Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 290
________________ 272 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [SEPTEMBER, 1908. "Mr Ambrose Salusbury, Sir, Wee shall now give answer to both yours of the 20 and 24 instant, received the 25 and 26 following, and to the first take notice of your dilligence in your quick provision of the packing trade appointed for the Fort, and of your speedy intentions to dispatch them towards them, and, for the surplusage, to hasten to us as soone as ready in that sort of 60 Gunneys for a pago., wherein you will doe well. The 37 and 55 pags. you desire to have sent you, wee have now delivered to two of our house peones with more pags. 59 towards the Charge of the 50 peeces of Ginghams in your last advised us to have received, which we desire you to see that they are well dyed and timely for our shipping. Your fragallity and readiness in the manadgement of those our Masters concernes will undoubtedly give them occasion to take notice thereof and oblidge us to Continue Your assured freinds, RICHARD MOHUN,13 &ca. Metchiepatam, the 27th October 1671." "Mr. Richard Mohun &ca. Councell, I have received yours of the 27th October with the money sent by your Servants, being 200 pags., 37 pa. on account of packing trade my last acquainted you I had returned, but my order came to late, they being on the way before it was received. The 75 pa. for Boates shall deliver soe soone as the Contract made, and when the Goods are laden, shall advise you what agreement made, and sent you the account. I have paid good part of the 88 pa. received toward the Ginghams, which shall take care to have well Dyed and tymely, which doubt not of, the weather being now fitting for that worke, and assure you shall bee as frugall as I can. I am oblidged to you for your readiness in answering my desires, the money comeing very opportunately to pay for a quantity of Chay, which had I must, and if been disappointed of, should have found it difficult to have mett with soe much of the like Goodness. I hope my Endeavonrs and Complyance with your Commands will bee answerable to your expectations, which if you please to approve, the Honoble. Company will accept, for which favour shall acknowledge my selfe, Your oblidged friend and Servant, AMBROSE SALUS BURY. Pettepolee, the 1st November, 1671."13 "Mr Richard Mohun &ca. Councell, Since your Peons departure this Morning, a person hath enformed the Governour the Garden upon the Island is not the Companys but his owne, upon which I sent a Bill under his hand, received by Mr. Wm. Daniell, in which two Moores are named as wittnesses, who deny that they had any knowledge of it. It is the Custome of these People to putt the names of absent persons as witnesses. There hath formerly been many disputes in tyme of Sir Edward, who can best informe you of it, as alsoe Mr Fleetwood, if with you. I doe understand the buisiness in reallity to bee thus. The Persons father whom I have above named, being Servant to Mr Miller who made the Garden or planted it, this person haveing the mannadgment of it at the Charge of his Master after Mr Miller gone, hee pretends the Garden to bee his owne, here being none of the Nation in many years. I have all my tyme kept a Gardner in it to continue the right to the Company, and have had noe discourse of it many years. This Governoar being newly come, may thinck to gaine of mee Something, but hee will miss of his expectation, nor doe I thinck the Garden worth a rupee, onely to continue the name of our Nation. The Governour sent word hee would bu[i]ld a Musket [Mosque ] in the Garden to prevent our further Clame to it, and place the man that pretends hath right to it to oversee it. I leave it to you to end the dispute with your Governour to whome this Governour now writeth, and remaine, Your assured friend and Servant AMBROSE SALUSBURY. Pettepollee, the 4th November 1671. This Bill is indorsed by Mr Daniell with his name to it."14 11 Factory Records, Masulipatam, Vol. 5. 14 Factory Records, Masulip atam, Vol. 9. 13 Factory Records, Masulipatam, Vol. 9.


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