Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 337
________________ NOVEMBER, 1908.] SOME ANGLO-INDIAN WORTHIES. 317 send a Person to make the Boates ready. The two Boates sent from hence remaine there, but you advise not that Potrize Puttaes (Poturāza Patnaya is ]28 there, if not one must be hired, if all sent at once, or one must make two turnes, which will cause the Ships stay the Longer, to which please to advise. The four Boates you express are not yett arrived. When they are, they shall bee immediately Laden and returnd you. The accompt shall bee sent you when the Goods are all on borde. I have some time bin troubled with a paine on my left Side nere my Stomach, that I cannot list to write without much trouble, and you enordering my Accompts as formerly without Bookes, desire you not now to expect them from Your affectionate freind, AXBROBE SALOSBURY,27 Pettepollee, July 25th 1673." "Mr Richard Mohun Etca. Courcell, Esteemed freinds, I expect your answer to my last and Order concerning Goods at Careare (Karedu). The Catwall [ kotwāl, magistrate ] of this place confidently reported the Dutch had 25 ships arrived at Metchlepatam and that the English and Dutch ships were Engaged and many Guns fired, which supposed truth, and therefore writt you was sorry for the loss the Company might Sustaine their Stock being againe sent on borde, but your Silence confirmes the Catwalls news a Story, for that I hope the ships will not meet with any opposition from the Dutch. Inclosed send you the Accounts which had bin with you some daies sooner had I not stayed for the Bonte of Packing Trade, being not able to make them up without itt. I hope they will give you the same Satisfaction as if they were in Bookes, the Investment being soe inconsiderable. Had I not met with such Obstractions, the Peeter had come at a cheaper Rate then now it doth, and I presaime had any other person mett with such troubles, both Peeter and Money would have bin left doubtfall to recover, as it hath hitherto, assure you have taken great care and trouble in itt more then I know how to Express, hope my Endeavors will find your good acceptance, and if you please to examine former Accounts, you will not find any Peeter the Company ever received from this place to come soe cheap as this now provided. If the Agent and Councell would take my advise in provision of Peeter, the Company shall surely find itt theire great profitt. The whole qts. [ contains ] 1872 Baggs and Old Remaines 30 Baggs which had by this time bin all lost, had I not removed itt. You may remember Advised you One Boate up with Armagon which Sir William28 Ordered to returne hither. With hearty wishes for your health, Remaine, Your affectionate freind to serve you, AMBROBE SALUBBURY, Pettepolle, July 28th 1678. Three of your Boates this morning arrived. Pattaes boate not yett come. The Capon Governour is returning by way of Gundepollee. Until hees gone Cooleys not procureable. Have delivered Matt to cover the Boates and to morrow purpose to lade them. I have appointed two Boates to receave 300 baggs of Peeter each, and upon the Peeter the better to preserve itt, each Boate 3000 Gunnoys, and Puttaes (Patnava's ] boate must receave 252 Baggs Peeter and 4000 Gunneys, which maketh 852 Baggs Peeter and 13000 Gunneys, as advised. The Boatmen say that Lading is more then they are able to receive, therefore send to you. Id: A. SALUSBURY."> "Mr Ambrose Salisbury, Yours of the 25th come to hand the 28th following, advising us of the receipt of ours of the 21 & 23 Instant. The Goods of our Masters mentioned to be at Carrear [Karedu 30 are Bales 55 Marked and Numbered as already acquainted you, concerning which wee desire your care that you will have Boats and People there in a readynesse to attend the returne of our Fleete, that the land Bales may with what possible speed be put on Board them, so as not longer to hinder their comeing towardes us than there is an absolate Nexessity for, which wee Mind you May be done at once. Therefore, let Not Boats sufficient be wanting to effect it, which # The Patnsvars are one of the sea-fishing eastes of the Madras Prosidency. 2 Factory Records, Masulipatam, Vol. 9. 1..., Sir William Langhorne, the Agent at Fort St. George. 23 Factory Records, Marulipatam, Vol. 9. 8. See ante, Vol. XXXII, p. 367, Vol. XXX, p. 349.


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