Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 344
________________ 324 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (NOVEMBER, 1908. In Complyance whereunto, the said Mr John Heathfeild having this day brought in and delivered to Us whatsoever appertained unto the said Mr Ambrose Salusbury in his Castody, wee do now think convenient and Enorder, according to the Tenor of our aforementiond Consultation, Thrat Henry Croon Colbourn and Samuel Wales, Writers and servants to the Honourable Company, doe Journey to Pettipollee and that they repaire to the Honourable Companyes Treasury in that place and do bring or send by hand from thence into this Factory whatsoever they fiode of the said Mr Ambrose Salusburges Estate in that place, And for their so doing this Our Order shall be their sufficient warrant. And Wee doe Enorder that their necessary Expenees for their Journey thitler, during their stay there and returne to this place be defrayed and allowed them, MATT. MAINWARING; CHRISTOPRER HATTON; GEORGE CHAMBERLAIXE.68 Metch lepatam the 14th Aprill 1677." WHEREAS Jobn Heathfeild Chirurgion and Robert Crawley Writers, by rertue of an order from the Commissioners of the 3d of January 1675-6,59 directed to Journey to Pettipollee upon the Decease of Mr Ambrose Salusbury, as well for securing the honourable East India Companyes Estate in that Factory under the charge of said Mr Ealusbary, as also the proper Estate of said Mr Balusbury according to the honourable East India Companys Orders in such cases provided, In observance thereof did proceed and there taking an Inventory of what was there to be found, bronght with them such Part thereof as then was conveniently portable, leaving the rest there nnder Seale, Since which the said Robert Crawley deceasing, and the Commissioners by important Affaires of the Hooble. Company diverted from proceeding farther therein, but more especially upon notice that Mr George Chamberlaine bad singly taken upon him to seize and take into his possession, without acquainting the Commissioners therewith, part of the aforesaid Mr Ambrose Salusburyes Estate in money from his Debtors and otherwise, upon a pretence of money due unto him on a Bill of said Mr Salusbaryes to Mr Benjamin Brond deceased, for which reasons the Commissioners considerd it requisite to forbear farther to meddle therein untill by especiall Orders from the agent and Councell required for the Enquiring after and disposing of the said Mr Salusbarges Estate, This Day taking into their custody och part of the said Estate as the aforesaid John Heathfeild and Robert Crawley brought with them from Pettipollee as aforementioned, aceording to an Inventory thereof taken in the presence of the Honble. Companyes Servants thereunto subscribed. We the said Commissioners doo hereby Qnitt and discharge the said John Heathfeild and Robert Crawley for the aforementiond particulars received of the sand John Cleathfeild according to the Inventory aforesaid and do allow of affixing their Seale on what left behind, it being designed for the security thereof. In witness whereof wee the Commissioners abovernentioned have hereunte sett our bands this fourteenth day of Aprill 1677 In Metchlepatam. Signd and delivered in the presence of Joseph Arnoll, Peter Radcliffe. MATT. MAINWARING, CHRISTOPHER HATTON. The contents of the abovesaid Inventory being this day disposed of by publique sale or Outery amounted unto One hundred and ten pounds Eighteen Sbillings and Sixpence sterling, brought into the Honourable English East India Companys account of Cash, attested by us, JOSEPH ARNOLD; SAM WALES; HENRY OROON COLBOURNE." Metchl.patam, 14th April 1677.60 The Council at Fort St. George approved of the action of the Council at Masklipatam. In May 1677, they wrote, “It is very well that you will make Enquiry into the Estate of Mr Ambrose Salusbury deceased, and proceed to payment of his debts, the rest to be made good to the Cash of the Honble. Company for the rest of his Relations at home." Factory Records, Masulipatam, Vol. 1. · Factory Records, Manulipatam, Yol. 1 Soe ande, p. 322. * Factory Records, Kasulipalam, Vol. 2


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