Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 431
________________ INDEX. 409 Lazarus, the beggar ........ ... 157 Madanavarman, Chandel k., 118 ff.; 126, 127. Lazaretto, the, in Leghorne ... ... ..187 f. and n.; 129; 131 ff.; 144 and n.; 145, 147 t. Lebanus, mt........ 161 f. Madana Varmmadeva ... ... ... 148 n. Le Bruyn's Voyage au Levant... ... 163 n. Madan Mabal, castle at Gapha... ... .. 136 Legends of Mohan Bart 110 f. Madanpur, Lalitpur, now Jhansi Dist., inscrip. Legends of the Pasijáb, by Sir R. O. Temple from ... ... ... ... 122, 129; 145 and H. A. Rose contd. from Vol. XXXV., Madan Sagar, lake at Khajuraho ... 134; 144 p. 302. II.-Three Legends of the Mughal Madapollam, E. I. Co.'s Factory at, 218; or Court ... .. .. .. . . 199 1. Madhavayapalem, 263 and n.; 269 f.; 291 ff.; 322 Leghorne, city ... ... 167, 168 and n.; 169 Madari, Vishnu temple at Maboba ... ... 134 Leb, tn. ... ... ... ... ... ... 192 madder, the Indian species, called chay 264 n. Letten, Mr., and Amb. Salisbury ... ... 826 Madhari, k. ... ... ... ... 282 n. Lévi, M. Sylvain, and the Rock Edicts, 21; MAdhavi, a dancing-woman, mistress of Kovaand the Acts of St. Thomas, 48 n.; and lan ... ... ... .. . 231 1. Kaniska, 57 ; his Le Théâtre Indien 143 n.;. 212 Madhu, g.... ... ....... ... .. 382 Leyden grant and Karikala ... ... ... 233 madhukapuppha, the Bassia latifolia ... ... 95 Lbachen Bhagan, Ladakht k. ... ... 191 Madhusudana, commentator ... ... 251 n. Lhachen-kundgarnam-rgyal's inscrip. at Madhvacharya, Anandatirtha, 258; his birth Daru ... ... ... ... ... ... 191 pluce ... ... ... ... ... 259 n. Lhachen Ngos-grub, k. ... ... ... 187 Madhyadesa, co., and Brahmaism ...251 f.; 257 t. Lhachen-rGyablu Rinchen, or Prince 'Rin- Madbyamika philosophy, and Nagarjuna ...200 f. chen, see Rificbana Bhoti ... ... 182 ff. Madonna, fountain, 156; Church in Sienna... 169 Liaka, & satrap ... ... ... ... 27; 70 Madras, fort and Ed. Winter, 220; 267, 270, Liaka Kusulaka, father of Patika, 55; 63; 274 f.; and Amb. Salisbury, 285; 294; 311 247 and n. ff.; 316 Licchavis, see Persian Afinities of ... 781. Madrass Merchant, the E. I. Co.'s ship ... 220 lingasarira, personality ... ... ... 873 Madura, and Somasundara, the Siva deity, Lion-capital, at Sárnáth 190; called ÅlAvay, 194 and n.; and the Lipari isls. .. ... 167 n. Sangams, 228, 230; and Kovalan, 231 2.; Li-tsa-byi, for Licchavi, a race to which the 284; and the Pandyas, 236; referred to as Tibetan kings belonged .. . 79 and n. Tamil Kadal, 238; 240; capture of ...356 bLo-gros-mchog-ldan, Ladakht k.... ... 189 Maduraikkánji, a Tamil work by Manguļi Lohara, mt., campaign to ... .... ... 189 Marudanar ... ... ... .. 207 Loka KAla era, date of use, 32; insorip. of.. 75 Madurai Kolavanigan Sattan, or Sitthalai. LokottaravAdins, a Buddhist sect ... 13; 103 n. chobâttanar, author of the Manimdkhalai... 280 London ... ... ... ... ... ... 169 Madurai-MarudanilanAganar, commentator Loriyan Ting&i inscrip., Mr. Caddy's ...80; on the Iraiyanar = agapporu! ... 1944, 40; 67; 71 Madura Sthalapurana, a Tamil work ....... 929 Lôvabekki, Choa k. .. ... ... ... 353 Meris, prinoe of Patalene in Sind ... 25 Lucius, emp., bis coins and those of Magadba, conquered, 72; or Bubar, and the Kadpbises I. ... ... ... ... 28 : 33 | Persians, 79and Nagarjuna, 207; and tao Läders, Dr., on inscrips. .. 39 and n.; 59 Batakarnin, 242; and Chandragupta, 843; Lumbini, birthplace of Buddha .. . 10 n. 347; 350 Lyall, Sir James, on the old administrative Magadhan kingdom, 842; or. Pracbi... 948 , system in Au ... ... ... ... 76 Magas, Maka k. of Cyrene .. . " Magas, the Magi or Brahmana ... 42 Maccabees, the, sepulchre of ... ... ... 160 MAgha k., date of, by Prof. Kielhorn ... 113 Maccha, kingdom .... ... .. 82 and n. Magi priesta, accompanied the Liochavis into Macedonian, Empire, second partition of, 25; Tibet 80; cisterns of ... ... ... ... 159 calendar in N. India ... ... ... 861 n. . . ... 250 Mahl-Andhra, or Dhanakataks .. 250 Machetas, father of Philip, Alexander's Mababalipuram, ancient Mallai, in Chinsatrap in the Panjab... I gleput Dist. ... ... ... ... ... 171 Maclagan's Garetteer of Mullan ... ... 361 | Mahabharata, the, and the denotation 2 madams, pashpakams, houses of the Pushpa- Saks, 42 and n.; on Himalayan tribes, 80 kans .... ... ... ... ... 386, t. n.; 178; translation of, earliest known Madanapura, tn. grant of ... ... 120, 1. Telugu work, 201 7.; 251 fl., 262; on the 25 ... *** feer of Multan


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