[NOVEMBER, 1908.
are delivered as desired by votaries in fulfilment and death pollution for eleven daye, and follow of vows made and during festivals in most of the both forms of inheritance. The duties of temples in Malabar. A portion of the temple is a Pushpakan are to sweep the inner premises of specially dedicated to the chikkiyur kuth, and templos, clean utensils, gather flowers, and make is called the kuthamba-lar. "The Chakkiyars garlands for daily worship. then enjoy a freedom of speech which is bardly allowed to any other person or to themselves at any other time or place. They criticise men and measures without reserve, and custom allows
Thiyattunnis or Thiyattu Nambiyars, a subthem to enjoy cola plete immunity from retort or
division of the Anulomaja Ambalavasis are punishment." Their worden are called Illat
degraded Brahmans and are lowered in the tamnis. The Chakkiyårs practise vidyarambha,
social scale on account of their parsuits in life. chaulam, and upaniyana. They repeat the Gayatri
It is said that Siva was frightened at the dreadful and wear the sacred thread. Their birth and death
sight of Bhadn.kall fresh from her bloody victory pollution lasts for eleven days. They follow the
over Darikasura, and asked one of his attendants marumakkathayam rule of inheritance. Their
to appease her by propitiatory bymns. The occupation is chikkiyar-luth ( dancing and recit.
Thiyattunnis are believed to be the descendants ing stories from the Rimayana, Mahabharata and
of this attendant of Siva, and henoo their tradi. the Brigavata Purina).
tional occupation of thiyattu, a ceremony of
leaping through the fire ia Kalt temples, 2 c.
painting the image of that goddess and chanting
songs and performing pája. They wear the thread Nambiyar, Nambissan or Pushpakan are
and practioe upanayana. Their girls are married sub-divisions of the Anulomaja Ambalavasto.
both before and after puberty. Divorce is per. According to tradition, a Brahman suspecting
mitted. Their own castemen officiate as prieste. Eis wife's fidelity during her pregnancy, 'out
Nambadris perform all the purificatory cerecasted her. She was subsequently delivered of
monies. They have birth and death pollution a female child, which was brought up by Parasu
for ten daya. Brabmana and their own castemen Rama. As the esild was conceived and born
consort with their females. They are mostly during the period of her adulterous intercourse,
patriarchal by inheritance. the girl and her descendants became a separate caste.
There is another popular version regarding
Nattupattans or Pattarunnis, a subdivi. the origin of this caste. The Pushpakans are sion of the Anulomaja Ambalavasis. are said to be the descendants of a Nambadri a degraded class of Atikals. The tradition regard woman, who, while in her courses, had connec- ing their origin is that "formerly in the house tion with her husband and became pregnant. of one of the Ashtagrahathil Adhyaninars They and her children became a distinct (Brahmans of eight houses ), there was an un. class and were called Pushpakans. The Pup- married girl of eighteen, who fell in love with pallis belong to this sub-division. The general a foreigner, or Paradesi Brahmsn, attached to term for the Nårnbissan, Pushpakan, Pappalli ber illam: This love was reciprocated, and they and NÁmbiyar sub-divisions is Unni. Their occu- were married. When the woman subsequently pation is to perform certain duties in temples. became pregnant, the couple fled to the southern The women are professional singers at marriages country for leur of being detected and punished. in Nambadri illams and 'Nayar houses. The From this originated # separate caste called Pushpakans practise chaulam. They have no Pattarunt, meaning a Pattur-child." Their own regular upandyana, but most of them go through castomen perform the priestly duties. Their that ceremony between the ages of 8 and 16. parificutory ceremonies are performed by the They wear the thread and repeat the Giyatri. Nambůdris. They wear the thread and repeat Their girls are married to their own coatementhe Gayatri. Their duties are to perform worship between the ages of 10 and 20. Their own caste. in KAN temples, using flesh and liquor. They inen or Nambadris unite themselves in samban also sweep and make garlands for worship in tham with the women, who are called Push. temples. Their death and birth pollation laste pinis or Brahmanis. Their houses are known for thirteen days. They follow the marumakkaas pushpakams or madams. They obserre birth I thayam law of inheritunce.