Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 173
________________ JUNE, 1908. THE TRAVELS OF RICHARD BELL (AND JOHN CAMPBELL). 157 In a Chappell ynder ground into wch we descend by 49 large flagg stone steps, & seuer[all] nations haue theire Chappells in it, & men are Constantly in it to keepe the lps [lamps) Continewally burninge, wch are many accordinge to Chappells, saints & holly places in it. Theires the Sepulchre of y Virgin Mary & Joseph, St Annalo and S. Joakiin. Aboue this is the place wheere St Stephen was stoned to death wthout yo Citty.19 The gate in ye Oitty wall cald the gate of St Stephen,19 The Pooll of Bethesday wthout ye Citty wall, or rather a hollow wheere was y pooll, but now drie.20 The howse of Anna wthin the Citty, who was Mother to ye Virgin Mary, who was borne theire.19 The howse of Symon the Pharrisee. The dolorous way,19 soe cald by reason of Savior was led that way to be Crusefyod, the lenth about 800 paces. The Pallas of Pylat,10 The place wheere of Savior was scorged & Crowned wth thorns.10 The arch on wh Pylat stood when he said behold ye Man.19 The place wheere of Savior let fall his crosse & Symon compeld to carrie it.21 The pallas of Kinge Herrod,21 The howse of ye rich Glutton, the howse of Lazarous ye poore man against it. The howse of St Arronnica [Veronica) wheere of Savior had ye blood wiped from his face.21 The gate of Justice leading to mount Calvery.21 The preson of St Peeter,21 The beautifull gate of the Temple 21 2d days pgresse. 10 July 1669. Wee went oat at Damaskus gate beinge the 10 day July 1669 and see first the groat of Jeremiah, in che composed his lainentations.21 A litle further we Crept into & groate, in ppch we see in seuerall roomes or valts 7 or 8 [of) the Sepalchres of 42 Kings since Sollomons tymo. At ye enterance of ye first is a round stone lik a Milstone but thicker, by art turns to stop ye enterance. Theire are severall doores all stone hewne out of the rock & Turne on theire naturall hinges to admiration, lett into ye rock aboue and below at ye mouth of the tombs, soe artifitially neither I nor anie woh haue seene them before en lerstand how they are made to moue.22 A peece of One I brought away wth me. We returned by yo gate of Herrod, wca is a litle One. 30 day. Beinge 11th July 1069. We went out at ye gate of Bethlem. On the left hand is Mount Sion, wheere of Savior instituted the holly Sacram. Theire yo hollygost descen led at Pentecost. Theires ye Sepulchres of David & Sollomon, [on] wel place now the Turks haue built a Moske 23 On ye west side of ye hill is the buriing place for spians, and many Tombs.23 The xpians theire, espetially Greeks & arminyons goe to ye graves of thcire dead relations & in Company, 7 or 8 or more. Some tymes I haue seene 30 in a Company Kissinge the grave & howleinge; This not for one day but many days. And theire is One weh gennerally begins ye crieinge note, or leade yo marmg tone & ye rest follow. The crie is to this purpose, wouldst thou die yt had wife, Children & lands, & did this & thother good deede. On this mount is ye Pallas of Caiphas & yo place wheere Peeter warmd himselfe & the Cock Crew.24 We enterred back by the gate of Mount Sion & vewed the Pallace of Anna (Annes). The armenion Church in a litle grote of wch is ye boddy of 8: James maior [the Apostle] interred, whose heade was cut of.24 We staid Mass & observed theire Musique wth simballs & brass beaten thin put on a long staffe, wth moueing web they make musique. They have Images in theire Churches but give noe adoration to them. The howse of S: Thomas neare it, now a Morgue (mosque]. The howse of St Marke, now y Church of yoo Sirrians. The Iron gate at wch ends the Old Citty. The howse of Zebbede. 4th day. The 19 July 1669. We went out at ye gate of St Steephen to Bethlem. In yo way stood ye figg tree or Savior Curgeed. The howse of Symon y Leaper 24. The sepulchre of Lazaras25 neare his Castle, the ruins of weh stand to this day.24. Halfe a mile further is the huwse of Marry 19 All these places are mentioned by Maundrell. 20 C. Maundrell, A Journey from Alerpeto Jerusalem, p. 145, "It (the Pool of Bethesda ) is 120 paoes long, and 40 broad, and at least 8 deep, bat void of water." 31 All these places were seen by Maundrell and Pooooke. 39 Manndrell, A Journey from Alerpo to Jerusalem, Pp. 102-104, has a long description of the sepulchres of the kings. 35 These places are inentioned by Pooooke. * All there are mentioned by Maundrell. » Lazarus, the brother of Martha and Mary.


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