Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 426
________________ 404 INDEX " . 81 Kaikeya, co, in the Paris *** Judas, Apostle ... ".. "English Jhind, on the Indus, inscrip. from ... ... 68K adambu,' the, and Sengattuvan Sera ... 286 Jihunia, a satrap, 27; or Zeionises, 54; coins Kadan-Mallai, Mallai, q... ... ... 171 and D. of, 59, date ... ... Kadathanad, Raje, of the Atiyoti (SamanJijayapala, Chondella k. ... ... ... 126 f. thar) caste. ... ... ... ... 338 Jijloti, Jajahati, JAjAbotf ... ... 130 ff. Kadaiyal, in 8. India, the modern Kadayam, Jins ... 104 scene of a battle ... ... ... 198, 199 Jinankth, temple at ... 116; 133 and n. Kadeyaraja, an officer inder Bhima I. ... 853 Jivadama, strap of W. India... ... ... 74 Kadphises S., Kuşana k., coins of, 28; 33; jfiâna-yoga, meaning of .. .. titles, eto., 40, f. and the Groek rule in Jouchim, St., Bepulchre of ... ... ... 157 Afghanistan ... ... ... 64; 57; 71, 72 jog, tax for religious purposes... ... 76 and n. Kadphises II., Kuşana k., coins of, 28; 40; Jöginis, the 64, temple dedicated to ... 132 and n. 57; conquests of .. ... ... ... 72 John, St., the Baptist ... ... ... ... 160 Kaduvetti, Tamila-p Pêrariyan, an officer John, St., the Evangelist, house of ... ... 158 under Nandippóttarasar ... ... ... 172 Johnson, Capt, and Amb. Salisbury... ... 214 ... 214 kefila, cuffalgh, a caravan .. .. .. 295 Johnson, Mr. Wm., E. I. Co's. servant at KA-gyur, Kabgyar ... ... ... 180; 372 ... Metchlepatam 215 ff. ; 298; 310 f. 313 ... kahapana, a coin Jonardja's Rajatarangini, its referencus to the . ... 252 Bhauttas ... ... ... 182 ff.; 187 f. kairkarya, waiting upon Bhagavat ... ... 261 Joppa, Joppay ... ... ... ... 159 1. kiit, accountant... ... ... ... ... 76 Jordan, riv. ... ... ... ... ... 158 KAkandi, city in Kadalkonda-PavvattiriJoseph, St., sepulchre of ... ... 157; 159 kottam, Kåvirippattinam, the modern Joseph of Arimathæa, sepulchre of ... 158 1 Pantrangam .. .. .. .. 353 n. Joshua ...... ... ... ... ... 160 Kakatiyas of Orangal, and Vengi, 356; and Jubbal, Hill State, terms used in ... 76 n. | Nellore ... ... ... ... 357 and n, Kakra Maph temple in Mabob& ... ... 134 Jukes, Western Panjabi and English Kakusthana=Kakutthå, riv. ... ... ... 5 n. Dictionary ... ... ... ... 360 f. kila-times at which sacrifices are performed, Julius Caesar, assassinated . ... ... 70 376 n. Jumna, riv. ... ... ... 245, 247 ... 245, 247 Kalachuri, kings, and Kalajar, 135; or Junagadh inscrip. of Rudradima ... 56; 63; 74 Haibayas, 137 ; '146 and n.; inscrip. of juncan, customs, from chungam... 275; 286 ff. Ratanpur ... ... ... ... ... 204 295; 297; Kaladaranadi inscrip., said to be in KharoshJungå, cap. of Keontbal ... 301 n.; 305 n. ... .. ... ... ... .. 42 juni, an Indian measure ... ... 76 n. Kalahasti, Siva linga at, 200, Ganga Pallava Junnar, inscrip. of Nahapana'at, 63; the inscrip. from ... ... .. ... 362; 354 KAlamanyas, Bhôţta princes ... 182 and n.; 187 Saka cap. ... 242 n *** Juska, k. ... kalambagam-a poetic composition in Tamil, ... 42 .. 170 and n.; 173 Justice, Gate of Jerusalem ... ... 157 KAlanaur, and Akbar's army ... Justin, on Sandracottus ... ... 151 Kälanjar, Banda Dist., inscrips. from, etc, Juttaya, a Kakatiya, k. ... .. .. 357 118 .; 122 f.; 125; 128, 129, 132; 184 ff.; 139 ff. Jyeshtba, a Bråhmana ... .. KAlanjara, inscrip. ... ... ... 208 n. Jyulchaņas, suggested meaning of Kalar Killi .. .. 235 bK 'agyur, a Tibetan cyclopedia ... Kalaso ka, identified with Mahapadma Nanda. 342 Kalathalaiyar, a Tamil poet ... ... ... 230 Kabir, a reformer ... ... ... ... 258 kalavali, a Tamil work... ... ... ... 233 Kabir Chabatara, in Ramtek ... ... ... 203 Kaldara, inscrip. of the year, 113, 30; 31 n.; Kabul, and Seleukos Nikator, 25; occupied 46 t.; 61, 64 ff. ; 74 by k. Kieou-tsieou-kio, 28; ruled by kalha-creeper .. ... ... ... 182 f. Hermaios, 54; and Huvişka, 60; 12; con Kalbana's Rijatarangini, Bhauttas referred to in .. . ... quered by Kadphises I., 71; and Akbar, ... 181 and n. Kali, goddess, 191 ; age, 204 f.; temples, and 150; and the faujdiri of Bangash, 174; the thiyattu ceremony... ...336; 342; 378 1. Sabahdårs of ... ... ... ... 211 and n. Kalidasa's (Sk.) Raghuvarusa and the interKachchayana ... ... ... ... ... 276 course between Persis and Tibet, 80;. Kadalkonila-Pavvattiri-kottam, Dist, in S. Méghaddta, 201; Abhijnana Sakuntala, India ... " 353 n. book-notioe of, 112; date 113; 212 344


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