Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 441
________________ INDEX. 419 Raghaji I., Bhonsla k. and the Ramtek tem- Ramapatam, Ramapatnam, tn. and Amb. ples .... .. . ... .. .. 203 Salisbury ... ... ... ... ... 290 Raghuvansa, a work by Kalidasa ... ... 80Ramayana, the, and Rama, 202; and the Rahs, tn... ... .. . ... 145 n. Ch&kkiy&rs ... ... ... ... ... 336 Råbila, Chandella k., ... 126-128, 132-135, 138 Rangarh Hill cave inscrip. of the Sirguja State ... ... . ... . ... .. .. Rahilavarman (Rahil Brihm) and Khajuraho, 134 39 Ramnagar (Ahichatra) inscrip. from... ... 38 Raibhya ... ... ... ... ... ... 386 Ram Ráz, his book on Hindu architecture ... 280 Rainbow, E, I. Co.'s ship ... ... ... 266 Rån Talai, tank at Rantêk ... ... 201 f. Rainchan Shah, Rilichana Bhautta ... Ramtek, in Nagpur Dist., a visit to, by Hira Raipur, in Chbattisgarh, probably cap. of Lal, B. A. ... ... ... ... 202 ff. Muba-kośala, inscrip. at ... .. .. 24 Ramtek Mahatmya, the, 203 n.; 20+; or Raivata ... . .. Sinddragiri " ... ... 20:5 n.; 206 Rajabahu, probably Gajutâ ha... ... ... 240 Raňajit Simha of the Pañjab ... ... ... 43 Raj"griba, scene of the first Baddhist Coun- Rapantakan, a surname of k. Nedumaran ... 195 cil ... 2,3,5,7; 17 And n ; 18, 106; 180; 342 Rangandyuka, temple at Nellore ... ... 357 Rajamartanda, possibly Rajamayya, E. Ch&- Ranipur-Jural; temple in the Pattana State 132 n. lukya k. .. ** ... .. * ** .. 353 and n. Råņôdayan, a surname of k. Nedum&ran ... 195 Rajamayya, a hero ... ... ... 353 n. Rapson, E. J., his Indian Coins, 26 n. ; 28; Rajaraja I., Chok, and the Véngi co. ... 35 44 n.; 51; 54, 55 n.; and the Kshatrapas. 246 Rajaraja II., date of, etc. 355 and n.; 356 n. Rapur Taluka, Tamil inscrips, in, 200; and Rájáraja III., Chôa k. ... ... ... 356 and n. ChôA records ... ... ... ... ... 350 Rdijaratnakari, the, and Gajabalu I. ... 240 and n. rasa, juice of fruit ... ... ... ... 95 Rajasekhara, poet ... ... ... 143 n. Rasan, a fort in Banda " . .. 114 Rajasimba I, Pandya k. ... ... ... 197 Rashboote, Rajputs ... ... 297; 311 ff. Rajasinha II, other dames of... ... ... 197 Rashtrakațas, and Chalukyas, 24; and Reijadrangini, the, and Kaniska 41 f.; 57 n.; Kadauj 138 ; of Malkbed, at war with the 60; of Kashmir, references to the Bhottas E. Chalukyar, 352 f.; and the Cholas, or Bhauttas in ... ... 181 ff. 354 and n. Rájávali, the, and k. Rajabâku ... 240 f. Ras Khanzir, Cape Porto, or Cape Hogg, Rajendra, k, ... .. 167 and n. Rajendra Cho a II., E. Chalukya k. ... ... 24 rasof kard, kitchen tax ... ... ... 76 Rajendra-Ohôła III. ... ... .. rata, indecisive fight ... ... ... 75 n. Rajgarh, tn. on the Ken .... 132 n. Ratanpur, cap. of the Haibayas, Kalachuri Rajgir, inscribed red sandstone found at ... 49 inscrip. from ... ... 204 and n., 208 n, Rajor inscrip. of Mathanadêva ... 144 n. Ratha, and the Second Buddhist Council ... 342 Rajputana, under vayadima, 60; and Rudra- Ratnapura, inscrip. of Jâjalladeva at. 118; 128 dåman ... ... .. ... ... ... 61 Rattas, the, and Vijayaditya II. ... ... 352 Rajputs (Ksbattriyas), the Chandels, 131, Raverty, Major, on Gbazni, 139 p. 140 n; 137; or Rashboots ... ... ... 297; 312 and the Khôkbars, 142 n; and the Chandels, Rajuka, word in the third Rock Edict. 19, 21 146 n.; list of works by him, 176 f.; his Rajula, or Rajavala, a satrap, 27; 50; 51 ft.; 61; 70 Notes on Afghanistan... ... ... ... 211 · Rajyapala, k. of Kanauj, slain, 128; 140 n.; Ravivarman, Kadamba k. and the Pallavas... 357 and Mahmud of Ghazn ... ... ... 142 Ravivarman, Kirala k.... ... ... ... 357 Rama, Rama Epbrata ... ... ... 159 f. Rawlinson, on the decay of Parthia, 61, 62 and n. Rana, g. temples at R&mtêk ... 202 ff.; 378 Rayakõtta, plate inscrips. .. ... ... 239 Ramachandra, Chaturbhuj or Lakshmanji, Reade, Ed., and Amb. Salisbury ... 217 f. 133; in Kashmir, 182 f.; incarnation 254; References to the Bhottas or Bhauttas in the 260 and n. Rajatarangini of Kashmir, by Pandit Daya Ramachandra, Haihayatainál k. ... ... 204 Ram Sabni and A. H. Francke ... 181 ft. Ramagiri (of Kalidasa's Meghadita), pro- Rehuta, Gurgi Masdan in Rewa, fort 137 n. bably Ramtek... ... ... ... ... 202 Religion of the Iranian Peoples, by the late Råmananda, propagated the teaching of O. P. Tiele (contd. from Vol. XXXV., Ramanuja ... ... ... ... ... 258 p. 203) 7.-The duties of the faithful 858 ft. RAmaanja on Brahma, 254 n.; on the Pafcha- Religion, must consecrate marriage in the rátra cult..... 258, 259 n.; 262; 341; 355 | Zarthustrian creed .. ... ... 358 ... . ... 292 ... 856


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