Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 399
________________ DECEMBER, 1908.) THE NARAYANIYA AND THE BHAGAVATAS. 377 (12803) "At the dissolution of the universe, the Earth is absorbed into the Water; the Water into the Light; the Light into the Air ; the Air into the Ether ( kha); the Ether into the Intelligence (manas); the Intelligence, which is a parama bhuta55, into the Indiscrete (avyakta, i. e., Prakriti); and the Indiscrete into the actionless Male (Purusha ). There is nothing beyond the Male (Purusha ), the Eternal. He, Parasha Vasudeva is the only Eternal. Vasudeva is the Self (atman ) of all elements (bhuta). The five great elements (muhatman ) are earth, ais, ether, water, and light.56 These combined form a body (sarira). (12897) He who then enters it, is invisible and of little power. He is the Lord (prabhu), and thus becomes born and endows the body with action. Without the combination of the elements, the body cannot be, and without the living soal (jiva), the vital airs (vdyavah ) cannot endow it with action. This living soul is specified (parisankhydta ) as Sêsha, as Samkarshana, and as the Lord (prabhu )57. He who becomes Sanatkumâra, issuing from Samkarshana by his own act, and in whom all created things merge at the universal dissolution, is the Manas, Intelligence, of all created things and is named Pradyumna. From Pradyumna is born he who is the Creator (kartri), the Cause (kdrana), and the Effect (karya ), from whom everything movable and immovable is prodaced, namely Aniruddha, the Lord (Iédna), discrete (vyakta ) in all his works. (12904) When Vasudeva, the Adorable, Kshetrajña, devoid of constituents (guna ) is a living sonl, he is Samkarshaņa. Pradyumna or Intelligence, is born from Samkarshaņa, and from Pradyumna is sprung Aniruddha, or consciousness (ahanlara )69. "I, VAsadêva, am the Male (Purusha ), the actionless, the Twenty-fifth. I am without constituents (guna ), without parts, indifferent to alternatives, without ownership. I am iša, the preceptor of the world. That which thon beholdest is not me, bat illasion (mlya), crested by me. Thou shouldst not know me thus, endowed with the constituents of all created things, for I am omnipresent, the inner self (antardtmza ) of all living creatures, yet when their bodies are destroyed, I am not destroyed. Brahmi is my chief overseer. Radra, born of my wrath, is sprung from my forehead ...... (12924 ) Brahma was created by me, and himselt sacrificed to mo. I made him my son at the beginning of the won (kalpa ), and endowed him with the overlordship of the worlds, and with consciousness (ahundra) suggesting the identification of things (nana-pary:lya vdchita) ..... After granting these boons, I became inactive (nivritti-paramó 'bha vair). (12934) After a thousand ages (yuga) I shall withdraw the universe into myself, and shall remain alone with Wisdom (vidyd), with which I shall emit the universe again ay before. (12936 ) It was my fourth form ( that of Vasudêra ) that created Sêsha or Sankarshala. He produced Pradyumna, and in turn Pradyumna produced Aniruddha. From the lotas sprang from Aniruddha's navel was produced Brahmâ... In a Manas is not here the Manas, or mind, which is the eleventh organ of sense and action, derived from Ahalikara, or consciousness, of the $arukhya principles. In this place it is the Bhigavata synonym of Buddhi or Mahat, i. e., Intelligenoa, the second of the Sikhya principles, which is produced from the indiscreto Prakriti or Praihdna. Manq: is given A3 & synonym for this in th3 84rkhya-krama-dipika. See Garbe, Die Sainkhya Philosophie, p. 24. Parama Bhuta, the Supreme Element, seems to muan the Ultimate Discrete, beyond which all is Indigorete. Cf. 12903, and also 13035 and noted thereon, below. 56 This is all Sárish ya-yðga. See Colebroke, Essay, I, 255 ff. Vasudeva corresponds to the Sukhya-yog a Purusha or Iscara. 67 Here we begin to meet the vydha dootrine of the Panoharátras. Seeba is here only another name of Sankarslupa, as Sabatkumira is of Pradyumna. As explained ante, p. 261, the process of evolution of the universe by vydras is as follows:- From Visudêya, or the Adorable, are evolved a being named Sainkarshana and Indiscrete Mattor (Prakriti or Pradhana). From the combination of these two are uvolved Pradyumna and Intelligence (Manas or Muhat. From the combination of these two are evolved Aniruddha aud Consciousness Ahain kara). From the combination of these two are evolved Brahma, the Fashioner, and the Elements (Mahabhatani), out of which he fashions the universe. For another system, with only a single vyha (Aniruddha ), see note 66 on 18084 ff. 58 The meaning of all this is that Vasudova, by dividing himself became with the three others ) four being a by guccessive production. 19 Purusha is the last of the twenty-five principles in SA'shya-yoga. & Cj. the Logos dostrine, and 13382, 18167, below.


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