Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 423
________________ INDEX. 401 Hatton, Mr. C., and Amb. Salisbury. 324 f.; Hiranyagarbha, title of Brahmå ... 381 f. Hiranyagarbba, Manu Svi yarıbhuva, and haurtatal, sacred cakes .... ... ... 360 the Sámkhya-yoga ... ... 255 and n. ; 385 Håvani, Niksubba, daughter of Rijiśvá ... 79 Hiranyakasipu, demon, killed by Rama, hayasiras, a being with a horse's head...379; 582 202 and n.; 205 Hirat, and Seleukos Nikator ... Hazabbnr-ud-din Hasan Arnal, governor of ... ... 25 Kalastjar ... ... ... ... ... 146 History and Coinage of the Chandel (Chankdaríků, personal attenance on the della) Dynasty of Bundelkund (Jejaka rája ... ... ... ... .. 76 and n. bhukti) from 831 to 1203 A. D, by V. A. Heathfield, Mr., and Amb. Salisbury... 322 ff. Smith ... .. . .. .. .. 114, ff. Hebron, gate in Jerusalem ... ... ... ... 158, f. 158, t. Hi thon, a Yue-chi principality ... ... 26 Hadimba, hill near Ramtek ... ... 205 n. Hiuen-Thsang. Hiouen-Tsang, 10 and n.; Heliokles probably the last Greek king of 11 n; or Yuan-Chuang, and Kanishka, 14; Bactria ... . .. ... 26; 32; 51 f.; 69 50; 60 and n; at Bam-Yan, in Persia, 80; Helen, St., Chapel of ... ... ... 158 ff 81 n.; and Jejahati, 130 f.; and the death Herambapala, Mahipala, probably KshitipA la. 138 of Harsba, 138; and the Haihaya territory, Herat, tn., 78 and n.; 79 and n.; conquered by 204; and Po-lo-mo-lo-ki-li, 208 and .; in Muhammad of Ghor ... ... ... 209 f. India, 239, 242; and Sárnáth, 277; 279 ; Heraus, Yin-no-fu, a Yuë-chi, conquered 280; 281 n. ; 351 n. Kipin ... ... ... ... 54; 70 54: 70 Hiung-Nu, Scythian horde, defeated the Hermaion, probably ruled in the Kabul VAR ! Yae-chi ... ... ... ... 26; 32; 69 ley ... ... ... ... ... ... 54 'Hogg' Cape, or Bas Khanzir, Cap Poroo, Herne, Mr., B I. Co.'s servant ... 327 f. 167 and 1. Herod, k., palace of ... ... ... Holi, festival 5. f. .. . ** ... 153 and n. Herodotus, and the use of Saka ... 41 and n. holy places, at Ramtek... .. .. ... 205 Hiaus, or Mians, a coin of, bearing a Greek hookah, bubble bubble ... ... ... ... 210 legend ... ... ... ... ... ... 41 . Hope', the ship... ... ... ... ... 215 Hieou-mi, a Yue-chi principality ... ... 26 Hopkin, Prof. E. Washburn, his Great Epic Hill States in the Pañjab, terms and titles 1 of India, 251 n.; and the Bhagavata creed. 262 used in ... ... . . 75 ff. Hopkins, Mr. J, E. I. Co.'s servant ... 294 2.; 263 Hima-Kadphisee, Kushân k, 28; or Ooemo- Horniazd II, coins of, in India ... ... 62 kndphises, identified with Yen-kao-ching, Hoshang Shah, MÂI à Sultan, and the 39; his coins and those of Kanishka, H4; Mandasor fort... ... ... ... ... 109 or Wewa-Kadpbises ... ... ... ... 50 Hotar, Zaotar, priest ... ... 360 Himalayas, invaded by Raghu, 80 and n. ; hátri, priest ... ... ... ... ... 375 and the tiger-symbol, 234; the fish-symbol, Hoysalas, the, dyn. of... 229, 230 and n.; 243 238; the bow-symbol... ... 237 n ; 239 Hrishikora, Lord of the Senges ... 375; 380 Hinayana, Buddhist school ... ... ... 18 bubble-bubble, for hookah Hindu, temple in N India, 133; rule in S. ... ... ... 210 India, 243; belief in one god ... 259; 262 kujra, huera ... ... ... ... 46; 04. Hindu-Kush, mts., 51; 59; 69; 73; and Hakşa, Huviska ... ... ... ... ... 61 Raghu ... ... ... ... ... ... 80 Haltzsch, Dr., on inscrips., 49; and the ChanHindus, the Chandels, 13!; 133; and Mueal. dels, 114; and the early Chola kings, 233 ff.; mans in the Pañjáb, 139 ff. ; under Akbar, and the Andhras, 282 and 1.; and the 153; selection of ancestral names among, Pallavaa, ... ... ... ... 284 and 2. 243; popular beliefs of, 251; 262 and n.; Humayun,' emp, visited the Sarnath ruins... 278 worship Let Bhairo ... ... ... ... 280 Humphreys, Mr. Z., and R. Bell ... 169 1. Hindu Shahiya kings, of Kabul ... 140 n. Huna, Huns, subdued by Raghu ... ... 80 Hinduvata, conquered by Zsinu'l-'abi-din ... 188 Huns, the White, and the Kushanas, 62; Hiouen-Tsang, Hiuen-Thsang, 10 and n.; Huna, 80; and the Parihårs, 138; or 11 n; and the Second Buddhist Council, Ephthalites ... ... ... ... ... 148 81 n. Husain Sarsi, probably Ibrahim Husain, Hirahadagalli, plate inscrip. of Sivaskanda Mirsa, invaded Delbi... ... ... 149 and n. varman... Huska, for Huviška ... ... ... 42; 61 Hiralal, Mr., and the site of Chakrakata, Huskapura, now Huskur, in Kasmira, founded 352 n. 1 by Huvi ka ... ... ... ... 60 and n.


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