OCTOBER, 1908.]
“Mr Ambrose Salusbury, Our last to you was of the 26th Currant wherein weo advised you the needfull, to which refer you, and then sent you by your and one of the Companys Peons 500 new Pagos., which wee hope you will have received [ere] this gett (to ] your hands, since which we have received yours of the 25th ditto, go to which have only to answere to what you say touching of allowing you 7 Pagos per Candy for double refined Peter which wee admire you should new mention for you know that our masters allow noe advantage to be made of their Imployment in that nature) into which you are now re-admitted, soe you must act as their Servant. When wee proposed an agreeinent with you to deliver it Cleare of Charges &:a. you were suspended, soe at your one Liberty. The Peterman that tels you wee offered him 6 pagos. per Candy where its made saies falce and designcs by it, as wee suppose, to deceive, which is all, Your assured Freinds, RICHARD MOHUNGI &ca.
Metchlepatam, July the 27th, 1672."
Mr Ambrose Sulushury, Wee have received yours of the 3d Currant, and perceive that you have already given out Part of the 500 Pagos sent you for Packing trade, which is well, but to accept of the 1000 Pagos. worth you say yon have Contracted for Cannot by any meanes doe, it being what wilbe prejudiciall to our Honble. Imployers to keep 500 Pagos. dead the whole yeare about. The 500 Pagos. you desire for the Peeter goes herewith, and must desire you to be as quick in the provision of it as possible you can, that soe it may be in a Readinesse against the returne of the ships from the Bay, and, for the goodnesse, you must take speciall care. For this year you may only send us your accounts as formerly you have done, and for the diett &ca, wee shall Consider of it and in the next advise you the needfull. Your loveing freinds, RICHARD Monun, &ca.63
Metchlepatam, August the 7th 1672."
"Mr Ambrose Salusbury, We have received two of yours of the 10th and 12th instant, the first acknowledging the receipt of Pagos, 500 wee seut you for the provision of Peeter and for Packing trade. Neither the Fort nor this place will reqaire more then what already enordered you. We doubt not your promised Care both in the goolness and prisses of what you are to provide with its timely readinesse for the Bengale shipping. The broad Cloth you advised for, vizt. 10 yards of fine red and 10 yards ditto Collour ordinary now send you, which wee shall charge you witball, and Remnine, Your very loveing friends, RICHARD Monon, &ca.66
Metchlepatan, August the 15th 1672."
"Mr Ambrose Salusbury, Sir, This day wee have received the Fort Generall of date the 10th Currant, wherein the Agent and Councill enorder us to provide more then what we have allready given you order for Seaven hundred Candies of the best twice boyled Peeter, if to be had good, Cheape and seasonable for the returne of their whomward bound shipping, which we desire you with all speed to advise both the Agent and us with the price it will come out at, and to send a muster of that you are a provideing to the Fort heither, and if you are sattisfied you can timely provide so great a quantity and to the Honbls. Companys advantage, advise us and we shall send you money accordingly. More wee have not to add, but to desire you will be speedy in your advisses as directed. We kindely Salute you, and Remaine, Sir, Your loveing friend, RICHARD MOQUN.
Mr Mainwaring and Mr Chamberlaine being at Madapollam.co : Metchlepatam, September the 19th, 1672."
"Mr Ambrose Salusbury, Sir, Your Generall to us of the 21th Instant7 Came to hand the 23d following, wherein you advise the good forwardnesse the 100 Candy of Peeter formerly Enordered is in, and that both for goodnesse and price you doubt not but it will answere expectation, which we are very glad to here, and wish that you could provide the 700 Candys since enordered upon the same good termes, for without it the Honble. Companys Shipping wilbe in great danger of returning some hindred tonns dead Freight, which wee desire you to Consider and doe what you can in the
4. This letter does not exist. Factory Records, Masuliralam, Vol. 5. 2 This letter does not exist. 68 Factory Records, Masulipntam, Vol. 5.
"These letters do not exist. A Factory Records, Masulipatan, Vol. 5. 66 Factory Recor.is, Marlipalam, Vol. 5.67 This letter does not exist.