Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 232
________________ 216 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [Auguer, 1908. As "Second " in Peddapallo Factory, one of Salisbury's duties was to keep the books in accordance with a clause in Sir Edward Winter's "Commission," of the 20th February, 1662, "Wee doe Order and apoint that our Second at Fort St. George and in all other factories under your Comaund, where weo shall have above two Factors Resident, to keepe our Books of Accompte, which bookes shall bee allowed by the Cheifes of each respective Factory and afterward transmitted to your Resident to bee perused and allowed of by your selfe or whoe shall Succeed, which Bookes being examined and attested, wee doe require that they, with your own Bookes kept in Fort St George, with the Bookes of Consultations, bee yearely sent us home for England.28 From a paragraph in the "Forts Generall to Metchlepatam" of the 11th March, 1662, it appears that Salisbury had at last gone to Masulipatam. "And if it is needfall, you may dispatch Mr. Smyth and Mr. Stedd for Verashroone to gayne the trade there which is lost but that is referred to you according to Consultation as well Mr. Salusbarg to Pettepolee, but that must bee when there is" a Persian Investment." In consequence of this permission, Salisbury returned to Peddapalle some time before June 1662, when instructions were ordered to be sent to him about his accounts. On the 27th June, the Agent at Fort St. George wrote to Masulipatam, “Verashroone and Pettipolee Invoyces should bee taken into yours of Metchlepatam and you may instruct them in the two factoryes to abreviate theirs by making goods of the same sort and price of one number and to keep your Accounts at 825 Cash to a fanam as you doe at Metchlepatam and let the socounts of the subordinate Factoryes bee taken into yours as wee enordered in ours of the 16th September last."26 Since the departure of Mr. Shingler, Salisbury bad been acting “Cheife" at Peddapalle. His appointment as head of the factory was confirme: at a "Consultation held October the 20th 1662 per the Agent and Councell of Fort St. George in Metchlepatam ... Wee doe heraby declare and agree... That the undermentioned persons are to take place in order as they are underwritten ... Vizt. Pettepolie, Ambrose Saulsbury, John Sted." But, though his rank A senior factor at Peddapalle was thus acknowledged, he was not recognized as the actual “Cheife" of the Factory. In the "Fort St. George Generall " to the Company of the 10th January, 1662-8, there is "A list of the factors that are liveinge at the dispeede of Your Shippinge. .. 18 follows... Pettepolee, Ambros Salsbury, John Sted." Then comes the remark, "Though these persons are placed as above, yet wee are not fully resolved on their disposalls."28 On the 26th February, 1663, a Consultation held at Fort St. Georgo, it was again resolved to discontinue a regular factory at Peddapalle :- "Wee conclude it best that the factories of Verashroone and Pettepollee bee dissolved because they are soe chargeable, and the business may as well be done without them, and if at any time any shall bee employed to procure Goods in those parts, they shall bee allowed fower Pagothses: add per month dureing the tyme they are out in that employment and to be allowed Charges Merchandizo besides,"29 Salisbury evidently preferred to remain in partial independence at Peddapalle rather than be subject to the restrictions of the position of a junior servant of the Company at Masulipatam. In the Forts Generall " to the Company of the 10th December, 1663, we read, “Those debts standing out at Metchlepatam in Mr. Johnsons Bookes were the Salt petre men, which Mr. Jeatiey turned over to Pettipoleo Factory, which when Mr. Solusbary hath made up his yeares businesse with * Letter Book, Vol. 8, p. 102. * Factory Recorda, Fort St. George, Vol. 14. 16 Probably a copyist's orror for 80. Thomu Bowroy, Countries Round the Bay of Bengal (Haklayt Boolety's Publications ), pp. 114-118, gives 80 copper cash to s fanam (worth 3d.) at Fort St. George, c.rc. 1669. * Factory Recorda, Fort Bt. George, Vol. 14. * Factury Records, Fort St. George, Vol. 1. * Factory Records, Port St. George, Vol. 14, * 0. C. No. 270.


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