Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 318
________________ • 298 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (OCTOBER, 1908. "Mr Ambrose Salusbury, Yours of the 15 instant came to haid yesterday in the trening. You did very well in presenting the Govr, of Cundanire [Cnndanore] after his reception and performance of his kin Inesse may oblige him to the continuance of the same for your future occasions, which wee hope may not find that obstruction another yeare. As wee observe, notwithstanding it hath this, you conquerel st last and brought to perfection, the creditt of which will redowne to your s.:lle alone. Your endeavours being applied, wee question not but you will prevent loss likely to be sustained by those Peeter Men that are Runne away. Wee "lave already sent you a dozen silver hafted knives, which you had not received at your writing of this. Wee hope they will supply the want of the two dozen large and penknives which are not on Enquiry upon any tearms procurable in Towne. [Signed] M. MAINWARING &ca.99 Betchlepatam (21) Decr. 1672." "Mr Richard Mohun Etca. Councell, Your of the 21th last night came to hand. The Peeter men that are run away inade stop of the Peeter againe about 3 leagues hence and beat the poor Ox people and carried them to the Castle of Cundanere and put stop on my Peeter, which hath caused my writing to the Governour againe that admired a Person of his quality and place sbould countenance and eacourage such men in their abuses, and desired him to consider the injustice and how much it would bee to his dishouer to regard the false reports of those men whome all the country know to bec false cheating Knares. The Mazendar did take the Cloth sent the Governoar and the Governour sent mee word that I formerly gave the Governour G Guzz of Scarlett and 3 maunds of Sandell wood (which was by Mr Johnsons advice, being the first Journey upon this occasion), and that bee, being in the same place, and not at all inferiour to the other Governour, expected the same, that I have promised himo, if heo give mee a peon or two to pass the Peeter, that when finished shall return them Peons with the Cloth desire:l; but that have not Sandall nor is any procureable that I know of. Had not the Peeter men obstructed the 300 Canly, or as much as it now holdeth out, had bin alt Pettipolec by the 15th and I expected by the 20th to have bin at home. The Peeter men promisel mee a pago. per Candy to accept such stuff as the Braminye provided, bat, have not hitherto, nor shall I ever desire to gaine a penny by this or any other unjust meanes. I advised you the 89 denied Candy as reported to bee, which sett 3 peons to cause its boyling night and day will not now bee fifty Candy. I bought 21 Candy at 8 pago. 2 fa. per Candy, but they saying that they gave earnest for it and being short of their debts must give them I fear five pagos. at the conclude for the 200 Candy as formerly advised. God grant it come forth at the price as I hope it will. My Ox people are run away and I am forced to hire others, time being soe farr spent. The 21 Candy and about 20 more is bad Peeter, but haveing Oxen ready and the Peeter men in debt must accept that or lose the money. The rest of the Peeter is excellent good. The Peeter writt you a great distance from hence have sent money for near 150 Candy, two Parcells arrived, have given Order for what remaines, but the way being Woods and Hills I was not willing to send the money at once but 3 times. I pus: desire you to send 6 Guzz, or yards of Scarlett against my return home for the Candaneere Governour. Here ( are ] soe many Governoura, Nauges (māyak, chief ], Braminys &ca. to please you cannot judge of the trouble. I purpose to send Candaneere Governour and Muz[endar ] 3 of your knives and the Cheife Nauge one. The rest will to day and to morrow bee disposed on, for I purpose to returne to make ready the Peeter arrived and leave my Servants to accompany what remaining, I remaine, Your assured Friend. AMBROSE SALCBBURY. December 26th 1672." " 3r Ambrose Salusbury, Esteemed Friend, Since our last are arrived here all the Honorable Companys six ships. Haveing composed the difference with the Moors wee hope wee shall end our Businesse here in three or foure days. Wee intreate you to make all immaginable hast in the dispatch of the Peter bither that soe they may not be detained for want of that Remairing. Your assured Friends, MATT. MAINWARING; GEORGE CHAMBERLAIN E. 100 Metchlepatam the 31 December 1672." (To be continued.) Factory Recorla, Masulipataen. Vol. 9. SA Fa-tory Rrocrila, Manulipa'am, Vol. 5. 180 Factory, Masilija'am, Vol. 3.


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