Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 184
________________ 168 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JUNE, 1908. Satterday yo 9 Nouember 1669. This Spirit and till ffryday yo 15 Nouember 1669 continewed knockinge, & soe loud, and at seuerall places, some tymes from 7 to 12 Clock at night; but this night it came & knockt at M* Cambells bed heade or wall, agt weh this pillow lay (for of bedds weere on the floore), & soe violently as if he would (have) beaten downe the wall. I was then at yo table readinge but minded it not, wch MCambell did, and knoct tunes, all woh was answerd exactly. This Continewed every night for 13 nights, and at last we herd noe more, but on the 10 November 69, at 8 Clock at night, M. Cambell would knock to see if the spirritt or Devell would answer, wch it did, at y 3 señall places Mr Cambell knock at, th y violence as if it would (have) beaten downe yo wall & to be herd 40 yds out of ye roome. Mr Cambell tooke a glasse wyne, & said to me, heeres to yu. The spirit psently said a loud heere to y, and gd how doe y, how doe y" Wee then weere struck wth admiration (wonder). The Spirritt, as if he turnd him selfe in Scorne and goeing away, sd in Turkish, Anass & a sictim, wch is in English, son of a Whoore, And went away. Monday the 1" Decemór 1669. I had ye night before taken some milk to boyle wth rice & boiled it, & eate & pottenger full, soe did my sonn Cambell, but wthin half an hower after I was taken wth soe violent yommitting as I never bad formerly. My Sonns74 was not altogether soe bad. The Docter had notis of it, and Perry Dilygent, in 4 days recoverd me to my former helth, & told me y the Milk of this Contrey deales litle better wth all Strangers & yo the Contrey people darr bardly medle wth it. My Dyet was Lemmon broth wth egg beat in it for the 4 days. We staid from yo 22th October to ye 24 December in ye Lazeretto, wch is 40 days. We staid in Legorne 10 days, & in it nothinge of note, saue yt its a place of greate trade and a ffree port, And a garrison & Exceeding stronge75 & yogards exact in theire dewty, Soe as none an come in, borseman or by Coach, but by ye tinkling of a Bell at y gate they pass, notis is given Round go towne to y gates. 18 December 1660. Wee tooke boate for Peesa & staid theire 2 days, vewelnge the Antiquitys of y. Once famous place, but now lost by Legorne, weh stesles away all theire trade. In it is a faire Church cald yo Dona (Duomo), & to it 4 paire of Brazen gates, 3 at ye west end of Cast brass, for bigness & rare worke I never saw yo lik; ye 4th paire are se to (have) been brought from Jerusalem.76 Neare yo Church stands a Tower [the Campanile] verry high & built Crooked, 8 stories high, and alsoe a Coopeloe [the Baptistery] verry faire at ye west end of the Dome [Duomo). On y North side is A place Cald Campa Santa [Campo Santo], by reason ye earth of it was brought from Jerusalem, And yo vertae of it is to swell ye Deade boddy put into it for 2 or thre days and after in 24 howers turnes it to ashes. The next famous Church is yt of ye Knt of yo Order of St Stephen,78 of weh order ye Grand Duke is of. They weare a redd Croese in Sattin on theire left side of theire Clokes. All more is yo Phizique Garden, wch hath noe thing admyrable in it. The Towne is aboute 4 litle Eng7 miles aboute by yo wall, woh is verry good, and a Cittidell [Citadella d'Artiglieris) by yo river side, weh comes from florrence wth a Garrison in it. From Pisa wo tooke horsse to Sciana " ..., John Campbell, who was, seemingly, Bell's son-in-law. 15 Compare Rawlinson MS., .799 (Bargrave's Travels in 1646), fol. 8, "Legorne is a small City ander the Duke of Turany but very valuable one, in respect of its Traffick, its for me and its Strength ; nor doen it want the conveniency of a handsome Mold for Shippe, nor the Embellishments of a faire Plassa (from which Ours in Covent Garden took its patterne)." 16 The ancient Bronzo Gates, destroyed by the fire of 1595, were replaced in 1606 by the present doors. 11 The Campo Santo was founded in 1903, by Archbishop Ubaldo de Lanfranchi, who caused 53 ship-loads of earth to be brought to it, from Jerusalem. The story of the marvellous properties of the earth appears to have no foundation in fact.. " Santo Stefano di Cavalieri, built in 1865-1596.


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