Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 446
________________ 424 INDEX . Smith, Sam., E, I, Co.'s servant ... ... 325 Srijayas and Pancha las .. .. ... 252 Smithson, E. I. Co.'s inspector at Peddha- Sri Parambi, Tirupparambiyam, a battlefield... 239 palle . ... ... 226 Siparvata, bill or river, Nagarjuna, 207; Smyth, Mr. W., E. I. Co.'s servant at Verash perhaps Po-lo-mo-lo-kili ... ... ... 208 roon ... ... ... ... ... 215 f. Sri Ramachandrab, name in the RÂmtek Sodasa, Sudása, a Kushan satrap, 27; 30; io- • inscrip. ... ... ... .. . 204 sorips. of, 39; 40; 48; date, etc., 49, 50; Srirangam, tn., its connection with Kovalan 56; probably governor of Mathura, 56 ; 19; and Kannahi, 251; Kerala inscrip. at 357 ... 63 ; 71 ;'217; 250 Srisailan, Siva linga at ... .. ... ... 200 Sogdiana, Persian province, oceupied by the Sri Sankaracharya and the Brahmans ..335 Yue-chi, 32; the modern Samarkanıt and Bri Sithana Ksbonipater, name in the KämBokhara, 78 m; occupied by Alexander the têk inscrip. ... ... ... ... ... 204 Great and others .. . ... .. 79 Sivara's Rajatarangini its references to the Sok, thu Se . . . . 26, 27; 87 Bhuttas or Bhauttas.. ... . 188-91 Solar race, the Surya Varga .. ... ... 79 Sraosha, the heavenly ligtener... venty betener... .. .. 359 Soļi Ratta, India... ... ... ... 240 and o. Srong-Ide-btsan, king of Tibet... ... ... 181 Soliyavênådhi Tirukkannan, Tirukkilli), a St. Andrea, cape in Cyprus ... 167 and . Malayamka chief ... .. ... ... 231 St. Barnardo, a quarter of Genos ... ... 169 Solomon's Temple of Moloch, 156 f; St. George, fort, and Arnb. Salisbury, 266, 267 fountains ... .. ... 152 and n.; 160. f. ; 271, 275 f. ; 238; 317 n. ; 318, 322 if. Soma, g... ... ... ... ... 380 f. ; 383 St. George, San Georgio, a quarter of Genoa... 16 Somasundara, Siva deity at Madura, reputed St. George and the Dragon ... ... ... 161 uthor of the Iyaiyapdr=agapporu! 283 f. St. Jno. de Acra, tn. ... ... ... .. 161 Sômeśvara, k. ... ... 251 . St. Jobn Baptista, San Gianbattista, a quarter Sômêsvara IV., Chalukya k.... ... ... 26 of Genoa ... ... ... ... ... 169 Sonarásin, Sona ... ... ... 82 and D; 102 St. Lawrence, San Lorenzo, a quarter of Genoa. 169 Sondaea's Mathura inscrip. ... ... ... 179 St. Peter's, in Rome .. ... .... ... 169 Songni, Sondni, vil, in which are the Manda- St. Simeon, the Stylete, St. Symon, monastery sor Pallars ... ... ... ... 107; 1!0 and pillar of ... ... ... ... 162 and Sopadhikeshanirvana=Nirvana ... .2 n. St. Steplien, martyr, gate of ... ... 156-158 Sophagasenos or Sabhâugasena, Indian cbief, St. $tephen, Santo Stefano di Cavalieri, defeated by Antiokhes the Great ... ... 26 Knights of ... ... ... ... 168 and nSophytes, Indian k. of Saubhutà ... ... 25 St. Thomas, and Gondopbernes, 47 f. ; 62 ; 156 Soreyya ... ... .. . ... 83 and n. ... and n. ; 157 Soter Megas, Baktrinn K., eoins of ... .. 62 St. Thomé, shrine of ... ... 259 n. soul, immortality and transmigration of 260 1. Stedd, Mr., E. I. Co.'s servant... ... 216 Spain, 170; and tobaceo Steele, Mr., and R. Bell ... ... 162, Spalngadames, a Scythian k. .. 64; 70 Stein's (Dr.) Rájatarangini, 57 D. ; 60 D.; Spalirises, a Seythian k.... ... ... 64; 70 Catalogue of Inscriptions 61; reference to Spence Hardy, on the Buddhist rules ... 99 and n. Bhauta-land ... ... ... ... ... 191 spentahvya neres= beneticent mon ... 359 n l Sten Konow, Dr., and the late Pro. Franz Spooner, Dr., and the Bodhisattvas ... ... 179 Kielhorn, 113; and the Second Edition of Sråvasti, inscrip, 55 f. ; 72; to., site of. 180; 372 Smith's Early History of India ... 178 f. ; 371 Sri, g. ... ... ... ... ... ... 383 Stiles, Mr., E.I. Co.'s servant... ... ... 26 Sri Dharma-pitaka-sampradaya-nidána, last Strato I., a satrap, 54 f.; k. of the Pañjáb... 69 Sanskrit work, which mentions Koniqks's Strato II, a satrap . ... ... 54 t.; 70 conquest of India ... ... ... ... 57 Streynsham Master, E. 1. Co.'s servant... 328; 328 Srikalam, tn. on the Krishna, early Andhra Stromboli, Stambole, etc. .. 165; 167 and n. cap. ... .. . .. .. .. Smipas, at Benares, 278; at Sarnath ... 278, f. Sri Kampavarman, Ganga Pallava k.... ... Sturkelena, or Dung-gate of Jerusalem ... 153 Srikantha, son of Brahmi ... ... ... 305 Sababdárs of Kabul, under the Mughals ... 211 Srikorman, and the Chalukyas ... ... .. Subbadda, Sabhadra, a Buddhist monk, 2 and Srimara, Påndya K., other names of ... ... 197 n.; 7 and 0.; 8 n. Sriméghacharya, Bråbmaņa preceptor of Subb&gasena, Sophagasenos ... ... ... 26 Vikramaditya I........ ... ... 351 n. Subhata, treasurer of Chaudella, erected a Srinagar, and Rischena, 163; Jama Masjid... 1921 temple .... ... .. ... ... ... 126


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