Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 417
________________ INDEX. 395 Chilianwali, and the Haklås ... ... ... 209 coinage, of the Chandel dyn. ... ... 114 ff. Childers, on Buddhist rules ... 95 n.; 97 n. coins, as historical evidence in India, 25; of Chilla, in the Allahabad Dist., home of Alha the Indo-Grecian Kings, 26 f. ; 30; 33; of and Udal 3. ... ... ... ... 145 Hima-Kadphises and Kanishka, 44; of the Chimar, vil., in Warora Tahsil, Chanda Dist., Sakas 47 n.; 54; 58 f.; of Kanislaka, 60; and the 'Ghoa'ceremony... ... ... 833 of Gondophernes and others ... ... 62 China, received Buddhist books, 56 f.; 71 f.; Colbourn, H. Croon, E. 1. Co's, writer. 321 ff. and Kanishka, 59 f.; and the Yue-chi, 69; Cold Waters, a place in Aleppo ... ... 182 71; and Scythia, 72; and Nagarjuna, 206; Colebrooke's Essays ... ... ... ... 261 and tobacco, 210; and Confucius ... ... 341 Column, dharmachakra, to mark the scene of Ohinese, historians and the Yuë-chi, 26 ff.; Buddba's first address .. .. 277, 279 32 f.; 42 f.; 57; conquest of Tibet ... 181 Commodus, emp. of Rome ... ... 61, f., 74 Ching-ti, emp. of China ... . .. 71 Comorin, c. Kumari... ... ... ... 171'; 232 Chiramana, Sirumagai, vil. in Nellore Dist., Compendium of the Wei, and the receipt of Tamil inscrip. from ... ... 200; 354 n. Buddhist books ... ... .. ... 56 chitik, an Indian weight ... ... 76 n. Confucius ... ... ... ... ... 341 Chitra, a hero ... ... ... ... ... 241 Conjeevaram, Kanchi, Pallava cap., 171 ff., Chitrakåta, visited by Râma ... ... ... 202 197, 282 n.; 284 n.; 351; 355; 357 and n. Chitra-sik handin Rishis, the seven ... ... 375 Contributions to Panjabi Lexicography, by Chitradl, Rája, chief of Girdmalk in the A. H. Rose, 1.C.S. Åbkhora-Domri 360 fr. Deccan ... .. . ... ... ... 151 Convent of the Holy Cross ... ... ... 160 Chittaur-Chitor-gadh, besieged by Akbar Coomarasami, the Hon'ble P., and Karikala. 149, 150 n. 233; 2) Cholaganga, E. Ganga k., 179; his Teki Coomaraswamy, Dr., and Indian Art ... 28) plate inscription, 351; and his four sona Corge, a score ... ... ... ... 321 € in Orissa ... ... ... ... 372 Coromandel Coast, scene of Amb. Salisbury's Chon, history, and Prof. Kielhorn, 113 ; labours ... ... ... ... 213 f.; 221 n. kings and Nandi, 171 ff. ; power in the Corsica, isl. .. ... ... ... ... 169 Telugu co. 200 and n.; defeate, 229, 233 f.; Cotton, E. I. Co's, trade in ... ... 292 ft. 235 and n. ; 236 f. ; 239 and n. ; Co., Court, Mr., E. I. Co's. servant at Metchleinvaded by Gajabåhu I. 240 and n.; patam ... ... ... ... 21+ influence, 242 1.; kings, and the Pallavas Cousens, Mr., and the Khajuraho temples, 28+ n.; and Asoka, 343; temples and 114 ; on Ramtek ... ... . ... 203 inscrips. ... ... ... ... 355 ; 357 Covell, Mr., E. I. Co.'s servant ... ... 327 Cho'as in S. Nellore, and E. Chalukyas, 354 Covis ... ... ... ... ... ... 28+ and n.; 355 f., and the Kakatiyas 357 n. çramana, an ascetic ... ... 15 t Cholmley, Nath., and Amb. Salisbury ... 328 çramanya, a Buddhist rule ... ... 101 ff., 103 ehop, chlap .. ... 295 f., 297, 310, 313 Crandon, Mr., E. I. Co's, servant ... 323, 327 Chorasmia, modern Khiva ... ... 78 n. Crassus, defeated at Carrba ... ... 70 f. Chorghode, surname of Devajt .. ... 334 Cravasti, c. ... ... ... 105 f. Chouang-mo, a Yue-chi principality ... ... 26 Crawley, Mr., and Amb. Salisbury. 322; 324; 326 Christ, crucified... ... ... - 158 and n. Srideva palace ... ... ... ". .. 3 n. Christians and Turks ... ... ... 160 and n. cuccheda, doctrine of non-survival ... ... 18 n. Chronicle of the Maride State, terms from, Çadisa or Codása, Sodasa, a satrap... 247; 250 75 and n. Cuddapah, Dist.... ... .. . ... 200 Chronicles, Ceylonese, and Kalaboka... 342; 343 ; cuffalgh, kdfila ... ... ... ... ... 295 345, 349 and n.; 350 and n. Cundanore, Cundeveare, Cundanire, ancient chak, an oath ... ... ... ... 77 and n. name of Karnal ... 266 n.; 295 f ; 310; 313 ckungam, or janean .. .. 275 n. Cunningham's, Gen., Nimistic Chronicle, Ohraballirkja, Bana k., in the Guntur Dist. 354 25 n.; and the Eastern Greeks, 28; on Citadella d'Artiglieria, in Pisa dates and inscrips. 28 ff.; 39 and n.; on Claudius, emp. of Rome Saka and Kuşana, 41 1.; 44 and n. ; 47 Clerke, Col., E. I. Co.'s servant ... ... 326 and n.: 48 and n.; 51 and n.; and the Clopton, Mr. and Amb. Salisbury Bodh Gayê temple, 60 and n.; on the Coast, E. I. Co.'s ship .. Chandels, 114 and n.; 118 ff.; 129 and n.; Çodisa, ÇudAss, Sodåsa ... ... 247 130 ff.; and the Kobala cap. 208 n.; on Coimbatore Dist., temple in ... ... 132 n.; 243 inscrips., 245, 246 n.; 278, 279 and n.; 346 168 71


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