Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 02
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 373
________________ DECEMBER, 1873.] LEGEND OF THE RÅNI TUNK. 339 LEGEND OF THE RÂNI TUNK. BY MAJOR J. W. WATSON, ACTING POLITICAL SUPERINTENDENT, PALANPUR. THE Surbakri Hills are a subordinate portion his castle walls. Lâkha Phulâni, indignant that 1 of the great Årávali range, and at their any one should venture to hunt without perwestern extremity is a conical peak called the mission in his domains, at once mounted, and Râņi Tunk. This peak is a conspicuous feature taking with him a troop of horsemen soon overin the landscape from Disa, and the peak itself took Chandan Soda. Observing their hostile inis only about a mile and a half from the town of tentions, Chandan Sodů appealed to Likha in Dantiwara, under Pålanpar. This small peak person and asked him why he was following can be seen by the traveller between Disa and him to slay him without cause. Lakhí reAba (lying to the right of the road) as far as proached him with having slain his boar. ChanReodar, and it can be discerned on a clear day dan Soda replied: “ The boar is not yonrs, but from Abu itself. Near the foot of the peak is one of mine I chased from my fields on the the site of the ruined city of Dharapura and other shore of the Ran." Lakha refused to the Dhirisar tank The legend regarding this believe this, as the distauce was so great, and tunk or peak is as follows: threatened Chandan Soda with instant death. Chandan Soda, Chief of Nagar Parkar, went In this extremity Chandan Sodi proposed that one day to one of his villages bordering the the stomach of the boar should be ripped open, Ran, for shikár. One morning he roused a and that if bajri-ears and water-melons were noble boar in the village fields. As he was found in it, then it would be clear that the boar mounted on his good stued and had his trusty came from his (Chandan Soda's) country, wherelance in his hand, he gave chase; the boar went as if its stomach contained sugarcane or pulse, straight across the Ran, and Chandan Soda that he would agree that the boar belonged followed it. At length evening drew near, to Lakhà Phulani. Lakhả Phulani then said: but, as the moon was fall, Chandan Soda did not "And if the boar be mine, what then ?" draw rein, and at last the boar reached the Chandan Soda replied: "And if the boar be Wagar side of the Ran. Chandan Sodâ still mine, what then?" Eventually they agreed that urged on his panting steed, and as the dawn if the boar should turn out to be Lakhả Phubroke he overtook the now exhausted boar and lâni's, Chandan Sodâ should subrnit to impriluid him dead at his feet with one thrust of his sonment at that Chief's pleasure and pay a spear: this happened close to the walls of Kela- heavy ransom for his release, but that if the kot, where reigned the celebrated Likha Phu- boar should be Chandan Soda's, then Lákhá lini. The following duho describes the magni- agreed to give Chandan Soda his daughter ficence and pomp of Lakhí : Phulmati in marriage. The boar was now ripped open, and bájri-ears and water-melons were found in its stomach, as Chandan Soda had લાખા પુત સમુંદ્રકા ફુલધરે અવતાર said. Chandan now claimed the perforroance પારેવા મોતી ચગે લાખારે દરબાર પણ of Lakha's promise. Lakhaji held a kacheri and solemnly betrothed Phulmati to Chandan પલાણી હીરે જડી સુરત ૫ચાંણી|| Soda. He then dismissed Chandan Sodâ with 49474 CEL MIERU 14 gelen 111 honour, and told him to return to celebrate his Lakba, the son of Ocean, took an incarnation at nuptials as soon as he should receive an invitathe house of Phul. tion. Chandan now returned to Parkar. After O Lakhî, in thy darbár the pigeons feed on Chandan's departure, Phulmati's mother and pearls, all Lakha's court declared that he would be On the saddles of thy steeds diamonds, O thou disgraced if he married his daughter to Chandan of surpassing wisdom, Soda, who was but a small Chief comparatively Likh Phulâni, Hindu King of the West ! with Lakh the King of the West. To all their On seeing the boar speared by Chandan Soda, remonstrances Lakhî replied: "I will never & villager informed Lâkhâ Phulani that al go back from my plighted word." One of his stranger had ventured to spear a boer close to ministers suggested that there was a mode of


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