Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 234
________________ 218 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [AUGUST, 1908. First, at your Arrivall at Metchlepatam, if Mr. Salusbary Bee there, you togeather with Mr. Fleetwood are to produce or Shew him our order for transferring the charge of what ever apperteynes to the Company in Pettepolee from him, the said Ambrose Salusbary, unto Ditto Robt. Fleetwood, according to which we expect his Complyance. But if you finde him not at Metchlopatam, Then you are to goe immediately to Pettepolee and Exact his Complyance to our Said order herewith Delivered you. Secondly, you are to Convene all the Saltpeter makers and tak account of them what Debts they owed and wbat money hath bin Delivered to them, alsoe what peter they have brought in Since Sir Edward Winter's going home for England. Thirdly, if uppon Examination it Shall appeare that Mr. Salusbury bath wronged the Company, you are to Call on him and Demand Satisfaction. Foarthlee, you are to apply your selte in person or by writeing unto the Governour in Chiefe of Pettepolee and the adjacent places where the Peter is made, touching his favour unto the Saltpeter merchants Etea, baisiness, this in Complyance to the King's phirmaund [farmän] Soe long observed by his Subjects, and as soon as the Shipps out of Earope Arrive, wee Sball Remember him With * present and, as hoe Shall Deserve, Every yeare bee mindefull of him. Likewise you are to take Care for the securing of Sach Debts As are Dew from Severall persons unto Sr. Edward Winter. Lastly having Examined the matters of Difference between the Saltpeter makers and Mr. Salusbury, leaveing Mr. Fleetwood there At Pottepolee, and Ditto Salusbury (if Comply with our order) At Metehlopatam, but if hee boe averse, then to hasten your returne, and (as informer Clause hinted) bring him along with you to Render Accompt Unto Your loveing freinds, EDWARD WINTER, WILLIAM GYFFORD, EDWARD READE." Fort St George, 26 Maroh 1664.36 Though Winter's orders for Salisbury's dismissal appear to have been carried out, the Agent was unable to detach the disgraced factor from his protector, William Joarsey. In a letter to Masulipatam on the 25th May 1664, Winter wrote, “ We have it Reported from Severall that you and Mr. Salusbury by your lycence, Employ Soverall to bay up the Sultpeter at Pettepolee by which the price is raised and the Company will be prejadiced for which you must Expect to give Satisfaction hereafter, and your making a Factory there under the name of Metchlepntam will not bee well Pleasing to the Company."87 Salisbury continued at Peddapalle, although Sir Edward Winter, writing from Madspollam on the 23rd September 1664, assumed that he was at Masulipatam: - "I shall not consent that Mr. Jearsey at his Comeing from Metehlepatam shall intrust Mr. Niclaes with the Companies affaires or any of their estate, But, as occasion requires, it shall bee Committed to the care and Management of Mr. Charles Proby or Mr. Ambrose Salusbary as Shall bee most Convenient." Whether Winter had, by this time, modified his opinion about Salisbury is uncertain, but if not, it seems strange that he should have been willing to give him a temporary responsiblo post at Masulipatam. The result of Mr. Dawes' enquiry into Salisbary's conduct D.not recorded, but had he found the accused factor guilty of any gravo misdemeanour the fact could hardly hayo been ignored. That Winter realized his mistake is eviden, for, writing to Jearsey from Madapollam on the 4th October 1664, he gave quite different reason for Salisbury's dismissal from that contained in the Orders of the previous March : "As touching Mr. Salusbury's being Displaced there was good remon for it, he plainely affirming * Pactory Records, Port St. George, Vol. 15. * Factory Recorda, Port St. George, Vol. 15.


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