Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 307
________________ OCTOBER, 1908.) SOME ANGLO-INDIAN WORTHIES. 287 Mr. Ambrose Salisbury, Sir, Wec expected that the last Rucca sent your Governor by us from this would have been sufficient for the cleareing the Company's Al.ome but since yours of the 14th instant wee fiade the Contrary. Wee have againe sent to this Governor for another Rucca more effectualt which he hath now sent, which goeth here inclosed unto you. Our Dubash acquaints us that the Governor was passionately concerned when he heard that his former Ruccaes sent were not observed, that if, upon the receipt of this, it was not imediately released he would discharge him from his place and se acquainted your Governor's Brother who was then presant. Wee likewise advised him concerning your Chay that there might be noe stop, but that you might be free to carry and dispuse of it as you should see most Convenient, which he readily Conseutel unto, wherein, if you fiade any obstruction, as also ia the Allome, be speedy in your advices, and wee shall indeavour what in us lyes, which is all at presant, save that we remember ns heartily unto you, and Remaine, Sir, your reall friends, RICHARD Monox, &ca. Metchlepatam, the 16th March 1671-72." "Mr Richard Mohun foa. Courcell, The Letter you sent with yours of the 16th is of noe vallue, the Governour denying to lett the Allom goe. I think I formerly advised if landed here, the buyer must pay 5 pe. juncan per Candy. I formerly landed some here, and it lying two years neare upon by the wails, was forced to send it from hence. The juncan where I purpose to send it is about 80 fan. or, at most 4 pa. per Candy, which difference is great This Bramany Rogue pretending to your Governour hee doth this for his proffitt soe that 50 such Rucces will bee of noe more vallue then these received and the Boate must thus remaine. Hee makes noo account of Mier Abdula Bakers Letter, nor wil, hve lett my Chay goe. Please to send such order that the Alloine and Chay may pass. Will my Service, I renaine, Your assured friend and Servant, AMBROSE SALUSBURT. Petlepolee, the 19th March, 1671-2. I suppose your Governour giveth privato order not to lett the Goods goe alt sough hee pretended to you fairely but hues false as they are all, if not, the least Racca tbis Bramany would not deny to obey."'45 "Mr Richard Mohun foa. Councell, Last night in hast advised you the Bramany continueth his resolution to detayne the Allom and hath the Impudence to say your Governour. bis Master is a foole to give his Ruccoes. I thinck your Governour useth the Sea Custome and giveth one order to lett the Goods goe, another that it should not, is most certaine, if not, it would have gone at the first, this fellow not dareing to deny his absolute order, but it is like unto that, give Butter, give noue. Pray acquainte Mier Abdula B. keir that his Letter was not regarded by the Bramany and please to desire bim to send one tist may free my Chay and pray lett the Governours Naoca cluare all that I may not give you nor bim further trouble. Hee may save the Paper bee sends in Ruccas for auother use And send a Moldarr [mahildar, revenue officer] to carry the Buates away, and in future shall not trouble his Goverment nor myselse with any more Chay, and what have to doe shall bue out of his power where shall have assistance of the Governour and nott the least obstructiun. With hearty respects, I remaine, Your assured friend and Servant, ANBROSU SALONBURY.16 Peltevole, the 20th Marck, 1671-2." "Mr Richard Mokun ca. Councell, My last acquainted you the effect your Governours Roccaes produceth. This Bramany Governour saith all the Ruccaes hee hath yet received giveth him order not to suffer the Boate to goe before junccan paid. This peone of yours will acqnaint you the saune, by which you may judge how false your Governour is to pretend one thing and act contrary. The least ruoca if absolate, would be sufficient, but 100 such will availe nothing. Therefore, since hæe writeth noebody knoweth what, it were much better hee save his paines and paper and send Nobuttee to carry the Roates away and pray lett him have the same order for my Chay. The old Dramanys are gone to Golovudah. Had they been in place, the Boates would not have been thus long detained. With kind respects, remaine, Your assured friend and Servant, AMBROSE SALUBBURY. Pettepolco, the 22d Marok, 1671-2.47 ++ Factory, Manilipatam, Vol. 5. AG Pastory Recorla, Manulizalam, Vol. 9. 45 Factory Records, Manilipatam, Vol. 9. * Factory, Marulipatam, Vol.


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