Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 02
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 89
________________ MARCE, 1873.] EMBASSY TO CHINA. 81 camp, and that no one was to put on white clothes, ever, the Khatáy astrologers had ascertained that which are among them the sign of mourning. the house of the Emperor would be in danger of During the night of the 28th the Emperor despatch. conflagration, and on that account no orders for ed a man to convey the ambassadors to the new illumination had been issued, nevertheless the amire camp, which was an empty building. That night met according to ancient custom, and the Emperor the inhabitants had lit in their shops and houses 80 gave them a banquet and made them presents. many candles, lamps, and torches, that one would On the 13th Ssafar (Feb. 17th) an imperial mes ave said the sun was shining. In that camp senger arrived and took the ambassadors to the gate nearly one hundred thousand men from the coun- of the first palace, where more than 100,000 people tries of Cnin, Khatá, Má-Chin, Qalmáq, Tibbet, were assembled. At the door of the first kiosk & and others had congregated; the Emperor gave a gilded throne had been placed, and, the door being banquet to his amirs, and the ambassadors were opened, the Emperor took his seat on the throne, Beated without the throne-hall. There were about and the assembled multitude prostrated their heads 200,000 men present who bore arms, and boys per to the ground. After that another throne was formed all sorts of extraordinary games and dances. placed opposite to that of the Emperor, and his The distance from the ball of audience to the end of proclamation was placed thereon ; this document the buildings was 1,925 paces. All these edifices was taken up by two men, one of w had been constructed of stones and burnt bricks, a loud voice to the people ; but as it was in the the latter being made of China-earth; there was Khatáy language, the ambassadors could not undercarpeting which extended to a distance of nearly stand it: the contents were however as follows: • 300 cubits. In stone-cutting, carpentry, and paint- “This month three years have elapsed sinoe the ing the artizans of that country have no equals. Emperor's feast of lanterns, and another feast of In fine, the banquet was terminated about mid-day, lanterns has arrived. All culprits receive amnesty, and the people went to their houses, except homicides. No ambassador is to go anyOn the 9th of the month Seafar (Feb. 13th), horses where." After this document had been read, somewere brought in the inorning and the ambassadors thing nicely enclosed in a golden capsule was affixed were mounted on them. Every year there are some to it by means of a cord of yellow silk; which days on which the Emperor eats no animal food, I was also wrapped round it and served to lower it and does not come out from his retirement, neither down, whereon an umbrella was held over it, and, is any man or woman admitted to his presence. He whilst the people marched out with it from the spends his time in an apartinent which contains nokiösk, the musicians played until they arrived at idol, and says that he is worshipping the God of the Yám, whence the proclamations are sent to heaven. On the day when the ambassadors were taken out, the Emperor had come forth from his When the first quarter of the moon commenced retirement, and his procession to the Harem was as to appear in Rábyr the first, the Emperor kept falfollows The elephants were fully caparisoned and cons in readiness and again sent for the ambassamarched in pairs before the golden Sedan-chair in dors. On that occasion he said "I shall give which he eat, the standards of seven colours, and falcons to him who has brought fine horses for me." troops to the amount of 50,000, accompanied the Then be gave three falcons to Sultán Shah, the cortege as a van and rear-guard. Another Sedan- ambassador of Mirza Olugh Beg; three to Sultan chair was carried on the backs of men, and such a Ahmad, the ambasador of Mirzá Báysanqar; and music was made as cannot be described in words, 80 three to Shády Khájah, the ambassador of the progthat, in spite of the extraordinary crowd, no other perous sovereign [Shah Rokh] ; all of which he then sounds except those of musical instruments could be surrendered again to his own falconers to take care heard ; and after the Emperor with that pomp and of till the time of departure. The next day he again solemnity had made his entrance into the Harem, the Bent for the ambassadors and said: "An army people returned to their own homes. is marching to the frontier and you may also acAt that season the feast of lanterns takes place, company it, and thus reach your country." Turnwhen for seven nights and days in the interior of ing to A'rghdág, the ambassador of Syurghatmesh, the Eunperor's palace a wooden ball is suspended he said: "I have no more falcons, and even if from which numberless chandeliers branch out, I had some, I would give none to thee, because thou Bo that it appears to be a mountain of emeralds; hast allowed thyself to be robbed of the gifts the thousands of lamps are suspended from cords, and king bad sent me; and it is likely thou would'st be mice are prepared of naphtha, so that when a lamp robbed this time also." A'rghdá replied: "If your is kindled the mouse runs along those ropes and Majesty will graciously bestow & falcoupon me, lights every lamp it touches, so that in & single no one shall be able to take it away from your moment all the lamps from the top to the bottom of servant." The Emperor said :-" Then remain here the ball are kindled. At that time the people light till two other falcons arrive, and I shall give them many lampe in their shops and houses, and do not to thee." condemn any one during those seven days (the On the 8th of the month Ráby the first (13th March courts of justice closed ?). The Emperor makes 1421). Sultan Sháh and Bakhshy Malak were called, presents and liberates prisoners. That year, how and each of them received eight ingots of silver,


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