Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 02
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 369
________________ NOVEMBER 1873.] KARI DASTUR IN JESHT PURNIMÅ. 335 Che keder vakht Vilaete minit? Oe mukerer ná há. Age khibo mon, o nukeri khib megireto, chen suli emine. Me khiul merese go odeme jóeli ge rápikh náduré, o kemok aldi dura molke gripi shú, mushkel on. How long will you remain in England P That is not certain. If I am pleased and can ob- tain good service I may remain several years. I think it is very dangerous for a young man who has no friends and little money, to go to a foreign country. That may be true enough, but my desire to see the world is so strong that I am ready to suffer almost anything to satisfy it. I admire. your boldness, and wish you a happy тoyage. These phrases and dialogues, short though they are, will be quite sufficient to dispel any supposition that there is much analogy between the Deri and the Zand, and it would scarcely be wurth while to give more than is here offered. According to Dr. Pietraszewski, there appear, however, to be dialects in Persia which still bear some relation to the Zand, as he states in the Preface to his Zand Grammar :-"During my travels in Persia as first dragoman of the Prus. sian Embassy I have been convinced that this language is not a dead ove. If we lend an attentive ear to the various dialects in which the country abounds to this day, we find some, so to say, still breathing the pronunciation of Zand words. I have felt this venerable breath of the 0e khaili rúst on, amo mé okkeder délé donyu dizen dure, ge me tayure ge hemá muskoli khágure brú oe. Mé az dilduri shm6 ajab hé, o mosáfri dó (or shmb) slúmet bit. remotest antiquity principally in the forms of the Turcoman language spoken in the vicinity of the town of Roomya, where the tomb of Zoroaster is still shown, and extending as far as the town of Bayezyd, on the frontiers of Russia. This language is not dead, I say; for the priests of the nomadic people called Lashy Leshy, inhabiting the inaccessible mountains from Ekbatana, the present Hamadan, as far as Isfaban, Sheraz, and further to the west, still preserve in their sacred rites the traces of this tongue amidst the Persian jargon of their flock. After having spent a month with them at Abaday, a village situated between Isfahan and Sheraz-where I was obliged to sojourn on account of sicknessI could no longer doubt of the fact."* KARI DASTUR IN JESHT PURNIMA. BY CAPT. E. W. WEST, SÅVANTVÅDI. In his interesting account oi the life of Basava, practice, which in like manner led to an affray begiven in the Journal of the Bombay Br. R. Asiatic tween the followers of two rival chiefs. Society (No. XXIV.), Mr. Würth alludes incidentally Q.-"What is the Kari Dastur in Jesht Purto a mode of divining how the crops will turn out, nima ? which he says is practised by the agricultural 4.-"On the 14th, the day before tho Pârnima, classes thoughout the Dakhan. Some time ago, all the bullocks of the village are bathed, after when reading over the depositions recorded in the which they are taken to the houses of their own matter of an affray between the inhabitants of two ers, where puja is performed. Then follows the villages under different chiefs which took place in honhuggi, which is as follows:-A hún is placed 1826, I found a full account of the ceremonies at the foot of the bullocks, javdri and dhal are observed on this occasion in the Navilgund (Naul- boiled together, to which oil and salt are added. gund) district, near Dharwad, which I here tran- This huggi is given to the animals to eat. On scribe for the benefit of the readers of the Indian the Parnima dayt the horns of all the buliocks Antiquary. It would be interesting to ascertain in are coloured with a kind of red earth (hurmunj), what districts this custom obtains. I remember then the kódabali (cakes made of flour) are put on when in the Maht Kartha hearing of a similar the horns. Bells are tied round their necks, and Epitome of Zand Grammar. B. J. Pietruszowski, Doc. poured into a gotta, a vessel made of a joint of a large tor of Philosophy, &c. Translated from the French by E. bamboo, some turmeric and salt is added, and this drink Rehataek, 1862. Bombay Daftar Ashkara Press. is given to the bullocks. After this another potion is [t Mr. Ziegler, of Hubli, in a communication he has sent made of kusubi (safflower) oil, one or two raw egge, and us, adds a second puja. "On the Purnima day," he writes, a little turmeric, and administered to the bullocks by "the bullocks are bathed again, then taken to the houses means of the gotta, whereupon the tongue of the bullocks of their owners, where a second puja takes place in the is rubbed with salt to clean it."-ED.] following manner :-Bome ambila (sour buttermilk) is


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