Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 443
________________ INDEX. 421 78 n. ... 74 ... Sumantaktam, Samanelli and other varia- Sangamanga, Sankaramangai, near Con tions, Adam's Peak ... .. ... 235 n. 1 jeevaram, battle of Arik@sarin Parankušal Samant Deva, Råja, coins of ... ... .. 110 against Nandivarman ... .. 197 . Samanthas, Samanthars, sub-group of the Sangbabhadra, and the Dotted Record' . Antarallas of Malabar ... ... 334, 338 attached to the Vinaya Pitaka ... ... 349 Samarjit, a Chandel k.... ... ... 185; 145 Sangbad&ma, Sutrap of W. India ... ... 74 Semarkand and Bokhara, ancient Sogdiana, Sanghamitra, Sargamitra, son of Ananda, 65 San Gianbattista, St. John the Baptist, sambantham, irregular marriage, among the quarter of Genoa ... ... ... ... 169 Antarallas ... .. .. 334, 336, 338 San Giorgio, St. George, a quarter of Genoa.. 109 sambhdrasamyutta substance capable of Sankara ... ... ... ... ... ... 341 fermenting ... ... ... ... ... 95 Sankaramangai, Sangamanga... ... 197 f. Bambrooke, Jeremy, and Amb. Salisbury, Sankhapada, son of Svarôchisha ... ... 385 219; 325-327 Sankhya doctrines of Kapila ... ... ... 341 Sambuka, a Sudra saint, 202; known as Sankila ... ... ... ... ... ... 352 Dhamraksha, Dhumr svara... ... ... 205 San Lorenzo, St. Lawrence, a quarter of Sambus, k., in Sindh ... ... ... ... 25 Genoa ... ... ... ... ... ... 169 Samgamitra, Sanghamitra ... ... ... 65 Sanskrit, in Buddhist inscripe., 29; use of sangha, council of bhikshus ... 3 and n. ; 4, 6 Saka, 42; waning in India, 112; and the and n., 7 and n.; 1l and n.; 15 and n.; 17, 85, Ramtök inscrips., 204; poetry 212; works 86; 89 and D. ; 90; 219 on arohitecture, 280 and n.; charters, and sannghadinesas, thirteen priestly offences ... 4 the Pallava kinge ... ... ... 283 and n. Saminatha Iyer, Pandit, and Tamil litera- santhi, sanad, a deed of grant ... ... 75 tare ... ... 229 n. ; 230; 234 n.; 236 n. Såntinátha, image of, at RÂmték .. ... 204 Sankara ... ... ... ... ... 375 n. Sapor I., k. of Persia, coins of, 62; defeated Sarkaracharys, and Brahma, 254 n.; and the Valerian .. ... Brahmaist Pantheism, and the Vedanta Sapor II., k. of Persia ... ... .. ... 74 philisophy ... ... ... 258; 262 n. Saptarși era, date ... ... sakarshana, conditioned spirit, 261; or Sesha, Saptarşitila, or mound of the Seven Rishis the living soul, 877 and n. ; 379 n.; 381; 383; near the site of the Mathura Lion Capital... 215 384; 386 n. Sapt Rishi Kal, the Laukika era ... ... 2€ Sarka888, 0. .. . ... .. ... .. ... 88 . 161 n. 5 pāra 'Idhahar, asgarah, 164; see Assera. Sarkhatirtha or Suklatirtha, tank at Ramtek, 205 Sarasvati, riv. ... ... ... ... ..251 Samkhya philosophy, founded, 251; 258, Sarasvati cr Strada Devi goddess, temple at teaching of, 256 ft.; 373 4.; 377 n.; $78 L.; Mahiyar ... ... .. 186 381 n.; 984–386 Sarnath inscrip., 22; 39; 40; 49; 52; 55, 56; 60 8&mkhya-yogins, a sect ... yoyogins, & sect ... 382 . 65; 72; 247 n. sarhskdras, elements ... ... .. ... 2 Sårnath, Mauryan rail found at, 179; Gupta Samudragupta, k. .. Monasteries in .. 249 ... ... ... . ... 180 Sarnath, Remarks on Excavations at... 277 #. Samudragupta, Allahabad Prasasti of, etc., Sarvakamin, Buddhist monk ... 93; 103, 105 t. 39; 42; 62; 74; 79; 180 n.; 201 n.; 239; 282 n. Barvástivadavinaya, and the first Buddhist San, Suens, Siwano, riv. ... ... ... 209 Oouncil ... ... .. ... .... 9 n. Sanabares, Parthian k.... ... ... ... 27 Sarvistivding, Buddhist seot, 1-5; 9; 11 and sanad, santha, a deed of grant... ... .75 n.; 17 n. ; 246 Sanaka, mind-born son of Brahmf ... 251 n.; 379 Sashika, Gafijam plate inscrip. of ... ... 53 Sanatkamfra, mind-born son of Brahma, Sassanian, early dynasty and the successors Pradyumna. ... ... 877 and . ; 879, 884 of Gondophernes, 62; in Persia ... ... 74 Badoi, in Bhopal, inscrip from. 81; 78; 181 n.; | Sasta (Sata, Sk. teacher,) & name of Buddha, 241 n. 847 and n. Sandalwood, in the E. I. Co.'s times ... Satadhana, death of ... ... ... 257 n. sandhyavandanam, a rite ... ... ... 398 Satakarnin of the Matsyapurana, a dynasty, Bandilya-bhaktibutras, a Bhagavata work ... 254 2411. Sandrooottua, Chandragupta ... ... ... 344 Satavahana or Andhrabhrtya family, inscrips. Sangams, the three Tamil, 199, 1.; the third, of, 46; or Salivahanas ... 281 and n. ita probable age ... ... 227, 4.: 236, 1. Satha, a sage ......... . .... ... 88. 298


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