Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 231
________________ August, 1908.) SOME ANGLO-INDIAN WORTHIES. 215 The first mention of Salisbury, after the note of his arrival in India, is on the 9th May, 1661, in the "Forts Generall to Mr. Thos. Shingler at Pettipolee." The Agent, Thomas Chambers, wrote, "The Agent is now slone, Therefore, whenever Mr. Thos. Shingler (after he hath setled the Cowpanys buisnes which cannot be long in doing ) leaving the same in Charge with Mr. Ambrose Saluabury, to repaire to Fort St. George."18 On the 14th August of the same year, 1661, the Agent at Fort St. George decided to give up the establishment of factors at Peddapalle. The instructions in the "Forts Generall to Metchlepatam" were as follows: "Now wee have no Cargoe (as wee know yett) to provide for Persia, We conceive that Pettipolee Factory wilbe of the less use, so that if you have need of assistance, you may send for Ambrose Salusbury, or if otherwise you see occasion be for bis stay there, to allow him 4 old Pagodas 47 per month for all Charges, which is as much as Mr. Edward Winter was allowed in Verashroon, and when he knowes his allowance be will conforme his expence thereafter."18 Ambrose Salisbury appears to have accepted the stated allowance and to have remained at Peddapalle, for, in the Forts Generall to Surat" of the 16th September, 1661, we read," Mr. Thos. Shingler, according to your Order, is constituted Accomptant Generall in this Agency but by reason of the death of Mr. Wm. Daniell and the Long sicknesse of Mr. Wm. Johnson, there is a necessity for his repaire to Metchlepatam and those Factories for a matter of 25 daies, for Mr. Johnson hath noe body with him but bimselfe, sud in each of the Factories of Verasbroone and Pettepolee there is but a single Person, and there is * greate businesse there to bee setled in relation to the accompts and investments to bee made in all these Factories this present yeare."l0 On the same date, 16th September, 1661, in , " Generall to Metchlepatam," the Agent at Fort St. George issued orders stating the position that Peddapalle was henceforward to hold with regard to Masu lipatam. “Mr. Thomas Shingler will acquaynt you what a confusion it hath made in our books and yours comparing one with another with the Subordinate Factories of Verash'roone and Pettepolee, they being distinct by themselves as having no relation to Metchlepatam, wherens wee understand now tie Contrary to the meaning of the Company As you will perceive by what they have ordred in relation to Bay Bengall. Therefore, wee doo henceforwards, in their names, requyre that all such of the Companys servants as shall live in Verashroon and Pettepolee bee accomptable to Factory Metchlepatam and to receive their Orders from Mr. Wm. Jobnson OE wbome ells shalbee principall in that Factory and to yeild obedience thereto, bat as yet to appoint Cheifes of the subordinate Factories or a Second in Metohlepatam wee shall deferre to dog till the arrivall of those the Companys Factors that are expected on the Hope and Truer oc.'20 The Instructions given to Mr. Thomas Shingler on his departure for the subordinate factories, also dated 16th September, 1661, contain the following reference to Salisbury :-"Wee cannot conceive any necessity at present for continuing the Factory of Pettepolee because we cannott tell yet if any investment will bee made there this yeare for Persis soe that at your coming to Metchlepatam, if you see that Mr. Johnson doth want Assistance, soe niuch as hee advises us, Mr. Ambrose Salasbary may be called away to him and I wonder Mr. Johnson should Complaine soe much for want of help as hee doth when we have many weekes past signified to him our pleasures therein."21 Salisbury, however, remained at Peddapalle. In the "Fort St. Georges Addition to their Generall to Metchlepatam" of the 1st December, 1681, the agent wrote, "Att Mr. Wm. Johnson's Voyaging to Fort St. George, we would have him take either Mr. Ambrose Salasbury from Pettepolee or Mr. Wm. Smyth from Verashroon (wee meane him that may bee best spared) to Temaine att Metchlepatam till Mr. Johnson's returne to take Charge of the Companys remaynes and Factory.** ** Factory Records, Port St. George, Vol. 14.'. 18 Factory Reoorila, Fort St George, Vol. 14. * Factory Records, Port 8t. George, Vol 14 n Factory Records, Fort 84. George, Vol. 14.. 19 The old Pagoda was worth about 12, at this period. 11 Factory Records, Fort St. George, Vol. 14. * Factory Records, Fort St. George, Vol. 14.


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