Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 178
________________ 162 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JUNE, 1908. Att Trippeloe, Consell Peeter Waggoner, & noble spirritted & Gennerous peon, both for Company & his entertainem', woh I tasted of, staying theire till the 27 day Jnly. I found theirë Seuerall Engl Marchants of Alleppo, french & Dutch, Chased away by yo sicknesse theire. M' Blunt & Me Hemsworth, my fellow travellers into ye holly land, then pted wth me. They for Mount Lebanus to a greke festivall & I for Scanderone. This feast the Greeks call yo feast of Expiation in Commemoratio of or Savior. Transfiguration. In the Cittie of Trippiloe are severall faire buildings. It stands a mile from the Sea, a place of good trade for Loge silk, & the Bashawe hath & Doller for every kottelo51 shipt out & sends his saryt to se it weighed before baileinge. Theirs 5 Castles or towers on the Marreene, woh is a mile from ye Citty,62 & On the Marreene is a large Caine [khan for all marchants goods to be put in, or saifly laid up. 27 July 1669. I imbarqued for Scanderoone in a boate I hyred, all ye Marreners tarkes, & I all alone, Consull Peter Waggoner haueing sent aboard pritions & wyne for 3 tymes my voyage vnknowne to me. It was 8 Clock at night when I imbarqued, & at 7 Clock in the morninge on ye 29 day July I arrived at Scanderroone, haueing had a fresh gaile all ye way. Its betwixt these two places 45 Leagues. In the way is only one litle towne for we saile terra terra for feare of y Malteze ; The land towards the sea verry high & mountanous, always haueing Clouds dwelling on them. Thursday 29 July 1669. I went aboard Capt Dyer Bates 68 who wonld not let me goe for Cyprusse as I had hyred the boat to doe, but Capt Kerrington sent hir theire to meeto Capt Midleton & Capt Morris to haue theire Company for England. 40 Aug# on y* Wedd 1669. With Capt Bates, M Baalam, Mr Steele we tooke horsse fro Scanderoone for Alleppo at 6 Clock afternoone. Mr Alexandr Travell, Mr Pine, M Hussey & 7 More set Cout] for Alleppo the day before. We lay the first night at Byland, weh is 10 Engl miles from Scanderoone & in or way weere much hinderd or stopt by a great Carravan from Mekay Mecca), wch weer from first to last a days iurney longe, in Cammells, males & horssmen. At Byland, by yo cold waters, we pitched, and had ye Musique woh the Jackalls made who are theire verry many, & 20 Cuple of deepe-mouthed hounds in a feild make not halfe the noyse. Theire barqe is like a Contrey Curr. 6 Auge 1669. Thirsday, noone, we over tooke ye worship'l Consull of Alleppo the pson [Parson), Mr fframpton65 and about 20 of the Alleppo Engl factorey, who had beene in the mountaines dureing the heate of the Contagio at Alleppo and weere returneing to Alleppo, pitched at a place Cald the Cold waters. They ingaged or stay in theire Tent, for of owne being put on a vnruly Mule ran away wth it & spoiled it. 6. Auc# We pitched at ye brinke of ye River Ephraim & at sun sett remoued. And Caime by sun set on yo 7, for we lie still all the day & ride in the night, for yt the heate is not to be indured to ride in in the day time. Auge. We pitched at A Church & ye rains of a famous Monastery Cald St Symons 66 8 Auge. We arrived in Alleppo by Sunn riseing in the Morninge, but in of way weere assalted by the Arrabbs, who see wee weere to strong after ye fyreing some pistolls & long Guns ; [they] weer invisable to vs bat as we past ne[ar], theire stones beere & theire out of theire slings caime amongst Vs. The Crack they gaue told vs they weer not farr of, but the(y) weere iu yo rocks soe safe we 61 See note on p. 161, n. 47. 63 See Thérenot, Voyage to the Levant, ed. 1987, p. 221. # Seo Vol. XXXVI, p. 174, n. 71. 1. e., De Lannoy, Hoe Vol. XXXVI, p. 131, 9. 60. 66 See Vol. XXXVI, p. 184, n. 61. * "The Monastery of St Simeon the stylete with the remainder of his so famous Pillar, which is still to be seen." Tavernier, Travels, ed. 1684, Vol. I, Book II, p. 56.


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