. ... ... ... .. . 36 Gajratis, of Orissa, inscrips, of .. 351 n. Enoshire ... ... ... ... 919 Gaikine aud Khokhare 142 n. Eu , Et, spletne of ... ... 15 tada. Sc. Ep. of Romo ... .. .. .. 12 Ersieni. L i , Si., SC 12€ 61. lari! cuiu, villages ... ... ... ... 100 Evsi, d i f .. ... .. 230.243 kat, an accountant ... ... ... ... 20 f. .. ... 277 it. Canapati, Kakatiya k., inscrips. of ... 356 f. Ey!. !. I.S. Arv, Siva temple at... 201 n. Ganda, Chandella k. ... ... 125 ff.; 133, 144 ff. Gandavaram, in Nellore, inscrips. at... 283 n. Gandbära, and the Parthian dyn., 54; and Kanishka, 60 and n.; 82 n.; sculptures hern ... ... 8 n.; 101 n. ; 949 178 f., 372; 185; 2:2 ,, R oyne ... ... ... 208 Gandía, figure at Ajaygash ... ... ... 124 C. ... ... ... ... 216 and n. Gangi, riv. ... ... ... ... ... 251 Farley, 1:... 1. Co.'s servant ... .. 226 Ganga dyn, and Kuragode, 173; 239; and firwin, phi m ... ... ... 218, 293 the Pandyas ... ... ... ... ... 243 Fateh Jang inip. ... .. ... 46; 61, 68 Gangaikonda Cholapuram, in Trichinopoly Fathi, k. of Kashmir ... ... ... ... 19 Dist, teinple at ... ... 201 n. Tanjiri of Bulgas ... ... ... ... 176 | Ganga Pallava dyn., 172, in the Nellore Dist., lueen, eluke, bat ... ... ... ... 169 352, and the Cholas ... ... ... .. 355 rason, M. the Saka, 27; 41; on Ganga Raja, viceroy of Vishnuvardbana Ku t : and the Kosain cap. 208 n. Hoysala, captured Talakattu ... 229 : 2:0 i h. Jaipal... . ... 140, 142 n. Gangaritans and Alesonder the Cras .. 343 R


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