Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 440
________________ 418 INDEX, a Prabodhachandrådaya, a play by Krishna misra, mentions Kirtivarman's conquests... 143 Prachi or Magadha ... ... .. 843 Pråchinagarbha, Apintaratamas ... ... 385 Pradhana, 261 ; or Prakriti, 377 ff.; 382 ard n. ; 883; and Purusha ... ... 386 n. Pradyumna, conditioned spirit, 261; 373 n.; = Sanatkamara, intelligence, 377 and n.; 379 n.; 381; 893 and n.; - Hari... 384 ; 388 n. Presians, of the Prachi or Magadha king Pragjyotişa, Assam ... ... .. . 80 Prajyabhatta's Rajatarangini, references to the Bhottas or Bhauttas in ... ... 191 1. Prakrit dialects in the Sarnath inscrips.... 278 Prakrit words oocarring in Pischel's "Grammatik der Prakrit Sprachen," appendix ... 133–148 Prakriti, 360 f.; 373 t.; or Pradhana, 377 and n., A.; 382 n.; 383 n. Pramandala (P) cave in Kashmir ... .... 183. prapatli-yoga .. ... .. .. .. 256 prasida, - grace ... ... 234, 230 and n. Prasenajit's conversion to Buddhism 100 n. Pratápa, a Chandella k.... ... .. 129; 144 Prataparudra, Kakatiya k., 200; captared Conjeeveram ... ... .. . 357 and n. Pratáparudriya a work by Vidyanatha 200 Prathilmajás, subdivision of the Ambala ... ... ... ... 335; 337 Pratihara, Parihar, a Gurjara dynasty in Kanauj... . .. 138; 140 f.; 144 n. Prátimo kpa, a Budhist work, 16, 17 and n; 85 ff.; 95 f. ; 98 ff. Praváhana Jaivali, a Pañchala Kshattriya .. 252 pravritti, action... ... 373; 378 f.; 382 f.; 385 Prayage, Allah&b&d, scene of Dhanga's death. 141 Prinsep and the earliest known Indian Alpha ... .. ... .. ... ... 3:5 Ppisnigarbla ... .. . 38) Prithivi, Prithvi, Raja of Chahamana, 132; conquered Jéjábbukti, 129; 193 t.; occu pied Maboba ... ... ... . . 145 PrithivivyAghra, a Nisbade chief ... .... 352 Prithvivarman, Chandella k., 121; 126 f.; 129 f.; 144; 148 Priya dasa, commentator on the Bhabti-mála, 252 n. Proby, Mr. C., E.I. Co.'s servant ... ... 218 Ptolemy ... ... .... ... .. ... 179 Ptolemy Philadelphus, k. of Egypt, called Turazaye . 313 publications on Chandali. publications on Chandella History, by V. A. Sanith. ... ... ... ... ... 115 Puckle, Major, and Amb. Salisbury ... 319; 322 Puduval, subdivision of the Prathildmaja Ambalavåsi casto ... ... ... 333 Puh&r, Kaverippumbattinam, home of Gopala. and Kaunahi, 231 f.; destruction of, 233 ff.; 239 f.; 212 puja, meaning of ... ... ... 2 48 f. Puilaha, a Rishi ... ... ... 375 n.; 379 Palam, perhaps the ancient Pulandus ... 193 Pulandai, Palam, scene of a battle fought by Nedumaran ... .. ... 196, 198 Pulastya, a Rishi... ... ... 375 n ; 379 Pulekësin (P Polekesin), 21; and the Pallavas. 351 Pulikadimal, Irungorel... ... ... ... 230 Pulimaya. Satakarni, k. ... ... 242 D. punnaga (kottleris tinctoria), plant ... ... 182 Punwar caste and the Hakla3 ... ... 209, f. Pappa, Obandella queen, wife of Yašovarman, 126, 128 Puppallis, a Pushpakan caste ... ... 335f. Parana, Parna, a Buddhist monk, 3 n. ; 5 and . n.; 6 and n.; 16, 17 and n.; 103 Purananúru, & collection of Tani works, 329 ; 234 n. ; 236, ff. Purinas, the, and invasions of India, 25; give Andhra names, 281; and the Pahlavaa, 282: 4mong the Chakkiyârs, 385; and k. Mahå Padma ... .. . ... ... ... 342 Parang, tn. .. ... ... ... ... 183 8Parangs, and the W. Tibetan kings... 332, f. Puri, temples at... ... ... ... ... 206 Parasha, and the Kshattriyas, 251 n.; the Male, 253, 255, 159; - Narayana 373, 375, 977, f. ; 382 it. Parusbadatta, k., iasorip. of ... ... 282 and n: Purushapura, modern Peshawar, probably Kanisks's cap.... ... . .. . 57 Parvaja, the first-bom ... ... ... ... 875 Pushkarint, tank at Råmte's ... ... .. 203 Pushpakan, subdivision of the Anulômaja Ambalavasi caste ... ... .... 335 ft. Pushpinis, Brahmanis, - Pushpakan women. 336 Pushyamitra the Sunga, dnte ... ... .. 69 Pushyaruddhi, a frinr, 52; inscrip. of .... 72 Pathuvârasyss - women of the Puduval caste ... ... ... ... ... ... 338 pyádi, piddui, a poon ... ... ... 77 and n. vási caste ... *** Qandahar, and Soleukos Nikator ... ... 25 Quilandy, Tondi... ... ... ... ... 237 Quilon, cap. of Kerala ... ... .. 210 n. Quintus Curtius Rufus, on Nanda of Maga. dha ... ... ... ... ... ... 31+ Rachel's sepulchro ... Radcliffe, Peter, E. I. Co s servant ... Raghu's foreign conquests ... i


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